Пример #1
        /// <summary>
        /// If root is a soil then make sure it has a sample or init water.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="root">The root node of the JSON to look at.</param>
        /// <returns>True if model was changed.</returns>
        private static bool EnsureSoilHasInitWaterAndSample(JObject root)
            string rootType = JsonUtilities.Type(root, true);

            if (rootType != null && rootType == "Models.Soils.Soil")
                JArray soilChildren = root["Children"] as JArray;
                if (soilChildren != null && soilChildren.Count > 0)
                    var initWater = soilChildren.FirstOrDefault(c => c["$type"].Value <string>().Contains(".InitWater"));
                    var sample    = soilChildren.FirstOrDefault(c => c["$type"].Value <string>().Contains(".Sample"));

                    if (sample == null && initWater == null)
                        // Add in an initial water and initial conditions models.
                        initWater                  = new JObject();
                        initWater["$type"]         = "Models.Soils.InitialWater, Models";
                        initWater["Name"]          = "Initial water";
                        initWater["PercentMethod"] = "FilledFromTop";
                        initWater["FractionFull"]  = 1;
                        initWater["DepthWetSoil"]  = "NaN";

                        sample              = new JObject();
                        sample["$type"]     = "Models.Soils.Sample, Models";
                        sample["Name"]      = "Initial conditions";
                        sample["Thickness"] = new JArray(new double[] { 1800 });
                        sample["NO3"]       = new JArray(new double[] { 10 });
                        sample["NH4"]       = new JArray(new double[] { 1 });
                        sample["NO3Units"]  = "kgha";
                        sample["NH4Units"]  = "kgha";
                        sample["SWUnits"]   = "Volumetric";

Пример #2
        private static void WriteProperty(JProperty property, JObject toObject)
            string propertyName = property.Name;

            if (propertyName == "@Version")
                propertyName = "Version";
            if (propertyName == "#text" && property.Path.Contains("Memo"))
                return; // Old memo have #text, we don't want them.
            if (!propertyName.StartsWith("@"))
                JToken valueToken = property.Value;
                if (valueToken.HasValues)
                    if (property.First.First.First is JValue)
                        JValue value       = property.First.First.First as JValue;
                        string elementType = (value.Parent as JProperty).Name;
                        JArray newArray    = new JArray();
                        newArray.Add(new JValue(value.ToString()));
                        toObject[propertyName] = newArray;
                    else if (property.First.First.First is JArray)
                        JArray array = property.First.First.First as JArray;

                        string elementType = (array.Parent as JProperty).Name;
                        JArray newArray    = new JArray();
                        foreach (var value in array.Values())
                            if (elementType == "string")
                                newArray.Add(new JValue(value.ToString()));
                            else if (elementType == "double")
                                newArray.Add(new JValue(double.Parse(value.ToString(), CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)));
                        toObject[propertyName] = newArray;
                    string   value = valueToken.Value <string>();
                    int      intValue;
                    double   doubleValue;
                    bool     boolValue;
                    DateTime dateValue;
                    if (property.Name == "Name")
                        if (JsonUtilities.Type(toObject) == "SoilCrop")
                            toObject["Name"] = GetSoilCropName(property.Value.ToString());
                            toObject[propertyName] = value;
                    else if (int.TryParse(value, NumberStyles.Any, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, out intValue))
                        toObject[propertyName] = intValue;
                    else if (double.TryParse(value, NumberStyles.Any, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, out doubleValue))
                        toObject[propertyName] = doubleValue;
                    else if (value == "-INF")
                        toObject[propertyName] = double.NaN;
                    else if (bool.TryParse(value, out boolValue))
                        toObject[propertyName] = boolValue;
                    else if (DateTime.TryParseExact(value, "MM/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, DateTimeStyles.None, out dateValue))
                        toObject[propertyName] = dateValue.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd");
                        toObject[propertyName] = value;
            else if (propertyName == "@name") // Name attribute.
                // SoilCrops copied from Apsim classic need to be renamed to CropNameSoil e.g. WheatSoil.
                if (toObject["$type"]?.ToString() == "Models.Soils.SoilCrop, Models")
                    toObject["Name"] = property.Value.ToString() + "Soil";
                else if (toObject["Name"] == null)
                    toObject["Name"] = property.Value;
Пример #3
        private static void ProcessObject(string name, JToken obj, JObject newRoot)
            // Look for an array of something e.g. variable names in report.
            if (name == "Code")
                JValue childAsValue = obj.First.First as JValue;
                newRoot["Code"] = childAsValue.Value.ToString();
            else if (name == "MemoText")
                JValue childAsValue = obj.First.First as JValue;
                newRoot["Text"] = childAsValue.Value.ToString();
            else if (name.Equals("Script", StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase))
                // manager parameters.
                JArray parameters = new JArray();
                foreach (JProperty parameter in obj.Children())
                    JObject newParameter = new JObject();
                    newParameter["Key"]   = parameter.Name;
                    newParameter["Value"] = parameter.Value.ToString();
                newRoot["Parameters"] = parameters;
            else if (name.Equals("PaddockList", StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase))
                // manager parameters.
                JArray values = new JArray();
                foreach (var child in obj.Children())
                    var newObject = CreateObject(child.First);
                newRoot[name] = values;
                if (GetModelFullName(name) == null)
                    var modelType = GetTypeFromName(JsonUtilities.Type(newRoot));
                    var property  = modelType?.GetProperty(name);
                    var newObject = CreateObject(obj);
                    // If the new obejct is NOT a JArray, and this object is supposed to be an array...
                    if (!(newObject is JArray) && (arrayVariableNames.Contains(name) || (property != null && property.PropertyType.IsArray)))
                        // Should be an array of objects.
                        if (newObject.First.First is JArray)
                            newObject = newObject.First.First;
                            JArray array = new JArray();
                            if (newObject.Count() == 1 && newObject.First is JProperty)
                            newObject = array;

