        // Creates mcs arguments from dynamic argument info
        public Compiler.Arguments CreateCompilerArguments(IEnumerable <CSharpArgumentInfo> info, DynamicMetaObject[] args)
            var res = new Compiler.Arguments(args.Length);
            int pos = 0;

            // enumerates over args
            foreach (var item in info)
                var expr = CreateCompilerExpression(item, args[pos++]);
                if (item.IsNamed)
                    res.Add(new Compiler.NamedArgument(item.Name, Compiler.Location.Null, expr, item.ArgumentModifier));
                    res.Add(new Compiler.Argument(expr, item.ArgumentModifier));

                if (pos == args.Length)

Пример #2
		protected override Expression CreateExpressionTree (ResolveContext ec, Type delegate_type)
			if (ec.IsInProbingMode)
				return this;

			BlockContext bc = new BlockContext (ec.MemberContext, ec.CurrentBlock.Explicit, TypeManager.void_type);
			Expression args = Parameters.CreateExpressionTree (bc, loc);
			Expression expr = Block.CreateExpressionTree (ec);
			if (expr == null)
				return null;

			Arguments arguments = new Arguments (2);
			arguments.Add (new Argument (expr));
			arguments.Add (new Argument (args));
			return CreateExpressionFactoryCall (ec, "Lambda",
				new TypeArguments (new TypeExpression (delegate_type, loc)),
Пример #3
		protected override Expression CreateExpressionTree (ResolveContext ec, TypeSpec delegate_type)
			if (ec.IsInProbingMode)
				return this;

			BlockContext bc = new BlockContext (ec.MemberContext, ec.ConstructorBlock, ec.BuiltinTypes.Void) {
				CurrentAnonymousMethod = ec.CurrentAnonymousMethod

			Expression args = Parameters.CreateExpressionTree (bc, loc);
			Expression expr = Block.CreateExpressionTree (ec);
			if (expr == null)
				return null;

			Arguments arguments = new Arguments (2);
			arguments.Add (new Argument (expr));
			arguments.Add (new Argument (args));
			return CreateExpressionFactoryCall (ec, "Lambda",
				new TypeArguments (new TypeExpression (delegate_type, loc)),
Пример #4
		public static Arguments CreateForExpressionTree (ResolveContext ec, Arguments args, params Expression[] e)
			Arguments all = new Arguments ((args == null ? 0 : args.Count) + e.Length);
			for (int i = 0; i < e.Length; ++i) {
				if (e [i] != null)
					all.Add (new Argument (e[i]));

			if (args != null) {
				foreach (Argument a in args.args) {
					Expression tree_arg = a.CreateExpressionTree (ec);
					if (tree_arg != null)
						all.Add (new Argument (tree_arg));

			return all;
Пример #5
		public ExpressionStatement CreateExpressionTreeVariable (BlockContext ec)
			if ((modFlags & Modifier.RefOutMask) != 0)
				ec.Report.Error (1951, Location, "An expression tree parameter cannot use `ref' or `out' modifier");

			expr_tree_variable = TemporaryVariableReference.Create (ResolveParameterExpressionType (ec, Location).Type, ec.CurrentBlock.ParametersBlock, Location);
			expr_tree_variable = (TemporaryVariableReference) expr_tree_variable.Resolve (ec);

			Arguments arguments = new Arguments (2);
			arguments.Add (new Argument (new TypeOf (parameter_type, Location)));
			arguments.Add (new Argument (new StringConstant (ec.BuiltinTypes, Name, Location)));
			return new SimpleAssign (ExpressionTreeVariableReference (),
				Expression.CreateExpressionFactoryCall (ec, "Parameter", null, arguments, Location));
Пример #6
        public void Resolve()
            if (RootContext.Unsafe)
                // Emits [assembly: SecurityPermissionAttribute (SecurityAction.RequestMinimum, SkipVerification = true)]
                // when -unsafe option was specified

                Location loc = Location.Null;

                MemberAccess system_security_permissions = new MemberAccess(new MemberAccess(
                                                                                new QualifiedAliasMember(QualifiedAliasMember.GlobalAlias, "System", loc), "Security", loc), "Permissions", loc);

                Arguments pos = new Arguments(1);
                pos.Add(new Argument(new MemberAccess(new MemberAccess(system_security_permissions, "SecurityAction", loc), "RequestMinimum")));

                Arguments named = new Arguments(1);
                named.Add(new NamedArgument(new LocatedToken(loc, "SkipVerification"), (new BoolLiteral(true, loc))));

                GlobalAttribute g = new GlobalAttribute(new NamespaceEntry(null, null, null), "assembly",
                                                        new MemberAccess(system_security_permissions, "SecurityPermissionAttribute"),
                                                        new Arguments[] { pos, named }, loc, false);
                g.AttachTo(this, this);

                if (g.Resolve() != null)
                    declarative_security = new ListDictionary();

            if (OptAttributes == null)

            // Ensure that we only have GlobalAttributes, since the Search isn't safe with other types.
            if (!OptAttributes.CheckTargets())

            ClsCompliantAttribute = ResolveAttribute(PredefinedAttributes.Get.CLSCompliant);

            if (ClsCompliantAttribute != null)
                is_cls_compliant = ClsCompliantAttribute.GetClsCompliantAttributeValue();

            Attribute a = ResolveAttribute(PredefinedAttributes.Get.RuntimeCompatibility);

            if (a != null)
                object val = a.GetPropertyValue("WrapNonExceptionThrows");
                if (val != null)
                    wrap_non_exception_throws = (bool)val;
Пример #7
		public override Expression CreateExpressionTree (ResolveContext ec)
			MemberAccess ma = new MemberAccess (new MemberAccess (new QualifiedAliasMember ("global", "System", loc), "Delegate", loc), "CreateDelegate", loc);

			Arguments args = new Arguments (3);
			args.Add (new Argument (new TypeOf (type, loc)));

			if (method_group.InstanceExpression == null)
				args.Add (new Argument (new NullLiteral (loc)));
				args.Add (new Argument (method_group.InstanceExpression));

			args.Add (new Argument (method_group.CreateExpressionTree (ec)));
			Expression e = new Invocation (ma, args).Resolve (ec);
			if (e == null)
				return null;

			e = Convert.ExplicitConversion (ec, e, type, loc);
			if (e == null)
				return null;

			return e.CreateExpressionTree (ec);
Пример #8
		protected override Expression ResolveConversions (ResolveContext ec)
			// LAMESPEC: Under dynamic context no target conversion is happening
			// This allows more natual dynamic behaviour but breaks compatibility
			// with static binding
			if (target is RuntimeValueExpression)
				return this;

			TypeSpec target_type = target.Type;

			// 1. the return type is implicitly convertible to the type of target
			if (Convert.ImplicitConversionExists (ec, source, target_type)) {
				source = Convert.ImplicitConversion (ec, source, target_type, loc);
				return this;

			// Otherwise, if the selected operator is a predefined operator
			Binary b = source as Binary;
			if (b == null) {
				if (source is ReducedExpression)
					b = ((ReducedExpression) source).OriginalExpression as Binary;
				else if (source is ReducedExpression.ReducedConstantExpression) {
					b = ((ReducedExpression.ReducedConstantExpression) source).OriginalExpression as Binary;
				} else if (source is Nullable.LiftedBinaryOperator) {
					var po = ((Nullable.LiftedBinaryOperator) source);
					if (po.UserOperator == null)
						b = po.Binary;
				} else if (source is TypeCast) {
					b = ((TypeCast) source).Child as Binary;

			if (b != null) {
				// 2a. the operator is a shift operator
				// 2b. the return type is explicitly convertible to the type of x, and
				// y is implicitly convertible to the type of x
				if ((b.Oper & Binary.Operator.ShiftMask) != 0 ||
					Convert.ImplicitConversionExists (ec, right, target_type)) {
					source = Convert.ExplicitConversion (ec, source, target_type, loc);
					return this;

			if (source.Type.BuiltinType == BuiltinTypeSpec.Type.Dynamic) {
				Arguments arg = new Arguments (1);
				arg.Add (new Argument (source));
				return new SimpleAssign (target, new DynamicConversion (target_type, CSharpBinderFlags.ConvertExplicit, arg, loc), loc).Resolve (ec);

			right.Error_ValueCannotBeConverted (ec, target_type, false);
			return null;
Пример #9
		public override Expression CreateExpressionTree (ResolveContext ec)
			BlockContext bc = new BlockContext (ec.MemberContext, Block, ReturnType);
			Expression args = parameters.CreateExpressionTree (bc, loc);
			Expression expr = Block.CreateExpressionTree (ec);
			if (expr == null)
				return null;

			Arguments arguments = new Arguments (2);
			arguments.Add (new Argument (expr));
			arguments.Add (new Argument (args));
			return CreateExpressionFactoryCall (ec, "Lambda",
				new TypeArguments (new TypeExpression (type, loc)),
Пример #10
        protected override bool DoDefineMembers()
            PredefinedType builder_type;
            PredefinedMember <MethodSpec> bf;
            PredefinedMember <MethodSpec> bs;
            PredefinedMember <MethodSpec> sr;
            PredefinedMember <MethodSpec> se;
            PredefinedMember <MethodSpec> sm;
            bool has_task_return_type = false;
            var  pred_members         = Module.PredefinedMembers;

            if (return_type.Kind == MemberKind.Void)
                builder_type = Module.PredefinedTypes.AsyncVoidMethodBuilder;
                bf           = pred_members.AsyncVoidMethodBuilderCreate;
                bs           = pred_members.AsyncVoidMethodBuilderStart;
                sr           = pred_members.AsyncVoidMethodBuilderSetResult;
                se           = pred_members.AsyncVoidMethodBuilderSetException;
                sm           = pred_members.AsyncVoidMethodBuilderSetStateMachine;
            else if (return_type == Module.PredefinedTypes.Task.TypeSpec)
                builder_type = Module.PredefinedTypes.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder;
                bf           = pred_members.AsyncTaskMethodBuilderCreate;
                bs           = pred_members.AsyncTaskMethodBuilderStart;
                sr           = pred_members.AsyncTaskMethodBuilderSetResult;
                se           = pred_members.AsyncTaskMethodBuilderSetException;
                sm           = pred_members.AsyncTaskMethodBuilderSetStateMachine;
                task         = pred_members.AsyncTaskMethodBuilderTask.Get();
                builder_type         = Module.PredefinedTypes.AsyncTaskMethodBuilderGeneric;
                bf                   = pred_members.AsyncTaskMethodBuilderGenericCreate;
                bs                   = pred_members.AsyncTaskMethodBuilderGenericStart;
                sr                   = pred_members.AsyncTaskMethodBuilderGenericSetResult;
                se                   = pred_members.AsyncTaskMethodBuilderGenericSetException;
                sm                   = pred_members.AsyncTaskMethodBuilderGenericSetStateMachine;
                task                 = pred_members.AsyncTaskMethodBuilderGenericTask.Get();
                has_task_return_type = true;

            set_result      = sr.Get();
            set_exception   = se.Get();
            builder_factory = bf.Get();
            builder_start   = bs.Get();

            var istate_machine   = Module.PredefinedTypes.IAsyncStateMachine;
            var set_statemachine = sm.Get();

            if (!builder_type.Define() || !istate_machine.Define() || set_result == null || builder_factory == null ||
                set_exception == null || set_statemachine == null || builder_start == null ||
                Report.Error(1993, Location,
                             "Cannot find compiler required types for asynchronous functions support. Are you targeting the wrong framework version?");

            var bt = builder_type.TypeSpec;

            // Inflate generic Task types
            if (has_task_return_type)
                var task_return_type = return_type.TypeArguments;
                if (mutator != null)
                    task_return_type = mutator.Mutate(task_return_type);

                bt               = bt.MakeGenericType(Module, task_return_type);
                set_result       = MemberCache.GetMember(bt, set_result);
                set_exception    = MemberCache.GetMember(bt, set_exception);
                set_statemachine = MemberCache.GetMember(bt, set_statemachine);

                if (task != null)
                    task = MemberCache.GetMember(bt, task);

            builder = AddCompilerGeneratedField("$builder", new TypeExpression(bt, Location));

            var set_state_machine = new Method(this, new TypeExpression(Compiler.BuiltinTypes.Void, Location),
                                               Modifiers.COMPILER_GENERATED | Modifiers.DEBUGGER_HIDDEN | Modifiers.PUBLIC,
                                               new MemberName("SetStateMachine"),
                                                   new Parameter(new TypeExpression(istate_machine.TypeSpec, Location), "stateMachine", Parameter.Modifier.NONE, null, Location),

            ToplevelBlock block = new ToplevelBlock(Compiler, set_state_machine.ParameterInfo, Location);

            block.IsCompilerGenerated = true;
            set_state_machine.Block   = block;


            if (!base.DoDefineMembers())

            // Fabricates SetStateMachine method
            // public void SetStateMachine (IAsyncStateMachine stateMachine)
            // {
            //    $builder.SetStateMachine (stateMachine);
            // }
            var mg = MethodGroupExpr.CreatePredefined(set_statemachine, bt, Location);

            mg.InstanceExpression = new FieldExpr(builder, Location);

            var param_reference = block.GetParameterReference(0, Location);

            param_reference.Type   = istate_machine.TypeSpec;
            param_reference.eclass = ExprClass.Variable;

            var args = new Arguments(1);

            args.Add(new Argument(param_reference));
            set_state_machine.Block.AddStatement(new StatementExpression(new Invocation(mg, args)));

            if (has_task_return_type)
                hoisted_return = LocalVariable.CreateCompilerGenerated(bt.TypeArguments[0], StateMachineMethod.Block, Location);

