public static CalcResult CircuitCalc(int index, CirArr[] cirArr, CircuitNumber CircuitInfo, int Nrow, int[] Ntube, int Nelement, string[] fluid, double[] composition, double dh, double l, GeometryResult[,] geo, double[, ,] ta, double tri, double pri, double hri, double mr, double ma, double ha, double eta_surface, double zh, double zdp, int hexType, double thickness, double conductivity, double Pwater) { int N_tube = Ntube[0]; int Ncir = CircuitInfo.number[0]; int[] TubeofCir = CircuitInfo.TubeofCir; CalcResult res_cir = new CalcResult(); CalcResult[] r = new CalcResult[TubeofCir[index]]; int iRow = 0; int iTube = 0; double[] tai = new double[Nelement]; double[, ,] taout_calc = new double[Nelement, N_tube, Nrow]; double Ar = 0; double Aa = 0; double Aa_tube = 0; double Aa_fin = 0; double Ar_cs = 0; double pri_tube = 0; double tri_tube = 0; double hri_tube = 0; int index2 = 0; CheckAir airConverge = new CheckAir(); int iter = 0; ma = ma / N_tube; //air flow distribution to be considered if (index == 0) { index2 = 0; } else { for (int i = 1; i <= index; i++) { index2 += TubeofCir[i - 1]; } } do { pri_tube = pri; tri_tube = tri; hri_tube = hri; res_cir.DP = 0; // res_cir.Tao += r.Tao; res_cir.Q = 0; res_cir.M = 0; res_cir.Tro = 0; res_cir.Pro = 0; res_cir.hro = 0; res_cir.x_o = 0; res_cir.Vel_r = 0; res_cir.href = 0; res_cir.R_1 = 0; res_cir.R_1a = 0; res_cir.R_1r = 0; = 0; for (int i = 0; i < TubeofCir[index]; i++) //to be updated //Nrow * N_tube { //index2 = index == 1 ? 0 : (index - 1) * TubeofCir[index - 1 - 1]; iRow = cirArr[i + index2].iRow; iTube = cirArr[i + index2].iTube; Ar = geo[iTube, iRow].A_r; Aa = geo[iTube, iRow].A_a; Aa_tube = geo[iTube, iRow].Aa_tube; Aa_fin = geo[iTube, iRow].Aa_fin; Ar_cs = geo[iTube, iRow].A_r_cs; //tai=ta[,iTube,iRow]; for (int j = 0; j < Nelement; j++) { tai[j] = ta[j, iTube, iRow]; } r[i] = Tube.TubeCalc(Nelement, fluid, composition, dh, l, Aa_fin, Aa_tube, Ar_cs, Ar, tai, tri_tube, pri_tube, hri_tube, mr, ma, ha, eta_surface, zh, zdp, hexType, thickness, conductivity, Pwater); for (int j = 0; j < Nelement; j++) { taout_calc[j, iTube, iRow] = r[i].Tao; } tri_tube = r[i].Tro; pri_tube = r[i].Pro; hri_tube = r[i].hro; res_cir.DP += r[i].DP; // res_cir.Tao += r.Tao; res_cir.Q += r[i].Q; res_cir.M += r[i].M; res_cir.Tro = r[i].Tro; res_cir.Pro = r[i].Pro; res_cir.hro = r[i].hro; res_cir.x_o = r[i].x_o; res_cir.Vel_r = r[i].Vel_r; res_cir.href += r[i].href; res_cir.R_1 += r[i].R_1; res_cir.R_1a += r[i].R_1a; res_cir.R_1r += r[i].R_1r; } airConverge = CheckAirConvergeforCircuits.CheckAirConverge(Nrow, N_tube, Nelement, ta, taout_calc); ta = airConverge.ta; iter++; } while (!airConverge.flag && iter < 100); //if (iter >= 100) //{ // throw new Exception("iter for AirConverge > 100."); //} = mr; res_cir.Tao_Detail = ta; //res_cir.Tao = res_cir.Tao / Nelement; res_cir.href = res_cir.href / TubeofCir[index]; res_cir.R_1 = res_cir.R_1 / TubeofCir[index]; res_cir.R_1a = res_cir.R_1a / TubeofCir[index]; res_cir.R_1r = res_cir.R_1r / TubeofCir[index]; return(res_cir); }
