Пример #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Called when <see cref="IKSolver.Solve"/> is called.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="deltaTime">The current time step (in seconds).</param>
        protected override void OnSolve(float deltaTime)
            if (_isDirty)
                // Validate bone chain.
                if (!SkeletonPose.IsAncestorOrSelf(RootBoneIndex, HingeBoneIndex))
                    throw new ArgumentException("The RootBoneIndex and the HingeBoneIndex do not form a valid bone chain.");
                if (!SkeletonPose.IsAncestorOrSelf(HingeBoneIndex, TipBoneIndex))
                    throw new ArgumentException("The HingeBoneIndex and the TipBoneIndex do not form a valid bone chain.");

            _isDirty = false;

            if (MinHingeAngle > MaxHingeAngle)
                throw new AnimationException("The MinHingeAngle must be less than or equal to the MaxHingeAngle");

            // Remember original bone transforms for interpolation at the end.
            var originalRootBoneTransform  = SkeletonPose.GetBoneTransform(RootBoneIndex);
            var originalHingeBoneTransform = SkeletonPose.GetBoneTransform(HingeBoneIndex);
            var originalTipBoneTransform   = SkeletonPose.GetBoneTransform(TipBoneIndex);

            var rootBonePoseAbsolute  = SkeletonPose.GetBonePoseAbsolute(RootBoneIndex);
            var hingeBonePoseAbsolute = SkeletonPose.GetBonePoseAbsolute(HingeBoneIndex);
            var tipBonePoseAbsolute   = SkeletonPose.GetBonePoseAbsolute(TipBoneIndex);

            // Get tip position in model space.
            Vector3 tipAbsolute;

            if (TipBoneOrientation != null)
                // If the user has specified an absolute tip rotation, then we consider this rotation and
                // use the tip bone origin as tip.
                tipAbsolute = tipBonePoseAbsolute.Translation;
                Target     -= tipBonePoseAbsolute.ToParentDirection(tipBonePoseAbsolute.Scale * TipOffset);
                // The user hasn't specified a desired tip rotation. Therefore we do not modify the
                // tip rotation and use the offset position in the tip bone as tip.
                tipAbsolute = tipBonePoseAbsolute.ToParentPosition(TipOffset);

            // Abort if we already touch the target.
            if (Vector3.AreNumericallyEqual(tipAbsolute, Target))

            // Root to target vector.
            var rootToTarget       = Target - rootBonePoseAbsolute.Translation;
            var rootToTargetLength = rootToTarget.Length;

            if (Numeric.IsZero(rootToTargetLength))
            rootToTarget /= rootToTargetLength;

            // ----- Align chain with target.
            // Align the root to target vector with the root to tip vector.
            var rootToTip       = tipAbsolute - rootBonePoseAbsolute.Translation;
            var rootToTipLength = rootToTip.Length;

            if (!Numeric.IsZero(rootToTipLength))
                rootToTip /= rootToTipLength;

                var rotation = Quaternion.CreateFromRotationMatrix(rootToTip, rootToTarget);
                if (rotation.Angle > Numeric.EpsilonF)
                    // Apply rotation to root bone.
                    rootBonePoseAbsolute.Rotation = rotation * rootBonePoseAbsolute.Rotation;
                    SkeletonPose.SetBoneRotationAbsolute(RootBoneIndex, rootBonePoseAbsolute.Rotation);
                    hingeBonePoseAbsolute = SkeletonPose.GetBonePoseAbsolute(HingeBoneIndex);

                    // Compute new tip absolute tip position from the known quantities.
                    tipAbsolute = rootBonePoseAbsolute.Translation + rootToTarget * rootToTipLength;

            // ----- Compute ideal angle.
            var rootToHinge = hingeBonePoseAbsolute.Translation - rootBonePoseAbsolute.Translation;
            var hingeToTip  = tipAbsolute - hingeBonePoseAbsolute.Translation;
            var hingeAxis   = hingeBonePoseAbsolute.ToParentDirection(HingeAxis);

            // Project vectors to hinge plane. Everything should be in a plane for the following
            // computations.
            rootToHinge -= hingeAxis * Vector3.Dot(rootToHinge, hingeAxis);
            hingeToTip  -= hingeAxis * Vector3.Dot(hingeToTip, hingeAxis);