Пример #11
        public override Expression DoResolveLValue(ResolveContext rc, Expression right_side)
            if (right_side == EmptyExpression.OutAccess.Instance) {
                right_side.DoResolveLValue (rc, this);
                return null;

            if (DoResolveCore (rc)) {
                setter_args = new Arguments (Arguments.Count + 1);
                setter_args.AddRange (Arguments);
                setter_args.Add (new Argument (right_side));
                setter = CreateCallSiteBinder (rc, setter_args, true);

            eclass = ExprClass.Variable;
            return this;
Пример #12
        void EmitOnCompleted(EmitContext ec, Expression awaiter, bool unsafeVersion)
            var pm = Module.PredefinedMembers;
            PredefinedMember <MethodSpec> predefined;
            bool has_task_return_type = false;

            if (return_type.Kind == MemberKind.Void)
                predefined = unsafeVersion ? pm.AsyncVoidMethodBuilderOnCompletedUnsafe : pm.AsyncVoidMethodBuilderOnCompleted;
            else if (return_type == Module.PredefinedTypes.Task.TypeSpec)
                predefined = unsafeVersion ? pm.AsyncTaskMethodBuilderOnCompletedUnsafe : pm.AsyncTaskMethodBuilderOnCompleted;
            else if (return_type.IsGenericTask)
                predefined           = unsafeVersion ? pm.AsyncTaskMethodBuilderGenericOnCompletedUnsafe : pm.AsyncTaskMethodBuilderGenericOnCompleted;
                has_task_return_type = true;
                var parameters = new ParametersImported(
                    new [] {
                    new ParameterData(null, Parameter.Modifier.REF),
                    new ParameterData(null, Parameter.Modifier.REF)
                    new [] {
                    new TypeParameterSpec(0, null, SpecialConstraint.None, Variance.None, null),
                    new TypeParameterSpec(1, null, SpecialConstraint.None, Variance.None, null)
                }, false);

                var on_completed_sign = unsafeVersion ?
                                        MemberFilter.Method("AwaitUnsafeOnCompleted", 2, parameters, Compiler.BuiltinTypes.Void) :
                                        MemberFilter.Method("AwaitOnCompleted", 2, parameters, Compiler.BuiltinTypes.Void);

                predefined           = new PredefinedMember <MethodSpec> (Module, return_type.MemberDefinition.GetAsyncMethodBuilder(), on_completed_sign);
                has_task_return_type = return_type.IsGeneric;

            var on_completed = predefined.Resolve(Location);

            if (on_completed == null)

            if (has_task_return_type)
                on_completed = MemberCache.GetMember <MethodSpec> (set_result.DeclaringType, on_completed);

            on_completed = on_completed.MakeGenericMethod(this, awaiter.Type, ec.CurrentType);

            var mg = MethodGroupExpr.CreatePredefined(on_completed, on_completed.DeclaringType, Location);

            mg.InstanceExpression = new FieldExpr(builder, Location)
                InstanceExpression = new CompilerGeneratedThis(ec.CurrentType, Location)

            var args = new Arguments(2);

            args.Add(new Argument(awaiter, Argument.AType.Ref));
            args.Add(new Argument(new CompilerGeneratedThis(CurrentType, Location), Argument.AType.Ref));
            using (ec.With(BuilderContext.Options.OmitDebugInfo, true)) {
                mg.EmitCall(ec, args, true);
Пример #13
        public void EmitPrologue(EmitContext ec)
            awaiter = ((AsyncTaskStorey)machine_initializer.Storey).AddAwaiter(expr.Type, loc);

            var fe_awaiter = new FieldExpr(awaiter, loc);

            fe_awaiter.InstanceExpression = new CompilerGeneratedThis(ec.CurrentType, loc);

            Label skip_continuation = ec.DefineLabel();

            using (ec.With(BuilderContext.Options.OmitDebugInfo, true)) {
                // awaiter = expr.GetAwaiter ();
                fe_awaiter.EmitAssign(ec, expr, false, false);

                Expression completed_expr;
                if (IsDynamic)
                    var rc = new ResolveContext(ec.MemberContext);

                    Arguments dargs = new Arguments(1);
                    dargs.Add(new Argument(fe_awaiter));
                    completed_expr = new DynamicMemberBinder("IsCompleted", dargs, loc).Resolve(rc);

                    dargs = new Arguments(1);
                    dargs.Add(new Argument(completed_expr));
                    completed_expr = new DynamicConversion(ec.Module.Compiler.BuiltinTypes.Bool, 0, dargs, loc).Resolve(rc);
                    var pe = PropertyExpr.CreatePredefined(awaiter_definition.IsCompleted, loc);
                    pe.InstanceExpression = fe_awaiter;
                    completed_expr        = pe;

                completed_expr.EmitBranchable(ec, skip_continuation, true);


            // The stack has to be empty before calling await continuation. We handle this
            // by lifting values which would be left on stack into class fields. The process
            // is quite complicated and quite hard to test because any expression can possibly
            // leave a value on the stack.
            // Following assert fails when some of expression called before is missing EmitToField
            // or parent expression fails to find await in children expressions

            var storey = (AsyncTaskStorey)machine_initializer.Storey;

            if (IsDynamic)
                storey.EmitAwaitOnCompletedDynamic(ec, fe_awaiter);
                storey.EmitAwaitOnCompleted(ec, fe_awaiter);

            // Return ok
            machine_initializer.EmitLeave(ec, unwind_protect);

Пример #14
        protected override bool DoDefineMembers()
            TypeSpec   bt;
            bool       has_task_return_type = false;
            var        istate_machine       = Module.PredefinedTypes.IAsyncStateMachine;
            MethodSpec set_statemachine;

            if (return_type.IsCustomTaskType())
                // TODO: Would be nice to cache all this on per-type basis
                var btypes = Compiler.BuiltinTypes;
                bt = return_type.MemberDefinition.GetAsyncMethodBuilder();
                TypeSpec bt_inflated;
                if (return_type.IsGeneric)
                    bt_inflated = bt.MakeGenericType(Module, bt.MemberDefinition.TypeParameters);
                    bt_inflated = bt;

                var set_result_sign = MemberFilter.Method("SetResult", 0, ParametersCompiled.CreateFullyResolved(bt.MemberDefinition.TypeParameters), btypes.Void);
                set_result = new PredefinedMember <MethodSpec> (Module, bt, set_result_sign).Resolve(Location);

                var set_exception_sign = MemberFilter.Method("SetException", 0, ParametersCompiled.CreateFullyResolved(btypes.Exception), btypes.Void);
                set_exception = new PredefinedMember <MethodSpec> (Module, bt, set_exception_sign).Resolve(Location);

                var builder_factory_sign = MemberFilter.Method("Create", 0, ParametersCompiled.EmptyReadOnlyParameters, bt_inflated);
                builder_factory = new PredefinedMember <MethodSpec> (Module, bt, builder_factory_sign).Resolve(Location);
                if (builder_factory?.IsStatic == false)
                    throw new NotImplementedException("report better error message");

                var builder_start_sign = MemberFilter.Method("Start", 1, new ParametersImported(
                                                                 new [] {
                    new ParameterData(null, Parameter.Modifier.REF),
                                                                 new [] {
                    new TypeParameterSpec(0, null, SpecialConstraint.None, Variance.None, null),
                }, false),
                builder_start = new PredefinedMember <MethodSpec> (Module, bt, builder_start_sign).Resolve(Location);

                if (!istate_machine.Define())

                var set_statemachine_sign = MemberFilter.Method("SetStateMachine", 0, ParametersCompiled.CreateFullyResolved(istate_machine.TypeSpec), btypes.Void);
                set_statemachine = new PredefinedMember <MethodSpec> (Module, bt, set_statemachine_sign).Resolve(Location);;

                var task_sign = MemberFilter.Property("Task", return_type.MemberDefinition as TypeSpec);
                task = new PredefinedMember <PropertySpec> (Module, bt, task_sign).Resolve(Location);

                if (set_result == null || set_exception == null || builder_factory == null || builder_start == null || set_statemachine == null || task == null ||

                has_task_return_type = return_type.IsGeneric;
                PredefinedType builder_type;
                PredefinedMember <MethodSpec> bf;
                PredefinedMember <MethodSpec> bs;
                PredefinedMember <MethodSpec> sr;
                PredefinedMember <MethodSpec> se;
                PredefinedMember <MethodSpec> sm;
                var pred_members = Module.PredefinedMembers;

                if (return_type.Kind == MemberKind.Void)
                    builder_type = Module.PredefinedTypes.AsyncVoidMethodBuilder;
                    bf           = pred_members.AsyncVoidMethodBuilderCreate;
                    bs           = pred_members.AsyncVoidMethodBuilderStart;
                    sr           = pred_members.AsyncVoidMethodBuilderSetResult;
                    se           = pred_members.AsyncVoidMethodBuilderSetException;
                    sm           = pred_members.AsyncVoidMethodBuilderSetStateMachine;
                else if (return_type == Module.PredefinedTypes.Task.TypeSpec)
                    builder_type = Module.PredefinedTypes.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder;
                    bf           = pred_members.AsyncTaskMethodBuilderCreate;
                    bs           = pred_members.AsyncTaskMethodBuilderStart;
                    sr           = pred_members.AsyncTaskMethodBuilderSetResult;
                    se           = pred_members.AsyncTaskMethodBuilderSetException;
                    sm           = pred_members.AsyncTaskMethodBuilderSetStateMachine;
                    task         = pred_members.AsyncTaskMethodBuilderTask.Get();
                    builder_type         = Module.PredefinedTypes.AsyncTaskMethodBuilderGeneric;
                    bf                   = pred_members.AsyncTaskMethodBuilderGenericCreate;
                    bs                   = pred_members.AsyncTaskMethodBuilderGenericStart;
                    sr                   = pred_members.AsyncTaskMethodBuilderGenericSetResult;
                    se                   = pred_members.AsyncTaskMethodBuilderGenericSetException;
                    sm                   = pred_members.AsyncTaskMethodBuilderGenericSetStateMachine;
                    task                 = pred_members.AsyncTaskMethodBuilderGenericTask.Get();
                    has_task_return_type = true;

                set_result      = sr.Get();
                set_exception   = se.Get();
                builder_factory = bf.Get();
                builder_start   = bs.Get();

                set_statemachine = sm.Get();

                if (!builder_type.Define() || !istate_machine.Define() || set_result == null || builder_factory == null ||
                    set_exception == null || set_statemachine == null || builder_start == null ||
                    Report.Error(1993, Location,
                                 "Cannot find compiler required types for asynchronous functions support. Are you targeting the wrong framework version?");

                bt = builder_type.TypeSpec;

            // Inflate generic Task types
            if (has_task_return_type)
                var task_return_type = return_type.TypeArguments;
                if (mutator != null)
                    task_return_type = mutator.Mutate(task_return_type);

                bt               = bt.MakeGenericType(Module, task_return_type);
                set_result       = MemberCache.GetMember(bt, set_result);
                set_exception    = MemberCache.GetMember(bt, set_exception);
                set_statemachine = MemberCache.GetMember(bt, set_statemachine);

                if (task != null)
                    task = MemberCache.GetMember(bt, task);

            builder = AddCompilerGeneratedField("$builder", new TypeExpression(bt, Location));

            Field rfield;

            if (has_task_return_type && HasAwaitInsideFinally)
                // Special case async block with return value from finally clause. In such case
                // we rewrite all return expresison stores to stfld to $return. Instead of treating
                // returns outside of finally and inside of finally differently.
                rfield = AddCompilerGeneratedField("$return", new TypeExpression(bt.TypeArguments [0], Location));
                rfield = null;

            var set_state_machine = new Method(this, new TypeExpression(Compiler.BuiltinTypes.Void, Location),
                                               Modifiers.COMPILER_GENERATED | Modifiers.DEBUGGER_HIDDEN | Modifiers.PUBLIC,
                                               new MemberName("SetStateMachine"),
                                                   new Parameter(new TypeExpression(istate_machine.TypeSpec, Location), "stateMachine", Parameter.Modifier.NONE, null, Location),

            ToplevelBlock block = new ToplevelBlock(Compiler, set_state_machine.ParameterInfo, Location);

            block.IsCompilerGenerated = true;
            set_state_machine.Block   = block;


            if (!base.DoDefineMembers())

            // Fabricates SetStateMachine method
            // public void SetStateMachine (IAsyncStateMachine stateMachine)
            // {
            //    $builder.SetStateMachine (stateMachine);
            // }
            var mg = MethodGroupExpr.CreatePredefined(set_statemachine, bt, Location);

            mg.InstanceExpression = new FieldExpr(builder, Location);

            var param_reference = block.GetParameterReference(0, Location);

            param_reference.Type   = istate_machine.TypeSpec;
            param_reference.eclass = ExprClass.Variable;

            var args = new Arguments(1);

            args.Add(new Argument(param_reference));
            set_state_machine.Block.AddStatement(new StatementExpression(new Invocation(mg, args)));

            if (has_task_return_type)
                if (rfield != null)
                    HoistedReturnValue = new FieldExpr(rfield, Location)
                        InstanceExpression = new CompilerGeneratedThis(CurrentType, Location.Null)
                    HoistedReturnValue = TemporaryVariableReference.Create(bt.TypeArguments [0], StateMachineMethod.Block, Location);

