Пример #1
        public static TypeReference MapDatatype(TypeReference t)
            var m = t.MemberOf;
            var g = t.Container;
            t = t.Clone() as TypeReference;
            t.MemberOf = m;
            t.Container = g;
            TypeReference retVal = t.Clone() as TypeReference;

            // Create a type reference
            var type = s_heuristicData.Datatypes.Find(o => o.MifDatatype == t.Name + (t.Flavor != null ? "." + t.Flavor : ""));

            if(type == null && !String.IsNullOrEmpty(t.Flavor ))
                type = s_heuristicData.Datatypes.Find(o => o.MifDatatype == t.Name);

            if (t is TypeParameter)
                return t;
            else if (t.Name == null)
                retVal.Name = "java.lang.Object";
            else if (type != null)
                retVal.Name = type.JavaType;
                //if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(type.TemplateParameter))
                //    retVal.Name = String.Format("{0}.datatypes.generic.{1}", s_apiNs, retVal.Name);
                //    retVal.Name = String.Format("{0}.datatypes.{1}", s_apiNs, retVal.Name);

                retVal.MemberOf = t.MemberOf;
                retVal.GenericSupplier = t.GenericSupplier;

                if (t.Name != retVal.Name)
                    retVal.Flavor = null; // Clear flavors if pointing to a new type

                // Default binding information
                var tParm = type.DefaultBind;
                if ((t.GenericSupplier == null || t.GenericSupplier.Count == 0) && !String.IsNullOrEmpty(tParm))
                    retVal.AddGenericSupplier("def", MapDatatype(new TypeReference() { Name = tParm }));

            // Default member?
            return retVal;

Пример #2
        private string GenerateFactoryMethod(TypeReference tr, string ownerNs)

            StringWriter sw = new StringWriter();

            Dictionary<string, string[]> cfm = ClassRenderer.CreateFactoryMethod(tr, "retVal", true);

            if (tr.Class != null && tr.Class.IsAbstract)
                foreach (var chld in tr.Class.SpecializedBy)
                        sw.WriteLine(GenerateFactoryMethod(chld, ownerNs));

                string factoryName = String.Format("Create{0}", tr.Class.Name), tfact = factoryName;
                if (generatedFactoryMethods.Contains(factoryName))
                    factoryName = String.Format("Create{0}", Util.Util.MakeFriendly(tr.Name));

                // Iterate and create shortcuts
                List<String> wroteParms = new List<string>(); // Keep track of the parameters used
                foreach (KeyValuePair<String, String[]> kv in cfm)

                    if (kv.Value[0].Length == 0 || wroteParms.Contains(kv.Value[0])) continue;


                    // Correct generic children
                    // TODO: Turn these into regexes
                    //if (tr.Class.TypeParameters != null)
                    //    for (int i = 0; i < tr.Class.TypeParameters.Count; i++)
                    //    {
                    //        List<TypeReference> filler = tr.GenericSupplier == null ? new List<TypeReference>() : tr.GenericSupplier.FindAll(o => (o as TypeParameter).ParameterName == tr.Class.TypeParameters[i].ParameterName);

                    //        for(int f = 0; f< 2; f++)
                    //            if (filler.Count == 1)
                    //                foreach(string replacement in replaceMe)
                    //                    kv.Value[f] = kv.Value[f].Replace(String.Format(replacement, tr.Class.TypeParameters[i].ParameterName), String.Format(replacement, filler[0].Name));
                    //            else
                    //                foreach (string replacement in replaceMe)
                    //                    kv.Value[f] = kv.Value[f].Replace(String.Format(replacement, tr.Class.TypeParameters[i].ParameterName), String.Format(replacement, "System.Object"));
                    //    }

                    // Generate method(s)
                    Class cls = tr.Class;
                    sw.WriteLine("\t\t/// <summary> Create a new instance of {0} to populate {1} </summary>", tr.Name, tr is TypeParameter ? (tr as TypeParameter).ParameterName : "");
                    sw.WriteLine("\t\tpublic static {0} {1} ({2}) {{ \r\n\t\t\t{0} retVal = new {0}();\r\n{3}", ClassRenderer.CreateDatatypeRef(tr, new Property()), factoryName,
                        kv.Value[0].Substring(0, kv.Value[0].Length - 1), kv.Value[1]);
                    sw.WriteLine("\t\t\treturn retVal;\r\n\t\t}");

                    if (!wroteParms.Contains(""))
                        sw.WriteLine("\t\t/// <summary> Create a new instance of {0} to populate {1} </summary>", tr.Name, tr.Class.Name);
                        sw.WriteLine("\t\tpublic static {0} {1} () {{ \r\n\t\t\treturn new {0}();\r\n\t\t}}", ClassRenderer.CreateDatatypeRef(tr, new Property()), factoryName);

                foreach (TypeReference tpr in tr.GenericSupplier ?? new List<TypeReference>())
                    sw.WriteLine(GenerateFactoryMethod(tpr, ownerNs));

            return sw.ToString();

Пример #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Add a generic supplier to the type reference 
        /// </summary>
        public void AddGenericSupplier(string parameterName, TypeReference typeReference, bool throwOnError)
            if (GenericSupplier == null) GenericSupplier = new List<TypeReference>();

            // Sanity check

            if (Class != null && (Class.TypeParameters == null ||
                Class.TypeParameters.Find(o => o.ParameterName == parameterName) == null))
                throw new InvalidOperationException(string.Format("Can't assign type parameter '{0}' on class '{1}' as no such parameter exists", parameterName, Name));

            TypeParameter tp = new TypeParameter();
            tp.ParameterName = parameterName;
            tp.Name = typeReference.name;
            tp.container = typeReference.container;
            tp.MemberOf = typeReference.MemberOf;
            tp.GenericSupplier = typeReference.GenericSupplier;
            tp.Flavor = typeReference.Flavor;

            // Turns out that the generic supplier can in fact contain more than one traversal name
            // for different types that are placed at the point of contact... soo... 
            // this can cause 
            if (GenericSupplier.Exists(o => (o as TypeParameter).ParameterName.Equals(tp.ParameterName)) && throwOnError)
                throw new ArgumentException(String.Format("More than one supplier is provided for the same type parameter '{0}' on class '{1}'. This is not permitted!", tp.ParameterName, Name));