            // Get lengths.
            float rootToHingeLength = rootToHinge.Length;

            if (Numeric.IsZero(rootToHingeLength))
            rootToHinge /= rootToHingeLength;

            float hingeToTipLength = hingeToTip.Length;

            if (Numeric.IsZero(hingeToTipLength))
            hingeToTip /= hingeToTipLength;

            // Compute current hinge angle (angle between root bone and hinge bone).
            float currentHingeAngle = (float)Math.Acos(MathHelper.Clamp(Vector3.Dot(rootToHinge, hingeToTip), -1, 1));

            // Make sure the computed angle is about the hingeAxis and not about -hingeAxis.
            if (Vector3.Dot(Vector3.Cross(rootToHinge, hingeToTip), hingeAxis) < 0)
                currentHingeAngle = -currentHingeAngle;

            // Using law of cosines to compute the desired hinge angle using the triangle lengths.
            float cosDesiredHingeAngle = (rootToHingeLength * rootToHingeLength + hingeToTipLength * hingeToTipLength - rootToTargetLength * rootToTargetLength)
                                         / (2 * rootToHingeLength * hingeToTipLength);
            float desiredHingeAngle = ConstantsF.Pi - (float)Math.Acos(MathHelper.Clamp(cosDesiredHingeAngle, -1, 1));

            // Apply hinge limits.
            if (desiredHingeAngle < MinHingeAngle)
                desiredHingeAngle = MinHingeAngle;
            else if (desiredHingeAngle > MaxHingeAngle)
                desiredHingeAngle = MaxHingeAngle;

            // Compute delta rotation between current and desired angle.
            float deltaAngle    = desiredHingeAngle - currentHingeAngle;
            var   hingeRotation = Quaternion.CreateFromRotationMatrix(hingeAxis, deltaAngle);

            hingeBonePoseAbsolute.Rotation = hingeRotation * hingeBonePoseAbsolute.Rotation;

            // Update tip position.
            tipAbsolute = hingeBonePoseAbsolute.Translation + hingeRotation.Rotate(tipAbsolute - hingeBonePoseAbsolute.Translation);

            // ----- Align chain with target.
            // If we hit a hinge limit, then we can move the tip closer to the target by aligning
            // the whole chain again.
            rootToTip       = tipAbsolute - rootBonePoseAbsolute.Translation;
            rootToTipLength = rootToTip.Length;
            if (!Numeric.IsZero(rootToTipLength))
                rootToTip /= rootToTipLength;
                var rotation = Quaternion.CreateFromRotationMatrix(rootToTip, rootToTarget);
                rootBonePoseAbsolute.Rotation  = rotation * rootBonePoseAbsolute.Rotation;
                hingeBonePoseAbsolute.Rotation = rotation * hingeBonePoseAbsolute.Rotation;

            // ----- Set results.
            SkeletonPose.SetBoneRotationAbsolute(RootBoneIndex, rootBonePoseAbsolute.Rotation);
            SkeletonPose.SetBoneRotationAbsolute(HingeBoneIndex, hingeBonePoseAbsolute.Rotation);

            if (TipBoneOrientation != null)
                SkeletonPose.SetBoneRotationAbsolute(TipBoneIndex, TipBoneOrientation.Value);

            // ----- Apply weight, velocity limit and set results.
            bool  requiresBlending = RequiresBlending();
            float maxRotationAngle;
            bool  requiresLimiting = RequiresLimiting(deltaTime, out maxRotationAngle);

            if (requiresBlending || requiresLimiting)
                var targetBoneTransform = SkeletonPose.GetBoneTransform(RootBoneIndex);
                if (requiresBlending)
                    BlendBoneTransform(ref originalRootBoneTransform, ref targetBoneTransform);
                if (requiresLimiting)
                    LimitBoneTransform(ref originalRootBoneTransform, ref targetBoneTransform, maxRotationAngle);
                SkeletonPose.SetBoneTransform(RootBoneIndex, targetBoneTransform);

