public Surveillances(Enseignants Prof, Seances NewSeance, Salles NewSalles, DateTime DtSurveillance) { Enseignant = new Enseignants(Prof); Seance = new Seances(NewSeance); Salle = new Salles(NewSalles); DateSurveillance = DtSurveillance; }
public void ParameterDetail() { if (DtgListeEnseignants.SelectedCells.Count > 0) { int IndexRowSelected = DtgListeEnseignants.SelectedCells[0].RowIndex; DataGridViewRow SelectedRow = DtgListeEnseignants.Rows[IndexRowSelected]; if (SelectedRow.Cells["Nom"].Value != null && SelectedRow.Cells["Nom"].Value.ToString().Trim().Length != 0 && IndexRowSelected < Helper.AllEnseignants.Count) { CurrentIndex = IndexRowSelected; CurrentEns = Helper.AllEnseignants[IndexRowSelected]; InitialChamp(CurrentEns); } else { CurrentEns = null; InitialChamp(null); } } else { CurrentEns = null; InitialChamp(null); } }
public Modifier_Surveillance(List <Surveillances> ListSurveillances, Enseignants Ens, int Index) { InitializeComponent(); AllSurv = ListSurveillances; CurrentEns = Ens; IndexCurrent = Index; CurrentSurveillance = ListSurveillances[Index]; }
public Surveillances(Surveillances NewSurveillance) { Id = NewSurveillance.PropId; Enseignant = new Enseignants(NewSurveillance.PropEnseignant); Seance = new Seances(NewSurveillance.PropSeance); Salle = new Salles(NewSurveillance.PropSalle); DateSurveillance = NewSurveillance.PropDateSurveillance; }
public Enseignants(Enseignants NewEnseignant) { Id = NewEnseignant.PropId; Nom = NewEnseignant.PropNom; Prenom = NewEnseignant.PropPrenom; Email = NewEnseignant.PropEmail; Statut = NewEnseignant.PropStatut; Departement = new Departements(NewEnseignant.PropDepartements); }
public void AddEnseignant(Enseignants newEnseignant) { MyOleDbCommand = new OleDbCommand("insert into [Enseignants]( Nom,Prenom,Email,Statut, CodeDep )" + "values ( @Nom,@Prenom,@Email,@Statut, @CodeDep )"); MyOleDbCommand.Parameters.Add("@Nom", OleDbType.VarChar).Value = newEnseignant.PropNom; MyOleDbCommand.Parameters.Add("@Prenom", OleDbType.VarChar).Value = newEnseignant.PropPrenom; MyOleDbCommand.Parameters.Add("@Email", OleDbType.VarChar).Value = newEnseignant.PropEmail; MyOleDbCommand.Parameters.Add("@Statut", OleDbType.VarChar).Value = newEnseignant.PropStatut; MyOleDbCommand.Parameters.Add("@CodeDep", OleDbType.VarChar).Value = newEnseignant.PropDepartements.PropCode; DBConnection.FunctionToWrite(MyOleDbCommand); }
public int UpdateEnseignant(string Email, Enseignants newEnseignant) { MyOleDbCommand = new OleDbCommand("update [Enseignants] set Nom = @Nom, Prenom = @Prenom, Statut=@Statut , Email = @Email, " + " CodeDep = @CodeDep where Email = @OldEmail "); MyOleDbCommand.Parameters.Add("@Nom", OleDbType.VarChar).Value = newEnseignant.PropNom; MyOleDbCommand.Parameters.Add("@Prenom", OleDbType.VarChar).Value = newEnseignant.PropPrenom; MyOleDbCommand.Parameters.Add("@Statut", OleDbType.VarChar).Value = newEnseignant.PropStatut; MyOleDbCommand.Parameters.Add("@Email", OleDbType.VarChar).Value = newEnseignant.PropEmail; MyOleDbCommand.Parameters.Add("@CodeDep", OleDbType.VarChar).Value = newEnseignant.PropDepartements.PropCode; MyOleDbCommand.Parameters.Add("@OldEmail", OleDbType.VarChar).Value = Email; return(DBConnection.FunctionToWrite(MyOleDbCommand)); }
