Пример #1
			} // Camera

		public void GetFrame(Scene scene, Sampler randomIn, Image image)
			RayTracer rayTracer = new RayTracer(scene);

			int width = image.Width;
			int height = image.Height;
			float halfAngle = (float)Math.Tan(viewAngle * 0.5f);

			Parallel.For(0, height, delegate(int y)
					var random = randomIn.Clone();
			for (int y = 0; y < height; ++y)
					Random random = randomIn;
					  for (int x = 0; x < width; ++x)
						  // make image plane displacement vector coefficients
						  float xF = (float)((x + random.GetNextSample()) * 2.0f / width) - 1.0f;
                          float yF = (float)((y + random.GetNextSample()) * 2.0f / height) - 1.0f;

						  // make image plane offset vector
						  Vector offset = (right * xF) + (up * yF * (height / width));

						  // make sample ray direction, stratified by pixels
						  Vector sampleDirection = (viewDirection + offset * halfAngle).Unitize();

						  // get radiance from RayTracer
						  Vector radiance = rayTracer.GetRadiance(ViewPosition, sampleDirection, random, null);

						  // add radiance to image
						  image.AddToPixel(x, y, radiance);

Пример #2
        static double SAVE_PERIOD = 180.0; // seconds

        #endregion Fields

        #region Methods

        /// <summary>
        /// Program start. Takes one command line parameter to get a filename
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="args"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        static int Main(string[] args)
            int returnValue = -1;

            // catch everything
                // check for help request
                if ((args.Length == 0) || (args[0] == "-?") || (args[0] == "--help"))

                    { // execute
                    int starttime, lastSaveTime;
                    starttime = lastSaveTime = Environment.TickCount;

                    bool showPNG = false; // default PPM
                    if ((args.Length == 2) && (args[1].ToUpper() == "G"))
                        showPNG = true;

                    // get file names
                    string modelFilePathname = args[0];
                    string imageFilePathname = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(modelFilePathname);
                    if (showPNG == true)
                        imageFilePathname += ".png";
                        imageFilePathname += ".ppm";

                    // open model file
                    StreamReader modelFile = File.OpenText(modelFilePathname);

                    // check model file format identifier at start of first line
                    string formatId = modelFile.ReadLine();
                    if (MODEL_FORMAT_ID != formatId)
                        throw new Exception("Invalid model file");

                    // read frame iterations
                    int iterations = (int)modelFile.ReadFloat();

                    // create top-level rendering objects with model file
                    Image image = new Image(modelFile);
                    Camera camera = new Camera(modelFile);
                    Scene scene = new Scene(modelFile, camera.ViewPosition);

                    Console.WriteLine("Rendering scene file " + modelFilePathname);
                    Console.WriteLine("Output file will be " + imageFilePathname);

                    var rand = new DotNetSampler(); // todo - option to set seed?

                    // do progressive refinement render loop
                    for (int frameNo = 1; frameNo <= iterations; ++frameNo)
                        // render a frame
                        camera.GetFrame(scene, rand, image);

                        // display latest frame number
                        Console.CursorLeft = 0;
                        Console.Write("Iteration: {0} of {1}. Elapsed seconds {2}", frameNo, iterations, (Environment.TickCount-lastSaveTime)/1000);

                        // save image every three minutes, and at end
                        if ((frameNo == iterations) || (Environment.TickCount - lastSaveTime > SAVE_PERIOD * 1000))
                            lastSaveTime = Environment.TickCount;
                            image.SaveImage(imageFilePathname, frameNo, showPNG);
                            if (frameNo == iterations)
                                Console.WriteLine("\nImage file {0} saved", imageFilePathname);


                    Console.WriteLine("\nfinished in {0} secs",(Environment.TickCount - starttime)/1000.0);

                returnValue = 1;
            // print exception message
            catch (Exception e)
                Console.WriteLine("\n*** execution failed:  " + e.Message);
            return returnValue;
Пример #3
 public RayTracer(Scene scene)
     this.scene = scene;