public static CalcResult CircuitCalc(int index, CirArr[] cirArr, CircuitNumber CircuitInfo, int Nrow, int[] Ntube, int Nelement, string fluid, double l, Geometry geo, double[, ,] ta, double[, ,] RH, double tri, double pri, double hri, double mr, double[,] ma, double[,] ha, double[,] haw, double eta_surface, double zh, double zdp, int hexType, double thickness, double conductivity, double Pwater, CapiliaryInput cap_inlet, CapiliaryInput cap_outlet, AbstractState coolprop, double[,] SourceTableData) { #region 算进口毛细管 //调用毛细管守恒方程模型 /// double DP_cap = 0; int N = 1; Capiliary_res[] res_cap_in = new Capiliary_res[N]; if (cap_inlet.d_cap[index] == 0 && cap_inlet.lenth_cap[index] == 0) { pri = pri; hri = hri; tri = tri; } else { for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) { res_cap_in[i] = Capiliary.CapiliaryCalc(index, fluid, cap_inlet.d_cap[index], cap_inlet.lenth_cap[index] / N, tri, pri, hri, mr, Pwater, hexType, coolprop, SourceTableData); pri = res_cap_in[i].pro; hri = res_cap_in[i].hro; tri = res_cap_in[i].tro; DP_cap += res_cap_in[i].DP_cap; } } #endregion #region 算流路 /// //******蒸发器毛细管******// int N_tube = Ntube[0]; //int Ncir = CircuitInfo.number[0]; int Ncir = CircuitInfo.TubeofCir.Length; int[] TubeofCir = CircuitInfo.TubeofCir; CalcResult res_cir = new CalcResult(); CalcResult[] r = new CalcResult[TubeofCir[index]]; int iRow = 0; int iTube = 0; double[] tai = new double[Nelement]; double[] RHi = new double[Nelement]; double[, ,] taout_calc = new double[Nelement, N_tube, Nrow]; double[, ,] RHout_calc = new double[Nelement, N_tube, Nrow]; double[,] Q_detail = new double[N_tube, Nrow];//detail output double[,] DP_detail = new double[N_tube, Nrow]; double[,] Tri_detail = new double[N_tube, Nrow]; double[,] Pri_detail = new double[N_tube, Nrow]; double[,] hri_detail = new double[N_tube, Nrow]; double[,] Tro_detail = new double[N_tube, Nrow]; double[,] Pro_detail = new double[N_tube, Nrow]; double[,] hro_detail = new double[N_tube, Nrow];// double[,] href_detail = new double[N_tube, Nrow]; double[,] mr_detail = new double[N_tube, Nrow]; double[,] charge_detail = new double[N_tube, Nrow]; double Ar = 0; double Aa = 0; double Aa_tube = 0; double Aa_fin = 0; double Ar_cs = 0; double pri_tube = 0; double tri_tube = 0; double hri_tube = 0; double[] ma_tube = new double[Nelement]; double[] ha_tube = new double[Nelement]; double[] haw_tube = new double[Nelement]; int index2 = 0; CheckAir airConverge = new CheckAir(); int iter = 0; //ma = ma / (N_tube*Nelement); //air flow distribution to be considered if (index == 0) { index2 = 0; } else { for (int i = 1; i <= index; i++) { index2 += TubeofCir[i - 1]; } } //do //{ pri_tube = pri; tri_tube = tri; hri_tube = hri; res_cir.DP = 0; // res_cir.Tao += r.Tao; res_cir.Q = 0; res_cir.M = 0; res_cir.Tro = 0; res_cir.Pro = 0; res_cir.hro = 0; res_cir.x_o = 0; res_cir.Vel_r = 0; res_cir.href = 0; res_cir.R_1 = 0; res_cir.R_1a = 0; res_cir.R_1r = 0; = 0; for (int i = 0; i < TubeofCir[index]; i++) //to be updated //Nrow * N_tube { //index2 = index == 1 ? 0 : (index - 1) * TubeofCir[index - 1 - 1]; iRow = cirArr[i + index2].iRow; iTube = cirArr[i + index2].iTube; Ar = geo.ElementArea[iTube, iRow].A_r; Aa = geo.ElementArea[iTube, iRow].A_a; Aa_tube = geo.ElementArea[iTube, iRow].Aa_tube; Aa_fin = geo.ElementArea[iTube, iRow].Aa_fin; Ar_cs = geo.ElementArea[iTube, iRow].A_r_cs; //tai=ta[,iTube,iRow]; for (int j = 0; j < Nelement; j++) { tai[j] = ta[j, iTube, iRow]; RHi[j] = RH[j, iTube, iRow]; ma_tube[j] = ma[iTube, j]; ha_tube[j] = ha[iTube, j]; haw_tube[j] = haw[iTube, j]; } r[i] = Tube.TubeCalc(Nelement, fluid, l, Aa_fin, Aa_tube, Ar_cs, Ar, geo, tai, RHi, tri_tube, pri_tube, hri_tube, mr, ma_tube, ha_tube, haw_tube, eta_surface, zh, zdp, hexType, thickness, conductivity, Pwater, coolprop, SourceTableData); if (r[i].Pro < 0) { res_cir.Pro = -10000000; return(res_cir); } /*if (Airdirection == "顺流") * { * for (int j = 0; j < Nelement; j++) * { * taout_calc[j, iTube, iRow] = r[i].Tao; * RHout_calc[j, iTube, iRow] = r[i].RHout; * ta[j, iTube, iRow+1] = r[i].Tao; * RH[j, iTube, iRow+1] = r[i].RHout; * } * } * else//Counter * { * for(int j=0;j<Nelement;j++) * { * taout_calc[j, iTube, iRow] =r[i].Tao_Detail[0, 0, j]; * RHout_calc[j, iTube, iRow] = r[i].RHout; * } * }*/ for (int j = 0; j < Nelement; j++) { taout_calc[j, iTube, iRow] = r[i].Tao_Detail[0, 0, j]; RHout_calc[j, iTube, iRow] = r[i].RHout; } Tri_detail[iTube, iRow] = tri_tube; Pri_detail[iTube, iRow] = pri_tube; hri_detail[iTube, iRow] = hri_tube; tri_tube = r[i].Tro; pri_tube = r[i].Pro; hri_tube = r[i].hro; res_cir.DP += r[i].DP; // res_cir.Tao += r.Tao; res_cir.Q += r[i].Q; Q_detail[iTube, iRow] = r[i].Q; //detail output DP_detail[iTube, iRow] = r[i].DP; Tro_detail[iTube, iRow] = r[i].Tro; Pro_detail[iTube, iRow] = r[i].Pro; hro_detail[iTube, iRow] = r[i].hro; href_detail[iTube, iRow] = r[i].href; mr_detail[iTube, iRow] = mr; charge_detail[iTube, iRow] = r[i].M; res_cir.M += r[i].M; res_cir.Tro = r[i].Tro; res_cir.Pro = r[i].Pro; res_cir.hro = r[i].hro; res_cir.x_o = r[i].x_o; res_cir.Vel_r = r[i].Vel_r; res_cir.href += r[i].href; res_cir.R_1 += r[i].R_1; res_cir.R_1a += r[i].R_1a; res_cir.R_1r += r[i].R_1r; res_cir.Tri = r[i].Tri; res_cir.x_i = r[i].x_i; } /* * if (Airdirection == "顺流") * airConverge.flag = true; * else//Counter * { * airConverge = CheckAirConvergeforCircuits.CheckAirConverge(Nrow, N_tube, Nelement, ta, RH, taout_calc, RHout_calc); * ta = airConverge.ta; * RH = airConverge.RH; * iter++; * } * } while (!airConverge.flag && iter < 100); */ //if (iter >= 100) //{ // throw new Exception("iter for AirConverge > 100."); //} = mr; res_cir.Tao_Detail = taout_calc; res_cir.RHo_Detail = RHout_calc; //res_cir.Tao = res_cir.Tao / Nelement; res_cir.href = res_cir.href / TubeofCir[index]; res_cir.R_1 = res_cir.R_1 / TubeofCir[index]; res_cir.R_1a = res_cir.R_1a / TubeofCir[index]; res_cir.R_1r = res_cir.R_1r / TubeofCir[index]; res_cir.Q_detail = Q_detail;//detail output res_cir.DP_detail = DP_detail; res_cir.Tri_detail = Tri_detail; res_cir.Pri_detail = Pri_detail; res_cir.hri_detail = hri_detail; res_cir.Tro_detail = Tro_detail; res_cir.Pro_detail = Pro_detail; res_cir.hro_detail = hro_detail; res_cir.href_detail = href_detail; res_cir.mr_detail = mr_detail; #endregion #region 算出口毛细管 //调用毛细管守恒方程模型 ----需要校核,调整---- /// N = 1; Capiliary_res[] res_cap_out = new Capiliary_res[N]; //double DP_cap = 0; if (cap_outlet.d_cap[index] == 0 && cap_outlet.lenth_cap[index] == 0) { pri = pri; hri = hri; tri = tri; } else { for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) { res_cap_out[i] = Capiliary.CapiliaryCalc(index, fluid, cap_outlet.d_cap[index], cap_outlet.lenth_cap[index] / N, res_cir.Tro, res_cir.Pro, res_cir.hro, mr, Pwater, hexType, coolprop, SourceTableData); res_cir.Pro = res_cap_out[i].pro; res_cir.hro = res_cap_out[i].hro; res_cir.Tro = res_cap_out[i].tro; DP_cap += res_cap_out[i].DP_cap; } } #endregion //增加毛细管模型的单流路总压降 res_cir.DP = res_cir.DP + DP_cap; res_cir.DP_cap = DP_cap; res_cir.charge_detail = charge_detail; return(res_cir); }