Пример #15
        protected override Expression DoResolve(ResolveContext ec)
            if (ec.Target == Target.JavaScript)
                type   = ec.BuiltinTypes.Dynamic;
                eclass = ExprClass.Value;

            if (Expr is ElementAccess)
                var elem_access = Expr as ElementAccess;

                if (elem_access.Arguments.Count != 1)
                    ec.Report.Error(7021, loc, "delete statement must have only one index argument.");

                var expr = elem_access.Expr.Resolve(ec);
                if (expr.Type == null)

                if (expr.Type.IsArray)
                    ec.Report.Error(7021, loc, "delete statement not allowed on arrays.");

                if (ec.Target == Target.JavaScript)
                    Expr = Expr.Resolve(ec);

                if (!expr.Type.IsAsDynamicClass && (expr.Type.BuiltinType != BuiltinTypeSpec.Type.Dynamic))
                    ec.Report.Error(7021, loc, "delete statement only allowed on dynamic types or dynamic classes");

                // cast expression to IDynamicClass and invoke __DeleteDynamicValue
                var dynClass = new Cast(new MemberAccess(new SimpleName("PlayScript", loc), "IDynamicClass", loc), expr, loc);
                removeExpr = new Invocation(new MemberAccess(dynClass, "__DeleteDynamicValue", loc), elem_access.Arguments);
            else if (Expr is MemberAccess)
                if (ec.Target == Target.JavaScript)
                    Expr = Expr.Resolve(ec);

                var memb_access = Expr as MemberAccess;

                var expr = memb_access.LeftExpression.Resolve(ec);
                if (expr.Type == null)

                if (!expr.Type.IsAsDynamicClass && (expr.Type.BuiltinType != BuiltinTypeSpec.Type.Dynamic))
                    ec.Report.Error(7021, loc, "delete statement only allowed on dynamic types or dynamic classes");

                // cast expression to IDynamicClass and invoke __DeleteDynamicValue
                var dynClass = new Cast(new MemberAccess(new SimpleName("PlayScript", loc), "IDynamicClass", loc), expr, loc);
                var args     = new Arguments(1);
                args.Add(new Argument(new StringLiteral(ec.BuiltinTypes, memb_access.Name, loc)));
                removeExpr = new Invocation(new MemberAccess(dynClass, "__DeleteDynamicValue", loc), args);
                // Error is reported elsewhere.
Пример #16
        public void EmitPrologue(EmitContext ec)
            var fe_awaiter = new FieldExpr(awaiter, loc);

            fe_awaiter.InstanceExpression = new CompilerGeneratedThis(ec.CurrentType, loc);

            // awaiter = expr.GetAwaiter ();
            fe_awaiter.EmitAssign(ec, expr, false, false);

            Label skip_continuation = ec.DefineLabel();

            is_completed.InstanceExpression = fe_awaiter;
            is_completed.EmitBranchable(ec, skip_continuation, true);


            FieldSpec[] stack_fields = null;
            TypeSpec[]  stack        = null;
            // Here is the clever bit. We know that await statement has to yield the control
            // back but it can appear inside almost any expression. This means the stack can
            // contain any depth of values and same values have to be present when the continuation
            // handles control back.
            // For example: await a + await b
            // In this case we fabricate a static stack forwarding method which moves the values
            // from the stack to async storey fields. On re-entry point we restore exactly same
            // stack using these fields.
            // We fabricate a static method because we don't want to touch original stack and
            // the instance method would require `this' as the first stack value on the stack
            if (ec.StackHeight > 0)
                var async_storey = (AsyncTaskStorey)machine_initializer.Storey;

                stack = ec.GetStackTypes();
                var method = async_storey.GetStackForwarder(stack, out stack_fields);
                ec.Emit(OpCodes.Call, method);

            var mg_completed = MethodGroupExpr.CreatePredefined(on_completed, fe_awaiter.Type, loc);

            mg_completed.InstanceExpression = fe_awaiter;

            var args    = new Arguments(1);
            var storey  = (AsyncTaskStorey)machine_initializer.Storey;
            var fe_cont = new FieldExpr(storey.Continuation, loc);

            fe_cont.InstanceExpression = new CompilerGeneratedThis(ec.CurrentType, loc);

            args.Add(new Argument(fe_cont));

            // awaiter.OnCompleted (continuation);
            mg_completed.EmitCall(ec, args);

            // Return ok
            machine_initializer.EmitLeave(ec, unwind_protect);


            if (stack_fields != null)
                for (int i = 0; i < stack_fields.Length; ++i)

                    var field = stack_fields[i];

                    // We don't store `this' because it can be easily re-created
                    if (field == null)

                    if (stack[i] is ReferenceContainer)
                        ec.Emit(OpCodes.Ldflda, field);
                        ec.Emit(OpCodes.Ldfld, field);

Пример #17
        public Expression CreateCallSiteBinder(ResolveContext ec, Arguments args)
            Arguments binder_args = new Arguments (3);

            flags |= ec.HasSet (ResolveContext.Options.CheckedScope) ? CSharpBinderFlags.CheckedContext : 0;

            binder_args.Add (new Argument (new BinderFlags (flags, this)));
            binder_args.Add (new Argument (new TypeOf (new TypeExpression (ec.CurrentType, loc), loc)));
            binder_args.Add (new Argument (new TypeOf (new TypeExpression (type, loc), loc)));
            return new Invocation (GetBinder ("Convert", loc), binder_args);
Пример #18
        protected void EmitCall(EmitContext ec, Expression binder, Arguments arguments, bool isStatement)
            // This method generates all internal infrastructure for a dynamic call. The
            // reason why it's quite complicated is the mixture of dynamic and anonymous
            // methods. Dynamic itself requires a temporary class (ContainerX) and anonymous
            // methods can generate temporary storey as well (AnonStorey). Handling MVAR
            // type parameters rewrite is non-trivial in such case as there are various
            // combinations possible therefore the mutator is not straightforward. Secondly
            // we need to keep both MVAR(possibly VAR for anon storey) and type VAR to emit
            // correct Site field type and its access from EmitContext.

            int dyn_args_count = arguments == null ? 0 : arguments.Count;
            int default_args   = isStatement ? 1 : 2;
            var module         = ec.Module;

            bool has_ref_out_argument = false;
            var  targs = new TypeExpression[dyn_args_count + default_args];

            targs[0] = new TypeExpression(module.PredefinedTypes.CallSite.TypeSpec, loc);

            TypeExpression[]     targs_for_instance = null;
            TypeParameterMutator mutator;

            var site_container = ec.CreateDynamicSite();

            if (context_mvars != null)
                TypeParameters tparam;
                TypeContainer  sc = site_container;
                    tparam = sc.CurrentTypeParameters;
                    sc     = sc.Parent;
                } while (tparam == null);

                mutator = new TypeParameterMutator(context_mvars, tparam);

                if (!ec.IsAnonymousStoreyMutateRequired)
                    targs_for_instance    = new TypeExpression[targs.Length];
                    targs_for_instance[0] = targs[0];
                mutator = null;

            for (int i = 0; i < dyn_args_count; ++i)
                Argument a = arguments[i];
                if (a.ArgType == Argument.AType.Out || a.ArgType == Argument.AType.Ref)
                    has_ref_out_argument = true;

                var t = a.Type;

                // Convert any internal type like dynamic or null to object
                if (t.Kind == MemberKind.InternalCompilerType)
                    t = ec.BuiltinTypes.Object;

                if (targs_for_instance != null)
                    targs_for_instance[i + 1] = new TypeExpression(t, loc);

                if (mutator != null)
                    t = t.Mutate(mutator);

                targs[i + 1] = new TypeExpression(t, loc);

            TypeExpr del_type = null;
            TypeExpr del_type_instance_access = null;

            if (!has_ref_out_argument)
                string d_name = isStatement ? "Action" : "Func";

                TypeSpec  te      = null;
                Namespace type_ns = module.GlobalRootNamespace.GetNamespace("System", true);
                if (type_ns != null)
                    te = type_ns.LookupType(module, d_name, dyn_args_count + default_args, LookupMode.IgnoreAccessibility, loc);

                if (te != null)
                    if (!isStatement)
                        var t = type;
                        if (t.Kind == MemberKind.InternalCompilerType)
                            t = ec.BuiltinTypes.Object;

                        if (targs_for_instance != null)
                            targs_for_instance[targs_for_instance.Length - 1] = new TypeExpression(t, loc);

                        if (mutator != null)
                            t = t.Mutate(mutator);

                        targs[targs.Length - 1] = new TypeExpression(t, loc);

                    del_type = new GenericTypeExpr(te, new TypeArguments(targs), loc);
                    if (targs_for_instance != null)
                        del_type_instance_access = new GenericTypeExpr(te, new TypeArguments(targs_for_instance), loc);
                        del_type_instance_access = del_type;

            // Create custom delegate when no appropriate predefined delegate has been found
            Delegate d;

            if (del_type == null)
                TypeSpec    rt = isStatement ? ec.BuiltinTypes.Void : type;
                Parameter[] p  = new Parameter[dyn_args_count + 1];
                p[0] = new Parameter(targs[0], "p0", Parameter.Modifier.NONE, null, loc);

                var site  = ec.CreateDynamicSite();
                int index = site.Containers == null ? 0 : site.Containers.Count;

                if (mutator != null)
                    rt = mutator.Mutate(rt);

                for (int i = 1; i < dyn_args_count + 1; ++i)
                    p[i] = new Parameter(targs[i], "p" + i.ToString("X"), arguments[i - 1].Modifier, null, loc);

                d = new Delegate(site, new TypeExpression(rt, loc),
                                 Modifiers.INTERNAL | Modifiers.COMPILER_GENERATED,
                                 new MemberName("Container" + index.ToString("X")),
                                 new ParametersCompiled(p), null);



                // Add new container to inflated site container when the
                // member cache already exists
                if (site.CurrentType is InflatedTypeSpec && index > 0)

                del_type = new TypeExpression(d.CurrentType, loc);
                if (targs_for_instance != null)
                    del_type_instance_access = null;
                    del_type_instance_access = del_type;
                d = null;

            var site_type_decl = new GenericTypeExpr(module.PredefinedTypes.CallSiteGeneric.TypeSpec, new TypeArguments(del_type), loc);
            var field          = site_container.CreateCallSiteField(site_type_decl, loc);

            if (field == null)

            if (del_type_instance_access == null)
                var dt = d.CurrentType.DeclaringType.MakeGenericType(module, context_mvars.Types);
                del_type_instance_access = new TypeExpression(MemberCache.GetMember(dt, d.CurrentType), loc);

            var instanceAccessExprType = new GenericTypeExpr(module.PredefinedTypes.CallSiteGeneric.TypeSpec,
                                                             new TypeArguments(del_type_instance_access), loc);

            if (instanceAccessExprType.ResolveAsType(ec.MemberContext) == null)

            bool inflate_using_mvar = context_mvars != null && ec.IsAnonymousStoreyMutateRequired;

            TypeSpec gt;

            if (inflate_using_mvar || context_mvars == null)
                gt = site_container.CurrentType;
                gt = site_container.CurrentType.MakeGenericType(module, context_mvars.Types);

            // When site container already exists the inflated version has to be
            // updated manually to contain newly created field
            if (gt is InflatedTypeSpec && site_container.AnonymousMethodsCounter > 1)
                var tparams  = gt.MemberDefinition.TypeParametersCount > 0 ? gt.MemberDefinition.TypeParameters : TypeParameterSpec.EmptyTypes;
                var inflator = new TypeParameterInflator(module, gt, tparams, gt.TypeArguments);

            FieldExpr site_field_expr = new FieldExpr(MemberCache.GetMember(gt, field), loc);

            BlockContext bc = new BlockContext(ec.MemberContext, null, ec.BuiltinTypes.Void);

            Arguments args = new Arguments(1);

            args.Add(new Argument(binder));
            StatementExpression s = new StatementExpression(new SimpleAssign(site_field_expr, new Invocation(new MemberAccess(instanceAccessExprType, "Create"), args)));

            using (ec.With(BuilderContext.Options.OmitDebugInfo, true)) {
                var conditionalAccessReceiver = IsConditionalAccessReceiver;
                var ca = ec.ConditionalAccess;

                if (conditionalAccessReceiver)
                    ec.ConditionalAccess = new ConditionalAccessContext(type, ec.DefineLabel())
                        Statement = isStatement

                    // Emit conditional access expressions before dynamic call
                    // is initialized. It pushes site_field_expr on stack before
                    // the actual instance argument is emited which would cause
                    // jump from non-empty stack.

                if (s.Resolve(bc))
                    Statement init = new If(new Binary(Binary.Operator.Equality, site_field_expr, new NullLiteral(loc)), s, loc);

                args = new Arguments(1 + dyn_args_count);
                args.Add(new Argument(site_field_expr));
                if (arguments != null)
                    int arg_pos = 1;
                    foreach (Argument a in arguments)
                        if (a is NamedArgument)
                            // Name is not valid in this context
                            args.Add(new Argument(a.Expr, a.ArgType));

                        if (inflate_using_mvar && a.Type != targs[arg_pos].Type)
                            a.Expr.Type = targs[arg_pos].Type;


                var target = new DelegateInvocation(new MemberAccess(site_field_expr, "Target", loc).Resolve(bc), args, false, loc).Resolve(bc);
                if (target != null)

                if (conditionalAccessReceiver)
                    ec.CloseConditionalAccess(!isStatement && type.IsNullableType ? type : null);
                    ec.ConditionalAccess = ca;
Пример #19
        protected void EmitCall(EmitContext ec, Expression binder, Arguments arguments, bool isStatement)
            int dyn_args_count = arguments == null ? 0 : arguments.Count;
            TypeExpr site_type = CreateSiteType (RootContext.ToplevelTypes.Compiler, arguments, dyn_args_count, isStatement);
            FieldExpr site_field_expr = new FieldExpr (CreateSiteField (site_type), loc);

