public override void CursorPressed(Mogre.Vector2 cursorPos) { if (IsCursorOver(cursorPos)) { SetState(ButtonState.BS_DOWN); } }
public override void CursorReleased(Mogre.Vector2 cursorPos) { if (mState == ButtonState.BS_DOWN) { setState(ButtonState.BS_OVER); } }
public static bool IsCursorOver(Mogre.OverlayElement element, Mogre.Vector2 cursorPos, float voidBorder) { if (element == null) { return(false); } Mogre.OverlayManager om = Mogre.OverlayManager.Singleton; float detrivedLeft = element._getDerivedLeft(); float detrivedTop = element._getDerivedTop(); float l = detrivedLeft * om.ViewportWidth; float t = detrivedTop * om.ViewportHeight; float r = 0; float b = 0; if (element.MetricsMode == GuiMetricsMode.GMM_RELATIVE) { r = l + element.Width * om.ViewportWidth; b = t + element.Height * om.ViewportHeight; } else if (element.MetricsMode == GuiMetricsMode.GMM_PIXELS) { r = l + element.Width; b = t + element.Height; } bool b1 = cursorPos.x >= l + voidBorder; bool b2 = cursorPos.x <= r - voidBorder; bool b3 = cursorPos.y >= t + voidBorder; bool b4 = cursorPos.y <= b - voidBorder; return(b1 && b2 && b3 && b4); }
public virtual void OnMouseLeftDown(Vector2 point, MouseDevice mouseDevice) { this.lastMouse = point; this.lastClickPoint = point; this.lastMouseDevice = mouseDevice; if (mouseDevice.RightButton == MouseButtonState.Pressed) { return; } Mogre.Ray mouseRay; GetMouseRay(this.lastMouse, out mouseRay); BaseEditor selected = MogitorsRoot.Instance.Selected; if (selected != null && selected == GetObjectUnderMouse(mouseRay, true, true)) { SaveEditorStates(mouseRay); isEditing = true; } else { isEditing = false; } }
private void HandleObjOperationNoResize(Mogre.Vector3 objNewPos, Mogre.Vector2 cursorPos) { if (currentSelectedEnt == null) { return; } Mogre.Vector3 currentPos = currentSelectedEnt.ParentNode.Position; switch (operation) { case EditOperation.ChangingObjCoordFllowMouse: currentSelectedEnt.ParentNode.Position = objNewPos; break; case EditOperation.ChangingObjCoord: float offsetX = cursorPos.x - lastMousePos.x; float offsetZ = cursorPos.y - lastMousePos.y; Mogre.Vector3 newPosXZ = new Mogre.Vector3( currentPos.x - offsetX, currentPos.y, currentPos.z - offsetZ); currentSelectedEnt.ParentNode.Position = newPosXZ; break; case EditOperation.ChangingObjHeight: Mogre.Vector3 newPosY = new Mogre.Vector3(currentPos.x, objNewPos.y, currentPos.z); currentSelectedEnt.ParentNode.Position = newPosY; break; } }
public virtual void OnMouseRightUp(Vector2 point, MouseDevice mouseDevice) { this.lastMouse = point; this.lastMouseDevice = mouseDevice; MogitorsSystem.Instance.SetMouseCursor(Cursors.Arrow); MogitorsSystem.Instance.ShowMouseCursor(true); }
public override void CursorReleased(Mogre.Vector2 cursorPos) { if (mDragging) { mDragging = false; mHandle.Left = ((int)((mValue - mMinValue) / (mMaxValue - mMinValue) * (mTrack.Width - mHandle.Width))); } }
public override void CursorMoved(Mogre.Vector2 cursorPos) { Mogre.OverlayManager om = Mogre.OverlayManager.Singleton; if (isExpanded) { if (isDragging) { Mogre.Vector2 co = Widget.CursorOffset(scrollHandleElement, cursorPos); float newTop = scrollHandleElement.Top + co.y - dragOffset; float lowerBoundary = scrollTrackElement.Height - scrollHandleElement.Height; scrollHandleElement.Top = (UIMathHelper.clamp <int>((int)newTop, 0, (int)lowerBoundary)); float scrollPercentage = UIMathHelper.clamp <float>(newTop / lowerBoundary, 0f, 1f); int newIndex = (int)(scrollPercentage * (Items.Count - itemElements.Count) + 0.5f); if (newIndex != displayIndex) { setDisplayIndex((uint)newIndex); } return; } float l = itemElements[0]._getDerivedLeft() * om.ViewportWidth + 5f; float t = itemElements[0]._getDerivedTop() * om.ViewportHeight + 5f; float r = l + itemElements[itemElements.Count - 1].Width - 10f; float b = itemElements[itemElements.Count - 1]._getDerivedTop() * om.ViewportHeight + itemElements[itemElements.Count - 1].Height - 5f; if (cursorPos.x >= l && cursorPos.x <= r && cursorPos.y >= t && cursorPos.y <= b) { int newIndex = (int)(displayIndex + (cursorPos.y - t) / (b - t) * itemElements.Count); if (highlightIndex != newIndex) { highlightIndex = newIndex; setDisplayIndex((uint)displayIndex); } } } else { if (IsCursorOver(smallBoxElement, cursorPos, 4f)) { smallBoxElement.MaterialName = ("SdkTrays/MiniTextBox/Over"); smallBoxElement.BorderMaterialName = ("SdkTrays/MiniTextBox/Over"); isCursorOver = true; } else { if (isCursorOver) { smallBoxElement.MaterialName = ("SdkTrays/MiniTextBox"); smallBoxElement.BorderMaterialName = ("SdkTrays/MiniTextBox"); isCursorOver = false; } } } }
public UIEvent InjectMouseUp(MOIS.MouseEvent evt, MOIS.MouseButtonID id) { if (!cursorLayer.IsVisible || id != MOIS.MouseButtonID.MB_Left) { return(null); } Mogre.Vector2 cursorPos = new Mogre.Vector2(cursor.Left, cursor.Top); return(CurrentLayer.InjectMouseUp(evt, id, cursorPos)); }
public override void CursorPressed(Mogre.Vector2 cursorPos) { if (IsCursorOver(cursorPos)) { setState(ButtonState.BS_DOWN); if (OnClick != null) { OnClick(this); } } }
public UIEvent InjectMouseMove(MouseEvent evt) { if (!cursorLayer.IsVisible) // don't process if cursor layer is invisible { return(null); } Mogre.Vector2 cursorPos = new Mogre.Vector2(evt.state.X.abs, evt.state.Y.abs); cursor.SetPosition(cursorPos.x, cursorPos.y); return(CurrentLayer.InjectMouseMove(evt, cursorPos)); }
public override void CursorMoved(Mogre.Vector2 cursorPos) { if (mDragging) { Mogre.Vector2 co = Widget.CursorOffset(mHandle, cursorPos); float newLeft = mHandle.Left + co.x - mDragOffset; float rightBoundary = mTrack.Width - mHandle.Width; mHandle.Left = (UIMathHelper.clamp <int>((int)newLeft, 0, (int)rightBoundary)); setValue(getSnappedValue(newLeft / rightBoundary)); } }
public override void CursorMoved(Mogre.Vector2 cursorPos) { if (dragging) { Vector2 co = Widget.CursorOffset(scrollHandle, cursorPos); float newTop = scrollHandle.Top + co.y - dragOffset; float lowerBoundary = scrollTrack.Height - scrollHandle.Height; scrollHandle.Top = (UIMathHelper.clamp <int>((int)newTop, 0, (int)lowerBoundary)); // update text area contents based on new scroll percentage scrollPercentage = UIMathHelper.clamp <float>(newTop / lowerBoundary, 0f, 1f); filterLines(); } }
public virtual void OnMouseWheel(Vector2 point, float delta, MouseDevice mouseDevice) { this.lastMouse = point; this.lastMouseDevice = mouseDevice; if (ActiveCamera == null) { return; } Mogre.Vector3 vPos = ActiveCamera.DerivedPosition; Mogre.Vector3 vDelta = new Mogre.Vector3(0, 0, delta / 16.0f) * CameraSpeed; vPos = vPos - (ActiveCamera.DerivedOrientation * vDelta); this.newCamPosition = vPos; }
public virtual void OnMouseLeave(Vector2 point, MouseDevice mouseDevice) { this.lastMouseDevice = null; foreach (var it in highLighted) { it.Value.IsHighLighted = false; } highLighted.Clear(); this.lastMouse = new Mogre.Vector2(-1, -1); isEditing = false; MogitorsSystem.Instance.ShowMouseCursor(true); }
