Пример #1
        // happens on client
        internal void HandleSyncList(int cmdHash, NetworkReader reader)
            // this doesn't use NetworkBehaviour.InvokSyncList function (anymore). this method of calling is faster.
            // The hash is only looked up once, insted of twice(!) per NetworkBehaviour on the object.

            if (gameObject == null)
                string errorCmdName = NetworkBehaviour.GetCmdHashHandlerName(cmdHash);
                if (LogFilter.logWarn)
                    Debug.LogWarning("SyncList [" + errorCmdName + "] received for deleted object [netId=" + netId + "]");

            // find the matching SyncList function and networkBehaviour class
            NetworkBehaviour.CmdDelegate invokeFunction;
            Type invokeClass;
            bool invokeFound = NetworkBehaviour.GetInvokerForHashSyncList(cmdHash, out invokeClass, out invokeFunction);

            if (!invokeFound)
                // We don't get a valid lookup of the command name when it doesn't exist...
                string errorCmdName = NetworkBehaviour.GetCmdHashHandlerName(cmdHash);
                if (LogFilter.logError)
                    Debug.LogError("Found no receiver for incoming [" + errorCmdName + "] on " + gameObject + ",  the server and client should have the same NetworkBehaviour instances [netId=" + netId + "].");

            // find the right component to invoke the function on
            NetworkBehaviour invokeComponent;

            if (!GetInvokeComponent(cmdHash, invokeClass, out invokeComponent))
                string errorCmdName = NetworkBehaviour.GetCmdHashHandlerName(cmdHash);
                if (LogFilter.logWarn)
                    Debug.LogWarning("SyncList [" + errorCmdName + "] handler not found [netId=" + netId + "]");

            invokeFunction(invokeComponent, reader);