Пример #1
        private void Offset(TreeNode node, MethodCallVisitor visitor)
            float      xOff = (float)visitor.GetData(_XOffsetData);
            float      yOff = (float)visitor.GetData(_YOffsetData);
            RectangleF rc   = node.Bounds;

            rc.Offset(xOff, yOff);
            node.Bounds = rc;
Пример #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Offset a branch of the tree with the specified values.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="tiFrom">The root node of the branch to offset.</param>
        /// <param name="xoff">The x-axis offset.</param>
        /// <param name="yoff">The y-axis offset.</param>
        private void OffsetBranch(TreeNode nodeFrom, float xoff, float yoff)
            MethodCallVisitor visitor =
                new MethodCallVisitor(new VisitOperation(this.Offset));

            visitor.SetData(_XOffsetData, xoff);
            visitor.SetData(_YOffsetData, yoff);
            _tree.WalkTree(nodeFrom, visitor);
Пример #3
        private void Stretch(TreeNode node, MethodCallVisitor visitor)
            float  factor = (float)visitor.GetData(_StretchFactor);
            PointF center = (PointF)visitor.GetData(_StretchCenter);
            PointF pos    = node.Center;

            // Stretch in X direction
            float xOff = (pos.X - center.X) * factor;

            node.Center = new PointF(center.X + xOff, pos.Y);
Пример #4
        private void CalcBounds(TreeNode node, MethodCallVisitor visitor)
            object     data = visitor.GetData(_CalcBoundsData);
            RectangleF rc;

            if (data == null)
                rc = node.Bounds;
                rc = Utilities.UnionRects((RectangleF)data, node.Bounds);
            visitor.SetData(_CalcBoundsData, rc);
Пример #5
        /// <summary>
        /// Build the levels of the tree. Each level contain all the nodes from that level.
        /// </summary>
        protected void BuildLevels()
            int levels;
            MethodCallVisitor visitor;

            // Find the number of levels in the tree, i.e. tree depth.
            visitor = new MethodCallVisitor(new VisitOperation(this.FindMaxLevel));
            visitor.SetData(_MaxLevelData, 0);
            WalkTree(_root, visitor);
            levels = (int)visitor.GetData(_MaxLevelData) + 1;

            _treeLevels = new ArrayList();
            for (int i = 0; i < levels; i++)
                _treeLevels.Add(new ArrayList());

            // Assign each node to its appropriate level.
            visitor = new MethodCallVisitor(new VisitOperation(this.AssignLevel));
            visitor.SetData(_LevelAssignData, _treeLevels);
            WalkTree(_root, visitor);
Пример #6
		private void AssignLevel(TreeNode node, MethodCallVisitor visitor)
			ArrayList levels = (ArrayList)visitor.GetData(_LevelAssignData);
Пример #7
		private void FindMaxLevel(TreeNode node, MethodCallVisitor visitor)
				Math.Max(node.Level, (int)visitor.GetData(_MaxLevelData)));
Пример #8
		/// <summary>
		/// Build the levels of the tree. Each level contain all the nodes from that level.
		/// </summary>
		protected void BuildLevels()
			int levels;
			MethodCallVisitor visitor;
			// Find the number of levels in the tree, i.e. tree depth.
			visitor = new MethodCallVisitor(new VisitOperation(this.FindMaxLevel));
			visitor.SetData(_MaxLevelData, 0);
			WalkTree(_root, visitor);
			levels = (int)visitor.GetData(_MaxLevelData) + 1;

			_treeLevels = new ArrayList();
			for(int i = 0; i < levels; i++)
				_treeLevels.Add(new ArrayList());

			// Assign each node to its appropriate level.
			visitor = new MethodCallVisitor(new VisitOperation(this.AssignLevel));
			visitor.SetData(_LevelAssignData, _treeLevels);
			WalkTree(_root, visitor);
Пример #9
        private void AssignLevel(TreeNode node, MethodCallVisitor visitor)
            ArrayList levels = (ArrayList)visitor.GetData(_LevelAssignData);

Пример #10
 private void FindMaxLevel(TreeNode node, MethodCallVisitor visitor)
                     Math.Max(node.Level, (int)visitor.GetData(_MaxLevelData)));
Пример #11
        public bool Arrange(INode rootNode,
                            TreeLayoutInfo info, LayoutProgress progress)
            // Preserve the root position.
            RectangleF rcRoot = rootNode.Bounds;