                targetBoneTransform = SkeletonPose.GetBoneTransform(HingeBoneIndex);
                if (requiresBlending)
                    BlendBoneTransform(ref originalHingeBoneTransform, ref targetBoneTransform);
                if (requiresLimiting)
                    LimitBoneTransform(ref originalHingeBoneTransform, ref targetBoneTransform, maxRotationAngle);
                SkeletonPose.SetBoneTransform(HingeBoneIndex, targetBoneTransform);

                targetBoneTransform = SkeletonPose.GetBoneTransform(TipBoneIndex);
                if (requiresBlending)
                    BlendBoneTransform(ref originalTipBoneTransform, ref targetBoneTransform);
                if (requiresLimiting)
                    LimitBoneTransform(ref originalTipBoneTransform, ref targetBoneTransform, maxRotationAngle);
                SkeletonPose.SetBoneTransform(TipBoneIndex, targetBoneTransform);
        /// <summary>
        /// Called when <see cref="IKSolver.Solve"/> is called.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="deltaTime">The current time step (in seconds).</param>
        protected override void OnSolve(float deltaTime)
            if (NumberOfIterations <= 0)

            if (_isDirty)
                if (!SkeletonPose.IsAncestorOrSelf(RootBoneIndex, TipBoneIndex))
                    throw new ArgumentException("The RootBoneIndex and the TipBoneIndex do not form a valid bone chain.");

            _isDirty = false;

            var   skeleton         = SkeletonPose.Skeleton;
            bool  requiresBlending = RequiresBlending();
            float maxRotationAngle;
            bool  requiresLimiting = RequiresLimiting(deltaTime, out maxRotationAngle);

            if (requiresBlending || requiresLimiting)
                // Remember original bone transforms for interpolation with the result at the end.
                // Transforms are stored from tip to root (reverse order!).

                int boneIndex = TipBoneIndex;
                while (true)

                    if (boneIndex == RootBoneIndex)

                    boneIndex = skeleton.GetParent(boneIndex);

            int numberOfBones = SkeletonPose.GetNumberOfBones(RootBoneIndex, TipBoneIndex);

            // The transposed jacobian matrix.
            var jacobianTransposed = new MatrixF(numberOfBones, 6);

            // The force vector (3 linear and 3 angular (torque) entries).
            VectorF force = new VectorF(6);

            // The rotation axes of the bones.
            Vector3[] axes = new Vector3[numberOfBones];

            float toleranceSquared = AllowedDeviation * AllowedDeviation;

            // In each iteration we compute the jacobian matrix, compute the bone velocities
            // an make an euler integration step.
            for (int iteration = 0; iteration < NumberOfIterations; iteration++)
                var tipBoneAbsolute = SkeletonPose.GetBonePoseAbsolute(TipBoneIndex);
                var tipAbsolute     = tipBoneAbsolute.ToParentPosition(TipOffset);
                var targetToTip     = tipAbsolute - Target;
                if (targetToTip.LengthSquared() < toleranceSquared)
                    if (iteration == 0)


                // Loop from tip to root and fill Jacobian.
                // (See description of Jacobian Transpose method to see how the rotation axes and
                // Jacobian entries must look like).
                var currentBoneIndex = TipBoneIndex;
                int exitBoneIndex    = RootBoneIndex >= 0 ? skeleton.GetParent(RootBoneIndex) : -1;
                int i = numberOfBones;

                    // Compute rotation axis.
                    Vector3 currentJointAbsolute = SkeletonPose.GetBonePoseAbsolute(currentBoneIndex).Translation;
                    Vector3 jointToTarget        = Target - currentJointAbsolute;
                    Vector3 jointToTip           = tipAbsolute - currentJointAbsolute;
                    axes[i] = Vector3.Cross(jointToTarget, jointToTip);
                    if (!axes[i].TryNormalize())
                        axes[i] = Vector3.UnitX; // TODO: What should we really do in this case?
                    Vector3 jacobianColumnUpperPart = Vector3.Cross(jointToTip, axes[i]);

