Пример #1
        /// <summary>
        /// See if a ClickFunction command & process if so
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="command"></param>
        /// <param name="qm"></param>
        /// <param name="cInf"></param>

        public static void Process(
            string command,
            QueryManager qm,
            CellInfo cInf = null)
            QueryTable    rootQt, qt;
            QueryColumn   qc;
            MetaTable     mt;
            MetaColumn    mc;
            Query         q2;
            string        dbName = "", mtName = "", mcName = "";
            List <string> args0, args;
            string        funcName, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5;
            string        value = "", keyValue = "";

            int ai;

                // Parse click function arguments stripping all single quotes.
                // Arguments may be defined in the clickfunction definition including col values
                // indicated by field.Value in the metacolumn clickfunction definition.
                // If no args are defined in the clickfunction definition then a field value
                // argument will be added by default or the keyValue if [keyvalue] appears in the
                // ClickFunction definition

                CurrentClickQueryManager = qm;
                args0 = Lex.ParseAllExcludingDelimiters(command, "( , )", false);
                args  = new List <string>();
                for (ai = 0; ai < args0.Count; ai++)                 // strip all single quotes
                    string arg = args0[ai];
                    if (arg.StartsWith("'"))
                        arg = Lex.RemoveSingleQuotes(arg);

                    //if (Lex.Eq(arg, "[rowcol]") && cInf!= null)
                    //{ // pass grid row & col
                    //  args.Add(cInf.GridRowHandle.ToString());
                    //  args.Add(cInf.GridColAbsoluteIndex.ToString());


                funcName = args[0];
                arg1     = (args.Count >= 2 ? args[1] : "");             // get other args
                arg2     = (args.Count >= 3 ? args[2] : "");
                arg3     = (args.Count >= 4 ? args[3] : "");
                arg4     = (args.Count >= 5 ? args[4] : "");
                arg5     = (args.Count >= 6 ? args[5] : "");

                if (Lex.Eq(funcName, "DisplayAllData"))
                {                 // do all data display for supplied root table and key, i.e. DisplayAllData(TableName, KeyColName, KeyValue)
                    ParseMetaTableMetaColumn(arg1, out mt, arg2, out mc);
                    string extKey = arg3;
                    string intKey = CompoundId.Normalize(extKey, mt);

                    Progress.Show("Building Query...");
                    _query = QueryEngine.GetSelectAllDataQuery(mt.Name, intKey);
                    Progress.Show("Retrieving data...");                     // put up progress dialog since this may take a while
                    QbUtil.RunPopupQuery(_query, mt.KeyMetaColumn.Name + " " + extKey);

                else if (Lex.Eq(funcName, "DisplayAllDataUsingDbName"))
                {                 // display all data for supplied database synonym & key value, i.e. DisplayAllData2(DataBaseSynonym, KeyValue)
                    mtName = null;
                    dbName = arg1;
                    RootTable rti = RootTable.GetFromTableLabel(dbName);
                    if (rti != null)
                        mtName = rti.MetaTableName;
                    else                     // try synonyms
                        DictionaryMx dict = DictionaryMx.Get("Database_Synonyms");
                        if (dict != null)
                            mtName = dict.LookupDefinition(dbName);

                    if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(mtName))
                        MessageBoxMx.ShowError("Unrecognized database: " + dbName);

                    mt = MetaTableCollection.Get(mtName);
                    if (mt == null)
                        MessageBoxMx.ShowError("Can't find key metatable " + mtName + " for database " + dbName);

                    string extKey = arg2;
                    string intKey = CompoundId.Normalize(extKey, mt);

                    Progress.Show("Building Query...");
                    _query = QueryEngine.GetSelectAllDataQuery(mt.Name, intKey);
                    Progress.Show("Retrieving data...");                     // put up progress dialog since this may take a while
                    QbUtil.RunPopupQuery(_query, mt.KeyMetaColumn.Name + " " + extKey);

                // Run a query displaying results to a grid or web page and substituting a parameter value

                else if (Lex.Eq(funcName, "RunHtmlQuery") || Lex.Eq(funcName, "RunGridQuery"))
                {                 // command to display to grid or html
                    if (arg1.StartsWith("MetaTreeNode=", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                    {             // query based on metatables under a tree node
                        string nodeName = arg1.Substring("MetaTreeNode=".Length).Trim();
                        _cid = arg2;

                        MetaTreeNode mtn = MetaTree.GetNode(nodeName);
                        if (mtn == null)
                            MessageBoxMx.ShowError("Can't find tree node referenced in ClickFunction: " + nodeName);

                        _query = new Query();
                        MetaTable rootMt = null;
                        foreach (MetaTreeNode mtn_ in mtn.Nodes)
                            if (!mtn_.IsDataTableType)
                            mt = MetaTableCollection.Get(mtn_.Target);
                            if (mt == null)
                            if (rootMt == null)
                                rootMt = mt.Root;
                                rootQt = new QueryTable(_query, rootMt);

