Пример #1
 internal static bool IsExist(StoreUser senderStore)
     DBMoneyPacificDataContext mpdb = new DBMoneyPacificDataContext();
     bool bResult = mpdb.StoreUsers.Any(l => l.Phone.Trim() == senderStore.Phone.Trim());
     return bResult;
Пример #2
        // private static DBMoneyPacificDataContext mpdb = new DBMoneyPacificDataContext();

        internal static bool CheckPassword(StoreUser senderStore)
            DBMoneyPacificDataContext mpdb = new DBMoneyPacificDataContext();
            bool bResult = mpdb.StoreUsers.Where(l => (l.Phone == senderStore.Phone
                 && l.PINStore == senderStore.PINStore)).Any();
            return bResult;

Пример #3
 internal static bool checkPassword(StoreUser senderStore)
     return StoreUserDAO.CheckPassword(senderStore);
Пример #4
 internal static bool IsExist(StoreUser senderStore)
     return StoreUserDAO.IsExist(senderStore);
 partial void DeleteStoreUser(StoreUser instance);
 partial void UpdateStoreUser(StoreUser instance);
 partial void InsertStoreUser(StoreUser instance);
		private void detach_StoreUsers(StoreUser entity)
			entity.StoreUserState = null;
		private void attach_StoreUsers(StoreUser entity)
			entity.StoreUserState = this;
		private void detach_StoreUsers(StoreUser entity)
			entity.PacificCode = null;
        public string Execute(string[] args)
            // Cú pháp SMS:
            // <StorePhone>*<PINStore>*<Amount>*<CustomerPhone>*<AmountConfirm>

            string smsRespones = "";
            string sErrorMessage = "";
            string sReceiverPhone = "";
            string sContentSMS = "";

            // Get information :-----------------------
            StoreUser senderStore = new StoreUser();
            senderStore.Phone = args[0];
            senderStore.PINStore = args[1];

            int amountBuy = int.Parse(args[2]);
            int amountBuyConfirm = int.Parse(args[4]);

            Customer buyerCustomer = new Customer();
            buyerCustomer.Phone = args[3];

            // Check Information:-----------------------            

            // 01. check STORE
            bool bSenderExists = StoreUserBUS.IsExist(senderStore);
            if (!bSenderExists)
                sReceiverPhone = senderStore.Phone.Trim();
                sContentSMS = MessageManager.GetValue("NOT_EXIST_STORE");
                smsRespones = sReceiverPhone + "*" + sContentSMS;
                return smsRespones;

            // 02. check StoreUser (password & status)
            bool bValidPassword = false;
            bValidPassword = StoreUserBUS.checkPassword(senderStore);

            if (!bValidPassword)
                sErrorMessage += MessageManager.GetValue("WRONG_PASSWORD");
                senderStore = StoreUserBUS.getStoreUser(senderStore.Phone, senderStore.PINStore);

            // *** KIEM TRA KH BLACK LIST sau khi Kiem tra STORE
            if (CustomerBUS.isInBlackList(buyerCustomer.Phone))
                return senderStore.Phone.Trim() + "*" + MessageManager.GetValue("CUSTOMER_IN_BLACK_LIST");

            // 03. check PACIFIC CODE Categories
            bool bValidAmount = false;
            bValidAmount = CategoriesBUS.isValidAmount(amountBuy);

            if (!bValidAmount)
                sErrorMessage += MessageManager.GetValue("INVALID_AMOUNT_MESSAGE", amountBuy.ToString());                

            // 04. check CONFIRM AMOUNT
            bool bValidConfirm = (amountBuy == amountBuyConfirm);

            if (!bValidConfirm)
                sErrorMessage += MessageManager.GetValue("INVALID_AMOUNT_CONFIRM");                

            // 05. check PHONE (valid and status)
            bool bValidPhone = Validator.isPhoneNumber(buyerCustomer.Phone);

            if (!bValidPhone)
                sErrorMessage = MessageManager.GetValue("INVALID_PHONE");                

            // 06. check CUSTOMER (exist and status)
            buyerCustomer = CustomerBUS.getCustomerOrCreateNotYetBuy(buyerCustomer.Phone);
            // Get result: --------------------------
            bool bBuyPCodeSuccess = (
                && bValidAmount
                && bValidConfirm
                && bValidPhone            

            if (bBuyPCodeSuccess)
                if (StoreUserBUS.IsEnable(senderStore.Id))
                    PacificCode newPacificCode = PacificCodeBUS.getNewPacificCode(senderStore.Id, buyerCustomer.Id, amountBuy);

                    sReceiverPhone = buyerCustomer.Phone.Trim();
                    sContentSMS = MessageManager.GetValue("GENERATE_SUCCESSFUL",
                        Utility.insertSeparateChar(newPacificCode.CodeNumber.Trim(), ' ', 4),
                    smsRespones = sReceiverPhone + "*" + sContentSMS;

                    // Mua thanh cong thi CustomerSTATUS = "x01"
                    CustomerBUS.setStatus(buyerCustomer.Phone, "x01");

                    // Log Transaction info
                else // DISABLE
                    sReceiverPhone = senderStore.Phone.Trim();
                    sContentSMS = MessageManager.GetValue("STORE_IS_DISABLE");
                    smsRespones = sReceiverPhone + "*" + sContentSMS;
            else //ERROR:
                sReceiverPhone = senderStore.Phone.Trim(' ');
                sContentSMS = sErrorMessage;                
                smsRespones = sReceiverPhone + "*" + sContentSMS;
                // Log Transaction info
                // ...

            return smsRespones;