public override void CursorMoved(Mogre.Vector2 cursorPos) { if (IsCursorOver(cursorPos)) { if (mState == ButtonState.BS_UP) { setState(ButtonState.BS_OVER); } } else { if (mState != ButtonState.BS_UP) { setState(ButtonState.BS_UP); } } }
public virtual void OnMouseLeftUp(Vector2 point, MouseDevice mouseDevice) { this.lastMouse = point; this.lastClickPoint = point; this.lastMouseDevice = mouseDevice; Mogre.Ray mouseRay; GetMouseRay(this.lastMouse, out mouseRay); EditorAxis = AxisType.None; MogitorsRoot.Instance.HighlightGizmo(AxisType.None); if (!isEditing) { if (editorTool >= EditorTools.Select && editorTool <= EditorTools.Scale) { DoSelect(mouseRay); } } isEditing = false; }
public override void CursorPressed(Mogre.Vector2 cursorPos) { if (!mHandle.IsVisible) { return; } Mogre.Vector2 co = Widget.CursorOffset(mHandle, cursorPos); if (co.SquaredLength <= 81f) { mDragging = true; mDragOffset = co.x; } else if (Widget.IsCursorOver(mTrack, cursorPos)) { float newLeft = mHandle.Left + co.x; float rightBoundary = mTrack.Width - mHandle.Width; mHandle.Left = (UIMathHelper.clamp <int>((int)newLeft, 0, (int)rightBoundary)); setValue(getSnappedValue(newLeft / rightBoundary)); } }
public virtual void OnMouseMiddleUp(Vector2 point, MouseDevice mouseDevice) { this.lastMouse = point; this.lastMouseDevice = mouseDevice; MogitorsSystem.Instance.ShowMouseCursor(true); }
public virtual void OnMouseMove(Vector2 point, MouseDevice mouseDevice, bool imitate) { this.lastMouseDevice = mouseDevice; if (isSettingPos) { isSettingPos = false; this.lastMouse = point; return; } float deltaX = (point.x - lastMouse.x) * 0.5f; float deltaY = (point.y - lastMouse.y) * 0.5f; MogitorsRoot mogRoot = MogitorsRoot.Instance; BaseEditor selected = mogRoot.Selected; Ray mouseRay; if (!imitate) { if (mouseDevice.MiddleButton == MouseButtonState.Pressed) { Vector3 vPos = ActiveCamera.DerivedPosition; Vector3 vDelta = new Vector3(deltaX * CameraSpeed / 3.0f, -deltaY * CameraSpeed / 3.0f, 0); ActiveCamera.DerivedPosition = (vPos + (ActiveCamera.DerivedOrientation * vDelta)); this.newCamPosition = Vector3.ZERO; MogitorsSystem.Instance.ShowMouseCursor(false); point.x -= (deltaX * 2.0f); point.y -= (deltaY * 2.0f); isSettingPos = true; MogitorsSystem.Instance.SetMousePosition(point + new Vector2(this.handle.ActualLeft, this.handle.ActualTop)); } else if (mouseDevice.RightButton == MouseButtonState.Pressed) { ActiveCamera.Yaw(new Degree(-deltaX / 4.0f)); ActiveCamera.Pitch(new Degree(-deltaY / 4.0f)); MogitorsSystem.Instance.ShowMouseCursor(false); point.x -= (deltaX * 2.0f); point.y -= (deltaY * 2.0f); isSettingPos = true; MogitorsSystem.Instance.SetMousePosition(point + new Vector2(this.handle.ActualLeft, this.handle.ActualTop)); if (!GetMouseRay(point, out mouseRay)) return; if (mogRoot.Selected != null) this.lastUsedPlane = MogitorsRoot.Instance.FindGizmoTranslationPlane(mouseRay, EditorAxis); } } if (!GetMouseRay(point, out mouseRay)) return; if (EditorTool != EditorTools.Rotate || selected == null) this.lastMouse = point; if (selected != null) { if (EditorAxis == AxisType.None) { AxisType axis = AxisType.None; mogRoot.PickGizmos(mouseRay, ref axis); mogRoot.HighlightGizmo(axis); } else { mogRoot.HighlightGizmo(EditorAxis); } } if (isEditing && selected != null) { if ((EditorTool == EditorTools.Move) && selected.Supports(EditFlags.CanMove)) { Vector3 vNewPos = Vector3.ZERO; vNewPos = mogRoot.GetGizmoIntersect(mouseRay, this.lastUsedPlane, EditorAxis, this.lastDerivedPosition); vNewPos = vNewPos - this.last3DDelta + this.lastDerivedPosition; selected.DerivedPosition = vNewPos; } else if ((EditorTool == EditorTools.Scale) && selected.Supports(EditFlags.CanScale)) { Vector3 vNewDist = mogRoot.GetGizmoIntersect(mouseRay, this.lastUsedPlane, EditorAxis, this.lastDerivedPosition); Vector3 vScale = this.lastScale; float fNewDist = vNewDist.Length; float fLength = this.last3DDelta.Length; if ((int)(EditorAxis & AxisType.X) != 0) vScale.x *= (fNewDist / fLength); if ((int)(EditorAxis & AxisType.Y) != 0) vScale.y *= (fNewDist / fLength); if ((int)(EditorAxis & AxisType.Z) != 0) vScale.z *= (fNewDist / fLength); PropertyInfo prop = selected.GetType().GetProperty("Scale"); if (prop != null) prop.SetValue(selected, vScale, null); } else if ((EditorTool == EditorTools.Rotate) && selected.Supports(EditFlags.CanRotate)) { Quaternion q1 = this.lastDerivedOrient; switch (EditorAxis) { case AxisType.X: q1 = q1 * new Quaternion(new Degree(-deltaY), new Vector3(1, 0, 0)); break; case AxisType.Y: q1 = q1 * new Quaternion(new Degree(-deltaY), new Vector3(0, 1, 0)); break; case AxisType.Z: q1 = q1 * new Quaternion(new Degree(-deltaY), new Vector3(0, 0, 1)); break; } selected.DerivedOrientation = q1; } } HighlightObjectAtPosition(mouseRay); }
public virtual void OnMouseRightDown(Vector2 point, MouseDevice mouseDevice) { this.lastMouse = point; this.lastMouseDevice = mouseDevice; }
/// <summary> /// Static utility method to check if the cursor is over an overlay element. /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> public static bool IsCursorOver(Mogre.OverlayElement element, Mogre.Vector2 cursorPos) { return(IsCursorOver(element, cursorPos, 0f)); }
public virtual void OnMouseWheel(Vector2 point, float delta, MouseDevice mouseDevice) { this.lastMouse = point; this.lastMouseDevice = mouseDevice; if (ActiveCamera == null) return; Mogre.Vector3 vPos = ActiveCamera.DerivedPosition; Mogre.Vector3 vDelta = new Mogre.Vector3(0, 0, delta / 16.0f) * CameraSpeed; vPos = vPos - (ActiveCamera.DerivedOrientation * vDelta); this.newCamPosition = vPos; }
public override void ProcessParameters(Mogre.NameValuePairList parameters) { Mogre.NameValuePairList.Iterator ni; if ((ni = parameters.Find("Name")) != parameters.End()) { = ni.Value; } if ((ni = parameters.Find("Dimensions")) != parameters.End()) { this.dimensions = MogreX.StringConverter.ParseVector4(ni.Value); } if ((ni = parameters.Find("Skies")) != parameters.End()) { this.skies = Mogre.StringConverter.ParseBool(ni.Value); } if ((ni = parameters.Find("Shadows")) != parameters.End()) { this.shadows = Mogre.StringConverter.ParseBool(ni.Value); } if ((ni = parameters.Find("Overlays")) != parameters.End()) { this.overlays = Mogre.StringConverter.ParseBool(ni.Value); } if ((ni = parameters.Find("CamPosition")) != parameters.End()) { this.camPosition = Mogre.StringConverter.ParseVector3(ni.Value); } if ((ni = parameters.Find("CamOrientation")) != parameters.End()) { this.camOrientation = Mogre.StringConverter.ParseQuaternion(ni.Value); } if ((ni = parameters.Find("CamClipDistance")) != parameters.End()) { this.camClipDistance = MogreX.StringConverter.ParseVector2(ni.Value); } if ((ni = parameters.Find("CamPolyMode")) != parameters.End()) { this.camPolyMode = (Mogre.PolygonMode)Mogre.StringConverter.ParseInt(ni.Value); OnPropertyChanged("CamPolyMode"); } if ((ni = parameters.Find("CamFOV")) != parameters.End()) { this.camFOV = Mogre.StringConverter.ParseReal(ni.Value); } if ((ni = parameters.Find("Colour")) != parameters.End()) { this.colour = Mogre.StringConverter.ParseColourValue(ni.Value); } this.compositorStorage.Clear(); for (int cx = 0; cx < 100; ++cx) { string searchstr = "Compositor" + Mogre.StringConverter.ToString(cx); if ((ni = parameters.Find(searchstr + "Name")) != parameters.End()) { CompositorPush compData = new CompositorPush(); compData.Name = ni.Value; ni = parameters.Find(searchstr + "Enabled"); compData.Enabled = Mogre.StringConverter.ParseBool(ni.Value); this.compositorStorage.Add(compData); } else { break; } } }
public virtual void OnMouseMove(Vector2 point, MouseDevice mouseDevice, bool imitate) { this.lastMouseDevice = mouseDevice; if (isSettingPos) { isSettingPos = false; this.lastMouse = point; return; } float deltaX = (point.x - lastMouse.x) * 0.5f; float deltaY = (point.y - lastMouse.y) * 0.5f; MogitorsRoot mogRoot = MogitorsRoot.Instance; BaseEditor selected = mogRoot.Selected; Ray mouseRay; if (!imitate) { if (mouseDevice.MiddleButton == MouseButtonState.Pressed) { Vector3 vPos = ActiveCamera.DerivedPosition; Vector3 vDelta = new Vector3(deltaX * CameraSpeed / 3.0f, -deltaY * CameraSpeed / 3.0f, 0); ActiveCamera.DerivedPosition = (vPos + (ActiveCamera.DerivedOrientation * vDelta)); this.newCamPosition = Vector3.ZERO; MogitorsSystem.Instance.ShowMouseCursor(false); point.x -= (deltaX * 2.0f); point.y -= (deltaY * 2.0f); isSettingPos = true; MogitorsSystem.Instance.SetMousePosition(point + new Vector2(this.handle.ActualLeft, this.handle.ActualTop)); } else if (mouseDevice.RightButton == MouseButtonState.Pressed) { ActiveCamera.Yaw(new Degree(-deltaX / 4.0f)); ActiveCamera.Pitch(new Degree(-deltaY / 4.0f)); MogitorsSystem.Instance.ShowMouseCursor(false); point.x -= (deltaX * 2.0f); point.y -= (deltaY * 2.0f); isSettingPos = true; MogitorsSystem.Instance.SetMousePosition(point + new Vector2(this.handle.ActualLeft, this.handle.ActualTop)); if (!GetMouseRay(point, out mouseRay)) { return; } if (mogRoot.Selected != null) { this.lastUsedPlane = MogitorsRoot.Instance.FindGizmoTranslationPlane(mouseRay, EditorAxis); } } } if (!GetMouseRay(point, out mouseRay)) { return; } if (EditorTool != EditorTools.Rotate || selected == null) { this.lastMouse = point; } if (selected != null) { if (EditorAxis == AxisType.None) { AxisType axis = AxisType.None; mogRoot.PickGizmos(mouseRay, ref axis); mogRoot.HighlightGizmo(axis); } else { mogRoot.HighlightGizmo(EditorAxis); } } if (isEditing && selected != null) { if ((EditorTool == EditorTools.Move) && selected.Supports(EditFlags.CanMove)) { Vector3 vNewPos = Vector3.ZERO; vNewPos = mogRoot.GetGizmoIntersect(mouseRay, this.lastUsedPlane, EditorAxis, this.lastDerivedPosition); vNewPos = vNewPos - this.last3DDelta + this.lastDerivedPosition; selected.DerivedPosition = vNewPos; } else if ((EditorTool == EditorTools.Scale) && selected.Supports(EditFlags.CanScale)) { Vector3 vNewDist = mogRoot.GetGizmoIntersect(mouseRay, this.lastUsedPlane, EditorAxis, this.lastDerivedPosition); Vector3 vScale = this.lastScale; float fNewDist = vNewDist.Length; float fLength = this.last3DDelta.Length; if ((int)(EditorAxis & AxisType.X) != 0) { vScale.x *= (fNewDist / fLength); } if ((int)(EditorAxis & AxisType.Y) != 0) { vScale.y *= (fNewDist / fLength); } if ((int)(EditorAxis & AxisType.Z) != 0) { vScale.z *= (fNewDist / fLength); } PropertyInfo prop = selected.GetType().GetProperty("Scale"); if (prop != null) { prop.SetValue(selected, vScale, null); } } else if ((EditorTool == EditorTools.Rotate) && selected.Supports(EditFlags.CanRotate)) { Quaternion q1 = this.lastDerivedOrient; switch (EditorAxis) { case AxisType.X: q1 = q1 * new Quaternion(new Degree(-deltaY), new Vector3(1, 0, 0)); break; case AxisType.Y: q1 = q1 * new Quaternion(new Degree(-deltaY), new Vector3(0, 1, 0)); break; case AxisType.Z: q1 = q1 * new Quaternion(new Degree(-deltaY), new Vector3(0, 0, 1)); break; } selected.DerivedOrientation = q1; } } HighlightObjectAtPosition(mouseRay); }
public override void _cursorPressed(Mogre.Vector2 cursorPos) { }
public virtual void OnMouseLeftDown(Vector2 point, MouseDevice mouseDevice) { this.lastMouse = point; this.lastClickPoint = point; this.lastMouseDevice = mouseDevice; if (mouseDevice.RightButton == MouseButtonState.Pressed) return; Mogre.Ray mouseRay; GetMouseRay(this.lastMouse, out mouseRay); BaseEditor selected = MogitorsRoot.Instance.Selected; if (selected != null && selected == GetObjectUnderMouse(mouseRay, true, true)) { SaveEditorStates(mouseRay); isEditing = true; } else { isEditing = false; } }
public override void CursorPressed(Mogre.Vector2 cursorPos) { Mogre.OverlayManager om = Mogre.OverlayManager.Singleton; if (isExpanded) { if (scrollHandleElement.IsVisible) // check for scrolling { Mogre.Vector2 co = Widget.CursorOffset(scrollHandleElement, cursorPos); if (co.SquaredLength <= 81f) { isDragging = true; dragOffset = co.y; return; } else if (Widget.IsCursorOver(scrollTrackElement, cursorPos)) { float newTop = scrollHandleElement.Top + co.y; float lowerBoundary = scrollTrackElement.Height - scrollHandleElement.Height; scrollHandleElement.Top = (UIMathHelper.clamp <int>((int)newTop, 0, (int)lowerBoundary)); float scrollPercentage = UIMathHelper.clamp <float>(newTop / lowerBoundary, 0f, 1f); setDisplayIndex((uint)(scrollPercentage * (Items.Count - itemElements.Count) + 0.5f)); return; } } if (!IsCursorOver(expandedBoxElement, cursorPos, 3f)) { retract(); } else { float l = itemElements[0]._getDerivedLeft() * om.ViewportWidth + 5f; float t = itemElements[0]._getDerivedTop() * om.ViewportHeight + 5f; float r = l + itemElements[itemElements.Count - 1].Width - 10f; float b = itemElements[itemElements.Count - 1]._getDerivedTop() * om.ViewportHeight + itemElements[itemElements.Count - 1].Height - 5; if (cursorPos.x >= l && cursorPos.x <= r && cursorPos.y >= t && cursorPos.y <= b) { if (highlightIndex != selectionIndex) { SelectItem((uint)highlightIndex); } retract(); } } } else { if (Items.Count < 2) // don't waste time showing a menu if there's no choice { return; } if (IsCursorOver(smallBoxElement, cursorPos, 4f)) { expandedBoxElement.Show(); smallBoxElement.Hide(); // calculate how much vertical space we need float idealHeight = itemsShown * (smallBoxElement.Height - 8f) + 20f; expandedBoxElement.Height = (idealHeight); scrollTrackElement.Height = (expandedBoxElement.Height - 20f); expandedBoxElement.Left = (smallBoxElement.Left - 4f); // if the expanded menu goes down off the screen, make it go up instead if (smallBoxElement._getDerivedTop() * om.ViewportHeight + idealHeight > om.ViewportHeight) { expandedBoxElement.Top = (smallBoxElement.Top + smallBoxElement.Height - idealHeight + 3f); // if we're in thick style, hide