A Textual MIME part.

Unless overridden, all textual parts parsed by the MimeParser, such as text/plain or text/html, will be represented by a TextPart.

For more information about text media types, see section 4.1 of http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc2046.txt

Наследование: MimePart
Пример #1
        public static void TestSendMailDemo()
            var message = new MimeKit.MimeMessage();

            message.From.Add(new MailboxAddress("Joey Tribbiani", "*****@*****.**"));
            message.To.Add(new MailboxAddress("Mrs. Chanandler Bong", "*****@*****.**"));
            message.Subject = "This is a Test Mail";
            var plain = new MimeKit.TextPart("plain")
                Text = @"不好意思,我在测试程序,Sorry!"

            // now create the multipart/mixed container to hold the message text and the
            // image attachment
            using (var client = new MailKit.Net.Smtp.SmtpClient())
                client.Connect("smtp.live.com", 587, false);

                // Note: since we don't have an OAuth2 token, disable
                // the XOAUTH2 authentication mechanism.

                // Note: only needed if the SMTP server requires authentication
                var mailFromAccount = "*****@*****.**";
                var mailPassword    = "******";
                client.Authenticate(mailFromAccount, mailPassword);

Пример #2
		public void TestArgumentExceptions ()
			var multipart = new Multipart ();

			Assert.Throws<ArgumentNullException> (() => new Multipart ((MimeEntityConstructorArgs) null));
			Assert.Throws<ArgumentNullException> (() => new Multipart ((string) null));
			Assert.Throws<ArgumentNullException> (() => new Multipart ("mixed", null));
			Assert.Throws<ArgumentException> (() => new Multipart ("mixed", 5));

			Assert.Throws<ArgumentNullException> (() => multipart.Boundary = null);

			Assert.Throws<ArgumentNullException> (() => multipart.Add (null));
			Assert.Throws<ArgumentOutOfRangeException> (() => multipart.Insert (-1, new TextPart ("plain")));
			Assert.Throws<ArgumentNullException> (() => multipart.Insert (0, null));
			Assert.Throws<ArgumentNullException> (() => multipart.Remove (null));
			Assert.Throws<ArgumentOutOfRangeException> (() => multipart.RemoveAt (-1));

			Assert.Throws<ArgumentNullException> (() => multipart.Contains (null));
			Assert.Throws<ArgumentNullException> (() => multipart.IndexOf (null));

			Assert.Throws<ArgumentOutOfRangeException> (() => multipart[0] = new TextPart ("plain"));
			Assert.Throws<ArgumentNullException> (() => multipart[0] = null);

			Assert.Throws<ArgumentNullException> (() => multipart.Accept (null));

			Assert.Throws<ArgumentOutOfRangeException> (() => multipart.CopyTo (new MimeEntity[0], -1));
			Assert.Throws<ArgumentNullException> (() => multipart.CopyTo (null, 0));

			Assert.Throws<ArgumentOutOfRangeException> (() => multipart.Prepare (EncodingConstraint.SevenBit, 1));
Пример #3
		void RenderText (TextPart text)
			string html;

			if (text.IsHtml) {
				// the text content is already in HTML format
				html = text.Text;
			} else if (text.IsFlowed) {
				var converter = new FlowedToHtml ();
				string delsp;

				// the delsp parameter specifies whether or not to delete spaces at the end of flowed lines
				if (!text.ContentType.Parameters.TryGetValue ("delsp", out delsp))
					delsp = "no";

				if (string.Compare (delsp, "yes", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) == 0)
					converter.DeleteSpace = true;

				html = converter.Convert (text.Text);
			} else {
				html = new TextToHtml ().Convert (text.Text);

			webView.LoadData (html, "text/html", "utf-8");
Пример #4
		public void TestPgpMimeSigning ()
			var self = new MailboxAddress ("MimeKit UnitTests", "*****@*****.**");

			var cleartext = new TextPart ("plain");
			cleartext.Text = "This is some cleartext that we'll end up signing...";

			using (var ctx = new DummyOpenPgpContext ()) {
				var multipart = MultipartSigned.Create (ctx, self, DigestAlgorithm.Sha1, cleartext);
				Assert.AreEqual (2, multipart.Count, "The multipart/signed has an unexpected number of children.");

				var protocol = multipart.ContentType.Parameters["protocol"];
				Assert.AreEqual (ctx.SignatureProtocol, protocol, "The multipart/signed protocol does not match.");