            SymbolWriter.OpenCompilerGeneratedBlock (ec);

            Arguments args = new Arguments (1);
            args.Add (new Argument (binder));
            StatementExpression s = new StatementExpression (new SimpleAssign (site_field_expr, new Invocation (new MemberAccess (site_type, "Create"), args)));

            BlockContext bc = new BlockContext (ec.MemberContext, null, TypeManager.void_type);
            if (s.Resolve (bc)) {
                Statement init = new If (new Binary (Binary.Operator.Equality, site_field_expr, new NullLiteral (loc), loc), s, loc);
                init.Emit (ec);

            args = new Arguments (1 + dyn_args_count);
            args.Add (new Argument (site_field_expr));
            if (arguments != null) {
                foreach (Argument a in arguments) {
                    if (a is NamedArgument) {
                        // Name is not valid in this context
                        args.Add (new Argument (a.Expr, a.ArgType));

                    args.Add (a);

            Expression target = new DelegateInvocation (new MemberAccess (site_field_expr, "Target", loc).Resolve (bc), args, loc).Resolve (bc);
            if (target != null)
                target.Emit (ec);

            SymbolWriter.CloseCompilerGeneratedBlock (ec);
Пример #20
        public Expression CreateCallSiteBinder(ResolveContext ec, Arguments args)
            Arguments binder_args      = new Arguments(member != null ? 5 : 3);
            bool      is_member_access = member is MemberAccess;

            CSharpBinderFlags call_flags;

            if (!is_member_access && member is SimpleName)
                call_flags       = CSharpBinderFlags.InvokeSimpleName;
                is_member_access = true;
                call_flags = 0;

            binder_args.Add(new Argument(new BinderFlags(call_flags, this)));

            if (is_member_access)
                binder_args.Add(new Argument(new StringLiteral(ec.BuiltinTypes, member.Name, member.Location)));

            if (member != null && member.HasTypeArguments)
                TypeArguments ta = member.TypeArguments;
                if (ta.Resolve(ec, false))
                    var targs = new ArrayInitializer(ta.Count, loc);
                    foreach (TypeSpec t in ta.Arguments)
                        targs.Add(new TypeOf(t, loc));

                    binder_args.Add(new Argument(new ImplicitlyTypedArrayCreation(targs, loc)));
            else if (is_member_access)
                binder_args.Add(new Argument(new NullLiteral(loc)));

            binder_args.Add(new Argument(new TypeOf(ec.CurrentType, loc)));

            Expression real_args;

            if (args == null)
                // Cannot be null because .NET trips over
                real_args = new ArrayCreation(
                    new MemberAccess(GetBinderNamespace(loc), "CSharpArgumentInfo", loc),
                    new ArrayInitializer(0, loc), loc);
                real_args = new ImplicitlyTypedArrayCreation(args.CreateDynamicBinderArguments(ec), loc);

            binder_args.Add(new Argument(real_args));

            return(new Invocation(GetBinder(is_member_access ? "InvokeMember" : "Invoke", loc), binder_args));
Пример #21
        public Expression CreateCallSiteBinder(ResolveContext ec, Arguments args)
            Arguments binder_args = new Arguments (4);

            MemberAccess sle = new MemberAccess (new MemberAccess (
                new QualifiedAliasMember (QualifiedAliasMember.GlobalAlias, "System", loc), "Linq", loc), "Expressions", loc);

            var flags = ec.HasSet (ResolveContext.Options.CheckedScope) ? CSharpBinderFlags.CheckedContext : 0;

            binder_args.Add (new Argument (new BinderFlags (flags, this)));
            binder_args.Add (new Argument (new MemberAccess (new MemberAccess (sle, "ExpressionType", loc), name, loc)));
            binder_args.Add (new Argument (new TypeOf (new TypeExpression (ec.CurrentType, loc), loc)));
            binder_args.Add (new Argument (new ImplicitlyTypedArrayCreation ("[]", args.CreateDynamicBinderArguments (ec), loc)));

            return new Invocation (GetBinder ("UnaryOperation", loc), binder_args);
Пример #22
        public ArrayInitializer CreateDynamicBinderArguments(ResolveContext rc)
            Location loc = Location.Null;
            var      all = new ArrayInitializer(args.Count, loc);

            MemberAccess binder = DynamicExpressionStatement.GetBinderNamespace(rc, loc);

            foreach (Argument a in args)
                Arguments dargs = new Arguments(2);

                // CSharpArgumentInfoFlags.None = 0
                const string info_flags_enum = "CSharpArgumentInfoFlags";
                Expression   info_flags      = new IntLiteral(rc.BuiltinTypes, 0, loc);

                if (a.Expr is Constant)
                    info_flags = new Binary(Binary.Operator.BitwiseOr, info_flags,
                                            new MemberAccess(new MemberAccess(binder, info_flags_enum, loc), "Constant", loc));
                else if (a.ArgType == Argument.AType.Ref)
                    info_flags = new Binary(Binary.Operator.BitwiseOr, info_flags,
                                            new MemberAccess(new MemberAccess(binder, info_flags_enum, loc), "IsRef", loc));
                    info_flags = new Binary(Binary.Operator.BitwiseOr, info_flags,
                                            new MemberAccess(new MemberAccess(binder, info_flags_enum, loc), "UseCompileTimeType", loc));
                else if (a.ArgType == Argument.AType.Out)
                    info_flags = new Binary(Binary.Operator.BitwiseOr, info_flags,
                                            new MemberAccess(new MemberAccess(binder, info_flags_enum, loc), "IsOut", loc));
                    info_flags = new Binary(Binary.Operator.BitwiseOr, info_flags,
                                            new MemberAccess(new MemberAccess(binder, info_flags_enum, loc), "UseCompileTimeType", loc));
                else if (a.ArgType == Argument.AType.DynamicTypeName)
                    info_flags = new Binary(Binary.Operator.BitwiseOr, info_flags,
                                            new MemberAccess(new MemberAccess(binder, info_flags_enum, loc), "IsStaticType", loc));

                TypeSpec arg_type;

                if (rc.FileType == SourceFileType.PlayScript &&
                    a.Expr is ArrayInitializer || a.Expr is AsObjectInitializer)
                    if (a.Expr is ArrayInitializer)
                        arg_type = rc.Module.PredefinedTypes.AsArray.Resolve();
                        arg_type = rc.Module.PredefinedTypes.AsExpandoObject.Resolve();
                    arg_type = a.Expr.Type;

                if (arg_type.BuiltinType != BuiltinTypeSpec.Type.Dynamic && arg_type != InternalType.NullLiteral)
                    MethodGroupExpr mg = a.Expr as MethodGroupExpr;

                    bool wasConverted = false;

                    // In PlayScript, we try to implicity convert to dynamic, which handles conversions of method groups to delegates, and
                    // anon methods to delegates.
                    if (rc.FileType == SourceFileType.PlayScript && (mg != null || arg_type == InternalType.AnonymousMethod))
                        var expr = Convert.ImplicitConversion(rc, a.Expr, rc.BuiltinTypes.Dynamic, loc);
                        if (expr != null)
                            a.Expr       = expr;
                            arg_type     = rc.BuiltinTypes.Dynamic;
                            wasConverted = true;

                    // Failed.. check the C# error
                    if (!wasConverted)
                        if (mg != null)
                            rc.Report.Error(1976, a.Expr.Location,
                                            "The method group `{0}' cannot be used as an argument of dynamic operation. Consider using parentheses to invoke the method",
                        else if (arg_type == InternalType.AnonymousMethod)
                            rc.Report.Error(1977, a.Expr.Location,
                                            "An anonymous method or lambda expression cannot be used as an argument of dynamic operation. Consider using a cast");
                        else if (arg_type.Kind == MemberKind.Void || arg_type == InternalType.Arglist || arg_type.IsPointer)
                            rc.Report.Error(1978, a.Expr.Location,
                                            "An expression of type `{0}' cannot be used as an argument of dynamic operation",

                    info_flags = new Binary(Binary.Operator.BitwiseOr, info_flags,
                                            new MemberAccess(new MemberAccess(binder, info_flags_enum, loc), "UseCompileTimeType", loc));

                string        named_value;
                NamedArgument na = a as NamedArgument;
                if (na != null)
                    info_flags = new Binary(Binary.Operator.BitwiseOr, info_flags,
                                            new MemberAccess(new MemberAccess(binder, info_flags_enum, loc), "NamedArgument", loc));

                    named_value = na.Name;
                    named_value = null;

                dargs.Add(new Argument(info_flags));
                dargs.Add(new Argument(new StringLiteral(rc.BuiltinTypes, named_value, loc)));
                all.Add(new Invocation(new MemberAccess(new MemberAccess(binder, "CSharpArgumentInfo", loc), "Create", loc), dargs));

Пример #23
        public ArrayList CreateDynamicBinderArguments()
            ArrayList all = new ArrayList(args.Count);
            Location  loc = Location.Null;

            MemberAccess binder = DynamicExpressionStatement.GetBinderNamespace(loc);

            foreach (Argument a in args)
                Arguments dargs = new Arguments(2);

                // CSharpArgumentInfoFlags.None = 0
                const string info_flags_enum = "CSharpArgumentInfoFlags";
                Expression   info_flags      = new IntLiteral(0, loc);

                if (a.Expr is Constant)
                    // Any constant is emitted as a literal
                    info_flags = new Binary(Binary.Operator.BitwiseOr, info_flags,
                                            new MemberAccess(new MemberAccess(binder, info_flags_enum, loc), "LiteralConstant", loc));
                else if (a.ArgType == Argument.AType.Ref)
                    info_flags = new Binary(Binary.Operator.BitwiseOr, info_flags,
                                            new MemberAccess(new MemberAccess(binder, info_flags_enum, loc), "IsRef", loc));
                else if (a.ArgType == Argument.AType.Out)
                    info_flags = new Binary(Binary.Operator.BitwiseOr, info_flags,
                                            new MemberAccess(new MemberAccess(binder, info_flags_enum, loc), "IsOut", loc));
                else if (a.ArgType == Argument.AType.DynamicStatic)
                    info_flags = new Binary(Binary.Operator.BitwiseOr, info_flags,
                                            new MemberAccess(new MemberAccess(binder, info_flags_enum, loc), "IsStaticType", loc));

                if (!TypeManager.IsDynamicType(a.Expr.Type))
                    info_flags = new Binary(Binary.Operator.BitwiseOr, info_flags,
                                            new MemberAccess(new MemberAccess(binder, info_flags_enum, loc), "UseCompileTimeType", loc));

                string        named_value;
                NamedArgument na = a as NamedArgument;
                if (na != null)
                    info_flags = new Binary(Binary.Operator.BitwiseOr, info_flags,
                                            new MemberAccess(new MemberAccess(binder, info_flags_enum, loc), "NamedArgument", loc));

                    named_value = na.Name.Value;
                    named_value = null;

                dargs.Add(new Argument(info_flags));
                dargs.Add(new Argument(new StringLiteral(named_value, loc)));
                all.Add(new New(new MemberAccess(binder, "CSharpArgumentInfo", loc), dargs, loc));

Пример #24
        public void EmitPrologue(EmitContext ec)
            var fe_awaiter = new FieldExpr(awaiter, loc);

            fe_awaiter.InstanceExpression = new CompilerGeneratedThis(ec.CurrentType, loc);

            // awaiter = expr.GetAwaiter ();
            fe_awaiter.EmitAssign(ec, expr, false, false);

            Label skip_continuation = ec.DefineLabel();

            Expression completed_expr;

            if (IsDynamic)
                var rc = new ResolveContext(ec.MemberContext);

                Arguments dargs = new Arguments(1);
                dargs.Add(new Argument(fe_awaiter));
                completed_expr = new DynamicMemberBinder("IsCompleted", dargs, loc).Resolve(rc);
                var pe = PropertyExpr.CreatePredefined(is_completed, loc);
                pe.InstanceExpression = fe_awaiter;
                completed_expr        = pe;

            completed_expr.EmitBranchable(ec, skip_continuation, true);


            // The stack has to be empty before calling await continuation. We handle this
            // by lifting values which would be left on stack into class fields. The process
            // is quite complicated and quite hard to test because any expression can possibly
            // leave a value on the stack.
            // Following assert fails when some of expression called before is missing EmitToField
            // or parent expression fails to find await in children expressions

            var args    = new Arguments(1);
            var storey  = (AsyncTaskStorey)machine_initializer.Storey;
            var fe_cont = new FieldExpr(storey.Continuation, loc);

            fe_cont.InstanceExpression = new CompilerGeneratedThis(ec.CurrentType, loc);

            args.Add(new Argument(fe_cont));

            if (IsDynamic)
                var rc      = new ResolveContext(ec.MemberContext);
                var mg_expr = new Invocation(new MemberAccess(fe_awaiter, "OnCompleted"), args).Resolve(rc);

                ExpressionStatement es = (ExpressionStatement)mg_expr;
                var mg_completed = MethodGroupExpr.CreatePredefined(on_completed, fe_awaiter.Type, loc);
                mg_completed.InstanceExpression = fe_awaiter;

                // awaiter.OnCompleted (continuation);
                mg_completed.EmitCall(ec, args);

            // Return ok
            machine_initializer.EmitLeave(ec, unwind_protect);

Пример #25
		protected override bool DoDefineMembers ()
			if (!base.DoDefineMembers ())
				return false;