the caption because it will interfere with the expanded menu if (textAreaElement.HorizontalAlignment == GuiHorizontalAlignment.GHA_CENTER) { textAreaElement.Hide(); } } else { expandedBoxElement.Top = (smallBoxElement.Top + 3f); } isExpanded = true; highlightIndex = selectionIndex; setDisplayIndex((uint)highlightIndex); if (itemsShown < Items.Count) // update scrollbar position { scrollHandleElement.Show(); float lowerBoundary = scrollTrackElement.Height - scrollHandleElement.Height; scrollHandleElement.Top = ((int)(displayIndex * lowerBoundary / (Items.Count - itemElements.Count))); } else { scrollHandleElement.Hide(); } } } }
public override void CursorReleased(Mogre.Vector2 cursorPos) { isDragging = false; }
/// <summary> /// Converts a 2D screen coordinate (in pixels) to a 3D ray into the scene. /// </summary> /// <param name="cam"></param> /// <param name="pt"></param> /// <returns></returns> public static Mogre.Ray ScreenToScene(Mogre.Camera cam, Mogre.Vector2 pt) { return(cam.GetCameraToViewportRay(pt.x, pt.y)); }
/// <summary> /// Static utility method used to get the cursor's offset from the center of an overlay element in pixels. /// </summary> public static Mogre.Vector2 CursorOffset(Mogre.OverlayElement element, Mogre.Vector2 cursorPos) { Mogre.OverlayManager om = Mogre.OverlayManager.Singleton; return(new Mogre.Vector2(cursorPos.x - (element._getDerivedLeft() * om.ViewportWidth + element.Width / 2), cursorPos.y - (element._getDerivedTop() * om.ViewportHeight + element.Height / 2f))); }
public override void ProcessParameters(Mogre.NameValuePairList parameters) { Mogre.NameValuePairList.Iterator ni; if ((ni = parameters.Find("Name")) != parameters.End()) = ni.Value; if ((ni = parameters.Find("Dimensions")) != parameters.End()) this.dimensions = MogreX.StringConverter.ParseVector4(ni.Value); if ((ni = parameters.Find("Skies")) != parameters.End()) this.skies = Mogre.StringConverter.ParseBool(ni.Value); if ((ni = parameters.Find("Shadows")) != parameters.End()) this.shadows = Mogre.StringConverter.ParseBool(ni.Value); if ((ni = parameters.Find("Overlays")) != parameters.End()) this.overlays = Mogre.StringConverter.ParseBool(ni.Value); if ((ni = parameters.Find("CamPosition")) != parameters.End()) this.camPosition = Mogre.StringConverter.ParseVector3(ni.Value); if ((ni = parameters.Find("CamOrientation")) != parameters.End()) this.camOrientation = Mogre.StringConverter.ParseQuaternion(ni.Value); if ((ni = parameters.Find("CamClipDistance")) != parameters.End()) this.camClipDistance = MogreX.StringConverter.ParseVector2(ni.Value); if ((ni = parameters.Find("CamPolyMode")) != parameters.End()) { this.camPolyMode = (Mogre.PolygonMode)Mogre.StringConverter.ParseInt(ni.Value); OnPropertyChanged("CamPolyMode"); } if ((ni = parameters.Find("CamFOV")) != parameters.End()) this.camFOV = Mogre.StringConverter.ParseReal(ni.Value); if ((ni = parameters.Find("Colour")) != parameters.End()) this.colour = Mogre.StringConverter.ParseColourValue(ni.Value); this.compositorStorage.Clear(); for (int cx = 0; cx < 100; ++cx) { string searchstr = "Compositor" + Mogre.StringConverter.ToString(cx); if ((ni = parameters.Find(searchstr + "Name")) != parameters.End()) { CompositorPush compData = new CompositorPush(); compData.Name = ni.Value; ni = parameters.Find(searchstr + "Enabled"); compData.Enabled = Mogre.StringConverter.ParseBool(ni.Value); this.compositorStorage.Add(compData); } else break; } }