Пример #4
 /// <summary>
 /// Make a schema friendly CORE datatype name (ie: Convert IVL&lt;TS&gt; to IVL_TS)
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="typeReference"></param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 private string MakeSchemaFriendlyCoreType(TypeReference typeReference)
     string retVal = typeReference.CoreDatatypeName;
     foreach (TypeReference tr in typeReference.GenericSupplier ?? new List<TypeReference>())
         retVal += "_" + tr.CoreDatatypeName;
     return retVal;
Пример #5
        /// <summary>
        /// Write inline apply template call
        /// </summary>
        private void WriteInlineApplyTemplate(XmlWriter xw, Property p, TypeReference tr, List<TypeReference> genericSupplier)

            // Write the xsl:apply-template
            xw.WriteStartElement("call-template", NS_XSLT);
            xw.WriteAttributeString("name", tr.Name);
            xw.WriteEndElement(); // call-template
Пример #6
        /// <summary>
        /// Write an inline abstract when condition
        /// </summary>
        private void WriteInlineAbstractWhenCondition(XmlWriter xw, TypeReference tr, Property p, List<TypeReference> genericSupplier, string interactionName)
            foreach (TypeReference child in tr.Class.SpecializedBy)

                if (child.Class.IsAbstract)
                    WriteInlineAbstractWhenCondition(xw, child, p, genericSupplier, interactionName);
                    xw.WriteStartElement("when", NS_XSLT);

                    // Find the altTraversal
                    Property.AlternateTraversalData altTraversal = p.AlternateTraversalNames.Find(o => o.CaseWhen.Name == child.Name); // Alternate traversal

                    // Traversal was found
                    if (altTraversal.TraversalName != null)
                        xw.WriteAttributeString("test", string.Format("name() = '{0}'", altTraversal.TraversalName));
                        throw new InvalidOperationException(String.Format("Can't find traversal for alternative data for '{0}' when type is '{1}'...", p.Name, child.Name));

                    // Perform the inline element map
                    if (p.AlternateTraversalNames == null || p.AlternateTraversalNames.Count == 0)
                        xw.WriteStartElement(p.Name, TargetNamespace); // p.name
                        Property.AlternateTraversalData traversal = p.AlternateTraversalNames.Find(o => o.CaseWhen.Name == child.Name);
                        if (traversal.TraversalName != null) // found an alt traversal
                            xw.WriteStartElement(traversal.TraversalName, TargetNamespace);
                            xw.WriteStartElement(p.Name, TargetNamespace); // fall back to the property name
                    WriteInlineApplyTemplate(xw, p, child, genericSupplier);
                    xw.WriteEndElement(); // p.name
                    xw.WriteEndElement(); // when
Пример #7
        /// <summary>
        /// Get overridden setters
        /// </summary>
        public static SetterOverrideData[] GetOverrideSetters(TypeReference tr, Property p, string ownerPackage)
            // Not a datatype so we won't need overrides
            if(tr.Class != null)
                return new SetterOverrideData[0];

            // Get all the setter overrides
            var dataType = s_heuristicData.Datatypes.Find(o => o.MifDatatype == tr.Name);

            // Sanity check
            if(dataType == null || dataType.SetterOverride.Count == 0) return new SetterOverrideData[0];

            // Set generic paramaters
            Dictionary<String, String> bind = new Dictionary<string, string>();
            string fillParameter = dataType.TemplateParameter;
            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(dataType.TemplateParameter))
                int i = 0;
                foreach (string s in dataType.TemplateParameter.Split(','))

                    TypeReference bindTypeRef = null;
                    if (tr.GenericSupplier != null) // Generic Supplier
                        bindTypeRef = tr.GenericSupplier.Find(o => o is TypeParameter && (o as TypeParameter).ParameterName == s);
                        if (bindTypeRef == null)
                            bindTypeRef = tr.GenericSupplier[i++];
                    else if (p != null && p.SupplierDomain != null && !String.IsNullOrEmpty(EnumerationRenderer.WillRender(p.SupplierDomain)))
                        string vocabName = Util.Util.MakeFriendly(EnumerationRenderer.WillRender(p.SupplierDomain));
                        string containerName = p.Container is Choice ? (p.Container as Choice).Container.Name : p.Container.Name;
                            vocabName = String.Format("{0}.vocabulary.{1}", ownerPackage, vocabName);
                        bindTypeRef = new TypeReference() { Name = String.Format("{0}", vocabName) };
                        bindTypeRef = new TypeReference() { Name = dataType.DefaultBind };

                    // Add Binding
                    bind.Add(s, ClassRenderer.CreateDatatypeRef(bindTypeRef ?? new TypeReference() { Name = null }, null, ownerPackage));
                    fillParameter = fillParameter.Replace(s, bind[s]);

            // Create setter override and return
            List<SetterOverrideData> overrides = new List<SetterOverrideData>(dataType.SetterOverride.Count);
            foreach (var sod in dataType.SetterOverride)
                // Correct parameters
                SetterOverrideData templatedSod = new SetterOverrideData();
                templatedSod.Parameters = new List<PropertyInfoData>();
                foreach (var parameterData in sod.Parameters)
                    string dt = String.Empty;
                    if (!bind.TryGetValue(parameterData.DataType, out dt))
                        dt = parameterData.DataType;

                    templatedSod.Parameters.Add(new PropertyInfoData() { Name = parameterData.Name, DataType = dt.Replace(string.Format("<{0}>", dataType.TemplateParameter), String.Format("<{0}>", fillParameter)) });

                // Correct Body
                templatedSod.Throws = new List<ThrowsData>(sod.Throws);
                templatedSod.SetterText = sod.SetterText.Replace(string.Format("<{0}>", dataType.TemplateParameter), String.Format("<{0}>", fillParameter));
                templatedSod.ValueInstance = sod.ValueInstance;

            return overrides.ToArray();
Пример #8
        /// <summary>
        /// Write an inline for-each element that expands
        /// </summary>
        private void WriteInlineForeachExpand(XmlWriter xw, TypeReference tr, List<TypeReference> genericSupplier, string interactionName)
            // Clone the class
            Class clsTr = tr.Class.Clone() as Class;
            clsTr.MemberOf = tr.Class.MemberOf;

            // Correct the inheritence
            if (clsTr.BaseClass == null && clsTr.Name != "InfrastructureRoot")
                clsTr.BaseClass = (clsTr.MemberOf["RIM.InfrastructureRoot"] as Class).CreateTypeReference();

            List<ClassContent> elements = clsTr.GetFullContent();

            // Write any attributes

            // JF- To Support proper ordering
            //xw.WriteStartElement("for-each", NS_XSLT);
            //xw.WriteAttributeString("select", String.Format("@* | child::node()[namespace-uri() = '{0}']", NS_SRC));