static Enseignants ConvertRowToEnseignants(DataRow row) { Enseignants CurrentEnseignants = new Enseignants(); int Id = int.Parse(row["Id"].ToString()); CurrentEnseignants.PropId = Id; string Nom = (row["Nom"].ToString().Length != 0) ? row["Nom"].ToString() : "pas de Nom"; CurrentEnseignants.PropNom = Nom; string Prenom = (row["Prenom"].ToString().Length != 0) ? row["Prenom"].ToString() : "pas de Prenom "; CurrentEnseignants.PropPrenom = Prenom; string Email = (row["Email"].ToString().Length != 0) ? row["Email"].ToString() : "pas d'Email"; CurrentEnseignants.PropEmail = Email; string Statut = (row["Statut"].ToString().Length != 0) ? row["Statut"].ToString() : "pas de statut"; CurrentEnseignants.PropStatut = Statut; string CodeDep = row["CodeDep"].ToString(); if (CodeDep.Length != 0) { Departements CurrentDepartements = new Departements(); string NomDep = (row["NomDep"].ToString().Length != 0) ? row["NomDep"].ToString() : "pas de Nom de Departement"; CurrentDepartements.PropNom = NomDep; CurrentDepartements.PropCode = CodeDep; CurrentEnseignants.PropDepartements = new Departements(CurrentDepartements); } else { CodeDep = "pas de Departement"; CurrentEnseignants.PropDepartements = null; } return(CurrentEnseignants); }
private void Btn_Importer_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { var fileContent = string.Empty; var filePath = string.Empty; using (OpenFileDialog Ofd = new OpenFileDialog() { Filter = "Fichiers Excel | *.xls; *.xlsx; *.xlsm", ValidateNames = true, Multiselect = false }) { if (Ofd.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) { //Get the path of specified file filePath = Ofd.FileName; Dal_Departement Dal_Dept = new Dal_Departement(); List <Departements> DeptList = Dal_Dept.GetAllDepartementsList(); Dal_Ens.GetDataFromExcelFile(filePath, out MydataTabX, out MydataTabY, out MydataTabA, out MydataTabB, out MydataTabC); for (int i = 0; i < MydataTabA.Length; i++) { Departements Dept = new Departements(MydataTabB[i], MydataTabC[i]); if (!DeptList.Contains(Dept)) { Dal_Dept.AddDepartement(Dept); } Enseignants Ens = new Enseignants(MydataTabX[i], MydataTabY[i], MydataTabA[i], "En cours", Dept); Dal_Ens.AddEnseignant(Ens); fillDgvEns(); } MessageBox.Show("Données importées avec succès", "Saved", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information); /* //Read the contents of the file into a stream * var fileStream = Ofd.OpenFile(); * * using (StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(fileStream)) * { * fileContent = reader.ReadToEnd(); * } */ } } // MessageBox.Show(fileContent, "File Content at path: " + filePath, MessageBoxButtons.OK); }
private void InitialChamp(Enseignants CurrentEnseignant) { if (CurrentEnseignant != null) { if (CurrentEnseignant.PropNom != null && CurrentEnseignant.PropNom.Trim().Length != 0) { LbValueNom.Text = CurrentEnseignant.PropNom + ' ' + CurrentEnseignant.PropPrenom; } else { LbValueNom.Text = "Pas de nom"; } if (CurrentEnseignant.PropDepartements != null && CurrentEnseignant.PropDepartements.PropNom.Trim().Length != 0) { LbValueDep.Text = CurrentEnseignant.PropDepartements.PropNom; } else { LbValueDep.Text = "Pas de departement"; } if (CurrentEnseignant.PropStatut.ToLower().Trim().Equals("termine")) { CbEtat.SelectedItem = CbEtat.Items[1]; } else { CbEtat.SelectedItem = CbEtat.Items[0]; } FillDtgListeProgrames(CurrentEnseignant.PropId); } else { LbValueNom.Text = "Pas de nom"; LbValueDep.Text = "Pas de departement"; FillDtgListeProgrames(0); } }
