Пример #1
        public void BlockCollision()
            List<Vector2> tilesHitting = RectangleHitsTiles(BoundBox);

            //Didn't want to make a new BoundBox so this'll do. Gets the tiles the player will be in with his velocity.
            EntityPosition += EntityVelocity;
            Vector2 newEntityPosition = EntityPosition;
            ShapeAABB newRectTest = BoundBox;
            List<Vector2> newTilesHitting = RectangleHitsTiles(newRectTest);
            EntityPosition -= EntityVelocity;

            //The amount of tiles the player will be entering with his new position.
            List<Vector2> newTiles = newTilesHitting;

            int highestY = 0;
            for (int i = 0; i < newTiles.Count; i++)
                if (newTiles[i].Y > highestY) highestY = (int)newTiles[i].Y;

            foreach (Vector2 newTile in newTiles)
                BlockData blockData = GameWorld.GetBlockAt(newTile.X, newTile.Y);

                if (blockData.ID == 0) continue;

                Block block = blockData.Block;
                bool walkThrough = block.GetBlockWalkThrough();

                //A wall
                Rectangle blockBB = block.GetBlockBoundBox((int)newTile.X, (int)newTile.Y);

                ShapeAABB thisAABB = newRectTest;
                ShapeAABB blockAABB = new ShapeAABB(blockBB);
                AABBCollisionResult collide = thisAABB.CollideAABB(blockAABB);
                if (!collide.IsIntersecting) continue;

                if (collide.XSmaller){
                    bool right = (collide.X < 0);
                    if (!walkThrough) {
                        EntityVelocity.X = 0;
                        EntityPosition.X = (newEntityPosition.X + collide.X);
                        ShouldDestroy = true;
                } else {
                    bool up = (collide.Y > 0);

                    if (!walkThrough){
                        EntityVelocity.Y = 0;
                        EntityPosition.Y = (newEntityPosition.Y + collide.Y);
                        ShouldDestroy = true;

Пример #2
        public virtual void EntityMovement()
            if (BoundBox.Left < 0) EntityPosition.X = BoundBox.Width / 2 + 1;
            if (BoundBox.Top < 0) EntityPosition.Y = BoundBox.Height / 2 + 1;
            if (BoundBox.Right > GameWorld.BlockSize * GameWorld.WorldSizeX) EntityPosition.X = GameWorld.BlockSize * GameWorld.WorldSizeX - (BoundBox.Width / 2);
            if (BoundBox.Bottom > GameWorld.BlockSize * GameWorld.WorldSizeY) EntityPosition.Y = GameWorld.BlockSize * GameWorld.WorldSizeY - (BoundBox.Height / 2);
            List<Vector2> tilesHitting = RectangleHitsTiles(BoundBox);

            //Didn't want to make a new BoundBox so this'll do. Gets the tiles the player will be in with his velocity.
            EntityPosition += EntityVelocity;
            List<Vector2> newTilesHitting = RectangleHitsTiles(BoundBox);

            //The amount of tiles the player will be entering with his new position.
            List<Vector2> newTiles = newTilesHitting;

            int highestY = 0;
            for (int i = 0; i < newTiles.Count; i++)
                if (newTiles[i].Y > highestY) highestY = (int)newTiles[i].Y;

            foreach (Vector2 newTile in newTiles)
                BlockData blockData = GameWorld.GetBlockAt(newTile.X, newTile.Y);

                if (blockData.ID == 0) continue;

                Block block = blockData.Block;
                bool walkThrough = block.GetBlockWalkThrough();

                //A wall
                Rectangle blockBB = block.GetBlockBoundBox((int)newTile.X, (int)newTile.Y);