            //xw.WriteStartElement("choose", NS_XSLT);

            int nc = 0;
            // Write the element data
            foreach (ClassContent cc in elements)
                if (cc is Property)
                    Property p = cc as Property;
                    nc += Convert.ToUInt16(WriteInlineWhenConditionExpand(xw, p, genericSupplier, interactionName));
                else if (cc is Choice) // JF: Bug with choice selection
                    Choice c = cc as Choice;
                    WriteInlineChooseWhenExpand(xw, c, genericSupplier, interactionName);

            // HACK: As an XS:Choose element must have at least one when element
            //if (nc == 0)
            //    xw.WriteStartElement("when", NS_XSLT);
            //    xw.WriteAttributeString("test", "1=2");
            //    xw.WriteEndElement(); // when

            // JF- To support proper ordering
            //xw.WriteEndElement(); // choose
            //xw.WriteEndElement(); // foreach
Пример #9
        /// <summary>
        /// Generates a deep condition string for the specified property and type reference
        /// </summary>
        private string GenerateDeepConditionString(Property p, TypeReference tr, List<string> properties, List<TypeReference> genericSupplier)

            // Get the RIM Realization
            Property rimName = null;

            // Is this representative of some sort of RIM structure?
            if ((p.Container is Class) && (p.Container as Class).ContainerName == "RIM") // This is a rim property
                rimName = p;
            else if (p.Container is Choice && (p.Container as Choice).Realization != null &&
                (p.Container as Choice).Realization.Count > 0)
                rimName = (p.Container as Choice).Realization[0] as Property;
            else if (p.Realization == null || p.Realization.Count == 0)
                return "";
                rimName = p.Realization[0] as Property;

            // Get fixed elements
            List<Property> fixedElements = FlattenPropertyHierarchy(tr.Class.Content).FindAll(o => o.Realization != null && (o.MinOccurs != "0" || o.FixedValue != null));

            string retVal = "", root = "", currentLevelSelector = "";
            if (properties.Count == 0) // Initial node
                retVal = String.Format("local-name() = '{0}' {1}", rimName.Name, GenerateConditionString(p, tr, ".", genericSupplier));

            // Generate the root
            foreach(var property  in properties)
                root += String.Format("{0}/", property);
            foreach (var element in fixedElements.FindAll(o=>o.PropertyType != Property.PropertyTypes.Structural))
                string tStr = GenerateConditionString(element, null, ".", genericSupplier);
                retVal += string.Format(" and {0}hl7:{1}[{2}]", root, element.Realization[0].Name, string.IsNullOrEmpty(tStr) ? "1" : tStr.Substring(4));
                // Recurse
                if (element.Type.Class != null)
                    properties.Add(String.Format("hl7:{0}[{1}]", element.Realization[0].Name, string.IsNullOrEmpty(tStr) ? "1" : tStr.Substring(4)));
                    string tStrNested = GenerateDeepConditionString(element, element.Type, properties, genericSupplier);
                        retVal += String.Format(" {0}", tStrNested);
                    properties.RemoveAt(properties.Count - 1); // Pop the current properties

            return retVal;
Пример #10
        /// <summary>
        /// Write inline element map collapse
        /// </summary>
        private void WriteInlineElementMapCollapse(XmlWriter xw, Property p, TypeReference tr, List<TypeReference> genericSupplier, string interactionName)

            Property rimName = null;

            // Is this representative of some sort of RIM structure?
            if ((p.Container is Class) && (p.Container as Class).ContainerName == "RIM") // This is a rim property
                rimName = p;
            else if (p.Container is Choice && (p.Container as Choice).Realization != null &&
                (p.Container as Choice).Realization.Count > 0)
                rimName = (p.Container as Choice).Realization[0] as Property;
            else if (p.Realization == null || p.Realization.Count == 0)
                xw.WriteElementString("comment", NS_XSLT, String.Format("TODO: Can't realize property '{0}' in the RIM as no realization data was found", p.Name));
                //rimName = p;
                rimName = p.Realization[0] as Property;

            if (ResolveTypeReference(tr.Name, genericSupplier) != null)
                tr = ResolveTypeReference(p.Type.Name, genericSupplier);

            if (rimName.AlternateTraversalNames == null || rimName.AlternateTraversalNames.Count == 0)
                xw.WriteStartElement(rimName.Name, NS_SRC); // p.name
                if (tr.Class != null)
                    //xw.WriteStartElement("attribute", NS_XSLT);

                    //xw.WriteAttributeString("name", "type");
                    //xw.WriteAttributeString("namespace", "urn:marc-hi:ca/hial");
                    //xw.WriteEndElement(); // attribute
                xw.WriteElementString("comment", NS_XSLT, "TODO: Alternate traversal names aren't represented! Perhaps this will be a choice?");
                //Property.AlternateTraversalData traversal = p.AlternateTraversalNames.Find(o => o.CaseWhen.Name == tr.Name);
                //if (traversal.TraversalName != null) // found an alt traversal
                //    xw.WriteStartElement(traversal.TraversalName, TargetNamespace);
                //    xw.WriteStartElement(p.Name, TargetNamespace); // fall back to the property name

            // HACK: Need to know what the semantics text of the type is
            if (p.Type.Class != null &&
                p.Type.Class.Realizations != null &&
                p.Type.Class.Realizations.Count > 0 &&
                p.Type.Class.Realizations[0].Class != null &&
                p.Type.Class.Realizations[0].Class.Content.Find(o => o.Name == "semanticsText") != null
                && tr.Class != null && tr.Class.Content.Find(o => o.Name == "semText") == null)
                tr.Class.AddContent(new Property()
                    Name = "semText",
                    PropertyType = Property.PropertyTypes.Structural,
                    Type = new TypeReference() { Name = "ST" },
                    FixedValue = p.Name,
                    MinOccurs = "1",
                    MaxOccurs = "1"
            // Determine if this should be a genericized parameter
            WriteInlineTypeMap(xw, tr, genericSupplier, interactionName, p.PropertyType, rimName.PropertyType);
            xw.WriteEndElement(); // p.name

Пример #11
        /// <summary>
        /// Write an inline type mapping for the TypeReference specified
        /// </summary>
        private void WriteInlineTypeMap(XmlWriter xw, TypeReference tr, List<TypeReference> genericSupplier, string interactionName, Property.PropertyTypes srcType, Property.PropertyTypes destType)
            List<String> collectionTypes = new List<string>() { "SET", "LIST", "QSET", "DSET", "HIST", "BAG" };

            if (collectionTypes.Contains(tr.CoreDatatypeName ?? "") && tr.GenericSupplier.Count == 1) // Collection
                tr = tr.GenericSupplier[0];
            else if (collectionTypes.Contains(tr.CoreDatatypeName ?? ""))
                System.Diagnostics.Trace.WriteLine(String.Format("Can't handle a collection ({0}) with more than one generic parameter", tr.ToString()), "warn");

            string schemaFriendlyName = MakeSchemaFriendlyCoreType(tr);