            _tree = new Tree();
            if (!_tree.Build(rootNode))

            // Place the root at (0, 0)
            TreeNode root = _tree.Root;

            root.Center = new PointF(0, 0);

            // Set root's bisectors
            double deg = 0;

            switch (info.Direction)
            case TreeLayoutDirection.TopToBottom:
                deg = 270;

            case TreeLayoutDirection.BottomToTop:
                deg = 90;

            case TreeLayoutDirection.LeftToRight:
                deg = 180;

            case TreeLayoutDirection.RightToLeft:
                deg = 0;
            root.SetData(_LeftBisectorData, deg);
            root.SetData(_RightBisectorData, deg + 360);

            // Update progress
            int total   = _tree.TreeLevels.Count;
            int current = 0;

            if (progress != null)
                progress(current++, total);

            // Iterate through all levels and arrange them
            for (int l = 0; l < _tree.TreeLevels.Count - 1; l++)
                // Update progress
                if (progress != null)
                    progress(current++, total);
                ArrangeLevel(l, info);

            // Offset the whole tree structure
            float             xOff = 0;
            float             yOff = 0;
            MethodCallVisitor visitor;

            if (info.KeepRootPosition)
                xOff = rcRoot.Left - root.Bounds.Left;
                yOff = rcRoot.Top - root.Bounds.Top;
                // Calculate the bounding rect of the entire tree's
                visitor = new MethodCallVisitor(new VisitOperation(this.CalcBounds));
                _tree.WalkTree(root, visitor);
                RectangleF rc = (RectangleF)visitor.GetData(_CalcBoundsData);

                xOff = -rc.Left + info.XGap;
                yOff = -rc.Top + info.YGap;
            visitor = new MethodCallVisitor(new VisitOperation(this.Offset));
            visitor.SetData(_XOffsetData, xOff);
            visitor.SetData(_YOffsetData, yOff);
            _tree.WalkTree(root, visitor);

            // Apply the stretch factor
            visitor = new MethodCallVisitor(new VisitOperation(this.Stretch));
            visitor.SetData(_StretchFactor, info.StretchFactor);
            if (info.KeepRootPosition)
                visitor.SetData(_StretchCenter, _tree.Root.Center);
                visitor.SetData(_StretchCenter, new PointF(info.XGap, info.YGap));
            _tree.WalkTree(root, visitor);

            // Apply the arrangement
            visitor = new MethodCallVisitor(new VisitOperation(this.Apply));
            _tree.WalkTree(_tree.Root, visitor);

            // Update progress
            if (progress != null)
                progress(total, total);

Пример #12
 private void Apply(TreeNode node, MethodCallVisitor visitor)
     node.Node.Bounds = node.Bounds;
Пример #13
        public bool Arrange(INode rootNode,
                            TreeLayoutInfo info, LayoutProgress progress)
            // Preserve the root position.
            RectangleF rcRoot = rootNode.Bounds;

            _tree = new Tree();
            if (!_tree.Build(rootNode))

            int   i, j;
            float sz, s = 0;

            // Calculate the size of each level.
            ArrayList levelSizes = new ArrayList();

            for (i = 0; i < _tree.TreeLevels.Count; i++)
                ArrayList treeLevel = (ArrayList)_tree.TreeLevels[i];

                sz = 0;
                for (j = 0; j < treeLevel.Count; j++)
                    if (info.Direction == TreeLayoutDirection.LeftToRight ||
                        info.Direction == TreeLayoutDirection.RightToLeft)
                        sz = Math.Max(sz, ((TreeNode)treeLevel[j]).Bounds.Width);
                        sz = Math.Max(sz, ((TreeNode)treeLevel[j]).Bounds.Height);


            // Arrange the bottommost level nodes at equal distance.
            ArrayList lastLevel = (ArrayList)_tree.TreeLevels[_tree.TreeLevels.Count - 1];

            for (i = 0; i < lastLevel.Count; i++)
                TreeNode   node = (TreeNode)lastLevel[i];
                RectangleF rc   = node.Bounds;

                if (info.Direction == TreeLayoutDirection.LeftToRight ||
                    info.Direction == TreeLayoutDirection.RightToLeft)
                    rc.Offset(0, s);
                    s += rc.Height + info.NodeDistance;
                    rc.Offset(s, 0);
                    s += rc.Width + info.NodeDistance;

                node.Bounds = rc;