			Location loc = Location;

			var equals_parameters = ParametersCompiled.CreateFullyResolved (
				new Parameter (new TypeExpression (Compiler.BuiltinTypes.Object, loc), "obj", 0, null, loc), Compiler.BuiltinTypes.Object);

			Method equals = new Method (this, new TypeExpression (Compiler.BuiltinTypes.Bool, loc),
				Modifiers.PUBLIC | Modifiers.OVERRIDE | Modifiers.DEBUGGER_HIDDEN, new MemberName ("Equals", loc),
				equals_parameters, null);

			equals_parameters[0].Resolve (equals, 0);

			Method tostring = new Method (this, new TypeExpression (Compiler.BuiltinTypes.String, loc),
				Modifiers.PUBLIC | Modifiers.OVERRIDE | Modifiers.DEBUGGER_HIDDEN, new MemberName ("ToString", loc),
				Mono.CSharp.ParametersCompiled.EmptyReadOnlyParameters, null);

			ToplevelBlock equals_block = new ToplevelBlock (Compiler, equals.ParameterInfo, loc);

			TypeExpr current_type;
			if (CurrentTypeParameters != null) {
				var targs = new TypeArguments ();
				for (int i = 0; i < CurrentTypeParameters.Count; ++i) {
					targs.Add (new TypeParameterExpr (CurrentTypeParameters[i], Location));

				current_type = new GenericTypeExpr (Definition, targs, loc);
			} else {
				current_type = new TypeExpression (Definition, loc);

			var li_other = LocalVariable.CreateCompilerGenerated (CurrentType, equals_block, loc);
			equals_block.AddStatement (new BlockVariableDeclaration (new TypeExpression (li_other.Type, loc), li_other));
			var other_variable = new LocalVariableReference (li_other, loc);

			MemberAccess system_collections_generic = new MemberAccess (new MemberAccess (
				new QualifiedAliasMember ("global", "System", loc), "Collections", loc), "Generic", loc);

			Expression rs_equals = null;
			Expression string_concat = new StringConstant (Compiler.BuiltinTypes, "{", loc);
			Expression rs_hashcode = new IntConstant (Compiler.BuiltinTypes, -2128831035, loc);
			for (int i = 0; i < parameters.Count; ++i) {
				var p = parameters [i];
				var f = (Field) Members [i * 2];

				MemberAccess equality_comparer = new MemberAccess (new MemberAccess (
					system_collections_generic, "EqualityComparer",
						new TypeArguments (new SimpleName (CurrentTypeParameters [i].Name, loc)), loc),
						"Default", loc);

				Arguments arguments_equal = new Arguments (2);
				arguments_equal.Add (new Argument (new MemberAccess (new This (f.Location), f.Name)));
				arguments_equal.Add (new Argument (new MemberAccess (other_variable, f.Name)));

				Expression field_equal = new Invocation (new MemberAccess (equality_comparer,
					"Equals", loc), arguments_equal);

				Arguments arguments_hashcode = new Arguments (1);
				arguments_hashcode.Add (new Argument (new MemberAccess (new This (f.Location), f.Name)));
				Expression field_hashcode = new Invocation (new MemberAccess (equality_comparer,
					"GetHashCode", loc), arguments_hashcode);

				IntConstant FNV_prime = new IntConstant (Compiler.BuiltinTypes, 16777619, loc);				
				rs_hashcode = new Binary (Binary.Operator.Multiply,
					new Binary (Binary.Operator.ExclusiveOr, rs_hashcode, field_hashcode),

				Expression field_to_string = new Conditional (new BooleanExpression (new Binary (Binary.Operator.Inequality,
					new MemberAccess (new This (f.Location), f.Name), new NullLiteral (loc))),
					new Invocation (new MemberAccess (
						new MemberAccess (new This (f.Location), f.Name), "ToString"), null),
					new StringConstant (Compiler.BuiltinTypes, string.Empty, loc), loc);

				if (rs_equals == null) {
					rs_equals = field_equal;
					string_concat = new Binary (Binary.Operator.Addition,
						new Binary (Binary.Operator.Addition,
							new StringConstant (Compiler.BuiltinTypes, " " + p.Name + " = ", loc),

				// Implementation of ToString () body using string concatenation
				string_concat = new Binary (Binary.Operator.Addition,
					new Binary (Binary.Operator.Addition,
						new StringConstant (Compiler.BuiltinTypes, ", " + p.Name + " = ", loc)),

				rs_equals = new Binary (Binary.Operator.LogicalAnd, rs_equals, field_equal);

			string_concat = new Binary (Binary.Operator.Addition,
				new StringConstant (Compiler.BuiltinTypes, " }", loc));

			// Equals (object obj) override
			var other_variable_assign = new TemporaryVariableReference (li_other, loc);
			equals_block.AddStatement (new StatementExpression (
				new SimpleAssign (other_variable_assign,
					new As (equals_block.GetParameterReference (0, loc),
						current_type, loc), loc)));

			Expression equals_test = new Binary (Binary.Operator.Inequality, other_variable, new NullLiteral (loc));
			if (rs_equals != null)
				equals_test = new Binary (Binary.Operator.LogicalAnd, equals_test, rs_equals);
			equals_block.AddStatement (new Return (equals_test, loc));

			equals.Block = equals_block;
			equals.Define ();
			Members.Add (equals);

			// GetHashCode () override
			Method hashcode = new Method (this, new TypeExpression (Compiler.BuiltinTypes.Int, loc),
				Modifiers.PUBLIC | Modifiers.OVERRIDE | Modifiers.DEBUGGER_HIDDEN,
				new MemberName ("GetHashCode", loc),
				Mono.CSharp.ParametersCompiled.EmptyReadOnlyParameters, null);

			// Modified FNV with good avalanche behavior and uniform
			// distribution with larger hash sizes.
			// const int FNV_prime = 16777619;
			// int hash = (int) 2166136261;
			// foreach (int d in data)
			//     hash = (hash ^ d) * FNV_prime;
			// hash += hash << 13;
			// hash ^= hash >> 7;
			// hash += hash << 3;
			// hash ^= hash >> 17;
			// hash += hash << 5;

			ToplevelBlock hashcode_top = new ToplevelBlock (Compiler, loc);
			Block hashcode_block = new Block (hashcode_top, loc, loc);
			hashcode_top.AddStatement (new Unchecked (hashcode_block, loc));

			var li_hash = LocalVariable.CreateCompilerGenerated (Compiler.BuiltinTypes.Int, hashcode_top, loc);
			hashcode_block.AddStatement (new BlockVariableDeclaration (new TypeExpression (li_hash.Type, loc), li_hash));
			LocalVariableReference hash_variable_assign = new LocalVariableReference (li_hash, loc);
			hashcode_block.AddStatement (new StatementExpression (
				new SimpleAssign (hash_variable_assign, rs_hashcode)));

			var hash_variable = new LocalVariableReference (li_hash, loc);
			hashcode_block.AddStatement (new StatementExpression (
				new CompoundAssign (Binary.Operator.Addition, hash_variable,
					new Binary (Binary.Operator.LeftShift, hash_variable, new IntConstant (Compiler.BuiltinTypes, 13, loc)))));
			hashcode_block.AddStatement (new StatementExpression (
				new CompoundAssign (Binary.Operator.ExclusiveOr, hash_variable,
					new Binary (Binary.Operator.RightShift, hash_variable, new IntConstant (Compiler.BuiltinTypes, 7, loc)))));
			hashcode_block.AddStatement (new StatementExpression (
				new CompoundAssign (Binary.Operator.Addition, hash_variable,
					new Binary (Binary.Operator.LeftShift, hash_variable, new IntConstant (Compiler.BuiltinTypes, 3, loc)))));
			hashcode_block.AddStatement (new StatementExpression (
				new CompoundAssign (Binary.Operator.ExclusiveOr, hash_variable,
					new Binary (Binary.Operator.RightShift, hash_variable, new IntConstant (Compiler.BuiltinTypes, 17, loc)))));
			hashcode_block.AddStatement (new StatementExpression (
				new CompoundAssign (Binary.Operator.Addition, hash_variable,
					new Binary (Binary.Operator.LeftShift, hash_variable, new IntConstant (Compiler.BuiltinTypes, 5, loc)))));

			hashcode_block.AddStatement (new Return (hash_variable, loc));
			hashcode.Block = hashcode_top;
			hashcode.Define ();
			Members.Add (hashcode);

			// ToString () override

			ToplevelBlock tostring_block = new ToplevelBlock (Compiler, loc);
			tostring_block.AddStatement (new Return (string_concat, loc));
			tostring.Block = tostring_block;
			tostring.Define ();
			Members.Add (tostring);

			return true;
Пример #26
        protected override bool DoDefineMembers()
            var action = Module.PredefinedTypes.Action.Resolve();

            if (action != null)
                continuation           = AddCompilerGeneratedField("$continuation", new TypeExpression(action, Location), true);
                continuation.ModFlags |= Modifiers.READONLY;

            PredefinedType builder_type;
            PredefinedMember <MethodSpec> bf;
            PredefinedMember <MethodSpec> sr;
            PredefinedMember <MethodSpec> se;
            bool has_task_return_type = false;
            var  pred_members         = Module.PredefinedMembers;

            if (return_type.Kind == MemberKind.Void)
                builder_type = Module.PredefinedTypes.AsyncVoidMethodBuilder;
                bf           = pred_members.AsyncVoidMethodBuilderCreate;
                sr           = pred_members.AsyncVoidMethodBuilderSetResult;
                se           = pred_members.AsyncVoidMethodBuilderSetException;
            else if (return_type == Module.PredefinedTypes.Task.TypeSpec)
                builder_type = Module.PredefinedTypes.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder;
                bf           = pred_members.AsyncTaskMethodBuilderCreate;
                sr           = pred_members.AsyncTaskMethodBuilderSetResult;
                se           = pred_members.AsyncTaskMethodBuilderSetException;
                task         = pred_members.AsyncTaskMethodBuilderTask.Get();
                builder_type         = Module.PredefinedTypes.AsyncTaskMethodBuilderGeneric;
                bf                   = pred_members.AsyncTaskMethodBuilderGenericCreate;
                sr                   = pred_members.AsyncTaskMethodBuilderGenericSetResult;
                se                   = pred_members.AsyncTaskMethodBuilderGenericSetException;
                task                 = pred_members.AsyncTaskMethodBuilderGenericTask.Get();
                has_task_return_type = true;

            set_result    = sr.Get();
            set_exception = se.Get();
            var builder_factory = bf.Get();

            if (!builder_type.Define() || set_result == null || builder_factory == null || set_exception == null)
                Report.Error(1993, Location,
                             "Cannot find compiler required types for asynchronous functions support. Are you targeting the wrong framework version?");

            var bt = builder_type.TypeSpec;

            // Inflate generic Task types
            if (has_task_return_type)
                var task_return_type = return_type.TypeArguments;
                if (mutator != null)
                    task_return_type = mutator.Mutate(task_return_type);

                bt = bt.MakeGenericType(Module, task_return_type);
                builder_factory = MemberCache.GetMember <MethodSpec> (bt, builder_factory);
                set_result      = MemberCache.GetMember <MethodSpec> (bt, set_result);
                set_exception   = MemberCache.GetMember <MethodSpec> (bt, set_exception);

                if (task != null)
                    task = MemberCache.GetMember <PropertySpec> (bt, task);

            builder = AddCompilerGeneratedField("$builder", new TypeExpression(bt, Location));

            if (!base.DoDefineMembers())

            MethodGroupExpr mg;
            var             block = instance_constructors[0].Block;

            // Initialize continuation with state machine method
            if (continuation != null)
                var args = new Arguments(1);
                mg = MethodGroupExpr.CreatePredefined(StateMachineMethod.Spec, spec, Location);
                args.Add(new Argument(mg));

                    new StatementExpression(new SimpleAssign(
                                                new FieldExpr(continuation, Location),
                                                new NewDelegate(action, args, Location),

            mg = MethodGroupExpr.CreatePredefined(builder_factory, bt, Location);
                new StatementExpression(new SimpleAssign(
                                            new FieldExpr(builder, Location),
                                            new Invocation(mg, new Arguments(0)),

            if (has_task_return_type)
                hoisted_return = LocalVariable.CreateCompilerGenerated(bt.TypeArguments[0], block, Location);

Пример #27
		public static Arguments CreateDelegateMethodArguments (ResolveContext rc, AParametersCollection pd, TypeSpec[] types, Location loc)
			Arguments delegate_arguments = new Arguments (pd.Count);
			for (int i = 0; i < pd.Count; ++i) {
				Argument.AType atype_modifier;
				switch (pd.FixedParameters [i].ModFlags & Parameter.Modifier.RefOutMask) {
				case Parameter.Modifier.REF:
					atype_modifier = Argument.AType.Ref;
				case Parameter.Modifier.OUT:
					atype_modifier = Argument.AType.Out;
					atype_modifier = 0;

				var ptype = types[i];
				if (ptype.BuiltinType == BuiltinTypeSpec.Type.Dynamic)
					ptype = rc.BuiltinTypes.Object;

				delegate_arguments.Add (new Argument (new TypeExpression (ptype, loc), atype_modifier));

			return delegate_arguments;
Пример #28
        public void Resolve()
            if (Compiler.Settings.Unsafe && module.PredefinedTypes.SecurityAction.Define())
                // Emits [assembly: SecurityPermissionAttribute (SecurityAction.RequestMinimum, SkipVerification = true)]
                // when -unsafe option was specified
                Location loc = Location.Null;

                MemberAccess system_security_permissions = new MemberAccess(new MemberAccess(
                                                                                new QualifiedAliasMember(QualifiedAliasMember.GlobalAlias, "System", loc), "Security", loc), "Permissions", loc);

                var req_min = module.PredefinedMembers.SecurityActionRequestMinimum.Resolve(loc);