                ShapeAABB thisAABB = BoundBox;
                ShapeAABB blockAABB = new ShapeAABB(blockBB);
                AABBCollisionResult collide = thisAABB.CollideAABB(blockAABB);

                if (!collide.IsIntersecting) continue;

                if (collide.XSmaller)
                    bool right = (collide.X < 0);
                    if (!walkThrough)
                        EntityVelocity.X = 0;
                        EntityPosition.X += collide.X;
                    block.OnBlockTouched((int)newTile.X, (int)newTile.Y, right ? 3 : 1, this);
                    bool up = (collide.Y > 0);
                    //if (up && EntityVelocity.Y < 0) continue;
                    if (!walkThrough)
                        EntityVelocity.Y = 0;
                        EntityPosition.Y += collide.Y;
                        if (!up)
                            TimeFalling = 0;
                            Falling = false;
                    block.OnBlockTouched((int)newTile.X, (int)newTile.Y, up ? 2 : 0, this);
            //EntityPosition += EntityVelocity;

            short blockID2 = GameWorld.GetBlockAt(GetEntityTile().X, GetEntityTile().Y).ID;

            if (EntityVelocity.Y < 6 && blockID2 != 6) EntityVelocity.Y += 1; // Gravity! This is a really nice side effect: The code for not allowing the player to go through a block downwards already exists, so I just need to add this one line to add gravity!

            if (blockID2 == 6)
                if (EntityVelocity.Y > 0) EntityVelocity.Y--;
                if (EntityVelocity.Y < 0) EntityVelocity.Y++;

            if (EntityVelocity.X < 0) EntityVelocity.X += 1;
            if (EntityVelocity.X > 0) EntityVelocity.X -= 1;

            if (EntityVelocity.Y != 1) Falling = true;
Пример #3
        internal List<Vector2> RectangleHitsTiles(ShapeAABB rect)
            List<Vector2> ret = new List<Vector2>();
            //PToV simply turns a Point into a Vector2
            Vector2 rectCenter = rect.Center;

            Vector2 topLeftHit = GameWorld.AbsoluteToTile(new Vector2(rect.Left, rect.Top));
            topLeftHit.X = (topLeftHit.X > 0) ? topLeftHit.X - 1 : topLeftHit.X;
            topLeftHit.Y = (topLeftHit.Y > 0) ? topLeftHit.Y - 1 : topLeftHit.Y;

            Vector2 bottomRightHit = GameWorld.AbsoluteToTile(new Vector2(rect.Right, rect.Bottom));
            bottomRightHit.X = (bottomRightHit.X < GameWorld.WorldSizeX) ? bottomRightHit.X + 1 : bottomRightHit.X;
            bottomRightHit.Y = (bottomRightHit.Y < GameWorld.WorldSizeY) ? bottomRightHit.Y + 1 : bottomRightHit.Y;
            //From the top of the rectangle to the bottom, find the tiles that the rectangle intersects and add them.
            for (int y = (int)topLeftHit.Y; y <= bottomRightHit.Y; y++)
                for (int x = (int)topLeftHit.X; x <= bottomRightHit.X; x++)
                    if (!ret.Contains(new Vector2(x, y))) ret.Add(new Vector2(x, y));
            return ret;
Пример #4
 public static bool inCamera(Vector2 position, ShapeAABB dimensions)
     Rectangle r = new Rectangle((int)position.X, (int)position.Y, dimensions.Width, dimensions.Height);
     return (r.Intersects(cameraBoundBox) || cameraBoundBox.Contains(r) || r.Contains(cameraBoundBox));
Пример #5
 public override AABBCollisionResult CollideAABB(ShapeAABB collidingWith)
     throw new NotImplementedException();
Пример #6
 public bool Intersects(ShapeAABB boundBox)
     return CollideAABB(boundBox).IsIntersecting;
Пример #7
 public CPGameMode()
     RedCapPoint = new ShapeAABB(2520, 384, 168, 96);
     BluCapPoint = new ShapeAABB(120, 384, 168, 96);
Пример #8
        public override AABBCollisionResult CollideAABB(ShapeAABB bound2)
            ShapeAABB bound1 = this;

