Пример #1
         *  send vel cmd to UAV every 0.5s to keep it moving
        private void timer_flush_Tick(object sender, EventArgs e)
            DFrame msg = new DFrame();

            msg.source_id  = gcs.id;
            msg.route      = 1;
            msg.payload[0] = 0x02; // this is a cmd msg

            foreach (uav u in uav_list)
                msg.target_id = u.id;
                if (u.flush_vel == true)
                    msg.payload[1] = 12; // vel command
                    float  vel = 1;
                    byte[] he  = BitConverter.GetBytes(vel);
                    msg.payload[2] = he[0];
                    msg.payload[3] = he[1];
                    msg.payload[4] = he[2];
                    msg.payload[5] = he[3];
                    msg.len        = 6;
Пример #2
         *   request home location of uav
        private string cmd_gethome(string[] cmd_words)
            string res = "";

            // check input
            if (cmd_words.Length < 2)
                res = "    usage: gethome uav_name";

            // check uav_name validity
            uav  utmp   = new uav();
            bool tfound = false;

            foreach (uav u in uav_list)
                if (u.name == cmd_words[1] && u.status != "self")
                    utmp   = u;
                    tfound = true;
                    if (utmp.status == "disconnected")
                        res = "    " + utmp.name + " must be connected first.\r\n";
            if (!tfound)
                res  = "    uav_name is invalid\r\n";
                res += "    use showuav to list available uav_names\r\n";

            // construct and send cmd to uav
            DFrame msg = new DFrame();

            msg.source_id  = gcs.id;
            msg.target_id  = utmp.id;
            msg.route      = 1;
            msg.payload[0] = 0x02; // this is a cmd msg
            msg.payload[1] = 8;    // cmd_id is 0x08 (gethome)
            msg.len        = 2;

            // wait for uav reply
            lock (this)
                msg_cmd_ack_received = false;

            // analyse reply
            if (msg_cmd_ack_received)
                if (msg_cmd_ack.payload[2] == 84)
                    res = "    action succeeded \r\n";
                else if (msg_cmd_ack.payload[2] == 70)
                    res  = "    action failed:  ";
                    res += Convert.ToString(msg_cmd_ack.payload[3]);
                    res += "\r\n               meaning: ";
                    res += cmd_ack_explain(Convert.ToInt32(Convert.ToString(msg_cmd_ack.payload[3])));
                    res = "    unknown reply";
                res = "    timeout";

Пример #3
         *  Check uav status a few times per second, using timer tick
        private void timer_uav_Tick(object sender, EventArgs e)
            DFrame msg      = new DFrame();
            double time_now = epoch_now();

            // broadcast a heartbeat
            if (time_now - last_heartbeat >= 1)
                last_heartbeat = time_now;
                msg.source_id  = gcs.id;
                msg.target_id  = 0x00;
                msg.len        = 1;
                msg.route      = 0;
                msg.payload[0] = 0x00;

                if (serial_ch1.IsOpen)

            // check uav connection status
            foreach (uav u in uav_list)
                if (u.status != "self")
                    Label label_conn, label_mode, label_arm, label_att, label_vfr, label_fix, label_bat;
                    if (u.name == "son")
                        label_conn = label_son_conn;
                        label_arm  = label_son_arm;
                        label_mode = label_son_mode;
                        label_att  = label_son_att;
                        label_vfr  = label_son_vfr;
                        label_fix  = label_son_fix;
                        label_bat  = label_son_bat;
                        label_conn = label_mom_conn;
                        label_arm  = label_mom_arm;
                        label_mode = label_mom_mode;
                        label_att  = label_mom_att;
                        label_vfr  = label_mom_vfr;
                        label_fix  = label_mom_fix;
                        label_bat  = label_mom_bat;

                    // detect uav connection
                    if (time_now - u.last_msg_time >= uav_timeout_sec)
                        if (u.status == "connected")
                            // issue a warning if connection is lost halfway
                        u.status             = "disconnected";
                        label_conn.Text      = "Disconnected";
                        label_conn.BackColor = System.Drawing.Color.Red;
                        u.status             = "connected";
                        label_conn.Text      = "Connected";
                        label_conn.BackColor = System.Drawing.Color.Lime;