            // Map the type
            if (dataTypeMaps.ContainsKey(schemaFriendlyName ?? "")) // simple map
                if (dataTypeMaps[schemaFriendlyName ?? ""].LocalName == "for-each")
                    // Call the template for strait map only if the property type hasn't changed
                    if (srcType.Equals(destType))
                        xw.WriteStartElement("call-template", NS_XSLT);
                        xw.WriteAttributeString("name", "dtMap");
                        //xw.WriteStartElement("copy-of", NS_XSLT);
                        //xw.WriteAttributeString("select", ".");
                        xw.WriteEndElement(); // call-template
                        xw.WriteStartElement("value-of", NS_XSLT);
                        xw.WriteAttributeString("select", ".");
                        xw.WriteEndElement(); // value-of
                    dataTypeMaps[schemaFriendlyName ?? ""].WriteTo(xw);
            else if (IsRecursiveReference(tr, tr, new List<string>())) // complex map
                WriteInlineApplyTemplate(xw, tr.Container as Property, tr, genericSupplier);
            else if (tr.Class != null)
                WriteInlineForeachCollapse(xw, tr, genericSupplier, interactionName);
Пример #12
 public void AddTraversalName(string TraversalName, TypeReference CaseWhen, Interaction InteractionOwner)
     if (CaseWhen != null && CaseWhen.MemberOf == null)
         CaseWhen.MemberOf = this.MemberOf ?? this.Container.MemberOf;
     if (AlternateTraversalNames == null) AlternateTraversalNames = new List<AlternateTraversalData>();
     AlternateTraversalNames.Add(new AlternateTraversalData() { CaseWhen = CaseWhen, TraversalName = TraversalName, InteractionOwner = InteractionOwner }); 
Пример #13
 public void AddTraversalName(string TraversalName, TypeReference CaseWhen)
     if (AlternateTraversalNames == null) AlternateTraversalNames = new List<AlternateTraversalData>();
     AlternateTraversalNames.Add(new AlternateTraversalData() { CaseWhen = CaseWhen, TraversalName = TraversalName}); 
Пример #14
 public TypeReference CreateTypeReference()
     TypeReference tr = new TypeReference();
     tr.Name = string.Format("{0}.{1}", this.ContainerName, Name);
     tr.Container = new Property();
     tr.Container.Container = this;
     tr.Flavor = null;
     tr.GenericSupplier = null;
     tr.cachedClassRef = this;
     tr.MemberOf = this.MemberOf ?? this.ContainerPackage.MemberOf;
     return tr;
Пример #15
        private void ProcessSpecializations(ParameterModel p, List<AssociationEndSpecialization> list, TypeReference baseRef, MohawkCollege.EHR.gpmr.COR.Interaction interactionModel, TypeReference hint)
            TypeReference parmRef = null;
            foreach (var specialization in list) // This shouldn't ever be done ... ever, but this is v3 land
                Class specClass = (ClassRepository[p.ToString(MifCompiler.NAME_FORMAT)] as MohawkCollege.EHR.gpmr.COR.SubSystem).OwnedClasses.Find(c => c.Name == specialization.ClassName);
                if(specClass == null && hint != null)
                    // Find all sub-classes and see if the hint contains them
                    TypeReference specClassRef = hint.Class.SpecializedBy.Find(o => o.Class.Name == specialization.ClassName);
                    // Make the reference a concreate COR class 
                    if (specClassRef != null) specClass = specClassRef.Class;
                if (specClass == null) // Do a CMET lookup
                    MohawkCollege.EHR.gpmr.COR.Feature cmetFeature = null;
                    if (ClassRepository.TryGetValue(specialization.ClassName, out cmetFeature))
                        specClass = (cmetFeature as CommonTypeReference).Class.Class;
                        System.Diagnostics.Trace.WriteLine(string.Format("Can't find specialization '{0}' for parameter '{1}' this traversal will be ignored.", specialization.ClassName, p.ParameterName), "warn");

                parmRef = specClass.CreateTypeReference();
                // Append the traversal name
                AppendTraversalName(baseRef, p.ParameterName, specialization.TraversalName, parmRef, interactionModel, new Stack<string>());
                if (specialization.Specialization.Count > 0)
                    ProcessSpecializations(p, specialization.Specialization, baseRef, interactionModel, parmRef);
Пример #16
        /// <summary>
        /// Write an inline abstract when condition for expansion
        /// </summary>
        private void WriteInlineAbstractWhenConditionExpand(XmlWriter xw, TypeReference tr, Property p, List<TypeReference> genericSupplier, string interactionName)
            List<String> currentConditions = new List<string>();
            foreach (TypeReference child in tr.Class.SpecializedBy)

                if (child.Class.IsAbstract)
                    WriteInlineAbstractWhenConditionExpand(xw, child, p, genericSupplier, interactionName);
                    // Perform the inline element map
                    Property rimName = null;

                    // Is this representative of some sort of RIM structure?
                    if ((p.Container is Class) && (p.Container as Class).ContainerName == "RIM") // This is a rim property
                        rimName = p;
                    else if (p.Realization == null || p.Realization.Count == 0)
                        // xw.WriteElementString("comment", NS_XSLT, String.Format("TODO: Can't realize property '{0}' in the RIM as no realization data was found", p.Name));
                        rimName = p;
                        rimName = p.Realization[0] as Property;

                    // Calculate the test condition
                    string s = String.Format("local-name() = '{0}' {1} and ./@*[local-name() = 'type'] = '{2}'", rimName.Name, GenerateConditionString(p, child, ".", genericSupplier), child.Name);
                    //s = CascadeConditionString(s, child, null, genericSupplier);

                    if (currentConditions.Contains(s)) continue; // break out as we have already processed this.