            Vector2 bound1HalfWidths = new Vector2(bound1.Width / 2, bound1.Height / 2);
            Vector2 bound2HalfWidths = new Vector2(bound2.Width / 2, bound2.Height / 2);

            float yMove = 0;
            float xMove = 0;
            float multY = (bound1.Center.Y < bound2.Center.Y) ? -1 : 1;
            float multX = (bound1.Center.X < bound2.Center.X) ? -1 : 1;

            int xCDist = (int)Math.Abs(bound2.Center.X - bound1.Center.X);
            int yCDist = (int)Math.Abs(bound2.Center.Y - bound1.Center.Y);
            xMove = bound1HalfWidths.X + bound2HalfWidths.X - xCDist;
            yMove = bound1HalfWidths.Y + bound2HalfWidths.Y - yCDist;
            //Not colliding. SAT.
            if (yMove < 0 || xMove < 0) return new AABBCollisionResult(0, 0, false, false);

            //if (yMove < xMove && yMove > 0) xMove = 0;
            //else if (xMove < yMove && xMove > 0) yMove = 0;

            return new AABBCollisionResult((int)(xMove * multX), (int)(yMove * multY), xMove < yMove, true);
Пример #9
        public bool Contains(ShapeAABB boundBox)
            if (boundBox.Width >= Width || boundBox.Height >= Height) return false;

            return boundBox.Left - Left > 0 && Right - boundBox.Right > 0 && boundBox.Top - Top > 0 &&
                   Bottom - boundBox.Bottom > 0;
Пример #10
        public virtual void EntityMovement()
            if (ShouldDestroy) return;
            if (BoundBox.Left < 0 || BoundBox.Top < 0 || BoundBox.Right > GameServer.BlockSize * GameServer.WorldSizeX || BoundBox.Bottom > GameServer.BlockSize * GameServer.WorldSizeY)
                ShouldDestroy = true;
            List<Vector2> tilesHitting = RectangleHitsTiles(BoundBox);

            //Didn't want to make a new BoundBox so this'll do. Gets the tiles the player will be in with his velocity.
            EntityPosition += EntityVelocity;
            Vector2 newEntityPosition = EntityPosition;
            ShapeAABB newRectTest = BoundBox;
            List<Vector2> newTilesHitting = RectangleHitsTiles(newRectTest);
            EntityPosition -= EntityVelocity;

            //The amount of tiles the player will be entering with his new position.
            List<Vector2> newTiles = newTilesHitting;

            int highestY = 0;
            for (int i = 0; i < newTiles.Count; i++)
                if (newTiles[i].Y > highestY) highestY = (int)newTiles[i].Y;

            foreach (Vector2 newTile in newTiles)
                BlockData blockData = GameServer.GetBlockAt(newTile.X, newTile.Y);

                if (blockData.ID == 0) continue;

                Block block = blockData.Block;
                bool walkThrough = block.GetBlockWalkThrough();

                //A wall
                Rectangle blockBB = block.GetBlockBoundBox((int)newTile.X, (int)newTile.Y);

                ShapeAABB thisAABB = newRectTest;
                ShapeAABB blockAABB = new ShapeAABB(blockBB);
                AABBCollisionResult collide = thisAABB.CollideAABB(blockAABB);
                if (!collide.IsIntersecting) continue;

                if (collide.XSmaller)
                    bool right = (collide.X < 0);
                    if (!walkThrough)
                        EntityVelocity.X = 0;
                        EntityPosition.X = (newEntityPosition.X + collide.X);
                        ShouldDestroy = true;
                        GameServer.SetBlock((int)newTile.X, (int)newTile.Y, 0);
                    bool up = (collide.Y > 0);

                    if (!walkThrough)
                        EntityVelocity.Y = 0;
                        EntityPosition.Y = (newEntityPosition.Y + collide.Y);
                        ShouldDestroy = true;
                        GameServer.SetBlock((int)newTile.X, (int)newTile.Y, 0);

            EntityPosition += EntityVelocity;

            if (EntityVelocity.Y < 6)
                EntityVelocity.Y += EffectOfGravity;

            if (EntityVelocity.X < 0) EntityVelocity.X += AirFriction;
            if (EntityVelocity.X > 0) EntityVelocity.X -= AirFriction;
Пример #11
        internal List<Vector2> RectangleHitsTiles(ShapeAABB rect)
            List<Vector2> ret = new List<Vector2>();
            //PToV simply turns a Point into a Vector2
            Vector2 rectCenter = rect.Center;