                    // uav arm status
                    if ((u.base_mode_flag >> 7) != 0)
                        label_arm.Text      = "Armed";
                        label_arm.BackColor = System.Drawing.Color.Lime;
                        label_arm.Text      = "Disrmed";
                        label_arm.BackColor = System.Drawing.Color.Red;

                    //uav mode update
                    string mode;
                    if (u.custom_mode == 0)
                        mode = "Mode: 0 stabilize";
                    else if (u.custom_mode == 2)
                        mode = "Mode: 2 altitude hold";
                    else if (u.custom_mode == 3)
                        mode = "Mode: 3 auto";
                    else if (u.custom_mode == 4)
                        mode = "Mode: 4 guided";
                    else if (u.custom_mode == 5)
                        mode = "Mode: 5 loiter";
                    else if (u.custom_mode == 6)
                        mode = "Mode: 6 RTL";
                    else if (u.custom_mode == 9)
                        mode = "Mode: 9 land";
                    else if (u.custom_mode == 16)
                        mode = "Mode: 16 position hold";
                        mode = "Mode: unknown";

                    label_mode.Text = mode;

                    // GPD fix update
                    string type = "No Info";
                    if (u.gps_fix_type == 0 | u.gps_fix_type == 1)
                        type = "No Fix";
                        label_fix.BackColor = System.Drawing.Color.Red;
                    else if (u.gps_fix_type == 2)
                        type = "2D Fixed";
                        label_fix.BackColor = System.Drawing.Color.Red;
                    else if (u.gps_fix_type == 3)
                        type = "3D Fixed";
                        label_fix.BackColor = System.Drawing.Color.Lime;
                    else if (u.gps_fix_type == 4)
                        type = "DGPS";
                        label_fix.BackColor = System.Drawing.Color.Red;

                    label_fix.Text = "GPS Fix: " + type;

                    // update UAV attutude
                    label_att.Text = "Roll: " + Convert.ToString(Math.Round(u.roll * 180 / Math.PI, 2)) + "\r\n" +
                                     "Pitch: " + Convert.ToString(Math.Round(u.pitch * 180 / Math.PI, 2)) + "\r\n" +
                                     "Yaw: " + Convert.ToString(Math.Round(u.yaw * 180 / Math.PI, 2));
                    // update UAV VFR
                    label_vfr.Text = "heading: " + Convert.ToString(u.heading) + "\r\n" +
                                     "air speed: " + Convert.ToString(Math.Round(u.aspeed, 2)) + "\r\n" +
                                     "gnd speed: " + Convert.ToString(Math.Round(u.gspeed, 2));

                    label_bat.Text = "battery: " + Convert.ToString(u.bat_remaining) + "%";
            }// end of foreachss
Пример #4
         *   change uav mode
        private string cmd_setmode(string[] cmd_words)
            string res = "";

            // check input
            if (cmd_words.Length < 2)
                res  = "    setmode uav_name mode: set the mode of uav_name\r\n";
                res += "    setmode -l: list all available mode";

            // list available modes
            if (cmd_words[1] == "-l")
                res  = "  list of all modes";
                res += "  setmode accepts either num or string \r\n";
                res += "    num    |string    |explanation   \r\n";
                res += "    -------|----------|------------- \r\n";
                res += "    0      |stabilize |              \r\n";
                res += "    2      |althold   |altitude hold \r\n";
                res += "    3      |auto      |              \r\n";
                res += "    4      |guided    |              \r\n";
                res += "    5      |loiter    |              \r\n";
                res += "    6      |rtl       |              \r\n";
                res += "    9      |land      |              \r\n";
                res += "    16     |poshold   |position hold \r\n";