                    // JF- Support Ordering
                    //xw.WriteStartElement("when", NS_XSLT);
                    //xw.WriteAttributeString("test", s);
                    xw.WriteStartElement("for-each", NS_XSLT);
                    xw.WriteAttributeString("select", String.Format("./*[{0}]", s));

                    // Write the apply template
                    if (p.AlternateTraversalNames == null || p.AlternateTraversalNames.Count == 0)
                        xw.WriteStartElement(p.Name, NS_SRC); // p.name
                        Property.AlternateTraversalData traversal = p.AlternateTraversalNames.Find(o => o.CaseWhen.Name == child.Name && interactionName == o.InteractionOwner.Name);
                        if (traversal.TraversalName != null) // found an alt traversal
                            xw.WriteStartElement(traversal.TraversalName, NS_SRC);
                            traversal = p.AlternateTraversalNames.Find(o => o.CaseWhen.Name == child.Name && o.InteractionOwner == null);
                            if (traversal.TraversalName != null)
                                xw.WriteStartElement(traversal.TraversalName, NS_SRC);
                                xw.WriteStartElement(p.Name, NS_SRC); // fall back to the property name

                    // Determine if there are any other sibling classes that have the same classification as this
                    List<TypeReference> matching = tr.Class.SpecializedBy.FindAll(o => String.Format("local-name() = '{0}' {1}", rimName.Name, GenerateConditionString(p, o, ".", genericSupplier)) == s);

                    TypeReference trGenerated = child;
                    if (matching.Count > 1) // There are members that can be combined!
                        // Now the dangerous part
                        trGenerated = GenerateCombinedType(matching);

                    // Perform the inline element map
                    WriteInlineApplyTemplate(xw, p, trGenerated, genericSupplier);

                    xw.WriteEndElement(); // p.name
                    xw.WriteEndElement(); // when
Пример #17
        public void Compile()

            // Already processing?
            if (interactionModel == null || processingStack.Contains(interactionModel.PackageLocation.ToString(MifCompiler.NAME_FORMAT)))

            // Add to the processing stack

            // Otput the name of the package.
            System.Diagnostics.Trace.WriteLine(string.Format("Compiling interaction model package '{0}'...", interactionModel.PackageLocation.ToString(MifCompiler.NAME_FORMAT)), "debug");

            // Check if the package has already been "compiled"
            if (ClassRepository.ContainsKey(interactionModel.PackageLocation.ToString(MifCompiler.NAME_FORMAT)))
                return; // Already compiled

            // Process the interaction
            MohawkCollege.EHR.gpmr.COR.Interaction interaction = new MohawkCollege.EHR.gpmr.COR.Interaction();
            interaction.Name = interactionModel.PackageLocation.ToString(MifCompiler.NAME_FORMAT);
            //interaction.Realm = interactionModel.PackageLocation.Realm;

            // Process business names
            foreach (BusinessName bn in interactionModel.BusinessName ?? new List<BusinessName>())
                if (bn.Language == MifCompiler.Language || bn.Language == null)
                    interaction.BusinessName = bn.Name;

            // Process documentation
            if(interactionModel.Annotations != null)
                interaction.Documentation = DocumentationParser.Parse(interactionModel.Annotations.Documentation);

            // Set the derivation from pointer
            interaction.DerivedFrom = interactionModel;

            // Trigger event
            interaction.TriggerEvent = interactionModel.InvokingTriggerEvent.ToString(MifCompiler.NAME_FORMAT);

            // Types
            TypeReference tr = new TypeReference();

            // Has the entry class been created yet?
            if (!ClassRepository.ContainsKey(interactionModel.ArgumentMessage.ToString(MifCompiler.NAME_FORMAT)))
                // Process
                PackageParser.Parse(interactionModel.ArgumentMessage.ToString(MifCompiler.NAME_FORMAT), repository, ClassRepository);

            var entry = (ClassRepository[interactionModel.ArgumentMessage.ToString(MifCompiler.NAME_FORMAT)] as MohawkCollege.EHR.gpmr.COR.SubSystem);

            // Could we even find the model?
            if (entry == null)
                System.Diagnostics.Trace.WriteLine(string.Format("Could not find the argument message '{0}', interaction '{1}' can't be processed",
                    interactionModel.ArgumentMessage.ToString(MifCompiler.NAME_FORMAT), interaction.Name), "error");
            else if (entry.EntryPoint.Count == 0)
                System.Diagnostics.Trace.WriteLine(string.Format("Argument message '{0}' must have an entry point, interaction '{1}' can't be processed",
                    entry.Name, interaction.Name), "error");
            else if (entry.EntryPoint.Count != 1)
                System.Diagnostics.Trace.WriteLine(string.Format("Ambiguous entry point for argument message '{0}', interaction '{1}' can't be processed", entry.Name, interaction.Name), "error");

            // Set the entry class
            tr = entry.EntryPoint[0].CreateTypeReference();
            tr.MemberOf = ClassRepository; // Set member of property
            ProcessTypeParameters(interactionModel.ArgumentMessage.ParameterModel, tr, interaction);
            interaction.MessageType = tr;

            #region Response types
            if (interactionModel.ReceiverResponsibilities != null)
                // Create the array
                interaction.Responses = new List<MohawkCollege.EHR.gpmr.COR.Interaction>();

                //  Iterate through
                foreach (ReceiverResponsibility rr in interactionModel.ReceiverResponsibilities)
                    if (rr.InvokeInteraction == null)
                        System.Diagnostics.Trace.WriteLine("Invoking interaction on receiver responsibility is missing", "warn");

                    // Does the receiver responsibility exist in the class repository
                    if (!ClassRepository.ContainsKey(rr.InvokeInteraction.ToString(MifCompiler.NAME_FORMAT)))
                        InteractionCompiler icc = new InteractionCompiler();
                        icc.PackageRepository = repository;
                        icc.Package = repository.Find(o => o.PackageLocation.ToString(MifCompiler.NAME_FORMAT) == rr.InvokeInteraction.ToString(MifCompiler.NAME_FORMAT));
                        icc.ClassRepository = ClassRepository;

                    MohawkCollege.EHR.gpmr.COR.Feature foundFeature = null;
                    if (ClassRepository.TryGetValue(rr.InvokeInteraction.ToString(MifCompiler.NAME_FORMAT), out foundFeature))

                        // Reason element for documentation
                        if (rr.Reason != null && (rr.Reason.Language == MifCompiler.Language || rr.Reason.Language == null)
                            && (rr.Reason.MarkupElements != null || rr.Reason.MarkupText != null))
                            MohawkCollege.EHR.gpmr.COR.Documentation.TitledDocumentation td= new MohawkCollege.EHR.gpmr.COR.Documentation.TitledDocumentation()
                                Title = "Reason", Name = "Reason", Text = new List<string>()
                            if (rr.Reason.MarkupText != null)
                            if(rr.Reason.MarkupElements != null)
                                foreach(XmlElement xe in rr.Reason.MarkupElements)
                                    td.Text.Add(xe.OuterXml.Replace(" xmlns:html=\"http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml\"", "").Replace("html:", ""));