            // Update progress
            int total   = _tree.TreeLevels.Count;
            int current = 0;

            if (progress != null)
                progress(current++, total);

            // Skip the bottommost level of nodes during arrangement cycle.
            for (i = _tree.TreeLevels.Count - 2; i >= 0; i--)
                // Update progress
                if (progress != null)
                    progress(current++, total);

                ArrayList treeLevel = (ArrayList)_tree.TreeLevels[i];
                for (j = 0; j < treeLevel.Count; j++)
                    TreeNode node = (TreeNode)treeLevel[j];

                    // Make this node in the center of its children.
                    if (node.Children.Count > 0)
                        ArrayList  children = node.Children;
                        RectangleF rcTotal  = ((TreeNode)children[0]).Bounds;                        // First node's rectangle.
                        for (int c = 1; c < children.Count; c++)
                            rcTotal = Utilities.UnionRects(rcTotal,

                        RectangleF rc = node.Bounds;
                        if (info.Direction == TreeLayoutDirection.LeftToRight ||
                            info.Direction == TreeLayoutDirection.RightToLeft)
                                      (rcTotal.Top + rcTotal.Bottom) / 2 - rc.Height / 2);
                                (rcTotal.Left + rcTotal.Right) / 2 - rc.Width / 2, 0);
                        node.Bounds = rc;

                // Check if there is a need to offset branches.
                for (j = 0; j < treeLevel.Count - 1; j++)
                    for (int k = j; k >= 0; k--)
                        float dist = BranchDistance(info, (TreeNode)treeLevel[k], (TreeNode)treeLevel[j + 1]);

                        if (dist < info.NodeDistance)
                            if (info.Direction == TreeLayoutDirection.LeftToRight ||
                                info.Direction == TreeLayoutDirection.RightToLeft)
                                OffsetBranch((TreeNode)treeLevel[j + 1], 0, info.NodeDistance - dist);
                                OffsetBranch((TreeNode)treeLevel[j + 1], info.NodeDistance - dist, 0);

            // Arrange the levels.
            float mh = 0;

            s = 0;

            int iStart;
            int iEnd;
            int iGrow;

            if (info.Direction == TreeLayoutDirection.LeftToRight ||
                info.Direction == TreeLayoutDirection.TopToBottom)
                iStart = 0;
                iEnd   = _tree.TreeLevels.Count;
                iGrow  = +1;
                iStart = _tree.TreeLevels.Count - 1;
                iEnd   = -1;
                iGrow  = -1;

            for (i = iStart;
                 (info.Direction == TreeLayoutDirection.LeftToRight ||
                  info.Direction == TreeLayoutDirection.TopToBottom) ? i <iEnd : i> iEnd;
                 i += iGrow)
                mh = 0;

                ArrayList treeLevel = (ArrayList)_tree.TreeLevels[i];
                for (j = 0; j < treeLevel.Count; j++)
                    TreeNode node = (TreeNode)treeLevel[j];
                    float    o    = 0;

                    if (info.Direction == TreeLayoutDirection.LeftToRight ||
                        info.Direction == TreeLayoutDirection.RightToLeft)
                        o = node.Bounds.Width;

                        float xoff = 0;
                        if (info.Direction == TreeLayoutDirection.RightToLeft)
                            xoff = (float)levelSizes[i] - o;

                        node.Bounds = new RectangleF(
                            s + xoff + info.XGap,
                            node.Bounds.Top + info.YGap,
                            node.Bounds.Width, node.Bounds.Height);
                        o = node.Bounds.Height;

                        float yoff = 0;
                        if (info.Direction == TreeLayoutDirection.BottomToTop)
                            yoff = (float)levelSizes[i] - o;

                        node.Bounds = new RectangleF(
                            node.Bounds.Left + info.XGap,
                            s + yoff + info.YGap,
                            node.Bounds.Width, node.Bounds.Height);

                    mh = Math.Max(mh, o);

                s += mh + info.LevelDistance;

            // Offset the tree as though the root has persisted its position.
            if (info.KeepRootPosition)
                RectangleF rcNewRoot = _tree.Root.Bounds;
                float      xoff      = rcRoot.Left - rcNewRoot.Left;
                float      yoff      = rcRoot.Top - rcNewRoot.Top;