public Enseignants GetEnseignantByEmail(string Email) { Enseignants EnseignantsSearched = new Enseignants(); MyOleDbCommand = new OleDbCommand("select, E.Nom, E.Prenom, E.Email, E.Statut, E.CodeDep, D.Nom as NomDep from [Enseignants] as E, Departements as D where Email = @Email and D.Code = E.CodeDep"); MyOleDbCommand.Parameters.Add("@Email", OleDbType.VarChar).Value = Email; dt = DBConnection.FunctionToRead(MyOleDbCommand); foreach (DataRow row in dt.Rows) { EnseignantsSearched = ConvertRowToEnseignants(row); } if (dt.Rows.Count == 0) { return(null); } else { return(EnseignantsSearched); } }
public void DeleteEnseignant(Enseignants Individu) { MyOleDbCommand = new OleDbCommand("delete from [Enseignants] where Email= @Email "); MyOleDbCommand.Parameters.Add("@Email", OleDbType.VarChar).Value = Individu.PropEmail; DBConnection.FunctionToWrite(MyOleDbCommand); }
public Ajouter_Surveillance(List <Surveillances> ListSurveillances, Enseignants Ens) { InitializeComponent(); AllSurv = ListSurveillances; CurrentEns = Ens; }
public static DataTable AdaptDataTableProgrammes(DataTable CurrentDataTable) { AllSurveillance = new List <Surveillances.Surveillances>(); DataTable Datatable = new DataTable(); Datatable = InitialiseDataGridProgrammes(Datatable); //Get All The Rows Of The First DataTable foreach (DataRow row in CurrentDataTable.Rows) { Surveillances.Surveillances CurrentSurveillance = new Surveillances.Surveillances(); int Id = 0; try { Id = Int32.Parse(row["Id"].ToString()); } catch (Exception e) { Id = 0; } int IdEnseignant = 0; try { IdEnseignant = Int32.Parse(row["IdEnseignant"].ToString()); } catch (Exception e) { IdEnseignant = 0; } string CodeSeance = (row["CodeSeances"].ToString().Length != 0) ? row["CodeSeances"].ToString() : ""; string NomSalle = (row["NomSalle"].ToString().Length != 0) ? row["NomSalle"].ToString() : ""; string DateText = (row["DateSurveillance"].ToString().Length >= 8) ? row["DateSurveillance"].ToString() : null; DateTime DateSurveillance = DateTime.MinValue; if (DateText != null) { DateSurveillance = DateTime.Parse(DateText); } Enseignants CurrentProf = new Enseignants(); CurrentProf.PropId = IdEnseignant; if (IdEnseignant != 0) { string NomEns = (row["NomEns"].ToString().Length != 0) ? row["NomEns"].ToString() : "pas de Nom D'enseignant"; CurrentProf.PropNom = NomEns; string PrenomEns = (row["PrenomEns"].ToString().Length != 0) ? row["PrenomEns"].ToString() : "pas de Prenom d'enseignant"; CurrentProf.PropPrenom = PrenomEns; string Email = (row["Email"].ToString().Length != 0) ? row["Email"].ToString() : "pas d'Email"; CurrentProf.PropEmail = Email; string Statut = (row["Statut"].ToString().Length != 0) ? row["Statut"].ToString() : "pas de statut"; CurrentProf.PropStatut = Statut; string CodeDep = row["CodeDep"].ToString(); if (CodeDep.Length != 0) { Departements CurrentDepartements = new Departements(); string NomDep = (row["NomDep"].ToString().Length != 0) ? row["NomDep"].ToString() : "pas de Nom de Departement"; CurrentDepartements.PropNom = NomDep; CurrentDepartements.PropCode = CodeDep; CurrentProf.PropDepartements = new Departements(CurrentDepartements); } else { CodeDep = "pas de Departement"; CurrentProf.PropDepartements = null; } CurrentProf.PropStatut = Statut; } Seances CurrentSeance = new