Пример #1
 /// <summary>
 /// Gets the type of the node.
 /// </summary>
 /// <returns>
 /// The node type.
 /// </returns>
 /// <remarks>
 /// This method only works when the add-in description to which the node belongs has been
 /// loaded from an add-in registry.
 /// </remarks>
 public ExtensionNodeType GetNodeType()
     if (Parent is Extension)
         Extension ext = (Extension)Parent;
         object    ob  = ext.GetExtendedObject();
         if (ob is ExtensionPoint)
             ExtensionPoint ep = (ExtensionPoint)ob;
             return(ep.NodeSet.GetAllowedNodeTypes() [NodeName]);
         else if (ob is ExtensionNodeDescription)
             ExtensionNodeDescription pn = (ExtensionNodeDescription)ob;
             ExtensionNodeType        pt = ((ExtensionNodeDescription)pn).GetNodeType();
             if (pt != null)
                 return(pt.GetAllowedNodeTypes() [NodeName]);
     else if (Parent is ExtensionNodeDescription)
         ExtensionNodeType pt = ((ExtensionNodeDescription)Parent).GetNodeType();
         if (pt != null)
             return(pt.GetAllowedNodeTypes() [NodeName]);
Пример #2
        void IBinaryXmlElement.Read(BinaryXmlReader reader)
            id              = reader.ReadStringValue("id");
            ns              = reader.ReadStringValue("ns");
            isroot          = reader.ReadBooleanValue("isroot");
            name            = reader.ReadStringValue("name");
            version         = reader.ReadStringValue("version");
            compatVersion   = reader.ReadStringValue("compatVersion");
            hasUserId       = reader.ReadBooleanValue("hasUserId");
            author          = reader.ReadStringValue("author");
            url             = reader.ReadStringValue("url");
            copyright       = reader.ReadStringValue("copyright");
            description     = reader.ReadStringValue("description");
            category        = reader.ReadStringValue("category");
            basePath        = reader.ReadStringValue("basePath");
            sourceAddinFile = reader.ReadStringValue("sourceAddinFile");
            defaultEnabled  = reader.ReadBooleanValue("defaultEnabled");
            domain          = reader.ReadStringValue("domain");
            mainModule      = (ModuleDescription)reader.ReadValue("MainModule");
            optionalModules = (ModuleCollection)reader.ReadValue("OptionalModules", new ModuleCollection(this));
            nodeSets        = (ExtensionNodeSetCollection)reader.ReadValue("NodeSets", new ExtensionNodeSetCollection(this));
            extensionPoints = (ExtensionPointCollection)reader.ReadValue("ExtensionPoints", new ExtensionPointCollection(this));
            conditionTypes  = (ConditionTypeDescriptionCollection)reader.ReadValue("ConditionTypes", new ConditionTypeDescriptionCollection(this));
            fileInfo        = (object[])reader.ReadValue("FilesInfo", null);
            localizer       = (ExtensionNodeDescription)reader.ReadValue("Localizer");
            flags           = (AddinFlags)reader.ReadInt32Value("flags");
            properties      = (AddinPropertyCollectionImpl)reader.ReadValue("Properties", new AddinPropertyCollectionImpl());

            if (mainModule != null)
Пример #3
		public NodeEditorWidget (DotNetProject project, AddinRegistry reg, ExtensionNodeType ntype, AddinDescription parentAddinDescription, string parentPath, ExtensionNodeDescription node)
			this.node = node;
			this.project = project;
			tips = new Tooltips ();
			Spacing = 0;
			// Header
			Label label = new Label ();
			label.Wrap = true;
			label.WidthRequest = 480;
			string txt = "<b>" + node.NodeName + "</b>";
			if (ntype.Description.Length > 0)
				txt += "\n" + GLib.Markup.EscapeText (ntype.Description);
			label.Markup = txt;
			label.Xalign = 0f;
			PackStart (label, false, false, 6);
			PackStart (new HSeparator (), false, false, 0);
			// Attributes
			grid = new PropertyGrid ();
			grid.CurrentObject = new NodeWrapper (project, reg, ntype, parentAddinDescription, parentPath, node);
			PackStart (grid, true, true, 0);
			ShowAll ();
			grid.ShowHelp = true;
			grid.ShowToolbar = false;
Пример #4
        void VerifyNode(string location, ExtensionNodeDescription node, StringCollection errors)
            string id = node.GetAttribute("id");

