// this section is use to update stock in hand item amount using shipment ID and total number of left
        public bool updateStockInHandAmountOfItems(String shipmentID,int noOfPiecesLeft)
                using (adoraDBContext a = new adoraDBContext())

                    var stockInHandObj = a.StockInHands.FirstOrDefault((sh) => sh.StockID == shipmentID);

                    stockInHandObj.NoOfItems = noOfPiecesLeft;

                    int done = a.SaveChanges();

                    if (done != -1)
                        return true;
                        return false;
            catch (System.Data.Entity.Infrastructure.DbUpdateException e)
                return false;
            catch (System.Data.Entity.Validation.DbEntityValidationException)
                return false;
            catch (System.NotSupportedException)
                return false;
            catch (System.ObjectDisposedException)
                return false;
            catch (System.InvalidOperationException)
                return false;
            catch (Exception)
                return false;
        // This section is use to update update frequency
        public bool updateFrequency(String shipmentID, int frequencyID, int noOfPieces, decimal pricePerPiece, DateTime date)
                using (adoraDBContext a = new adoraDBContext())
                    var frequency = a.FOBSalesFrequencies.FirstOrDefault((sf) => sf.ShipmentID == shipmentID && sf.FrequencyID == frequencyID);

                    frequency.NoOfPieces = noOfPieces;
                    frequency.PricePerPiece = pricePerPiece;
                    frequency.Date = date;

                    // _context.BnSFrequencies.Load();
                    int done = a.SaveChanges();

                    // If the operation is succeded
                    if (done != -1)
                        return true;
                        return false;
            catch (System.Data.Entity.Infrastructure.DbUpdateException e)
                return false;
            catch (System.Data.Entity.Validation.DbEntityValidationException)
                return false;
            catch (System.NotSupportedException)
                return false;
            catch (System.ObjectDisposedException)
                return false;
            catch (System.InvalidOperationException)
                return false;
            catch (Exception)
                return false;
        //This section is use to delete the current frequency
        public bool deleteCurrentFrequency(String shipmentId, int freqID)
                using (adoraDBContext a = new adoraDBContext())
                    // getting the deleting frequency object according to the shipment ID and frequncy ID
                    var deletingFrequencyObj = a.FOBSalesFrequencies.FirstOrDefault((sf) => sf.ShipmentID == shipmentId && sf.FrequencyID == freqID);

                    // deleting the selected object

                    // saving the changes to the database
                    int done = a.SaveChanges();

                    // If the operation is succeded retuen true, Otherwise return false
                    if (done != -1)
                        return true;
                        return false;
            catch (ArgumentNullException e)
                return false;
                return false;
        // this section is use to add New Frequency 
        public bool addNewFrequency(String shipmentID, int frequencyID, int noOfPieces, decimal pricePerPiece, DateTime date)
                using (adoraDBContext a = new adoraDBContext())
                    var frequency = new FOBSalesFrequency();

                    frequency.FrequencyID = frequencyID;
                    frequency.ShipmentID = shipmentID;
                    frequency.NoOfPieces = noOfPieces;
                    frequency.PricePerPiece = pricePerPiece;
                    frequency.Date = date;

                    //Add to memory

                    //Save to database
                    int done = a.SaveChanges();

                    // If the operation is sucessfull
                    if (done != -1)
                        return true;
                        return false;
            catch (System.Data.Entity.Infrastructure.DbUpdateException e)
                return false;
                return false;
                return false;
                return false;
                return false;
                return false;
        // this section is use to add and update records
           public void addUpdateRecord(RadioButton updateRButtonX, RadioButton addRButtonX, TextBox factoryNameX, TextBox itemNameX, DatePicker datePick, TextBox descriptionX, TextBox noOfPiecesX, Label errX)

                    // This section is use to update records     
                   if (updateRButtonX.IsChecked == true)
                       if (validationX.allFieldsFilled(factoryNameX, itemNameX, datePick, descriptionX, noOfPiecesX))
                           // retriving the corresponding stock object that matches current record stock ID
                           var Bns = con.StockInHands.FirstOrDefault((bns) => bns.StockID == currentRecordStockID);

                           // updating the retrived object data using the new data
                           Bns.FactoryName = factoryNameX.Text;
                           Bns.ItemName = itemNameX.Text;
                           Bns.Date = datePick.SelectedDate;
                           Bns.descript = descriptionX.Text;
                           Bns.NoOfItems = Convert.ToInt32(noOfPiecesX.Text);

                           // saving changes to the database
                           int done = con.SaveChanges();

                           if (done > 0)
                               MessageBox.Show("Update sucessfully!","Notification");
                               validationX.resetForm(factoryNameX, itemNameX, datePick, descriptionX, noOfPiecesX, errX);
                               MessageBox.Show("You have not modified any value!","Notification");
                           MessageBox.Show("Please Fill All Fields", "Error");
               // This method is used to add New record to the database
               if (addRButtonX.IsChecked == true)
                   // validating whether al fields are filled correctly
                   if (validationX.allFieldsFilled(factoryNameX, itemNameX, datePick, descriptionX, noOfPiecesX))
                       adoraDBContext _context = new adoraDBContext();

                    StockInHand sh = new StockInHand();

                    // getting data from the textboxes and saving them in newly created object
                    sh.FactoryName = factoryNameX.Text;
                    sh.ItemName = itemNameX.Text;
                    sh.Date = datePick.SelectedDate;
                    sh.descript = descriptionX.Text;
                    sh.NoOfItems = Convert.ToInt32((noOfPiecesX.Text));
                   // sh.ACostID = id;
                    // adding the object to the database

                    // saving the object in the database

                    System.Windows.MessageBox.Show("Succesfully Added", "Done", MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Information);

                    // this section is used to set CurrentRecordStockID global variable to newly added record's stock id
                    using (adoraDBContext b = new adoraDBContext())
                        // retriving newly added record's stock id from the database
                        var newRecordStockId = (from x in b.StockInHands
                                                where (x.FactoryName == factoryNameX.Text && x.ItemName == itemNameX.Text && x.descript == descriptionX.Text)
                                                select x.StockID).ToList();

                        // setting the CurrentRecordStockID global variable
                       MessageBox.Show("Please Fill All Fields", "Error");

               if (updateRButtonX.IsChecked == false && addRButtonX.IsChecked == false)
                   MessageBox.Show("Please select Add or Update", "Error");