                    if (!(newObject is JArray) && newObject["$type"] != null &&
                        GetModelFullName(newObject["$type"].ToString()) != null)
                        AddNewChild(newObject, newRoot);
                    else if (newObject.Children().Count() == 1 && newObject.First.Path == "#text")
                        newRoot[name] = newObject.First.First;
                        newRoot[name] = newObject;
                    AddNewChild(obj, newRoot);
Пример #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Change Factor.Specifications to Factor.Specification. Also FactorValue
        /// becomes CompositeFactor.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="root"></param>
        /// <param name="fileName"></param>
        private static void UpgradeToVersion56(JToken root, string fileName)
            foreach (var factor in JsonUtilities.ChildrenRecursively(root as JObject, "Factor"))
                var parent = JsonUtilities.Parent(factor);

                string parentModelType = JsonUtilities.Type(parent);
                if (parentModelType == "Factors")
                    var specifications = factor["Specifications"] as JArray;
                    if (specifications != null)
                        if (specifications.Count > 1)
                            // must be a compound factor.

                            // Change our Factor to a CompositeFactor
                            factor["$type"] = "Models.Factorial.CompositeFactor, Models";

                            // Remove the Factor from it's parent.
                            var parentChildren = parent["Children"] as JArray;

                            // Create a new site factor and add our CompositeFactor to the children list.
                            var siteFactor = JsonUtilities.ChildWithName(parent as JObject, "Site") as JObject;
                            if (siteFactor == null)
                                // Create a site factor
                                siteFactor          = new JObject();
                                siteFactor["$type"] = "Models.Factorial.Factor, Models";
                                siteFactor["Name"]  = "Site";
                                JArray siteFactorChildren = new JArray();
                                siteFactor["Children"] = siteFactorChildren;

                                // Add our new site factor to our models parent.
                            (siteFactor["Children"] as JArray).Add(factor);
                            // Convert array to string.
                            if (specifications.Count > 0)
                                factor["Specification"] = specifications[0].ToString();
                else if (parentModelType == "Factor")
                    factor["$type"] = "Models.Factorial.CompositeFactor, Models";

            foreach (var series in JsonUtilities.ChildrenRecursively(root as JObject, "Series"))
                var factorToVaryColours = series["FactorToVaryColours"];
                if (factorToVaryColours != null && factorToVaryColours.Value <string>() == "Simulation")
                    series["FactorToVaryColours"] = "SimulationName";
                var factorToVaryMarkers = series["FactorToVaryMarkers"];
                if (factorToVaryMarkers != null && factorToVaryMarkers.Value <string>() == "Simulation")
                    series["FactorToVaryMarkers"] = "SimulationName";
                var factorToVaryLines = series["FactorToVaryLines"];
                if (factorToVaryLines != null && factorToVaryLines.Value <string>() == "Simulation")
                    series["FactorToVaryLines"] = "SimulationName";