            if (id.Length > 0)
                id = "(" + id + ")";
            if (node.NodeName == "Condition" && node.GetAttribute("id").Length == 0)
                errors.Add(location + node.NodeName + id + ": Missing 'id' attribute in Condition element.");
            if (node.NodeName == "ComplexCondition")
                if (node.ChildNodes.Count > 0)
                    VerifyConditionNode(location, node.ChildNodes[0], errors);
                    for (int n = 1; n < node.ChildNodes.Count; n++)
                        VerifyNode(location + node.NodeName + id + "/", node.ChildNodes[n], errors);
                    errors.Add(location + "ComplexCondition: Missing child condition in ComplexCondition element.");
            foreach (ExtensionNodeDescription cnode in node.ChildNodes)
                VerifyNode(location + node.NodeName + id + "/", cnode, errors);
Пример #5
		public void Fill (ExtensionNodeDescription node)
			ExtensionNodeType ntype = node.GetNodeType ();
			labelName.Markup = "<small>Extension Node</small>\n<big><b>" + GLib.Markup.EscapeText (ntype.NodeName) + "</b></big>";
			if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty (ntype.Description))
				labelDesc.Text = ntype.Description;
				labelDesc.Text = AddinManager.CurrentLocalizer.GetString ("No additional documentation");
			uint row = 0;
			foreach (var att in node.Attributes) {
				Gtk.Label lab = new Gtk.Label ();
				lab.Markup = "<b>" + GLib.Markup.EscapeText (att.Name) + ":</b>";
				lab.UseUnderline = false;
				lab.Xalign = 0;
				tableAtts.Attach (lab, 0, 1, row, row + 1);
				Gtk.Table.TableChild ct = (Gtk.Table.TableChild) tableAtts [lab];
				ct.XOptions = Gtk.AttachOptions.Fill;
				lab = new Gtk.Label (att.Value);
				lab.UseUnderline = false;
				lab.Xalign = 0;
				lab.Wrap = true;
				tableAtts.Attach (lab, 1, 2, row, row + 1);
				ct = (Gtk.Table.TableChild) tableAtts [lab];
				ct.XOptions = Gtk.AttachOptions.Fill;
			tableAtts.ShowAll ();
        public ExtensionNodeDescription AddExtensionNode(string path, string nodeName)
            ExtensionNodeDescription node = new ExtensionNodeDescription(nodeName);

Пример #7
        internal ExtensionNodeDescription FindExtensionNode(string path, bool lookInDeps)
            // Look in the extensions of this add-in

            foreach (Extension ext in MainModule.Extensions)
                if (path.StartsWith(ext.Path + "/"))
                    string subp = path.Substring(ext.Path.Length).Trim('/');
                    ExtensionNodeDescriptionCollection nodes = ext.ExtensionNodes;
                    ExtensionNodeDescription           node  = null;
                    foreach (string p in subp.Split('/'))
                        if (p.Length == 0)
                        node = nodes [p];
                        if (node == null)
                        nodes = node.ChildNodes;
                    if (node != null)

            if (!lookInDeps || OwnerDatabase == null)

            // Look in dependencies

            foreach (Dependency dep in MainModule.Dependencies)
                AddinDependency adep = dep as AddinDependency;
                if (adep == null)
                Addin ad = OwnerDatabase.GetInstalledAddin(Domain, adep.FullAddinId);
                if (ad != null && ad.Description != null)
                    ExtensionNodeDescription node = ad.Description.FindExtensionNode(path, false);
                    if (node != null)
Пример #8
		public NodeEditorDialog (DotNetProject project, AddinRegistry reg, ExtensionNodeType ntype, AddinDescription parentAddinDescription, string parentPath, ExtensionNodeDescription node)
			editor = new NodeEditorWidget (project, reg, ntype, parentAddinDescription, parentPath, node);
			editor.BorderWidth = 12;
			this.VBox.PackStart (editor, true, true, 0);
			this.AddButton (Stock.Cancel, ResponseType.Cancel);
			this.AddButton (Stock.Ok, ResponseType.Ok);
			this.DefaultWidth = 400;
			ShowAll ();
Пример #9
        void VerifyConditionNode(string location, ExtensionNodeDescription node, StringCollection errors)
            string nodeName = node.NodeName;