                    // Fill J.
                    jacobianTransposed[i, 0] = jacobianColumnUpperPart.X;
                    jacobianTransposed[i, 1] = jacobianColumnUpperPart.Y;
                    jacobianTransposed[i, 2] = jacobianColumnUpperPart.Z;
                    jacobianTransposed[i, 3] = axes[i].X;
                    jacobianTransposed[i, 4] = axes[i].Y;
                    jacobianTransposed[i, 5] = axes[i].Z;

                    currentBoneIndex = skeleton.GetParent(currentBoneIndex);
                } while (currentBoneIndex != exitBoneIndex && currentBoneIndex >= 0);

                Debug.Assert(i == 0);

                // Set the force.
                force[0] = targetToTip.X;
                force[1] = targetToTip.Y;
                force[2] = targetToTip.Z;
                force[3] = 0;
                force[4] = 0;
                force[5] = 0;

                // Compute pseudo velocities.
                VectorF velocities = jacobianTransposed * force; // TODO: Garbage!

                // Euler integration step.
                currentBoneIndex = TipBoneIndex;
                i = numberOfBones;

                    // Rotation axis for this bone.
                    Vector3 axis = axes[i];
                    // Angle is computed using Euler integration with an arbitrary step size.
                    float angle = velocities[i] * StepSize;

                    // Apply rotation.
                    Quaternion rotationChange = Quaternion.CreateFromRotationMatrix(axis, angle);
                    SkeletonPose.RotateBoneAbsolute(currentBoneIndex, rotationChange);

                    currentBoneIndex = skeleton.GetParent(currentBoneIndex);
                } while (currentBoneIndex != exitBoneIndex && currentBoneIndex >= 0);

                // Call delegate that checks bone limits.
                if (LimitBoneTransforms != null)

            if (requiresBlending || requiresLimiting)
                // Apply weight and the angular velocity limit.
                int boneIndex = TipBoneIndex;
                int i         = 0;
                while (true)
                    var originalTransform = _originalTransforms[i];
                    var targetTransform   = SkeletonPose.GetBoneTransform(boneIndex);

                    // Apply weight.
                    if (requiresBlending)
                        BlendBoneTransform(ref originalTransform, ref targetTransform);

                    // Apply angular velocity limit.
                    if (requiresLimiting)
                        LimitBoneTransform(ref originalTransform, ref targetTransform, maxRotationAngle);

                    SkeletonPose.SetBoneTransform(boneIndex, targetTransform);

                    if (boneIndex == RootBoneIndex)

                    boneIndex = skeleton.GetParent(boneIndex);

Пример #3
        private void UpdateDerivedValues()
            // Validate chain. Compute bone lengths, bone indices and total chain length.
            if (_isDirty)

            _totalChainLength = -1;

                // Check if chain is valid.
                if (!SkeletonPose.IsAncestorOrSelf(RootBoneIndex, TipBoneIndex))
                    throw new ArgumentException("The RootBoneIndex and the TipBoneIndex do not form a valid bone chain.");

                // Get bone indices.
                SkeletonPose.GetChain(RootBoneIndex, TipBoneIndex, _boneIndices);

                var numberOfBones = _boneIndices.Count;

                // Get bone lengths. We compute the bone lengths from an actual bone pose because
                // our archer test model had a scale in the bone transforms. Therefore we cannot
                // compute the length from only the bind poses.
                _boneLengths.Capacity = numberOfBones;
                _totalChainLength     = 0;
                for (int i = 0; i < numberOfBones - 1; i++)
                    int   boneIndex  = _boneIndices[i];
                    int   childIndex = _boneIndices[i + 1];
                    var   boneVector = SkeletonPose.GetBonePoseAbsolute(childIndex).Translation - SkeletonPose.GetBonePoseAbsolute(boneIndex).Translation;
                    float boneLength = boneVector.Length;
                    _totalChainLength += boneLength;

                // Tip bone.
                _boneLengths.Add((SkeletonPose.GetBonePoseAbsolute(TipBoneIndex).Scale *TipOffset).Length);
                _totalChainLength += _boneLengths[numberOfBones - 1];

                // Initialize _bones list with dummy values.
                for (int i = 0; i < numberOfBones; i++)

                _isDirty = true;
                _totalChainLength = 0;

Пример #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Called when <see cref="IKSolver.Solve"/> is called.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="deltaTime">The current time step (in seconds).</param>
        protected override void OnSolve(float deltaTime)
            if (NumberOfIterations <= 0)