                Arguments pos = new Arguments(1);
                pos.Add(new Argument(req_min.GetConstant(null)));

                Arguments named = new Arguments(1);
                named.Add(new NamedArgument("SkipVerification", loc, new BoolLiteral(Compiler.BuiltinTypes, true, loc)));

                Attribute g = new Attribute("assembly",
                                            new MemberAccess(system_security_permissions, "SecurityPermissionAttribute"),
                                            new Arguments[] { pos, named }, loc, false);
                g.AttachTo(module, module);

                // Disable no-location warnings (e.g. obsolete) for compiler generated attribute
                try {
                    var ctor = g.Resolve();
                    if (ctor != null)
                        g.ExtractSecurityPermissionSet(ctor, ref declarative_security);
                } finally {

            if (module.OptAttributes == null)

            // Ensure that we only have GlobalAttributes, since the Search isn't safe with other types.
            if (!module.OptAttributes.CheckTargets())

            cls_attribute = module.ResolveAssemblyAttribute(module.PredefinedAttributes.CLSCompliant);

            if (cls_attribute != null)
                is_cls_compliant = cls_attribute.GetClsCompliantAttributeValue();

            if (added_modules != null && Compiler.Settings.VerifyClsCompliance && is_cls_compliant)
                foreach (var m in added_modules)
                    if (!m.IsCLSCompliant)
                                     "Added modules must be marked with the CLSCompliant attribute to match the assembly",

            Attribute a = module.ResolveAssemblyAttribute(module.PredefinedAttributes.RuntimeCompatibility);

            if (a != null)
                var val = a.GetNamedValue("WrapNonExceptionThrows") as BoolConstant;
                if (val != null)
                    wrap_non_exception_throws = val.Value;
Пример #29
		public ArrayInitializer CreateDynamicBinderArguments (ResolveContext rc)
			Location loc = Location.Null;
			var all = new ArrayInitializer (args.Count, loc);

			MemberAccess binder = DynamicExpressionStatement.GetBinderNamespace (loc);

			foreach (Argument a in args) {
				Arguments dargs = new Arguments (2);

				// CSharpArgumentInfoFlags.None = 0
				const string info_flags_enum = "CSharpArgumentInfoFlags";
				Expression info_flags = new IntLiteral (0, loc);

				var constant = a.Expr as Constant;
				if (constant != null && constant.IsLiteral) {
					info_flags = new Binary (Binary.Operator.BitwiseOr, info_flags,
						new MemberAccess (new MemberAccess (binder, info_flags_enum, loc), "Constant", loc), loc);
				} else if (a.ArgType == Argument.AType.Ref) {
					info_flags = new Binary (Binary.Operator.BitwiseOr, info_flags,
						new MemberAccess (new MemberAccess (binder, info_flags_enum, loc), "IsRef", loc), loc);
				} else if (a.ArgType == Argument.AType.Out) {
					info_flags = new Binary (Binary.Operator.BitwiseOr, info_flags,
						new MemberAccess (new MemberAccess (binder, info_flags_enum, loc), "IsOut", loc), loc);
				} else if (a.ArgType == Argument.AType.DynamicTypeName) {
					info_flags = new Binary (Binary.Operator.BitwiseOr, info_flags,
						new MemberAccess (new MemberAccess (binder, info_flags_enum, loc), "IsStaticType", loc), loc);

				var arg_type = a.Expr.Type;

				if (arg_type != InternalType.Dynamic) {
					MethodGroupExpr mg = a.Expr as MethodGroupExpr;
					if (mg != null) {
						rc.Report.Error (1976, a.Expr.Location,
							"The method group `{0}' cannot be used as an argument of dynamic operation. Consider using parentheses to invoke the method",
					} else if (arg_type == InternalType.AnonymousMethod) {
						rc.Report.Error (1977, a.Expr.Location,
							"An anonymous method or lambda expression cannot be used as an argument of dynamic operation. Consider using a cast");
					} else if (arg_type == TypeManager.void_type || arg_type == InternalType.Arglist || arg_type.IsPointer) {
						rc.Report.Error (1978, a.Expr.Location,
							"An expression of type `{0}' cannot be used as an argument of dynamic operation",
							TypeManager.CSharpName (arg_type));

					info_flags = new Binary (Binary.Operator.BitwiseOr, info_flags,
						new MemberAccess (new MemberAccess (binder, info_flags_enum, loc), "UseCompileTimeType", loc), loc);

				string named_value;
				NamedArgument na = a as NamedArgument;
				if (na != null) {
					info_flags = new Binary (Binary.Operator.BitwiseOr, info_flags,
						new MemberAccess (new MemberAccess (binder, info_flags_enum, loc), "NamedArgument", loc), loc);

					named_value = na.Name;
				} else {
					named_value = null;

				dargs.Add (new Argument (info_flags));
				dargs.Add (new Argument (new StringLiteral (named_value, loc)));
				all.Add (new Invocation (new MemberAccess (new MemberAccess (binder, "CSharpArgumentInfo", loc), "Create", loc), dargs));

			return all;
Пример #30
            Method GenerateNumberMatcher()
                var loc        = Location;
                var parameters = ParametersCompiled.CreateFullyResolved(
                    new [] {
                    new Parameter(new TypeExpression(Compiler.BuiltinTypes.Object, loc), "obj", 0, null, loc),
                    new Parameter(new TypeExpression(Compiler.BuiltinTypes.Object, loc), "value", 0, null, loc),
                    new Parameter(new TypeExpression(Compiler.BuiltinTypes.Bool, loc), "enumType", 0, null, loc),
                    new [] {

                var m = new Method(this, new TypeExpression(Compiler.BuiltinTypes.Bool, loc),
                                   Modifiers.PUBLIC | Modifiers.STATIC | Modifiers.DEBUGGER_HIDDEN, new MemberName("NumberMatcher", loc),
                                   parameters, null);

                parameters [0].Resolve(m, 0);
                parameters [1].Resolve(m, 1);
                parameters [2].Resolve(m, 2);

                ToplevelBlock top_block = new ToplevelBlock(Compiler, parameters, loc);

                m.Block = top_block;

                // if (enumType)
                //		return Equals (obj, value);
                var equals_args = new Arguments(2);

                equals_args.Add(new Argument(top_block.GetParameterReference(0, loc)));
                equals_args.Add(new Argument(top_block.GetParameterReference(1, loc)));

                var if_type = new If(
                    top_block.GetParameterReference(2, loc),
                    new Return(new Invocation(new SimpleName("Equals", loc), equals_args), loc),


                // if (obj is Enum || obj == null)
                //		return false;

                var if_enum = new If(
                    new Binary(Binary.Operator.LogicalOr,
                               new Is(top_block.GetParameterReference(0, loc), new TypeExpression(Compiler.BuiltinTypes.Enum, loc), loc),
                               new Binary(Binary.Operator.Equality, top_block.GetParameterReference(0, loc), new NullLiteral(loc))),
                    new Return(new BoolLiteral(Compiler.BuiltinTypes, false, loc), loc),


                var system_convert = new MemberAccess(new QualifiedAliasMember("global", "System", loc), "Convert", loc);
                var expl_block     = new ExplicitBlock(top_block, loc, loc);

                // var converted = System.Convert.ChangeType (obj, System.Convert.GetTypeCode (value));
                var lv_converted = LocalVariable.CreateCompilerGenerated(Compiler.BuiltinTypes.Object, top_block, loc);

                var arguments_gettypecode = new Arguments(1);

                arguments_gettypecode.Add(new Argument(top_block.GetParameterReference(1, loc)));

                var gettypecode = new Invocation(new MemberAccess(system_convert, "GetTypeCode", loc), arguments_gettypecode);

                var arguments_changetype = new Arguments(1);

                arguments_changetype.Add(new Argument(top_block.GetParameterReference(0, loc)));
                arguments_changetype.Add(new Argument(gettypecode));

                var changetype = new Invocation(new MemberAccess(system_convert, "ChangeType", loc), arguments_changetype);

                expl_block.AddStatement(new StatementExpression(new SimpleAssign(new LocalVariableReference(lv_converted, loc), changetype, loc)));

                // return converted.Equals (value)
                var equals_arguments = new Arguments(1);

                equals_arguments.Add(new Argument(top_block.GetParameterReference(1, loc)));
                var equals_invocation = new Invocation(new MemberAccess(new LocalVariableReference(lv_converted, loc), "Equals"), equals_arguments);

                expl_block.AddStatement(new Return(equals_invocation, loc));

                var catch_block = new ExplicitBlock(top_block, loc, loc);

                catch_block.AddStatement(new Return(new BoolLiteral(Compiler.BuiltinTypes, false, loc), loc));
                top_block.AddStatement(new TryCatch(expl_block, new List <Catch> ()
                    new Catch(catch_block, loc)
                }, loc, false));


Пример #31
		public Arguments Clone (CloneContext ctx)
			Arguments cloned = new Arguments (args.Count);
			foreach (Argument a in args)
				cloned.Add (a.Clone (ctx));

			return cloned;
Пример #32
        public ArrayInitializer CreateDynamicBinderArguments(ResolveContext rc)
            Location loc = Location.Null;
            var      all = new ArrayInitializer(args.Count, loc);

            MemberAccess binder = DynamicExpressionStatement.GetBinderNamespace(loc);

            foreach (Argument a in args)
                Arguments dargs = new Arguments(2);

                // CSharpArgumentInfoFlags.None = 0
                const string info_flags_enum = "CSharpArgumentInfoFlags";
                Expression   info_flags      = new IntLiteral(rc.BuiltinTypes, 0, loc);

                if (a.Expr is Constant)
                    info_flags = new Binary(Binary.Operator.BitwiseOr, info_flags,
                                            new MemberAccess(new MemberAccess(binder, info_flags_enum, loc), "Constant", loc));
                else if (a.ArgType == Argument.AType.Ref)
                    info_flags = new Binary(Binary.Operator.BitwiseOr, info_flags,
                                            new MemberAccess(new MemberAccess(binder, info_flags_enum, loc), "IsRef", loc));
                    info_flags = new Binary(Binary.Operator.BitwiseOr, info_flags,
                                            new MemberAccess(new MemberAccess(binder, info_flags_enum, loc), "UseCompileTimeType", loc));
                else if (a.ArgType == Argument.AType.Out)
                    info_flags = new Binary(Binary.Operator.BitwiseOr, info_flags,
                                            new MemberAccess(new MemberAccess(binder, info_flags_enum, loc), "IsOut", loc));
                    info_flags = new Binary(Binary.Operator.BitwiseOr, info_flags,
                                            new MemberAccess(new MemberAccess(binder, info_flags_enum, loc), "UseCompileTimeType", loc));
                else if (a.ArgType == Argument.AType.DynamicTypeName)
                    info_flags = new Binary(Binary.Operator.BitwiseOr, info_flags,
                                            new MemberAccess(new MemberAccess(binder, info_flags_enum, loc), "IsStaticType", loc));

                var arg_type = a.Expr.Type;

                if (arg_type.BuiltinType != BuiltinTypeSpec.Type.Dynamic && arg_type != InternalType.NullLiteral)
                    MethodGroupExpr mg = a.Expr as MethodGroupExpr;
                    if (mg != null)
                        rc.Report.Error(1976, a.Expr.Location,
                                        "The method group `{0}' cannot be used as an argument of dynamic operation. Consider using parentheses to invoke the method",
                    else if (arg_type == InternalType.AnonymousMethod)
                        rc.Report.Error(1977, a.Expr.Location,
                                        "An anonymous method or lambda expression cannot be used as an argument of dynamic operation. Consider using a cast");
                    else if (arg_type.Kind == MemberKind.Void || arg_type == InternalType.Arglist || arg_type.IsPointer)
                        rc.Report.Error(1978, a.Expr.Location,
                                        "An expression of type `{0}' cannot be used as an argument of dynamic operation",

                    info_flags = new Binary(Binary.Operator.BitwiseOr, info_flags,
                                            new MemberAccess(new MemberAccess(binder, info_flags_enum, loc), "UseCompileTimeType", loc));

                string        named_value;
                NamedArgument na = a as NamedArgument;
                if (na != null)
                    info_flags = new Binary(Binary.Operator.BitwiseOr, info_flags,
                                            new MemberAccess(new MemberAccess(binder, info_flags_enum, loc), "NamedArgument", loc));

                    named_value = na.Name;
                    named_value = null;

                dargs.Add(new Argument(info_flags));
                dargs.Add(new Argument(new StringLiteral(rc.BuiltinTypes, named_value, loc)));
                all.Add(new Invocation(new MemberAccess(new MemberAccess(binder, "CSharpArgumentInfo", loc), "Create", loc), dargs));

Пример #33
        public Expression CreateCallSiteBinder(ResolveContext ec, Arguments args)
            Arguments binder_args = new Arguments (3);

            binder_args.Add (new Argument (new BinderFlags (0, this)));
            binder_args.Add (new Argument (new TypeOf (new TypeExpression (ec.CurrentType, loc), loc)));
            binder_args.Add (new Argument (new ImplicitlyTypedArrayCreation ("[]", args.CreateDynamicBinderArguments (ec), loc)));

            return new Invocation (GetBinder ("InvokeConstructor", loc), binder_args);
Пример #34
        protected override Expression ResolveConversions(ResolveContext ec)
            // LAMESPEC: Under dynamic context no target conversion is happening
            // This allows more natual dynamic behaviour but breaks compatibility
            // with static binding
            if (target is RuntimeValueExpression)