                            if (mt == rootMt)
                            qt = new QueryTable(_query, mt);

                        if (_query.Tables.Count == 0)
                            MessageBoxMx.ShowError("No valid data tables found: " + nodeName);

                        _query.KeyCriteria = "= " + _cid;
                        _title             = mtn.Label + " for " + _query.Tables[0].MetaTable.MetaColumns[0].Label + " " + CompoundId.Format(_cid);

                    else if (arg1.StartsWith("Query=", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                    {                     // query based on saved query
                        string qIdString = arg1.Substring("Query=".Length).Trim();
                        if (qIdString.StartsWith("Query_", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                            qIdString = qIdString.Substring("Query_".Length).Trim();
                        int qId = int.Parse(qIdString);

                        _query = QbUtil.ReadQuery(qId);

                        _cid = arg2;
                        _query.KeyCriteria = "= " + _cid;
                        _title             = _query.UserObject.Name + " for " + _query.Tables[0].MetaTable.MetaColumns[0].Label + " " + CompoundId.Format(_cid);

                    else                     // explicit mql string to execute
                        _mql = arg1;         // mql to execute
                        if (Lex.IsUndefined(_mql))
                            throw new Exception("Expected MQL query not found: " + command);

                        mt = null;
                        mc = null;

                        if (Lex.IsDefined(arg2) && Lex.IsDefined(arg3))
                            mtName   = arg2;
                            mcName   = arg3;
                            value    = arg4;                          // value to plug in to mql
                            keyValue = value;
                            ParseMetaTableMetaColumn(arg2, out mt, arg3, out mc);

                        else if (cInf != null)
                            mt       = cInf.Mt;
                            mc       = cInf.Mc;
                            value    = cInf?.DataValue?.ToString();
                            keyValue = qm?.DataTableManager?.GetRowKey(cInf.DataRowIndex);

                        if (mt == null || mc == null)
                            throw new Exception("Invalid MetaTable or MetaColumn name(s): " + command);

                        if (!mc.IsNumeric)
                            value = Lex.AddSingleQuotes(value);                             // quote if not numeric
                        int i1 = _mql.ToLower().IndexOf("[value]");                         // see if a value parameter
                        if (i1 >= 0)
                            string value2 = value;
                            _mql   = _mql.Replace(_mql.Substring(i1, 7), value);
                            _title = mc.Label + " " + value;

                        i1 = _mql.ToLower().IndexOf("[keyvalue]");                         // see if a key value parameter
                        if (i1 >= 0)
                            _mql   = _mql.Replace(_mql.Substring(i1, 10), keyValue);
                            _title = mt.KeyMetaColumn.Label + " " + keyValue;

                        try { _query = MqlUtil.ConvertMqlToQuery(_mql); }
                        catch (Exception ex)
                            MessageBoxMx.ShowError("Error converting Mql to query: " + ex.Message);

                    if (Lex.Eq(funcName, "RunHtmlQuery"))
                        QbUtil.RunPopupQuery(_query, _title, OutputDest.Html);

                    else                     // output to grid
                        QbUtil.RunPopupQuery(_query, _title, OutputDest.WinForms);

                    //else // create new grid query & run (will lose results for current query)
                    //	QbUtil.NewQuery(_title); // show in query builder
                    //	QbUtil.SetCurrentQueryInstance(_query);
                    //	QbUtil.RenderQuery();
                    //	string nextCommand = QueryExec.RunQuery(_query, OutputDest.Grid);


                // Open a URL, normally substituting parameter value

                else if (Lex.Eq(funcName, "OpenUrl"))
                    string url = arg1;                    // url to execute
                    value = arg2;                         // value to plug in to url

                    int i1 = Lex.IndexOf(url, "[value]"); // fill in one of the value place holders
                    if (i1 >= 0)
                        string value2 = value;
                        url = url.Replace(url.Substring(i1, 7), value);

                    else                     // check to see if we are matching on key
                        i1 = Lex.IndexOf(url, "[keyvalue]");
                        if (i1 >= 0)
                            url = url.Replace(url.Substring(i1, 10), value);


                else if (Lex.Eq(funcName, "OpenUrlFromSmallWorldCid"))

                else if (Lex.Eq(funcName, "ShowProjectDescription"))
                    string projName = arg1;

                else if (Lex.Eq(funcName, "ShowTableDescription"))
                    mtName = arg1;

                else if (Lex.Eq(funcName, "DisplayDrilldownDetail"))
                {                           // drill down into a result value
                    mtName = arg1;          // table
                    mcName = arg2;          // column
                    int    level    = Int32.Parse(arg3);
                    string resultId = arg4; // quoted resultId to get
                    q2 = QueryEngine.GetSummarizationDetailQuery(mtName, mcName, level, resultId);
                    if (q2 == null)
                        throw new Exception("Unable to build drill-down query for: " + mtName + "." + mcName);
                    bool success = QbUtil.RunPopupQuery(q2, "Result Detail", OutputDest.WinForms);