            // Validate new chains.
            if (_isDirty && !SkeletonPose.IsAncestorOrSelf(RootBoneIndex, TipBoneIndex))
                throw new ArgumentException("The RootBoneIndex and the TipBoneIndex do not form a valid bone chain.");

            _isDirty = false;

            var skeleton = SkeletonPose.Skeleton;

            bool  requiresBlending = RequiresBlending();
            float maxRotationAngle;
            bool  requiresLimiting = RequiresLimiting(deltaTime, out maxRotationAngle);

            if (requiresBlending || requiresLimiting)
                // Remember original bone transforms for interpolation with the result at the end.
                // Transforms are stored from tip to root (reverse order!).

                int boneIndex = TipBoneIndex;
                while (true)

                    if (boneIndex == RootBoneIndex)

                    boneIndex = skeleton.GetParent(boneIndex);

            // We iterate NumberOfIteration times or until we are within the allowed deviation.
            // In each iteration we move each bone once.
            float toleranceSquared = AllowedDeviation * AllowedDeviation;
            bool  targetReached    = false;

            for (int i = 0; i < NumberOfIterations && !targetReached; i++)
                // Iterate bones from tip to root.
                int boneIndex = TipBoneIndex;
                while (true)
                    // Get current tip position in local bone space.
                    var     bonePoseAbsolute    = SkeletonPose.GetBonePoseAbsolute(boneIndex);
                    var     targetPositionLocal = bonePoseAbsolute.ToLocalPosition(Target);
                    Vector3 tipLocal;
                    if (boneIndex == TipBoneIndex)
                        tipLocal = TipOffset;
                        var tipBonePoseAbsolute = SkeletonPose.GetBonePoseAbsolute(TipBoneIndex);
                        var tipAbsolute         = tipBonePoseAbsolute.ToParentPosition(TipOffset);
                        tipLocal = bonePoseAbsolute.ToLocalPosition(tipAbsolute);

                    if ((tipLocal - targetPositionLocal).LengthSquared() < toleranceSquared)
                        // Target reached! If this is the first iteration and the first bone, then we
                        // didn't have to do anything and can abort. Otherwise we just leave the loops.

                        if (i == 0 && boneIndex == TipBoneIndex)

                        targetReached = true;

                    // Rotate bone so that it points to the target.
                    if (tipLocal.TryNormalize() && targetPositionLocal.TryNormalize())
                        var rotation = Quaternion.CreateFromRotationMatrix(tipLocal, targetPositionLocal);
                        var angle    = rotation.Angle;

                        // If the bone gain is less than 1, then we make a smaller correction. We will need
                        // more iterations but the change is more evenly distributed over the chain.
                        if (BoneGain < 1)
                            angle          = angle * BoneGain;
                            rotation.Angle = angle;

                        // Apply rotation to bone transform.
                        if (Numeric.IsGreater(angle, 0))
                            var boneTransform = SkeletonPose.GetBoneTransform(boneIndex);
                            boneTransform.Rotation = boneTransform.Rotation * rotation;

                            SkeletonPose.SetBoneTransform(boneIndex, boneTransform);

                            // Call delegate that enforces bone limits.
                            if (LimitBoneTransforms != null)

                    if (boneIndex == RootBoneIndex)

                    boneIndex = skeleton.GetParent(boneIndex);

            if (requiresBlending || requiresLimiting)
                // Apply weight and the angular velocity limit.
                int boneIndex = TipBoneIndex;
                int i         = 0;
                while (true)
                    var originalTransform = _originalTransforms[i];
                    var targetTransform   = SkeletonPose.GetBoneTransform(boneIndex);

                    // Apply weight.
                    if (requiresBlending)
                        BlendBoneTransform(ref originalTransform, ref targetTransform);

                    // Apply angular velocity limit.
                    if (requiresLimiting)
                        LimitBoneTransform(ref originalTransform, ref targetTransform, maxRotationAngle);

                    SkeletonPose.SetBoneTransform(boneIndex, targetTransform);

                    if (boneIndex == RootBoneIndex)

                    boneIndex = skeleton.GetParent(boneIndex);