            TypeSpec target_type = target.Type;

            // 1. the return type is implicitly convertible to the type of target
            if (Convert.ImplicitConversionExists(ec, source, target_type))
                source = Convert.ImplicitConversion(ec, source, target_type, loc);

            // Otherwise, if the selected operator is a predefined operator
            Binary b = source as Binary;

            if (b == null)
                if (source is ReducedExpression)
                    b = ((ReducedExpression)source).OriginalExpression as Binary;
                else if (source is ReducedExpression.ReducedConstantExpression)
                    b = ((ReducedExpression.ReducedConstantExpression)source).OriginalExpression as Binary;
                else if (source is Nullable.LiftedBinaryOperator)
                    var po = ((Nullable.LiftedBinaryOperator)source);
                    if (po.UserOperator == null)
                        b = po.Binary;
                else if (source is TypeCast)
                    b = ((TypeCast)source).Child as Binary;

            if (b != null)
                // 2a. the operator is a shift operator
                // 2b. the return type is explicitly convertible to the type of x, and
                // y is implicitly convertible to the type of x
                if ((b.Oper & Binary.Operator.ShiftMask) != 0 ||
                    Convert.ImplicitConversionExists(ec, right, target_type))
                    source = Convert.ExplicitConversion(ec, source, target_type, loc);

            if (source.Type.BuiltinType == BuiltinTypeSpec.Type.Dynamic)
                Arguments arg = new Arguments(1);
                arg.Add(new Argument(source));
                return(new SimpleAssign(target, new DynamicConversion(target_type, CSharpBinderFlags.ConvertExplicit, arg, loc), loc).Resolve(ec));

            right.Error_ValueCannotBeConverted(ec, target_type, false);
Пример #35
        public Expression CreateCallSiteBinder(ResolveContext ec, Arguments args)
            Arguments binder_args = new Arguments (3);

            binder_args.Add (new Argument (new BinderFlags (0, this)));
            binder_args.Add (new Argument (new StringLiteral (name, loc)));
            binder_args.Add (new Argument (new TypeOf (new TypeExpression (ec.CurrentType, loc), loc)));

            return new Invocation (GetBinder ("IsEvent", loc), binder_args);
Пример #36
        protected override Expression DoResolve(ResolveContext ec)
            right = right.Resolve(ec);
            if (right == null)

            MemberAccess ma = target as MemberAccess;

            using (ec.Set(ResolveContext.Options.CompoundAssignmentScope)) {
                target = target.Resolve(ec);

            if (target == null)

            if (target is MethodGroupExpr)
                ec.Report.Error(1656, loc,
                                "Cannot assign to `{0}' because it is a `{1}'",
                                ((MethodGroupExpr)target).Name, target.ExprClassName);

            var event_expr = target as EventExpr;

            if (event_expr != null)
                source = Convert.ImplicitConversionRequired(ec, right, target.Type, loc);
                if (source == null)

                Expression rside;
                if (op == Binary.Operator.Addition)
                    rside = EmptyExpression.EventAddition;
                else if (op == Binary.Operator.Subtraction)
                    rside = EmptyExpression.EventSubtraction;
                    rside = null;

                target = target.ResolveLValue(ec, rside);
                if (target == null)

                eclass = ExprClass.Value;
                type   = event_expr.Operator.ReturnType;

            // Only now we can decouple the original source/target
            // into a tree, to guarantee that we do not have side
            // effects.
            if (left == null)
                left = new TargetExpression(target);

            source = new Binary(op, left, right, true);

            if (target is DynamicMemberAssignable)
                Arguments targs = ((DynamicMemberAssignable)target).Arguments;
                source = source.Resolve(ec);

                Arguments args = new Arguments(targs.Count + 1);
                args.Add(new Argument(source));

                var binder_flags = CSharpBinderFlags.ValueFromCompoundAssignment;

                // Compound assignment does target conversion using additional method
                // call, set checked context as the binary operation can overflow
                if (ec.HasSet(ResolveContext.Options.CheckedScope))
                    binder_flags |= CSharpBinderFlags.CheckedContext;

                if (target is DynamicMemberBinder)
                    source = new DynamicMemberBinder(ma.Name, binder_flags, args, loc).Resolve(ec);

                    // Handles possible event addition/subtraction
                    if (op == Binary.Operator.Addition || op == Binary.Operator.Subtraction)
                        args = new Arguments(targs.Count + 1);
                        args.Add(new Argument(right));
                        string method_prefix = op == Binary.Operator.Addition ?
                                               Event.AEventAccessor.AddPrefix : Event.AEventAccessor.RemovePrefix;

                        var invoke = DynamicInvocation.CreateSpecialNameInvoke(
                            new MemberAccess(right, method_prefix + ma.Name, loc), args, loc).Resolve(ec);

                        args = new Arguments(targs.Count);
                        source = new DynamicEventCompoundAssign(ma.Name, args,
                                                                (ExpressionStatement)source, (ExpressionStatement)invoke, loc).Resolve(ec);
                    source = new DynamicIndexBinder(binder_flags, args, loc).Resolve(ec);


Пример #37
        public Expression CreateCallSiteBinder(ResolveContext ec, Arguments args)
            Arguments binder_args = new Arguments (member != null ? 5 : 3);
            bool is_member_access = member is MemberAccess;

            CSharpBinderFlags call_flags;
            if (!is_member_access && member is SimpleName) {
                call_flags = CSharpBinderFlags.InvokeSimpleName;
                is_member_access = true;
            } else {
                call_flags = 0;

            binder_args.Add (new Argument (new BinderFlags (call_flags, this)));

            if (is_member_access)
                binder_args.Add (new Argument (new StringLiteral (member.Name, member.Location)));

            if (member != null && member.HasTypeArguments) {
                TypeArguments ta = member.TypeArguments;
                if (ta.Resolve (ec)) {
                    var targs = new ArrayInitializer (ta.Count, loc);
                    foreach (TypeSpec t in ta.Arguments)
                        targs.Add (new TypeOf (new TypeExpression (t, loc), loc));

                    binder_args.Add (new Argument (new ImplicitlyTypedArrayCreation ("[]", targs, loc)));
            } else if (is_member_access) {
                binder_args.Add (new Argument (new NullLiteral (loc)));

            binder_args.Add (new Argument (new TypeOf (new TypeExpression (ec.CurrentType, loc), loc)));

            Expression real_args;
            if (args == null) {
                // Cannot be null because .NET trips over
                real_args = new ArrayCreation (
                    new MemberAccess (GetBinderNamespace (loc), "CSharpArgumentInfo", loc), "[]",
                    new ArrayInitializer (0, loc), loc);
            } else {
                real_args = new ImplicitlyTypedArrayCreation ("[]", args.CreateDynamicBinderArguments (ec), loc);

            binder_args.Add (new Argument (real_args));

            return new Invocation (GetBinder (is_member_access ? "InvokeMember" : "Invoke", loc), binder_args);
Пример #38
        protected override Expression DoResolve(ResolveContext rc)
//			BEN: This won't work because the returned type won't pass Mono's type checkers.
//			if (rc.Target == Target.JavaScript) {
//				this.type = rc.Module.PredefinedTypes.AsArray.Resolve();
//				this.eclass = ExprClass.Value;
//				foreach (var elem in Elements)
//					elem.Resolve (rc);
//				return this;
//			}

            // Attempt to build simple const initializer
            bool     is_const_init = false;
            TypeSpec const_type    = null;

            if (elements.Count > 0)
                is_const_init = true;
                const_type    = vectorType != null?vectorType.ResolveAsType(rc) : null;

                foreach (var elem in elements)
                    if (elem == null)
                        is_const_init = false;
                    if (!(elem is Constant) && !(elem is Unary && ((Unary)elem).Expr is Constant))
                        is_const_init = false;
                    TypeSpec elemType = elem.Type;
                    if (vectorType == null)
                        if (elemType == null)
                            is_const_init = false;
                        if (const_type == null)
                            const_type = BuiltinTypeSpec.IsPrimitiveType(elemType) ? elemType : rc.BuiltinTypes.Object;
                        if (const_type != elemType)
                            if (((const_type == rc.BuiltinTypes.Int || const_type == rc.BuiltinTypes.UInt) && elemType == rc.BuiltinTypes.Double) ||
                                (const_type == rc.BuiltinTypes.Double && (elemType == rc.BuiltinTypes.Int || elemType == rc.BuiltinTypes.UInt)))
                                const_type = rc.BuiltinTypes.Double;
                                const_type = rc.BuiltinTypes.Object;

            TypeExpression type;

            if (vectorType != null)               // For new <Type> [ initializer ] expressions..
                var elemTypeSpec = vectorType.ResolveAsType(rc);
                if (elemTypeSpec != null)
                    type = new TypeExpression(
                        rc.Module.PredefinedTypes.AsVector.Resolve().MakeGenericType(rc, new [] { elemTypeSpec }), Location);
                    type = new TypeExpression(rc.Module.PredefinedTypes.AsArray.Resolve(), Location);
                type = new TypeExpression(rc.Module.PredefinedTypes.AsArray.Resolve(), Location);

            TypeSpec typeSpec = type.ResolveAsType(rc.MemberContext);

            if (typeSpec.IsArray)
                ArrayCreation arrayCreate = (ArrayCreation) new ArrayCreation(type, this).Resolve(rc);
            else if (is_const_init)
                // If all elements in the initializer list are simple constants, we just pass the elements in a .NET array to the
                // PS Array initializer.
                var newArgs = new Arguments(1);
                newArgs.Add(new Argument(new ArrayCreation(new TypeExpression(const_type, loc), this, loc)));
                return(new New(type, newArgs, loc).Resolve(rc));
                var initElems = new List <Expression>();
                foreach (var e in elements)
                    initElems.Add(new CollectionElementInitializer(e));
                return(new NewInitialize(type, null,
                                         new CollectionOrObjectInitializers(initElems, Location), Location).Resolve(rc));
Пример #39
        protected override Expression CreateCallSiteBinder(ResolveContext ec, Arguments args, bool isSet)
            Arguments binder_args = new Arguments (4);

            binder_args.Add (new Argument (new BinderFlags (0, this)));
            binder_args.Add (new Argument (new StringLiteral (name, loc)));
            binder_args.Add (new Argument (new TypeOf (new TypeExpression (ec.CurrentType, loc), loc)));
            binder_args.Add (new Argument (new ImplicitlyTypedArrayCreation ("[]", args.CreateDynamicBinderArguments (ec), loc)));

            return new Invocation (GetBinder (isSet ? "SetMember" : "GetMember", loc), binder_args);
Пример #40
		protected override Expression DoResolve (ResolveContext ec)
			Expression clone = source.Clone (new CloneContext ());

			clone = clone.Resolve (ec);
			if (clone == null)
				return null;

			// A useful feature for the REPL: if we can resolve the expression
			// as a type, Describe the type;
			if (ec.Module.Evaluator.DescribeTypeExpressions && !(ec.CurrentAnonymousMethod is AsyncInitializer)) {
				var old_printer = ec.Report.SetPrinter (new SessionReportPrinter ());
				Expression tclone;
				try {
					// Note: clone context cannot be shared otherwise block mapping would leak
					tclone = source.Clone (new CloneContext ());
					tclone = tclone.Resolve (ec, ResolveFlags.Type);
					if (ec.Report.Errors > 0)
						tclone = null;
				} finally {
					ec.Report.SetPrinter (old_printer);

				if (tclone is TypeExpr) {
					Arguments args = new Arguments (1);
					args.Add (new Argument (new TypeOf ((TypeExpr) clone, Location)));
					return new Invocation (new SimpleName ("Describe", Location), args).Resolve (ec);

			// This means its really a statement.
			if (clone.Type.Kind == MemberKind.Void || clone is DynamicInvocation || clone is Assign) {
				return clone;

			source = clone;

			var host = (Method) ec.MemberContext.CurrentMemberDefinition;

			if (host.ParameterInfo.IsEmpty) {
				eclass = ExprClass.Value;
				type = InternalType.FakeInternalType;
				return this;

			target = new SimpleName (host.ParameterInfo[0].Name, Location);

			return base.DoResolve (ec);
Пример #41
		protected override Expression DoResolve (ResolveContext ec)
			right = right.Resolve (ec);
			if (right == null)
				return null;

			MemberAccess ma = target as MemberAccess;
			using (ec.Set (ResolveContext.Options.CompoundAssignmentScope)) {
				target = target.Resolve (ec);
			if (target == null)
				return null;

			if (target is MethodGroupExpr){
				ec.Report.Error (1656, loc,
					"Cannot assign to `{0}' because it is a `{1}'",
					((MethodGroupExpr)target).Name, target.ExprClassName);
				return null;

			var event_expr = target as EventExpr;
			if (event_expr != null) {
				source = Convert.ImplicitConversionRequired (ec, right, target.Type, loc);
				if (source == null)
					return null;

				Expression rside;
				if (op == Binary.Operator.Addition)
					rside = EmptyExpression.EventAddition;
				else if (op == Binary.Operator.Subtraction)
					rside = EmptyExpression.EventSubtraction;
					rside = null;

				target = target.ResolveLValue (ec, rside);
				if (target == null)
					return null;

				eclass = ExprClass.Value;
				type = event_expr.Operator.ReturnType;
				return this;

			// Only now we can decouple the original source/target
			// into a tree, to guarantee that we do not have side
			// effects.
			if (left == null)
				left = new TargetExpression (target);

			source = new Binary (op, left, right, true);

			if (target is DynamicMemberAssignable) {
				Arguments targs = ((DynamicMemberAssignable) target).Arguments;
				source = source.Resolve (ec);