                            // Append the documentation
                            if (interaction.Documentation == null)
                                interaction.Documentation = new MohawkCollege.EHR.gpmr.COR.Documentation();
                            if (interaction.Documentation.Other == null)
                                interaction.Documentation.Other = new List<MohawkCollege.EHR.gpmr.COR.Documentation.TitledDocumentation>();
                        interaction.Responses.Add(foundFeature as MohawkCollege.EHR.gpmr.COR.Interaction);
                        System.Diagnostics.Trace.WriteLine(String.Format("Can't find response interaction '{0}'...", rr.InvokeInteraction.ToString(MifCompiler.NAME_FORMAT)), "warn");


            // Fire the complete method
Пример #18
        /// <summary>
        /// Generate the condition string for this property
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="root">If null defaults to the RIM name of the p parameter</param>
        private string GenerateConditionString(Property p, TypeReference tr, string root, List<TypeReference> genericSupplier)
            Property rimName = p;

            // Type reference
            if (tr == null)
                tr = p.Type;
                if (ResolveTypeReference(tr.Name, genericSupplier) != null)
                    tr = ResolveTypeReference(p.Type.Name, genericSupplier);

            // Determine the RIM Name
            if (p.Container is Choice && (p.Container as Choice).Realization != null &&
                (p.Container as Choice).Realization.Count > 0)
                rimName = (p.Container as Choice).Realization[0] as Property;
            else if (p.Realization == null || p.Realization.Count == 0)
                //rimName = p;
                return "";
                rimName = p.Realization[0] as Property;

            if (root == null && p.PropertyType != Property.PropertyTypes.Structural) // default to p
                root = String.Format("./hl7:{0}", rimName.Name, NS_SRC);
            else if(root == null)
                root = string.Format("./@{0}", rimName.Name);

            // Class of the type refernece is null, no point in generating a condition for it
            if (tr.Class == null && root != ".")
                return string.Format(" and count({0}) >= {1}", root, p.MinOccurs);
            else if (tr.Class == null)
                return "";

            // Get all fixed elements
            List<Property> fixedElements = FlattenPropertyHierarchy(tr.Class.GetFullContent()).FindAll(o => o.FixedValue != null && o.PropertyType == Property.PropertyTypes.Structural);

            string retVal = "";

            if (fixedElements.Count > 0)
                foreach (Property fixedProperty in fixedElements)
                    retVal += String.Format(" and {0}/@{1} = '{2}'", root, fixedProperty.Name == "semText" ? "*[local-name() = 'semText']" : fixedProperty.Name, fixedProperty.FixedValue);

            return retVal;
Пример #19
 /// <summary>
 /// Returns true if the specified <paramref name="tr"/> is
 /// a collection
 /// </summary>
 public static bool IsCollectionType(TypeReference tr)
     string trCoreName = tr.CoreDatatypeName;
     if (trCoreName == null)
         return false;
     return collectionTypes.Exists(o => trCoreName.StartsWith(o));
Пример #20
        /// <summary>
        /// Write the inline element mapping
        /// </summary>
        private void WriteInlineElementMapExpand(XmlWriter xw, Property p, TypeReference tr, List<TypeReference> genericSupplier, string interactionName)
            // Write the real name for the property
            // Write the apply template
            if (p.AlternateTraversalNames == null || p.AlternateTraversalNames.Count == 0)
                xw.WriteStartElement(p.Name, NS_SRC); // p.name
                Property.AlternateTraversalData traversal = p.AlternateTraversalNames.Find(o => o.CaseWhen.Name == tr.Name && interactionName == o.InteractionOwner.Name);
                if (traversal.TraversalName != null) // found an alt traversal
                    xw.WriteStartElement(traversal.TraversalName, NS_SRC);
                    traversal = p.AlternateTraversalNames.Find(o => o.CaseWhen.Name == tr.Name && o.InteractionOwner == null);
                    if (traversal.TraversalName != null)
                        xw.WriteStartElement(traversal.TraversalName, NS_SRC);
                        xw.WriteStartElement(p.Name, NS_SRC); // fall back to the property name

            // Write fixed properties
            List<Property> elements = tr.Class == null ? new List<Property>() : FlattenPropertyHierarchy(tr.Class.GetFullContent()),
               fixedElements = elements.FindAll(o => o.FixedValue != null && o.PropertyType == Property.PropertyTypes.Structural);

            // Generate the fixed type
            foreach (Property fixedElement in fixedElements)
                WriteInlineAttributeMapExpand(xw, fixedElement);
            WriteInlineTypeMapExpand(xw, tr, genericSupplier, interactionName);

            xw.WriteEndElement(); // p.Name
Пример #21
        /// <summary>
        /// Generate an inline foreach query pattern
        /// </summary>
        private void WriteInlineForeachCollapse(XmlWriter xw, TypeReference tr, List<TypeReference> genericSupplier, string interactionName)

            // Clone the class
            Class clsTr = tr.Class.Clone() as Class;
            clsTr.MemberOf = tr.Class.MemberOf;

            // Correct the inheritence
            if (clsTr.BaseClass == null && clsTr.Name != "InfrastructureRoot")
                clsTr.BaseClass = (clsTr.MemberOf["RIM.InfrastructureRoot"] as Class).CreateTypeReference();

            List<Property> elements = FlattenPropertyHierarchy(clsTr.GetFullContent());

            // Write any attributes
            xw.WriteStartElement("for-each", NS_XSLT);
            xw.WriteAttributeString("select", String.Format("@* | child::node()[namespace-uri() = '{0}']", NS_SRC));
            xw.WriteStartElement("choose", NS_XSLT);

            // Write the element data
            foreach(Property p in elements)
                WriteInlineWhenConditionCollapse(xw, p, genericSupplier, interactionName);

            xw.WriteEndElement(); // choose
            xw.WriteEndElement(); // foreach
Пример #22
        /// <summary>
        /// Generate an inline foreach query pattern
        /// </summary>
        private void WriteInlineForeachCollapse(XmlWriter xw, TypeReference tr, List<TypeReference> genericSupplier, string interactionName)

            // Clone the class
            Class clsTr = tr.Class.Clone() as Class;
            clsTr.MemberOf = tr.Class.MemberOf;

            // Correct the inheritence
            if (clsTr.BaseClass == null && clsTr.Name != "InfrastructureRoot")
                clsTr.BaseClass = (clsTr.MemberOf["RIM.InfrastructureRoot"] as Class).CreateTypeReference();

            List<Property> elements = FlattenPropertyHierarchy(clsTr.GetFullContent());