            if (nodeName != "Or" && nodeName != "And" && nodeName != "Not" && nodeName != "Condition")
                errors.Add(location + "ComplexCondition: Invalid condition element: " + nodeName);
            foreach (ExtensionNodeDescription cnode in node.ChildNodes)
                VerifyConditionNode(location, cnode, errors);
Пример #10
 /// <summary>
 /// Gets the extension path under which this node is registered
 /// </summary>
 /// <returns>
 /// The parent path.
 /// </returns>
 /// <remarks>
 /// For example, if the id of the node is 'ThisNode', and the node is a child of another node with id 'ParentNode', and
 /// that parent node is defined in an extension with the path '/Core/MainExtension', then the parent path is 'Core/MainExtension/ParentNode'.
 /// </remarks>
 public string GetParentPath()
     if (Parent is Extension)
     else if (Parent is ExtensionNodeDescription)
         ExtensionNodeDescription pn = (ExtensionNodeDescription)Parent;
         return(pn.GetParentPath() + "/" + pn.Id);
Пример #11
		public ExtensionEditor (ExtensionNodeDescription node)
			HBox fieldsBox = new HBox ();
			fieldsBox.Spacing = 3;
			Gtk.Label lab = new Gtk.Label ();
			lab.Markup = "<b>" + node.NodeName + "</b>";
			fieldsBox.PackStart (lab, false, false, 0);
			ExtensionNodeType nt = node.GetNodeType ();
			if (nt == null) {
				fieldsBox.PackStart (new Gtk.Label ("Unknown node type"), false, false, 0);
			else {
				AddAttribute (fieldsBox, node, "id", "System.String", false);
				Console.WriteLine ("ppAA: " + nt.Attributes.Count);
				foreach (NodeTypeAttribute at in nt.Attributes) {
					AddAttribute (fieldsBox, node, at.Name, at.Type, at.Required);
			PackStart (fieldsBox, false, false, 0);
			ShowAll ();
Пример #12
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets the node types allowed in this extension.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>
        /// The allowed node types.
        /// </returns>
        /// <remarks>
        /// This method only works when the add-in description to which the extension belongs has been
        /// loaded from an add-in registry.
        /// </remarks>
        public ExtensionNodeTypeCollection GetAllowedNodeTypes()
            ObjectDescription ob = GetExtendedObject();
            ExtensionPoint    ep = ob as ExtensionPoint;

            if (ep != null)

            ExtensionNodeDescription node = ob as ExtensionNodeDescription;

            if (node != null)
                ExtensionNodeType nt = node.GetNodeType();
                if (nt != null)
            return(new ExtensionNodeTypeCollection());
Пример #13
		public NodeWrapper (DotNetProject project, AddinRegistry reg, ExtensionNodeType ntype, AddinDescription parentAddinDescription, string parentPath, ExtensionNodeDescription node)
			List<PropertyDescriptor> props = new List<PropertyDescriptor> ();
			string mainCategory = AddinManager.CurrentLocalizer.GetString ("Node Attributes");