            // check uav_name validity
            uav  utmp   = new uav();
            bool tfound = false;

            foreach (uav u in uav_list)
                if (u.name == cmd_words[1] && u.status != "self")
                    utmp   = u;
                    tfound = true;
                    if (utmp.status == "disconnected")
                        res = "    " + utmp.name + " must be connected first.\r\n";
            if (!tfound)
                res  = "    uav_name is invalid\r\n";
                res += "    use showuav to list available uav_names\r\n";

            // retrive mode
            byte mav_mode = 0;

            if (cmd_words[2] == "stabilize" || cmd_words[2] == "0")
                mav_mode = 0; // stabilize mode APM
            else if (cmd_words[2] == "althold" || cmd_words[2] == "2")
                mav_mode = 2; // altitude hold mode APM
            else if (cmd_words[2] == "auto" || cmd_words[2] == "3")
                mav_mode = 3; // auto mode APM
            else if (cmd_words[2] == "guided" || cmd_words[2] == "4")
                mav_mode = 4; // guided mode APM
            else if (cmd_words[2] == "loiter" || cmd_words[2] == "5")
                mav_mode = 5; // loiter mode APM
            else if (cmd_words[2] == "rtl" || cmd_words[2] == "6")
                mav_mode = 6; // return to launch (RTL) mode APM
            else if (cmd_words[2] == "land" || cmd_words[2] == "9")
                mav_mode = 9; // land mode APM
            else if (cmd_words[2] == "poshold" || cmd_words[2] == "16")
                mav_mode = 16; // position hold mode APM
                res = "    unknown mode \r\n";

            // construct and send cmd to uav
            DFrame msg = new DFrame();

            msg.source_id  = gcs.id;
            msg.target_id  = utmp.id;
            msg.route      = 1;
            msg.payload[0] = 0x02;     // this is a cmd msg
            msg.payload[1] = 0x07;     // cmd_id is 0x07 (setmode)
            msg.payload[2] = mav_mode; // target mode, see MAV_MODE
            msg.len        = 3;

            // wait for uav reply
            lock (this)
                msg_cmd_ack_received = false;

            // analyse reply
            if (msg_cmd_ack_received)
                if (msg_cmd_ack.payload[2] == 84)
                    res = "    action succeeded \r\n";
                else if (msg_cmd_ack.payload[2] == 70)
                    res = "    action failed \r\n";
                    res = "    unknown reply";
                res = "    timeout";

Пример #5
         *   go to a position relative to local NED
        private string cmd_goto(string[] cmd_words)
            string res = "";

            // check input
            if (cmd_words.Length < 3)
                res = "    too few arguments";

            // check uav_name validity
            uav  utmp   = new uav();
            bool tfound = false;

            foreach (uav u in uav_list)
                if (u.name == cmd_words[1] && u.status != "self")
                    utmp   = u;
                    tfound = true;
                    if (utmp.status == "disconnected")
                        res = "    " + utmp.name + " must be connected first.\r\n";
            if (!tfound)
                res  = "    uav_name is invalid\r\n";
                res += "    use showuav to list available uav_names\r\n";

            double[] param = new double[6];
            double.TryParse(cmd_words[2], out param[0]); // x, y, z
            double.TryParse(cmd_words[3], out param[1]);
            double.TryParse(cmd_words[4], out param[2]);
            double.TryParse(cmd_words[5], out param[3]); // vx, vy, vz
            double.TryParse(cmd_words[6], out param[4]);
            double.TryParse(cmd_words[7], out param[5]);

            // construct and send cmd to uav
            DFrame msg = new DFrame();

            msg.source_id  = gcs.id;
            msg.target_id  = utmp.id;
            msg.route      = 1;
            msg.payload[0] = 0x02; // this is a cmd msg
            msg.payload[1] = 0x02; // cmd_id is 0x02 (goto)

            int i = 0;

            foreach (double dd in param)
                byte[] he = BitConverter.GetBytes(dd);
                msg.payload[2 + i * 8] = he[0];
                msg.payload[3 + i * 8] = he[1];
                msg.payload[4 + i * 8] = he[2];
                msg.payload[5 + i * 8] = he[3];
                msg.payload[6 + i * 8] = he[4];
                msg.payload[7 + i * 8] = he[5];
                msg.payload[8 + i * 8] = he[6];
                msg.payload[9 + i * 8] = he[7];
                i += 1;

            msg.len = 50;
            res = "    command transmitted \r\n";
Пример #6
         *   uav takeoff
        private string cmd_takeoff(string[] cmd_words)
            string res = "";