            Vector2 topLeftHit = GameServer.AbsoluteToTile(new Vector2(rect.Left, rect.Top));
            Vector2 bottomRightHit = GameServer.AbsoluteToTile(new Vector2(rect.Right - 2, rect.Bottom - 2));
            //From the top of the rectangle to the bottom, find the tiles that the rectangle intersects and add them.

            for (int y = (int)topLeftHit.Y; y <= bottomRightHit.Y; y++)
                for (int x = (int)topLeftHit.X; x <= bottomRightHit.X; x++)
                    if (!ret.Contains(new Vector2(x, y))) ret.Add(new Vector2(x, y));
            return ret;
Пример #12
 public abstract AABBCollisionResult CollideAABB(ShapeAABB collidingWith);
Пример #13
        private void BlockCollisions()
            List<Vector2> newTiles = RectangleHitsTiles(BoundBox);

            foreach (Vector2 newTile in newTiles)
                BlockData blockData = GameServer.GetBlockAt(newTile.X, newTile.Y);

                if (blockData.ID == 0) continue;

                Block block = blockData.Block;
                bool walkThrough = block.GetBlockWalkThrough();

                //A wall
                Rectangle blockBB = block.GetBlockBoundBox((int)newTile.X, (int)newTile.Y);

                ShapeAABB thisAABB = BoundBox;
                ShapeAABB blockAABB = new ShapeAABB(blockBB);
                AABBCollisionResult collide = thisAABB.CollideAABB(blockAABB);

                if (!collide.IsIntersecting || collide.X == 0 || collide.Y == 0) continue;

                if (!walkThrough)
                    int side = 0;

                    if (collide.Projection.Y > 0)
                        side = 2;
                    if (collide.Projection.Y < 0)
                        side = 0;
                    if (collide.Projection.X > 0)
                        side = 1;
                    if (collide.Projection.X < 0)
                        side = 3;

                    if (collide.Projection.Y < 0)
                        TimeFalling = 0;
                        Falling = false;

                    EntityVelocity *= collide.MultProjection;
                    EntityPosition += collide.Projection;
                    block.OnBlockTouched((int)newTile.X, (int)newTile.Y, side, this);
                /*else if (collide.XSmaller)
                    bool right = (collide.X < 0);
                    if (!walkThrough)
                        EntityVelocity.X = 0;
                        EntityPosition.X += collide.X;
                    block.OnBlockTouched((int)newTile.X, (int)newTile.Y, right ? 3 : 1, this);
                    bool up = (collide.Y > 0);
                    if (!walkThrough)
                        EntityVelocity.Y = 0;
                        EntityPosition.Y += collide.Y;
                        if (!up)
                            TimeFalling = 0;
                            Falling = false;
                    block.OnBlockTouched((int)newTile.X, (int)newTile.Y, up ? 2 : 0, this);
Пример #14
        private void AttackSword()
            int leftX = FacingLeft ? BoundBox.Left - 15 : BoundBox.Right;
            ShapeAABB bound = new ShapeAABB(new Rectangle(leftX, (int)BoundBox.Top + 5, 15, PlayerHeight - 6));
            List<Vector2> newTiles = RectangleHitsTiles(bound);

            foreach (Vector2 v in newTiles)
                BlockData block = GameServer.GetBlockAt(v.X, v.Y);
                if (block.ID != 0)
                    ShapeAABB bound2 = new ShapeAABB(block.Block.GetBlockBoundBox((int)v.X, (int)v.Y));
                    if (bound2.Intersects(bound))
                        GameServer.HurtBlock((int)v.X, (int)v.Y, 2);

            foreach (NetworkPlayer player in GameServer.NetworkPlayers)
                if (player == this) continue;
                if (player.PlayerTeam == PlayerTeam) continue;
                if (player.BoundBox.Intersects(bound) || player.BoundBox.Contains(bound) || bound.Contains(player.BoundBox))
                    player.EntityVelocity.Y = -4;
                    player.EntityVelocity.X = FacingLeft ? -5 : 5;