			PropertyDescriptor prop = new MyPropertyDescriptor ("id", typeof(String), AddinManager.CurrentLocalizer.GetString ("Identifier of the extension node"), mainCategory, node);
			props.Add (prop);
			foreach (NodeTypeAttribute att in ntype.Attributes) {
				Type pt = Type.GetType (att.Type);
				if (pt == null)
					pt = typeof(string);
				prop = new MyPropertyDescriptor (att.Name, pt, att.Description, mainCategory, node);
				props.Add (prop);
/*			int n = 1;
			foreach (ExtensionNodeDescription en in AddinData.GetExtensionNodes (reg, parentAddinDescription, parentPath)) {
				if (en.Id.Length > 0) {
					insBeforeCombo.AppendText (en.Id);
					insAfterCombo.AppendText (en.Id);
					if (en.Id == node.InsertBefore)
						insBeforeCombo.Active = n;
					if (en.Id == node.InsertAfter)
						insAfterCombo.Active = n;
			prop = new MyPropertyDescriptor ("insertBefore", typeof(String), AddinManager.CurrentLocalizer.GetString ("Insert Before"), AddinManager.CurrentLocalizer.GetString ("Placement"), node);
			props.Add (prop);
			prop = new MyPropertyDescriptor ("insertAfter", typeof(String), AddinManager.CurrentLocalizer.GetString ("Insert After"), AddinManager.CurrentLocalizer.GetString ("Placement"), node);
			props.Add (prop);
			properties = new PropertyDescriptorCollection (props.ToArray ());
Пример #14
		internal Condition (AddinEngine addinEngine, ExtensionNodeDescription element, BaseCondition parent): base (parent)
			this.addinEngine = addinEngine;
			typeId = element.GetAttribute ("id");
			addin = element.GetAttribute (SourceAddinAttribute);
			node = element;
Пример #15
		void CreateNode (TreeIter it, Extension ext, ExtensionNodeDescription node, ExtensionNodeType nt)
			ExtensionNodeDescription newNode = new ExtensionNodeDescription (nt.NodeName);
			if (ext != null) {
				if (ext.Parent == null)
					adesc.MainModule.Extensions.Add (ext);
				ext.ExtensionNodes.Add (newNode);
				node.ChildNodes.Add (newNode);
			TreeIter nit = AddNode (it, newNode);
			tree.ExpandRow (store.GetPath (it), false);
			tree.Selection.SelectIter (nit);
			NotifyChanged ();
		void IBinaryXmlElement.Read (BinaryXmlReader reader)
			id = reader.ReadStringValue ("id");
			ns = reader.ReadStringValue ("ns");
			isroot = reader.ReadBooleanValue ("isroot");
			name = reader.ReadStringValue ("name");
			version = reader.ReadStringValue ("version");
			compatVersion = reader.ReadStringValue ("compatVersion");
			hasUserId = reader.ReadBooleanValue ("hasUserId");
			author = reader.ReadStringValue ("author");
			url = reader.ReadStringValue ("url");
			copyright = reader.ReadStringValue ("copyright");
			description = reader.ReadStringValue ("description");
			category = reader.ReadStringValue ("category");
			basePath = reader.ReadStringValue ("basePath");
			sourceAddinFile = reader.ReadStringValue ("sourceAddinFile");
			defaultEnabled = reader.ReadBooleanValue ("defaultEnabled");
			domain = reader.ReadStringValue ("domain");
			mainModule = (ModuleDescription) reader.ReadValue ("MainModule");
			optionalModules = (ModuleCollection) reader.ReadValue ("OptionalModules", new ModuleCollection (this));
			nodeSets = (ExtensionNodeSetCollection) reader.ReadValue ("NodeSets", new ExtensionNodeSetCollection (this));
			extensionPoints = (ExtensionPointCollection) reader.ReadValue ("ExtensionPoints", new ExtensionPointCollection (this));
			conditionTypes = (ConditionTypeDescriptionCollection) reader.ReadValue ("ConditionTypes", new ConditionTypeDescriptionCollection (this));
			fileInfo = (object[]) reader.ReadValue ("FilesInfo", null);
			localizer = (ExtensionNodeDescription) reader.ReadValue ("Localizer");
			if (mainModule != null)
				mainModule.SetParent (this);
Пример #17
        void AddNodeSorted(ExtensionNodeDescriptionCollection list, ExtensionNodeDescription node, ref int curPos)
            // Adds the node at the correct position, taking into account insertbefore and insertafter

            if (node.InsertAfter.Length > 0) {
                string afterId = node.InsertAfter;
                for (int n=0; n<list.Count; n++) {
                    if (list[n].Id == afterId) {
                        list.Insert (n + 1, node);
                        curPos = n + 2;
            else if (node.InsertBefore.Length > 0) {
                string beforeId = node.InsertBefore;
                for (int n=0; n<list.Count; n++) {
                    if (list[n].Id == beforeId) {
                        list.Insert (n, node);
                        curPos = n + 1;
            if (curPos == -1)
                list.Add (node);
                list.Insert (curPos++, node);
		internal Condition (ExtensionNodeDescription element, BaseCondition parent): base (parent)
			typeId = element.GetAttribute ("id");
			node = element;
Пример #19
		TreeIter AddNode (TreeIter it, ExtensionNodeDescription node)
			string txt = GLib.Markup.EscapeText (node.NodeName) + " (<i>";
			foreach (NodeAttribute at in node.Attributes)
				txt += at.Name + "=\"" + GLib.Markup.EscapeText (at.Value) + "\"  ";
			txt += "</i>)";
			it = store.AppendValues (it, txt, null, null, node, pixExtensionNode, true, null);
			foreach (ExtensionNodeDescription cnode in node.ChildNodes)
				AddNode (it, cnode);
			return it;
Пример #20
        public ExtensionNode ReadNode(TreeNode tnode, string addin, ExtensionNodeType ntype, ExtensionNodeDescription elem, ModuleDescription module)
            try {
                if (ntype.Type == null) {
                    if (!InitializeNodeType (ntype))
                        return null;