            // Write the fixed attributes
            List<Property> fixedElements = elements.FindAll(o => o.FixedValue != null && o.PropertyType == Property.PropertyTypes.Structural);
            foreach (var element in fixedElements)
                WriteInlineAttributeMapCollapse(xw, element);

            // Is there even any data in the foreach?
            if (elements.Find(o => o.PropertyType != Property.PropertyTypes.Structural || o.PropertyType == Property.PropertyTypes.Structural && o.FixedValue == null) == null)

            // Write any attributes
            xw.WriteStartElement("for-each", NS_XSLT);
            xw.WriteAttributeString("select", String.Format("@* | child::node()[namespace-uri() = '{0}']", NS_SRC));

            xw.WriteStartElement("choose", NS_XSLT);

            // Write the element data
            foreach (Property p in elements)
                WriteInlineWhenConditionCollapse(xw, p, genericSupplier, interactionName);

            xw.WriteEndElement(); // choose
            xw.WriteEndElement(); // foreach
Пример #23
        /// <summary>
        /// Write inline element map collapse
        /// </summary>
        private void WriteInlineElementMapCollapse(XmlWriter xw, Property p, TypeReference tr, List<TypeReference> genericSupplier, string interactionName)
            if (ResolveTypeReference(tr.Name, genericSupplier) != null)
                tr = ResolveTypeReference(p.Type.Name, genericSupplier);

            if (p.AlternateTraversalNames == null || p.AlternateTraversalNames.Count == 0)
                xw.WriteStartElement(p.Name, TargetNamespace); // p.name
                Property.AlternateTraversalData traversal = p.AlternateTraversalNames.Find(o => o.CaseWhen.Name == tr.Name);
                if (traversal.TraversalName != null) // found an alt traversal
                    xw.WriteStartElement(traversal.TraversalName, TargetNamespace);
                    xw.WriteStartElement(p.Name, TargetNamespace); // fall back to the property name

            // Determine if this should be a genericized parameter
            WriteInlineTypeMap(xw, tr, genericSupplier, interactionName);
            xw.WriteEndElement(); // p.name
Пример #24
        /// <summary>
        /// Write an inline abstract when condition
        /// </summary>
        private void WriteInlineAbstractWhenCondition(XmlWriter xw, TypeReference tr, Property p, List<TypeReference> genericSupplier, string interactionName)
            foreach (TypeReference child in tr.Class.SpecializedBy)

                if (child.Class.IsAbstract)
                    WriteInlineAbstractWhenCondition(xw, child, p, genericSupplier, interactionName);
                    xw.WriteStartElement("when", NS_XSLT);

                    // Find the altTraversal
                    Property.AlternateTraversalData altTraversal = p.AlternateTraversalNames.Find(o => o.CaseWhen.Name == child.Name && o.InteractionOwner.Name == interactionName); // Alternate traversal
                    if (altTraversal.TraversalName == null)
                        altTraversal = p.AlternateTraversalNames.Find(o => o.CaseWhen.Name == child.Name);

                    // Traversal was found
                    if (altTraversal.TraversalName != null)
                        xw.WriteAttributeString("test", string.Format("local-name() = '{0}'", altTraversal.TraversalName));
                        throw new InvalidOperationException(String.Format("Can't find traversal for alternative data for '{0}' when type is '{1}'...", p.Name, child.Name));

                    // Perform the inline element map
                    Property rimName = null;

                    // Is this representative of some sort of RIM structure?
                    if ((p.Container is Class) && (p.Container as Class).ContainerName == "RIM") // This is a rim property
                        rimName = p;
                    else if (p.Realization == null || p.Realization.Count == 0)
                        // xw.WriteElementString("comment", NS_XSLT, String.Format("TODO: Can't realize property '{0}' in the RIM as no realization data was found", p.Name));
                        rimName = p;
                        rimName = p.Realization[0] as Property;

                    // Write the apply template
                    if (rimName.AlternateTraversalNames == null || rimName.AlternateTraversalNames.Count == 0)
                        xw.WriteStartElement(rimName.Name, NS_SRC); // p.name
                        Property.AlternateTraversalData traversal = rimName.AlternateTraversalNames.Find(o => o.CaseWhen.Name == child.Name);
                        if (traversal.TraversalName != null) // found an alt traversal
                            xw.WriteStartElement(traversal.TraversalName, NS_XSLT);
                            xw.WriteStartElement(rimName.Name, NS_XSLT); // fall back to the property name
                    // Perform the inline element map
                    WriteInlineApplyTemplate(xw, p, child, genericSupplier);

                    xw.WriteEndElement(); // p.name
                    xw.WriteEndElement(); // when
Пример #25
        /// <summary>
        /// Write an inline type mapping for the TypeReference specified
        /// </summary>
        private void WriteInlineTypeMap(XmlWriter xw, TypeReference tr, List<TypeReference> genericSupplier, string interactionName)
            List<String> collectionTypes = new List<string>(){ "SET","LIST","QSET","DSET","HIST","BAG" };

            if (collectionTypes.Contains(tr.CoreDatatypeName ?? "") && tr.GenericSupplier.Count == 1) // Collection
                tr = tr.GenericSupplier[0];
            else if (collectionTypes.Contains(tr.CoreDatatypeName ?? ""))
                System.Diagnostics.Trace.WriteLine(String.Format("Can't handle a collection ({0}) with more than one generic parameter", tr.ToString()), "warn");

            string schemaFriendlyName = MakeSchemaFriendlyCoreType(tr);

            // Map the type
            if (dataTypeMaps.ContainsKey(schemaFriendlyName ?? "")) // simple map
                if (dataTypeMaps[schemaFriendlyName ?? ""].Name == "copy")
                    xw.WriteElementString(dataTypeMaps[schemaFriendlyName ?? ""].Name, NS_XSLT, dataTypeMaps[schemaFriendlyName ?? ""].InnerText);
                    dataTypeMaps[schemaFriendlyName ?? ""].WriteTo(xw);
            else if (IsRecursiveReference(tr, tr, new List<string>())) // complex map
                WriteInlineApplyTemplate(xw, tr.Container as Property, tr, genericSupplier);
            else if (tr.Class != null)
                WriteInlineForeachCollapse(xw, tr, genericSupplier, interactionName);
Пример #26
        private void AppendTraversalName(TypeReference ClassRef, string ParameterName, string TraversalName, TypeReference CaseWhen, MohawkCollege.EHR.gpmr.COR.Interaction InteractionOwner, Stack<String> processStack)
            if (processStack.Contains(ClassRef.ToString()))