                //else if (Lex.Eq(funcName, "PopupSmilesStructure")) // display structure for a Smiles string (still needs some work...)
                //	string molString = arg1.ToString();
                //	ChemicalStructure cs = new ChemicalStructure(StructureFormat.Smiles, molString);
                //	ToolHelper.DisplayStructureInPopupGrid("Title...", "Smiles", "Structure", cs);

                //else if (Lex.Eq(funcName, "PopupChimeStructure")) // display structure for a Chime string
                //	string molString = arg1.ToString();
                //	ChemicalStructure cs = new ChemicalStructure(StructureFormat.Smiles, molString);
                //	ToolHelper.DisplayStructureInPopupGrid("Title...", "Smiles", "Structure", cs);

                else if (Lex.Eq(funcName, "DisplayWebPage"))
                {                 // substitute a field value into a url & display associated web page
                    string url = arg1;

                    ParseMetaTableMetaColumn(arg2, out mt, arg3, out mc);
                    value = arg4;                     // value to plug in to mql

                    //				value = "{6E9C28EF-407E-44A0-9007-5FFB735A5C6C}"; // debug
                    //				value = "{0AC17903-E551-445E-BFAA-860023D2884F}"; // debug
                    //				value = "{63EE71F9-15BA-42FB-AFDC-C399103707B1}"; // debug
                    //				value = "{80591183-B7BA-4669-8C5F-7E7F53D981CE}";

                    //lex.OpenString(mc.ClickFunction); // reparse url to get proper case
                    //funcName = lex.GetNonDelimiter();
                    //url = Lex.RemoveAllQuotes(lex.GetNonDelimiter());

                    _title = mc.Label + " " + value;
                    int i1 = url.ToLower().IndexOf("[value]");                     // fill in one of the value place holders
                    if (i1 >= 0)
                        url = url.Replace(url.Substring(i1, 7), value);

                    else                     // check to see if we are matching on key
                        i1 = url.ToLower().IndexOf("[keyvalue]");
                        if (i1 >= 0)
                            url    = url.Replace(url.Substring(i1, 10), value);
                            _title = mt.KeyMetaColumn.Label + " " + value;

                    UIMisc.ShowHtmlPopupFormDocument(url, _title);

                else if (Lex.Eq(funcName, "DisplayOracleBlobDocument")) // display a document contained in an Oracle blob column
                {                                                       // Syntax: DisplayOracleBlobDocument(<table-to-lookup>, <value_match_column>, <file-name-or-type-col>, <content-column>)
                    string table      = arg1;
                    string matchCol   = arg2;
                    string typeCol    = arg3;
                    string contentCol = arg4;
                    string matchVal   = arg5;                   // value to match

                        string typeName;
                        byte[] ba;
                        UalUtil.SelectOracleBlob(table, matchCol, typeCol, contentCol, matchVal, out typeName, out ba);
                        if (ba == null || ba.Length == 0)

                        UIMisc.SaveAndOpenBinaryDocument(typeName, ba);

                    catch (Exception ex)
                        MessageBoxMx.ShowError("Error retrieving document: " + ex.Message);


                else if (Lex.Eq(funcName, "DisplayOracleClobDocument")) // display a document contained in an Oracle clob column
                {                                                       // Syntax: DisplayOracleBlobDocument(<table-to-lookup>, <value_match_column>, <file-name-or-type-col>, <content-column>)
                    string table      = arg1;
                    string matchCol   = arg2;
                    string typeCol    = arg3;
                    string contentCol = arg4;
                    string matchVal   = arg5;                   // value to match

                        string typeName, clobString;
                        UalUtil.SelectOracleClob(table, matchCol, typeCol, contentCol, matchVal, out typeName, out clobString);
                        if (Lex.IsUndefined(clobString))

                        UIMisc.SaveAndOpenBase64BinaryStringDocument(typeName, clobString);                         // assume clob string is a Base64Binary string

                    catch (Exception ex)
                        MessageBoxMx.ShowError("Error retrieving document: " + ex.Message);


                else if (Plugins.IsMethodExtensionPoint(funcName))
                    List <object> objArgs = new List <object>();
                    for (ai = 1; ai < args.Count; ai++)                     // build list of object arguments
                    Plugins.CallStringExtensionPointMethod(funcName, objArgs);

                else if (Lex.Eq(funcName, "None"))                 // dummy click function

                    MessageBoxMx.ShowError("Unrecogized click function: " + funcName);

            catch (Exception ex)
                Exception ex2 = ex;
                if (ex.InnerException != null)
                    ex2 = ex.InnerException;
                string msg = "Error executing ClickFunction: " + command + "\r\n" +