            // check input
            if (cmd_words.Length < 3)
                res  = "    Usage:\r\n";
                res += "        takeoff uav_name alt: command uav_name to take off ac current location\r\n";
                res += "                              and fly to target altitude given by alt (uint: meter)\r\n";

            // check uav_name validity
            uav  utmp   = new uav();
            bool tfound = false;

            foreach (uav u in uav_list)
                if (u.name == cmd_words[1] && u.status != "self")
                    utmp   = u;
                    tfound = true;
                    if (utmp.status == "disconnected")
                        res = "    " + utmp.name + " must be connected first.\r\n";
            if (!tfound)
                res  = "    uav_name is invalid\r\n";
                res += "    use showuav to list available uav_names\r\n";

            float target_alt;

            float.TryParse(cmd_words[2], out target_alt);
            byte[] he = BitConverter.GetBytes(target_alt);

            // construct and send cmd to uav
            DFrame msg = new DFrame();

            msg.source_id  = gcs.id;
            msg.target_id  = utmp.id;
            msg.route      = 1;
            msg.payload[0] = 0x02;  // this is a cmd msg
            msg.payload[1] = 0x00;  // cmd_id is 0x00 (takeoff)
            msg.payload[2] = he[0]; // target alt, 4-byte float;
            msg.payload[3] = he[1];
            msg.payload[4] = he[2];
            msg.payload[5] = he[3];

            msg.len = 6;

            // wait for uav reply
            lock (this)
                msg_cmd_ack_received = false;
            lock (msg_cmd_ack)
                if (msg_cmd_ack_received)
                    if (msg_cmd_ack.payload[2] == 84)
                        res  = "    action successful, retval: ";
                        res += Convert.ToString(msg_cmd_ack.payload[3]) + "\r\n";
                    else if (msg_cmd_ack.payload[2] == 70)
                        res  = "    action failed, retval: ";
                        res += Convert.ToString(msg_cmd_ack.payload[3]);
                        res += "\r\n               meaning: ";
                        res += cmd_ack_explain(Convert.ToInt32(Convert.ToString(msg_cmd_ack.payload[3])));
                        res = "    unknown reply";
                    res = "    timeout";

Пример #7
         *  Arm or disarm the uav
        private string cmd_arm(string[] cmd_words)
            string res    = "";
            bool   action = false;

            // check input
            if (cmd_words.Length < 3)
                res  = "    Usage:\r\n";
                res += "        arm uav_name status: check arming status of uav_name\r\n";
                res += "        arm uav_name arm: arm uav_name\r\n";
                res += "        arm uav_name disarm: disarm uav_name\r\n";

            // check uav_name validity
            uav  utmp   = new uav();
            bool tfound = false;

            foreach (uav u in uav_list)
                if (u.name == cmd_words[1] && u.status != "self")
                    utmp   = u;
                    tfound = true;
            if (!tfound)
                res  = "    uav_name is invalid\r\n";
                res += "    use showuav to list available uav_names\r\n";

            // check operation validity
            if (cmd_words[2] == "status")
                res  = "    " + cmd_words[1] + " is ";
                res += (utmp.armed) ? "armed \r\n" : "not armed\r\n";
            else if (cmd_words[2] == "arm")
                if (utmp.status == "disconnected")
                    //res = "    " + utmp.name + " must be connected first.\r\n";
                    //return res;
                action = true;
            else if (cmd_words[2] == "disarm")
                if (utmp.status == "disconnected")
                    //res = "    " + utmp.name + " must be connected first.\r\n";
                    //return res;
                action = false;
                res  = "    action in invalid\r\n";
                res += "    Usage:\r\n";
                res += "        arm uav_name status: check arming status of uav_name\r\n";
                res += "        arm uav_name arm: arm uav_name\r\n";
                res += "        arm uav_name disarm: disarm uav_name\r\n";