                OffsetBranch(_tree.Root, xoff, yoff);

            // Apply the arrangement
            MethodCallVisitor visitor =
                new MethodCallVisitor(new VisitOperation(this.Apply));

            _tree.WalkTree(_tree.Root, visitor);

            // Update progress
            if (progress != null)
                progress(total, total);

Пример #14
 private void Counter(TreeNode node, MethodCallVisitor visitor)
Пример #15
        public bool Arrange(INode rootNode,
                            TreeLayoutInfo info, LayoutProgress progress)
            // Preserve the root position.
            RectangleF rcRoot = rootNode.Bounds;

            _tree = new Tree();
            if (!_tree.Build(rootNode))

            if (info.KeepRootPosition)
                _x = rcRoot.Left;
                _y = rcRoot.Top;
                _x = info.XGap;
                _y = info.YGap;

            _total    = 0;
            _current  = 0;
            _progress = progress;

            // Update progress
            MethodCallVisitor counter = new MethodCallVisitor(
                new VisitOperation(this.Counter));

            _tree.WalkTree(_tree.Root, counter);

            // Make sure total is within reasonable bounds
            float factor = _total / 100;

            if (factor > 1)
                _factor = (int)Math.Floor((double)factor);
                _total  = _total / _factor + 1;

            if (progress != null)
                progress(_current++, _total);

            // Arrange the tree.
            RArrange(_tree.Root, info);

            // Offset levels...

            // Calculate the size of each level.
            int       i, j;
            float     sz;
            ArrayList levelSizes = new ArrayList();

            for (i = 0; i < _tree.TreeLevels.Count; i++)
                ArrayList treeLevel = (ArrayList)_tree.TreeLevels[i];

                sz = 0;
                for (j = 0; j < treeLevel.Count; j++)
                    if (info.Direction == TreeLayoutDirection.LeftToRight ||
                        info.Direction == TreeLayoutDirection.RightToLeft)
                        sz = Math.Max(sz, ((TreeNode)treeLevel[j]).Bounds.Width);
                        sz = Math.Max(sz, ((TreeNode)treeLevel[j]).Bounds.Height);


            // Perform the offseting.
            float off = 0;

            if (info.KeepRootPosition)
                if (info.Direction == TreeLayoutDirection.BottomToTop)
                    off = rcRoot.Top;
                if (info.Direction == TreeLayoutDirection.RightToLeft)
                    off = rcRoot.Left;
                // Calculate the space needed.
                float size = 0;
                for (int l = 1; l < levelSizes.Count; l++)
                    size += (float)levelSizes[l];
                    size += info.LevelDistance;

                if (info.Direction == TreeLayoutDirection.LeftToRight ||
                    info.Direction == TreeLayoutDirection.RightToLeft)
                    size += info.XGap;
                    size += info.YGap;

                if (info.Direction == TreeLayoutDirection.RightToLeft ||
                    info.Direction == TreeLayoutDirection.BottomToTop)
                    off = size;

            for (i = 0; i < _tree.TreeLevels.Count; i++)
                ArrayList treeLevel = (ArrayList)_tree.TreeLevels[i];
                for (j = 0; j < treeLevel.Count; j++)
                    RectangleF rc = ((TreeNode)treeLevel[j]).Bounds;

                    if (info.Direction == TreeLayoutDirection.TopToBottom ||
                        info.Direction == TreeLayoutDirection.BottomToTop)
                        rc.Offset(0, off);
                        rc.Offset(off, 0);

                    ((TreeNode)treeLevel[j]).Bounds = rc;

                switch (info.Direction)
                case TreeLayoutDirection.LeftToRight:
                case TreeLayoutDirection.TopToBottom:
                    off += info.LevelDistance + (float)levelSizes[i];

                case TreeLayoutDirection.BottomToTop:
                case TreeLayoutDirection.RightToLeft:
                    off += -(info.LevelDistance + (float)levelSizes[i]);

            // Apply the arrangement
            MethodCallVisitor visitor =
                new MethodCallVisitor(new VisitOperation(this.Apply));

            _tree.WalkTree(_tree.Root, visitor);

            // Update progress
            if (progress != null)
                progress(_total, _total);