                ExtensionNode node;
                node = Activator.CreateInstance (ntype.Type) as ExtensionNode;
                if (node == null) {
                    addinEngine.ReportError ("Extension node type '" + ntype.Type + "' must be a subclass of ExtensionNode", addin, null, false);
                    return null;

                tnode.AttachExtensionNode (node);
                node.SetData (addinEngine, addin, ntype, module);
                node.Read (elem);
                return node;
            catch (Exception ex) {
                addinEngine.ReportError ("Could not read extension node of type '" + ntype.Type + "' from extension path '" + tnode.GetPath() + "'", addin, ex, false);
                return null;
Пример #21
 BaseCondition ReadComplexCondition(ExtensionNodeDescription elem, BaseCondition parentCondition)
     if (elem.NodeName == "Or" || elem.NodeName == "And" || elem.NodeName == "Not") {
         ArrayList conds = new ArrayList ();
         foreach (ExtensionNodeDescription celem in elem.ChildNodes) {
             conds.Add (ReadComplexCondition (celem, null));
         if (elem.NodeName == "Or")
             return new OrCondition ((BaseCondition[]) conds.ToArray (typeof(BaseCondition)), parentCondition);
         else if (elem.NodeName == "And")
             return new AndCondition ((BaseCondition[]) conds.ToArray (typeof(BaseCondition)), parentCondition);
         else {
             if (conds.Count != 1) {
                 addinEngine.ReportError ("Invalid complex condition element '" + elem.NodeName + "'. 'Not' condition can only have one parameter.", null, null, false);
                 return new NullCondition ();
             return new NotCondition ((BaseCondition) conds [0], parentCondition);
     if (elem.NodeName == "Condition") {
         return new Condition (AddinEngine, elem, parentCondition);
     addinEngine.ReportError ("Invalid complex condition element '" + elem.NodeName + "'.", null, null, false);
     return new NullCondition ();
Пример #22
		public void AddNodeBefore (object data)
			DotNetProject p = (DotNetProject) CurrentNode.GetParentDataItem (typeof(Project), false);
			AddinData adata = p.GetAddinData ();
			Extension en = GetExtension ();
			ExtensionNodeType ntype = (ExtensionNodeType) data;
			ExtensionNodeDescription newNode = new ExtensionNodeDescription (ntype.NodeName);
			en.ExtensionNodes.Add (newNode);
			CurrentNode.Expanded = true;
			adata.SaveAddinManifest ();
			adata.NotifyChanged (false);
			DispatchService.GuiDispatch (delegate {
				ITreeNavigator nav = Tree.GetNodeAtObject (new ExtensionNodeInfo (newNode, false));
				if (nav != null)
					nav.Selected = true;
Пример #23
		void AddAttribute (HBox fieldsBox, ExtensionNodeDescription node, string name, string type, bool req)
			HBox box = new HBox ();
			Gtk.Label lab = new Gtk.Label ();
			lab.Markup = "<b>" + name + "</b>=\"";
			box.PackStart (lab, false, false, 0);
			Gtk.Entry entry = new AutoSizeEntry ();
			entry.Text = node.GetAttribute (name);
			box.PackStart (entry, false, false, 0);
			box.PackStart (new Gtk.Label ("\" "), false, false, 0);
			fieldsBox.PackStart (box, false, false, 0);
Пример #24
 /// <summary>
 /// Adds an extension node to the module.
 /// </summary>
 /// <returns>
 /// The extension node.
 /// </returns>
 /// <param name='path'>
 /// Path that identifies the extension point.
 /// </param>
 /// <param name='nodeName'>
 /// Node name.
 /// </param>
 /// <remarks>
 /// This method creates a new Extension object for the provided path if none exist.
 /// </remarks>
 public ExtensionNodeDescription AddExtensionNode(string path, string nodeName)
     ExtensionNodeDescription node = new ExtensionNodeDescription (nodeName);
     GetExtension (path).ExtensionNodes.Add (node);
     return node;
Пример #25
		void VerifyNode (string location, ExtensionNodeDescription node, StringCollection errors)
			string id = node.GetAttribute ("id");
			if (id.Length > 0)
				id = "(" + id + ")";
			if (node.NodeName == "Condition" && node.GetAttribute ("id").Length == 0) {
				errors.Add (location + node.NodeName + id + ": Missing 'id' attribute in Condition element.");
			if (node.NodeName == "ComplexCondition") {
				if (node.ChildNodes.Count > 0) {
					VerifyConditionNode (location, node.ChildNodes[0], errors);
					for (int n=1; n<node.ChildNodes.Count; n++)
						VerifyNode (location + node.NodeName + id + "/", node.ChildNodes[n], errors);
					errors.Add (location + "ComplexCondition: Missing child condition in ComplexCondition element.");
			foreach (ExtensionNodeDescription cnode in node.ChildNodes)
				VerifyNode (location + node.NodeName + id + "/", cnode, errors);
Пример #26
        void ScanAssemblyAddinHeaders(IAssemblyReflector reflector, AddinDescription config, object asm, AddinScanResult scanResult)
            // Get basic add-in information
            AddinAttribute att = (AddinAttribute) reflector.GetCustomAttribute (asm, typeof(AddinAttribute), false);
            if (att != null) {
                if (att.Id.Length > 0)
                    config.LocalId = att.Id;
                if (att.Version.Length > 0)
                    config.Version = att.Version;
                if (att.Namespace.Length > 0)
                    config.Namespace = att.Namespace;
                if (att.Category.Length > 0)
                    config.Category = att.Category;
                if (att.CompatVersion.Length > 0)
                    config.CompatVersion = att.CompatVersion;
                if (att.Url.Length > 0)
                    config.Url = att.Url;
                config.IsRoot = att is AddinRootAttribute;
                config.EnabledByDefault = att.EnabledByDefault;
                config.Flags = att.Flags;