            // construct and send cmd to uav
            DFrame msg = new DFrame();

            msg.source_id  = gcs.id;
            msg.target_id  = utmp.id;
            msg.route      = 1;
            msg.payload[0] = 0x02; // this is a cmd msg
            msg.payload[1] = 0x06; // cmd_id is 0x06 (arm)
            msg.payload[2] = (action) ? Convert.ToByte('T') : Convert.ToByte('F');

            msg.len = 3;

            // wait for uav reply
            lock (msg_cmd_ack)
                msg_cmd_ack_received = false;
            lock (msg_cmd_ack)
                if (msg_cmd_ack_received)
                    if (msg_cmd_ack.payload[2] == 84)
                        res  = "    action successful, retval: ";
                        res += Convert.ToString(msg_cmd_ack.payload[3]) + "\r\n";
                    else if (msg_cmd_ack.payload[2] == 70)
                        res  = "    action failed, retval: ";
                        res += Convert.ToString(msg_cmd_ack.payload[3]);
                        res += "\r\n               meaning: ";
                        res += cmd_ack_explain(Convert.ToInt32(Convert.ToString(msg_cmd_ack.payload[3])));
                        res = "    unknown reply";
                    res = "    timeout";

Пример #8
         *   ask uav to change its yaw
        private string cmd_turn(string[] cmd_words)
            string res = "";

            // check input
            if (cmd_words.Length < 4)
                res  = "    change the UAV's yaw (heading)\r\n";
                res += "    usage: turn uav_name direction deg \r\n";
                res += "               uav_name: name of uav to turn\r\n";
                res += "               direction: abs = absolute \r\n";
                res += "                          cw = relative, clockwise \r\n";
                res += "                          ccw = relative, counter clockwise \r\n";
                res += "               deg: number of degrees to turn (0~360)\r\n";

            // check uav_name validity
            uav  utmp   = new uav();
            bool tfound = false;

            foreach (uav u in uav_list)
                if (u.name == cmd_words[1] && u.status != "self")
                    utmp   = u;
                    tfound = true;
                    if (utmp.status == "disconnected")
                        res = "    " + utmp.name + " must be connected first.\r\n";
            if (!tfound)
                res  = "    uav_name is invalid\r\n";
                res += "    use showuav to list available uav_names\r\n";

            // construct and send cmd to uav
            DFrame msg = new DFrame();

            msg.source_id  = gcs.id;
            msg.target_id  = utmp.id;
            msg.route      = 1;
            msg.payload[0] = 0x02; // this is a cmd msg
            msg.payload[1] = 10;   // cmd_id is 0x08 (gethome)

            if (cmd_words[2] == "abs")
                msg.payload[2] = 0;
            else if (cmd_words[2] == "cw")
                msg.payload[2] = 1;
            else if (cmd_words[2] == "ccw")
                msg.payload[2] = 2;
                res  = "    unknown turning direction\r\n";
                res += "      use one of the following: abs, cw, cww\r\n";

            UInt16 deg;

            UInt16.TryParse(cmd_words[3], out deg);
            if (deg > 360)
                res = "    angle of turn: 0~360 \r\n";

            byte[] he = BitConverter.GetBytes(deg);
            msg.payload[3] = he[0];
            msg.payload[4] = he[1];
            msg.len        = 5;

            // wait for uav reply
            lock (this)
                msg_cmd_ack_received = false;

            // analyse reply
            if (msg_cmd_ack_received)
                if (msg_cmd_ack.payload[2] == 84)
                    res = "    action succeeded \r\n";
                else if (msg_cmd_ack.payload[2] == 70)
                    res  = "    action failed:  ";
                    res += Convert.ToString(msg_cmd_ack.payload[3]);
                    res += "\r\n               meaning: ";
                    res += cmd_ack_explain(Convert.ToInt32(Convert.ToString(msg_cmd_ack.payload[3])));
                    res = "    unknown reply";
                res = "    timeout";