            // Iterate through each of the class contents
            foreach(ClassContent cc in ClassRef.Class.Content)
                if (cc is Property)
                    // Assign Alternative traversal name if the type of property matches the paramter name 
                    // and the new traversal name is not the same as the old 
                    if ((cc as Property).Type.Name == ParameterName &&
                        TraversalName != cc.Name )
                        (cc as Property).AddTraversalName(TraversalName, CaseWhen, InteractionOwner);
                    else if ((cc as Property).Type.Class != null)
                        AppendTraversalName((cc as Property).Type, ParameterName, TraversalName, CaseWhen, InteractionOwner, processStack);

            if (processStack.Pop() != ClassRef.ToString())
                throw new PipelineExecutionException(MifCompiler.hostContext, Pipeline.PipelineStates.Error, MifCompiler.hostContext.Data,
                    new Exception("Error occurred traversing traversal name to populate parameter"));
Пример #27
        /// <summary>
        /// Is recursive reference
        /// </summary>
        private bool IsRecursiveReference(TypeReference needle, TypeReference haystack, List<String> alreadyChecked)
            // Already checked?
            if (alreadyChecked.Contains(haystack.Name)) 
                return false;

            if (haystack.Class == null) return false;
            bool isRecursive = false;
            foreach (Property cc in FlattenPropertyHierarchy(haystack.Class.GetFullContent()))
                if (!alreadyChecked.Contains(cc.Type.Name))
                    isRecursive |= IsRecursiveReference(needle, cc.Type, alreadyChecked);
                else if (cc.Type.Name == needle.Name)
                    isRecursive |= true;
                if (isRecursive) break; // no need to check anymore
            return isRecursive || (needle.Name == haystack.Name && needle.Container != haystack.Container);
Пример #28
        private void ProcessTypeParameters(List<ParameterModel> parms, TypeReference baseRef, MohawkCollege.EHR.gpmr.COR.Interaction ownerInteraction)
            if (parms != null && baseRef.Class != null && baseRef.Class.TypeParameters != null && parms.Count != baseRef.Class.TypeParameters.Count)
                    string.Format("The argument message '{0}.{1}' requires {2} parameter messages however interaction '{3}' only specifies {4}",
                    baseRef.Class.ContainerName, baseRef.Class.Name, baseRef.Class.TypeParameters.Count, ownerInteraction.Name, parms.Count)
                    , "warn");
            else if (parms == null || parms.Count == 0) return; // Check for null

            // Setup the parameters
            foreach (ParameterModel p in parms)
                // Check if the parameter model exists
                if (!ClassRepository.ContainsKey(p.ToString(MifCompiler.NAME_FORMAT)))
                    PackageParser.Parse(p.ToString(MifCompiler.NAME_FORMAT), repository, ClassRepository); // Process the package if it doesn't

                // Check again, if this fails all hell breaks loose
                var model = (ClassRepository[p.ToString(MifCompiler.NAME_FORMAT)] as MohawkCollege.EHR.gpmr.COR.SubSystem);
                if (model == null)
                    System.Diagnostics.Trace.WriteLine(string.Format("Could not find the parameter model '{0}'",
                        p.ToString(MifCompiler.NAME_FORMAT)), "error");
                else if (model.EntryPoint.Count == 0)
                    System.Diagnostics.Trace.WriteLine(string.Format("Parameter model '{0}' must have an entry point",
                        p.ToString(MifCompiler.NAME_FORMAT)), "error");
                else if (model.EntryPoint.Count != 1)
                    System.Diagnostics.Trace.WriteLine(string.Format("Ambiguous entry point for parameter model '{0}'",
                        p.ToString(MifCompiler.NAME_FORMAT)), "error");

                // Entry class for p
                TypeReference parmRef = model.EntryPoint[0].CreateTypeReference();

                // Find any reference and set an alternate traversal name for that property
                if (p.Specialization.Count == 0)
                    AppendTraversalName(baseRef, p.ParameterName, p.TraversalName, parmRef, ownerInteraction, new Stack<string>());
                    ProcessSpecializations(p, p.Specialization, baseRef, ownerInteraction, null);

                // Process Children
                ProcessTypeParameters(p.ParameterModel, parmRef, ownerInteraction);

                // Assign for tr as a parameter reference
                    baseRef.AddGenericSupplier(p.ParameterName, parmRef);
                catch (ArgumentException e) // This is thrown when there are more than one supplier binding
                    // Was more than one specified
                    if (baseRef.GenericSupplier.Exists(o => (o as TypeParameter).ParameterName == p.ParameterName)) 
                        //baseRef.GenericSupplier.RemoveAll(o => (o as TypeParameter).ParameterName == p.ParameterName);  // remove the existing type reference
                        // Add the generic supplier manually for the new type
                        baseRef.AddGenericSupplier(p.ParameterName, parmRef, false);
                        Trace.WriteLine(String.Format("Generic supplier {0} has been specified more than once, will use base object in it's place", p.ParameterName), "warn");
                catch (Exception e)
                    // JF - Some UV models attempt to bind to classes that don't support binding
                    if (baseRef.Class.TypeParameters == null)
                        System.Diagnostics.Trace.WriteLine(String.Format("{0} can't force bind because the target class has not template parameters", e.Message), "error");
                        if (MifCompiler.hostContext.Mode == Pipeline.OperationModeType.Quirks)
                            System.Diagnostics.Trace.WriteLine(String.Format("{0} will ignore this binding in order to continue. This interaction will effectively be useless", ownerInteraction.Name));
                            throw new InvalidOperationException(String.Format("Cannot bind parameter '{0}' to class '{1}' because '{1}' does not support templates", parmRef.Name, baseRef.Name));
                        System.Diagnostics.Trace.WriteLine(String.Format("{0} will try force binding", e.Message), "error");
                        foreach (var t in baseRef.Class.TypeParameters)
                            if (baseRef.GenericSupplier.Find(o => o.Name.Equals(t.ParameterName)) == null)
                                baseRef.AddGenericSupplier(t.ParameterName, parmRef);
                                System.Diagnostics.Trace.WriteLine(String.Format("Bound {0} to {1} in {2}", parmRef, t.ParameterName, baseRef), "warn");
Пример #29
        public void AddGenericSupplier(string ParameterName, TypeReference typeReference)
            AddGenericSupplier(ParameterName, typeReference, true);

Пример #30
 /// TODO: Explanation of parameters missing: tr
 ///       Description of the value returned missing
 /// <summary>
 /// Gather all of the using statements
 /// </summary>
 private List<string> GatherUsings(TypeReference tr)
     List<String> retVal = new List<string>();
     foreach (TypeReference tp in tr.GenericSupplier ?? new List<TypeReference>())
     return retVal;