            // Author attributes

            object[] atts = reflector.GetCustomAttributes (asm, typeof(AddinAuthorAttribute), false);
            foreach (AddinAuthorAttribute author in atts) {
                if (config.Author.Length == 0)
                    config.Author = author.Name;
                    config.Author += ", " + author.Name;

            // Name

            atts = reflector.GetCustomAttributes (asm, typeof(AddinNameAttribute), false);
            foreach (AddinNameAttribute at in atts) {
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty (at.Locale))
                    config.Name = at.Name;
                    config.Properties.SetPropertyValue ("Name", at.Name, at.Locale);

            // Description

            object catt = reflector.GetCustomAttribute (asm, typeof(AssemblyDescriptionAttribute), false);
            if (catt != null && config.Description.Length == 0)
                config.Description = ((AssemblyDescriptionAttribute)catt).Description;

            atts = reflector.GetCustomAttributes (asm, typeof(AddinDescriptionAttribute), false);
            foreach (AddinDescriptionAttribute at in atts) {
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty (at.Locale))
                    config.Description = at.Description;
                    config.Properties.SetPropertyValue ("Description", at.Description, at.Locale);

            // Copyright

            catt = reflector.GetCustomAttribute (asm, typeof(AssemblyCopyrightAttribute), false);
            if (catt != null && config.Copyright.Length == 0)
                config.Copyright = ((AssemblyCopyrightAttribute)catt).Copyright;

            // Localizer

            AddinLocalizerGettextAttribute locat = (AddinLocalizerGettextAttribute) reflector.GetCustomAttribute (asm, typeof(AddinLocalizerGettextAttribute), false);
            if (locat != null) {
                ExtensionNodeDescription node = new ExtensionNodeDescription ();
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty (locat.Catalog))
                    node.SetAttribute ("catalog", locat.Catalog);
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty (locat.Location))
                    node.SetAttribute ("location", locat.Catalog);
                config.Localizer = node;