				Arguments args = new Arguments (targs.Count + 1);
				args.AddRange (targs);
				args.Add (new Argument (source));

				var binder_flags = CSharpBinderFlags.ValueFromCompoundAssignment;

				// Compound assignment does target conversion using additional method
				// call, set checked context as the binary operation can overflow
				if (ec.HasSet (ResolveContext.Options.CheckedScope))
					binder_flags |= CSharpBinderFlags.CheckedContext;

				if (target is DynamicMemberBinder) {
					source = new DynamicMemberBinder (ma.Name, binder_flags, args, loc).Resolve (ec);

					// Handles possible event addition/subtraction
					if (op == Binary.Operator.Addition || op == Binary.Operator.Subtraction) {
						args = new Arguments (targs.Count + 1);
						args.AddRange (targs);
						args.Add (new Argument (right));
						string method_prefix = op == Binary.Operator.Addition ?
							Event.AEventAccessor.AddPrefix : Event.AEventAccessor.RemovePrefix;

						var invoke = DynamicInvocation.CreateSpecialNameInvoke (
							new MemberAccess (right, method_prefix + ma.Name, loc), args, loc).Resolve (ec);

						args = new Arguments (targs.Count);
						args.AddRange (targs);
						source = new DynamicEventCompoundAssign (ma.Name, args,
							(ExpressionStatement) source, (ExpressionStatement) invoke, loc).Resolve (ec);
				} else {
					source = new DynamicIndexBinder (binder_flags, args, loc).Resolve (ec);

				return source;

			return base.DoResolve (ec);
Пример #42
		public override Expression CreateExpressionTree (ResolveContext ec)
			Arguments args = new Arguments (2);
			args.Add (new Argument (this));
			args.Add (new Argument (new TypeOf (type, loc)));

			return CreateExpressionFactoryCall (ec, "Constant", args);
Пример #43
			void FabricateBodyStatement ()
				// Delegate obj1 = backing_field
				// do {
				//   Delegate obj2 = obj1;
				//   obj1 = Interlocked.CompareExchange (ref backing_field, Delegate.Combine|Remove(obj2, value), obj1);
				// } while ((object)obj1 != (object)obj2)

				var field_info = ((EventField) method).backing_field;
				FieldExpr f_expr = new FieldExpr (field_info, Location);
				if (!IsStatic)
					f_expr.InstanceExpression = new CompilerGeneratedThis (Parent.CurrentType, Location);

				var obj1 = LocalVariable.CreateCompilerGenerated (field_info.MemberType, block, Location);
				var obj2 = LocalVariable.CreateCompilerGenerated (field_info.MemberType, block, Location);

				block.AddStatement (new StatementExpression (new SimpleAssign (new LocalVariableReference (obj1, Location), f_expr)));

				var cond = new BooleanExpression (new Binary (Binary.Operator.Inequality,
					new Cast (new TypeExpression (Module.Compiler.BuiltinTypes.Object, Location), new LocalVariableReference (obj1, Location), Location),
					new Cast (new TypeExpression (Module.Compiler.BuiltinTypes.Object, Location), new LocalVariableReference (obj2, Location), Location)));

				var body = new ExplicitBlock (block, Location, Location);
				block.AddStatement (new Do (body, cond, Location, Location));

				body.AddStatement (new StatementExpression (
					new SimpleAssign (new LocalVariableReference (obj2, Location), new LocalVariableReference (obj1, Location))));

				var args_oper = new Arguments (2);
				args_oper.Add (new Argument (new LocalVariableReference (obj2, Location)));
				args_oper.Add (new Argument (block.GetParameterReference (0, Location)));

				var op_method = GetOperation (Location);

				var args = new Arguments (3);
				args.Add (new Argument (f_expr, Argument.AType.Ref));
				args.Add (new Argument (new Cast (
					new TypeExpression (field_info.MemberType, Location),
					new Invocation (MethodGroupExpr.CreatePredefined (op_method, op_method.DeclaringType, Location), args_oper),
				args.Add (new Argument (new LocalVariableReference (obj1, Location)));

				var cas = Module.PredefinedMembers.InterlockedCompareExchange_T.Resolve (Location);
				if (cas == null)

				body.AddStatement (new StatementExpression (new SimpleAssign (
					new LocalVariableReference (obj1, Location),
					new Invocation (MethodGroupExpr.CreatePredefined (cas, cas.DeclaringType, Location), args))));
Пример #44
        public Expression CreateCallSiteBinder(ResolveContext ec, Arguments args)
            Arguments    binder_args      = new Arguments(member != null ? 5 : 3);
            MemberAccess binder           = GetBinderNamespace(loc);
            bool         is_member_access = member is MemberAccess;

            string call_flags;

            if (!is_member_access && member is SimpleName)
                call_flags       = "SimpleNameCall";
                is_member_access = true;
                call_flags = "None";

            binder_args.Add(new Argument(new MemberAccess(new MemberAccess(binder, "CSharpCallFlags", loc), call_flags, loc)));

            if (is_member_access)
                binder_args.Add(new Argument(new StringLiteral(member.Name, member.Location)));

            binder_args.Add(new Argument(new TypeOf(new TypeExpression(ec.CurrentType, loc), loc)));

            if (member != null && member.HasTypeArguments)
                TypeArguments ta = member.TypeArguments;
                if (ta.Resolve(ec))
                    ArrayList targs = new ArrayList(ta.Count);
                    foreach (Type t in ta.Arguments)
                        targs.Add(new TypeOf(new TypeExpression(t, loc), loc));

                    binder_args.Add(new Argument(new ImplicitlyTypedArrayCreation("[]", targs, loc)));
            else if (is_member_access)
                binder_args.Add(new Argument(new NullLiteral(loc)));

            Expression real_args;

            if (args == null)
                // Cannot be null because .NET trips over
                real_args = new ArrayCreation(new MemberAccess(binder, "CSharpArgumentInfo", loc), "[]", new ArrayList(0), loc);
                real_args = new ImplicitlyTypedArrayCreation("[]", args.CreateDynamicBinderArguments(), loc);

            binder_args.Add(new Argument(real_args));

            return(new New(new MemberAccess(binder,
                                            is_member_access ? "CSharpInvokeMemberBinder" : "CSharpInvokeBinder", loc), binder_args, loc));
Пример #45
		protected override Expression DoResolve (ResolveContext ec)
			Expression clone = source.Clone (new CloneContext ());

			clone = clone.Resolve (ec);
			if (clone == null)
				return null;

			// A useful feature for the REPL: if we can resolve the expression
			// as a type, Describe the type;
			if (ec.Module.Evaluator.DescribeTypeExpressions){
				var old_printer = ec.Report.SetPrinter (new SessionReportPrinter ());
				Expression tclone;
				try {
					// Note: clone context cannot be shared otherwise block mapping would leak
					tclone = source.Clone (new CloneContext ());
					tclone = tclone.Resolve (ec, ResolveFlags.Type);
					if (ec.Report.Errors > 0)
						tclone = null;
				} finally {
					ec.Report.SetPrinter (old_printer);

				if (tclone is TypeExpr) {
					Arguments args = new Arguments (1);
					args.Add (new Argument (new TypeOf ((TypeExpr) clone, Location)));
					return new Invocation (new SimpleName ("Describe", Location), args).Resolve (ec);

			// This means its really a statement.
			if (clone.Type.Kind == MemberKind.Void || clone is DynamicInvocation || clone is Assign) {
				return clone;

			source = clone;
			return base.DoResolve (ec);
Пример #46
		protected override Expression CreateCallSiteBinder (ResolveContext ec, Arguments args, bool isSet)
			Arguments binder_args = new Arguments (4);

			binder_args.Add (new Argument (new BinderFlags (flags, this)));
			binder_args.Add (new Argument (new StringLiteral (ec.BuiltinTypes, name, loc)));
			binder_args.Add (new Argument (new TypeOf (ec.CurrentType, loc)));
			binder_args.Add (new Argument (new ImplicitlyTypedArrayCreation (args.CreateDynamicBinderArguments (ec), loc)));

			isSet |= (flags & CSharpBinderFlags.ValueFromCompoundAssignment) != 0;
			return new Invocation (GetBinder (isSet ? "SetMember" : "GetMember", loc), binder_args);
Пример #47
		public override Expression CreateExpressionTree (ResolveContext ec)
			if (type == InternalType.NullLiteral || type.BuiltinType == BuiltinTypeSpec.Type.Object) {
				// Optimized version, also avoids referencing literal internal type
				Arguments args = new Arguments (1);
				args.Add (new Argument (this));
				return CreateExpressionFactoryCall (ec, "Constant", args);

			return base.CreateExpressionTree (ec);
Пример #48
		protected virtual Arguments CreateSetterArguments (ResolveContext rc, Expression rhs)
			var setter_args = new Arguments (Arguments.Count + 1);
			setter_args.AddRange (Arguments);
			setter_args.Add (new Argument (rhs));
			return setter_args;
Пример #49
		protected override Expression DoResolve (ResolveContext ec)
			CloneContext cc = new CloneContext ();
			Expression clone = source.Clone (cc);

			// A useful feature for the REPL: if we can resolve the expression
			// as a type, Describe the type;
			if (Evaluator.DescribeTypeExpressions){
				var old_printer = Evaluator.SetPrinter (new StreamReportPrinter (TextWriter.Null));
				clone = clone.Resolve (ec);
				if (clone == null){
					clone = source.Clone (cc);
					clone = clone.Resolve (ec, ResolveFlags.Type);
					if (clone == null){
						Evaluator.SetPrinter (old_printer);
						clone = source.Clone (cc);
						clone = clone.Resolve (ec);
						return null;
					Arguments args = new Arguments (1);
					args.Add (new Argument (new TypeOf ((TypeExpr) clone, Location)));
					source = new Invocation (new SimpleName ("Describe", Location), args).Resolve (ec);
				Evaluator.SetPrinter (old_printer);
			} else {
				clone = clone.Resolve (ec);
				if (clone == null)
					return null;
			// This means its really a statement.
			if (clone.Type == TypeManager.void_type){
				source = source.Resolve (ec);
				target = null;
				type = TypeManager.void_type;
				eclass = ExprClass.Value;
				return this;

			return base.DoResolve (ec);
Пример #50
		protected override Expression ResolveConversions (ResolveContext ec)
			TypeSpec target_type = target.Type;

			// 1. the return type is implicitly convertible to the type of target
			if (Convert.ImplicitConversionExists (ec, source, target_type)) {
				source = Convert.ImplicitConversion (ec, source, target_type, loc);
				return this;

			// Otherwise, if the selected operator is a predefined operator
			Binary b = source as Binary;
			if (b != null) {
				// 2a. the operator is a shift operator
				// 2b. the return type is explicitly convertible to the type of x, and
				// y is implicitly convertible to the type of x
				if ((b.Oper & Binary.Operator.ShiftMask) != 0 ||
					Convert.ImplicitConversionExists (ec, right, target_type)) {
					source = Convert.ExplicitConversion (ec, source, target_type, loc);
					return this;

			if (source.Type == InternalType.Dynamic) {
				Arguments arg = new Arguments (1);
				arg.Add (new Argument (source));
				return new SimpleAssign (target, new DynamicConversion (target_type, CSharpBinderFlags.ConvertExplicit, arg, loc), loc).Resolve (ec);

			right.Error_ValueCannotBeConverted (ec, loc, target_type, false);
			return null;
Пример #51
			public override Expression CreateExpressionTree (ResolveContext ec)
				var args = new Arguments (1);
				args.Add (new Argument (expr.CreateExpressionTree (ec)));
				return CreateExpressionFactoryCall (ec, "Quote", args);
Пример #52
        public override Expression DoResolve(ResolveContext ec)
            right = right.Resolve(ec);
            if (right == null)

            MemberAccess ma = target as MemberAccess;

            using (ec.Set(ResolveContext.Options.CompoundAssignmentScope)) {
                target = target.Resolve(ec);

            if (target == null)

            if (target is MethodGroupExpr)
                ec.Report.Error(1656, loc,
                                "Cannot assign to `{0}' because it is a `{1}'",
                                ((MethodGroupExpr)target).Name, target.ExprClassName);

            if (target is EventExpr)
                return(new EventAddOrRemove(target, op, right, loc).DoResolve(ec));

            // Only now we can decouple the original source/target
            // into a tree, to guarantee that we do not have side
            // effects.
            if (left == null)
                left = new TargetExpression(target);

            source = new Binary(op, left, right, true);

            // TODO: TargetExpression breaks MemberAccess composition
            if (target is DynamicMemberBinder)
                Arguments targs = ((DynamicMemberBinder)target).Arguments;
                source = source.Resolve(ec);

                Arguments args = new Arguments(2);
                args.Add(new Argument(source));
                source = new DynamicMemberBinder(true, ma.Name, args, loc).Resolve(ec);

                // Handles possible event addition/subtraction
                if (op == Binary.Operator.Addition || op == Binary.Operator.Subtraction)
                    args = new Arguments(2);
                    args.Add(new Argument(right));
                    string method_prefix = op == Binary.Operator.Addition ?
                                           Event.AEventAccessor.AddPrefix : Event.AEventAccessor.RemovePrefix;

                    Expression invoke = new DynamicInvocation(
                        new MemberAccess(right, method_prefix + ma.Name, loc), args, loc).Resolve(ec);

                    args = new Arguments(1);
                    source = new DynamicEventCompoundAssign(ma.Name, args,
                                                            (ExpressionStatement)source, (ExpressionStatement)invoke, loc).Resolve(ec);