Пример #9
        private string cmd_img_trans_test(string[] cmd_words)
            double t1 = epoch_now();

            AddDataObj_terminal = new AddDataDelegate(AddDataMethod_terminal);
            string res = "";
            DFrame msg = new DFrame();

            // initiate img transmission
            msg.source_id  = gcs.id;
            msg.target_id  = 0x03;
            msg.route      = 0;
            msg.payload[0] = 10; // img transfer request
            msg.payload[1] = Convert.ToByte('N');
            msg.len        = 2;

            // wait for first pkg, which tells the size of the img
            byte[] tmp;
            int    img_size    = 0;
            Int16  pkg_num     = 0;
            Int16  block_size  = 0;
            int    timeout_cnt = 0;

            while (timeout_cnt < 300)
                if (img_raw_buff.TryDequeue(out tmp))
                    if (tmp[1] != 0xFF | tmp[2] != 0xFF)
                    pkg_num    = BitConverter.ToInt16(tmp, 3);
                    img_size   = BitConverter.ToInt32(tmp, 5);
                    block_size = BitConverter.ToInt16(tmp, 9);
                    res        = "    img request accepted \r\n";
                    res       += "    number of pkg: " + Convert.ToString(pkg_num) + "\r\n";
                    res       += "    size of img: " + Convert.ToString(img_size) + "\r\n";
                    res       += "    img block size: " + Convert.ToString(block_size) + "\r\n";
                    TextBoxTerminal.Invoke(this.AddDataObj_terminal, res);
                    timeout_cnt += 1;

            if (timeout_cnt >= 300)
                res = "    timeout\r\n";
                TextBoxTerminal.Invoke(this.AddDataObj_terminal, res);

            // receive the rest of the img
            Int16     pkg_cnt = 0;
            const int max_try = 10;
            int       try_cnt = 0;

            byte[]       img_buf      = new byte[img_size];
            List <Int16> received_pkg = new List <Int16>();

            msg.payload[1] = Convert.ToByte('R');
            msg.len        = 4;
            for (pkg_cnt = 0; pkg_cnt < pkg_num; pkg_cnt++)
                try_cnt = 0;
                while (try_cnt < max_try)
                    msg.payload[2] = (byte)(pkg_cnt & 0x00FF);
                    msg.payload[3] = (byte)(pkg_cnt >> 8);
                    res            = "requesting pkg " + Convert.ToString(pkg_cnt) + "\r\n";
                    TextBoxTerminal.Invoke(this.AddDataObj_terminal, res);
                    timeout_cnt = 0;
                    while (timeout_cnt < 400)
                        if (img_raw_buff.TryDequeue(out tmp))
                            if (BitConverter.ToInt16(tmp, 1) != pkg_cnt)

                            Int16 pkg_cnt_get = BitConverter.ToInt16(tmp, 1);

                            // copy received pkg to local buffer
                            int pkg_len = (pkg_cnt == pkg_num - 1) ? img_size % block_size : block_size;
                            Buffer.BlockCopy(tmp, 3,
                                             img_buf, pkg_cnt * block_size, pkg_len);

                            res = "    received pkg: " + Convert.ToString(pkg_cnt_get) + "\r\n";
                            TextBoxTerminal.Invoke(this.AddDataObj_terminal, res);
                            timeout_cnt += 1;

                    if (timeout_cnt >= 400)
                        try_cnt += 1;

            // check whether the reception is complete

            // request re-transmission of missing pkgs

            // write picture to file
            BinaryWriter img_write = new BinaryWriter(File.Open("try.jpg", FileMode.Create));


            res = "time take: " + Convert.ToString(Math.Round(epoch_now() - t1, 2)) + " seconds";
            TextBoxTerminal.Invoke(this.AddDataObj_terminal, res);

            return(" ");