Seances(); CurrentSeance.PropCode = CodeSeance; CurrentSeance.PropNom = (row["NomSeance"].ToString().Length != 0) ? row["NomSeance"].ToString() : "pas de Nom de Seance"; CurrentSeance.PropHeureDebut = (row["HeureDebut"].ToString().Length != 0) ? row["HeureDebut"].ToString() : "pas de HeureDebut"; CurrentSeance.PropHeureFin = (row["HeureFin"].ToString().Length != 0) ? row["HeureFin"].ToString() : "pas de HeureFin"; Salles CurrentSalle = new Salles(); CurrentSalle.PropNom = NomSalle; CurrentSalle.PropType = (row["Type"].ToString().Length != 0) ? row["Type"].ToString() : "pas de type salle"; Surveillances.Surveillances CurrentSurveillances = new Surveillances.Surveillances(CurrentProf, CurrentSeance, CurrentSalle, DateSurveillance); CurrentSurveillances.PropId = Id; Datatable.Rows.Add( CurrentSalle.PropNom, CurrentSeance.PropNom, CurrentSeance.PropHeureDebut, CurrentSeance.PropHeureFin, DateSurveillance ); AllSurveillance.Add(CurrentSurveillances); } return(Datatable); }
public static DataTable AdaptDataTableEnseignant(DataTable CurrentDataTable) { AllEnseignants = new List <Enseignants>(); DataTable Datatable = new DataTable(); Datatable = InitialiseDataGridEnseignant(Datatable); //Get All The Rows Of The First DataTable foreach (DataRow row in CurrentDataTable.Rows) { Enseignants CurrentEnseignant = new Enseignants(); int Id = 0; try { Id = Int32.Parse(row["Id"].ToString()); } catch (Exception e) { Id = 0; } string Nom = (row["Nom"].ToString().Length != 0) ? row["Nom"].ToString() : "pas de Nom"; string PreNom = (row["Prenom"].ToString().Length != 0) ? row["Prenom"].ToString() : "pas de PreNom"; string Email = (row["Email"].ToString().Length != 0) ? row["Email"].ToString() : "pas de Email"; string Status = (row["Statut"].ToString().Length != 0) ? row["Statut"].ToString() : "pas de Status"; string CodeDep = row["CodeDep"].ToString(); if (CodeDep.Length != 0) { Departements CurrentDepartements = new Departements(); string NomDep = (row["NomDep"].ToString().Length != 0) ? row["NomDep"].ToString() : "pas de Nom de Departement"; CurrentDepartements.PropNom = NomDep; CurrentDepartements.PropCode = CodeDep; CurrentEnseignant = new Enseignants(Nom, PreNom, Email, Status, CurrentDepartements); Datatable.Rows.Add( false, Nom + ' ' + PreNom.Split(' ')[0], CurrentDepartements.PropNom, Status ); } else { CodeDep = "pas de Departement"; CurrentEnseignant = new Enseignants(Nom, PreNom, Email, Status, new Departements("", CodeDep)); Datatable.Rows.Add( false, Nom + ' ' + PreNom.Split(' ')[0], "pas de Departement", Status ); } CurrentEnseignant.PropId = Id; AllEnseignants.Add(CurrentEnseignant); } return(Datatable); }
public static DataTable AdaptDataTableEnseignant(List <Enseignants> CurrentDataTable) { AllEnseignants = new List <Enseignants>(); DataTable Datatable = new DataTable(); Datatable = InitialiseDataGridEnseignant(Datatable); //Get All The Rows Of The First DataTable foreach (Enseignants row in CurrentDataTable) { Enseignants CurrentEnseignant = new Enseignants(); int Id = 0; try { Id = row.PropId; } catch (Exception e) { Id = 0; } string Nom = row.PropNom; string PreNom = row.PropPrenom; string Email = row.PropEmail; string Status = row.PropStatut; string CodeDep = row.PropDepartements.PropCode; if (CodeDep.Length != 0) { Departements CurrentDepartements = new Departements(); string NomDep = row.PropDepartements.PropNom; CurrentDepartements.PropNom = NomDep; CurrentDepartements.PropCode = CodeDep; CurrentEnseignant = new Enseignants(Nom, PreNom, Email, Status, CurrentDepartements); Datatable.Rows.Add( Nom, PreNom, Email, CurrentDepartements.PropNom, CurrentDepartements.PropCode ); } else { CodeDep = "pas de Departement"; CurrentEnseignant = new Enseignants(Nom, PreNom, Email, Status, new Departements("", CodeDep)); Datatable.Rows.Add( false, Nom + ' ' + PreNom.Split(' ')[0], "pas de Departement", Status ); } CurrentEnseignant.PropId = Id; AllEnseignants.Add(CurrentEnseignant); } return(Datatable); }
public Surveillances.Surveillances ConvertRowToSurveillances(DataRow row) { int Id = 0; try { Id = int.Parse(row["Id"].ToString()); } catch (Exception e) { Id = 0; } int IdEnseignant = 0; try { IdEnseignant = int.Parse(row["IdEnseignant"].ToString()); } catch (Exception e) { IdEnseignant = 0; } string CodeSeance = (row["CodeSeances"].ToString().Length != 0) ? row["CodeSeances"].ToString() : ""; string NomSalle = (row["NomSalle"].ToString().Length != 0) ? row["NomSalle"].ToString() : ""; string DateText = (row["DateSurveillance"].ToString().Length >= 8) ? row["DateSurveillance"].ToString() : null; DateTime DateSurveillance = DateTime.MinValue; if (DateText != null) { DateSurveillance = DateTime.Parse(DateText); } Enseignants CurrentProf = new Enseignants(); CurrentProf.PropId = IdEnseignant; if (IdEnseignant != 0) { string NomEns = (row["NomEns"].ToString().Length != 0) ? row["NomEns"].ToString() : "pas de Nom D'enseignant"; CurrentProf.PropNom = NomEns; string PrenomEns = (row["PrenomEns"].ToString().Length != 0) ? row["PrenomEns"].ToString() : "pas de Prenom d'enseignant"; CurrentProf.PropPrenom = PrenomEns; string Email = (row["Email"].ToString().Length != 0) ? row["Email"].ToString() : "pas d'Email"; CurrentProf.PropEmail = Email; string Statut = (row["Statut"].ToString().Length != 0) ? row["Statut"].ToString() : "pas de statut"; CurrentProf.PropStatut = Statut; string CodeDep = row["CodeDep"].ToString(); if (CodeDep.Length != 0) { Departements CurrentDepartements = new Departements(); string NomDep = (row["NomDep"].ToString().Length != 0) ? row["NomDep"].ToString() : "pas de Nom de Departement"; CurrentDepartements.PropNom = NomDep; CurrentDepartements.PropCode = CodeDep; CurrentProf.PropDepartements = new Departements(CurrentDepartements); } else { CodeDep = "pas de Departement"; CurrentProf.PropDepartements = null; } CurrentProf.PropStatut = Statut; } Seances CurrentSeance = new Seances(); CurrentSeance.PropCode = CodeSeance; CurrentSeance.PropNom = (row["NomSeance"].ToString().Length != 0) ? row["NomSeance"].ToString() : "pas de Nom de Seance"; CurrentSeance.PropHeureDebut = (row["HeureDebut"].ToString().Length != 0) ? row["HeureDebut"].ToString() : "pas de HeureDebut"; CurrentSeance.PropHeureFin = (row["HeureFin"].ToString().Length != 0) ? row["HeureFin"].ToString() : "pas de HeureFin"; Salles CurrentSalle = new Salles(); CurrentSalle.PropNom = NomSalle; CurrentSalle.PropType = (row["type"].ToString().Length != 0) ? row["type"].ToString() : "pas de type salle"; Surveillances.Surveillances CurrentSurveillances = new Surveillances.Surveillances(CurrentProf, CurrentSeance, CurrentSalle, DateSurveillance); CurrentSurveillances.PropId = Id; return(CurrentSurveillances); }