            // Optional modules

            atts = reflector.GetCustomAttributes (asm, typeof(AddinModuleAttribute), false);
            foreach (AddinModuleAttribute mod in atts) {
                if (mod.AssemblyFile.Length > 0) {
                    ModuleDescription module = new ModuleDescription ();
                    module.Assemblies.Add (mod.AssemblyFile);
                    config.OptionalModules.Add (module);
Пример #27
		void VerifyConditionNode (string location, ExtensionNodeDescription node, StringCollection errors)
			string nodeName = node.NodeName;
			if (nodeName != "Or" && nodeName != "And" && nodeName != "Condition") {
				errors.Add (location + "ComplexCondition: Invalid condition element: " + nodeName);
			foreach (ExtensionNodeDescription cnode in node.ChildNodes)
				VerifyConditionNode (location, cnode, errors);
Пример #28
		public void AddNodeBefore (object data)
			DotNetProject p = (DotNetProject) CurrentNode.GetParentDataItem (typeof(Project), false);
			AddinData adata = p.GetAddinData ();
			ExtensionNodeInfo en = (ExtensionNodeInfo) CurrentNode.DataItem;
			ExtensionNodeType ntype = (ExtensionNodeType) data;
			ExtensionNodeDescription newNode = new ExtensionNodeDescription (ntype.NodeName);
			InsertNode (adata, en, DropPosition.Before, newNode);
			adata.CachedAddinManifest.Save ();
			adata.NotifyChanged (false);
Пример #29
		public MyPropertyDescriptor (string name, Type type, string desc, string category, ExtensionNodeDescription node): base (name, new Attribute [0])
			if (type == typeof(Type)) {
				type = typeof(string);
				editorType = typeof(TypeCellEditor);
			this.name = name;
			this.type = type;
			this.node = node;
			this.desc = desc;
			this.category = category;
Пример #30
		ExtensionNodeDescription InsertNode (AddinData adata, ExtensionNodeInfo refNode, DropPosition pos, ExtensionNodeDescription newNode)
			ExtensionNodeDescriptionCollection nodes = null;
			newNode.InsertBefore = "";
			newNode.InsertAfter = "";
			if (refNode.CanModify) {
				if (pos == DropPosition.Into)
					nodes = refNode.Node.ChildNodes;
				else if (refNode.Node.Parent is ExtensionNodeDescription)
					nodes = ((ExtensionNodeDescription)refNode.Node.Parent).ChildNodes;
			} else {
				if (pos == DropPosition.After)
				    newNode.InsertAfter = refNode.Node.Id;
				else if (pos == DropPosition.Before)
					newNode.InsertBefore = refNode.Node.Id;
			if (nodes == null) {
				string path = refNode.Node.GetParentPath ();
				if (pos == DropPosition.Into)
					path += "/" + refNode.Node.Id;
				Extension ext = adata.CachedAddinManifest.MainModule.GetExtension (path);
				nodes = ext.ExtensionNodes;

			for (int n = 0; n < nodes.Count; n++) {
				ExtensionNodeDescription node = nodes [n];
				if (node == refNode.Node) {
					if (pos == DropPosition.After) n++;
					nodes.Insert (n, newNode);
					return newNode;
			nodes.Add (newNode);
			return newNode;
		BaseCondition ReadComplexCondition (ExtensionNodeDescription elem, BaseCondition parentCondition)
			if (elem.NodeName == "Or" || elem.NodeName == "And") {
				ArrayList conds = new ArrayList ();
				foreach (ExtensionNodeDescription celem in elem.ChildNodes) {
					conds.Add (ReadComplexCondition (celem, null));
				if (elem.NodeName == "Or")
					return new OrCondition ((BaseCondition[]) conds.ToArray (typeof(BaseCondition)), parentCondition);
					return new AndCondition ((BaseCondition[]) conds.ToArray (typeof(BaseCondition)), parentCondition);
			if (elem.NodeName == "Condition") {
				return new Condition (elem, parentCondition);
			AddinManager.ReportError ("Invalid complex condition element '" + elem.NodeName + "'.", null, null, false);
			return new NullCondition ();