				Assert.IsInstanceOfType (typeof (TextPart), multipart[0], "The first child is not a text part.");
				Assert.IsInstanceOfType (typeof (ApplicationPgpSignature), multipart[1], "The second child is not a detached signature.");

				var signatures = multipart.Verify (ctx);
				Assert.AreEqual (1, signatures.Count, "Verify returned an unexpected number of signatures.");
				foreach (var signature in signatures) {
					try {
						bool valid = signature.Verify ();

						Assert.IsTrue (valid, "Bad signature from {0}", signature.SignerCertificate.Email);
					} catch (DigitalSignatureVerifyException ex) {
						Assert.Fail ("Failed to verify signature: {0}", ex);
Пример #5
		public void TestFormat ()
			TextPart text;

			text = new TextPart (TextFormat.Html);
			Assert.IsTrue (text.IsHtml, "IsHtml");
			Assert.IsFalse (text.IsPlain, "IsPlain");
			Assert.IsFalse (text.IsFlowed, "IsFlowed");
			Assert.IsFalse (text.IsRichText, "IsRichText");

			text = new TextPart (TextFormat.Plain);
			Assert.IsFalse (text.IsHtml, "IsHtml");
			Assert.IsTrue (text.IsPlain, "IsPlain");
			Assert.IsFalse (text.IsFlowed, "IsFlowed");
			Assert.IsFalse (text.IsRichText, "IsRichText");

			text = new TextPart (TextFormat.Flowed);
			Assert.IsFalse (text.IsHtml, "IsHtml");
			Assert.IsTrue (text.IsPlain, "IsPlain");
			Assert.IsTrue (text.IsFlowed, "IsFlowed");
			Assert.IsFalse (text.IsRichText, "IsRichText");

			text = new TextPart (TextFormat.RichText);
			Assert.IsFalse (text.IsHtml, "IsHtml");
			Assert.IsFalse (text.IsPlain, "IsPlain");
			Assert.IsFalse (text.IsFlowed, "IsFlowed");
			Assert.IsTrue (text.IsRichText, "IsRichText");
Пример #6
        static async void SendMailAsync(string FromAddress, string Password, string Contain, string Title, string ToAddress)
            var message = new MimeKit.MimeMessage();

            message.From.Add(new MimeKit.MailboxAddress(FromAddress, FromAddress));
            message.To.Add(new MimeKit.MailboxAddress(ToAddress, ToAddress));
            message.Subject = Title;
            var textPart = new MimeKit.TextPart(MimeKit.Text.TextFormat.Plain);

            textPart.Text = @Contain;
            message.Body  = textPart;
            using (var client = new MailKit.Net.Smtp.SmtpClient())
                    await client.ConnectAsync("smtp.gmail.com", 587);

                    await client.AuthenticateAsync(FromAddress, Password);

                    await client.SendAsync(message);

                    await client.DisconnectAsync(true);
                catch (Exception ex)
                    Form2 form2 = new Form2();

Пример #7
        static void Main(string[] args)
            var host        = "smtp.gmail.com";
            var port        = 465;
            var fromAdd     = "*****@*****.**";       //送信元アドレス
            var fromAddPass = "******";                           //送信元アドレスパスワード
            var toAdd       = "*****@*****.**";     //送信先アドレス
            var mailSubject = "エラー通知テスト";                           //メールタイトル
            var mailText    = "お疲れ様です。\r\nエラー通知のテストメールを送信いたしまします。"; //メール本文

            using (var smtp = new MailKit.Net.Smtp.SmtpClient())
                    //smtp.ServerCertificateValidationCallback = (s, c, h, e) => true;
                    smtp.Connect(host, port, MailKit.Security.SecureSocketOptions.Auto);
                    smtp.Authenticate(fromAdd, fromAddPass);

                    var mail    = new MimeKit.MimeMessage();
                    var builder = new MimeKit.BodyBuilder();
                    mail.From.Add(new MimeKit.MailboxAddress("", fromAdd));
                    mail.To.Add(new MimeKit.MailboxAddress("", toAdd));
                    mail.Subject = mailSubject;
                    MimeKit.TextPart textPart = new MimeKit.TextPart("Plain");
                    textPart.Text = mailText;

                    var multipart = new MimeKit.Multipart("mixed");
                    mail.Body = multipart;
                catch (Exception exception)
Пример #8
		public void TestSecureMimeCompression ()
			var original = new TextPart ("plain");
			original.Text = "This is some text that we'll end up compressing...";

			using (var ctx = CreateContext ()) {
				var compressed = ApplicationPkcs7Mime.Compress (ctx, original);

				Assert.AreEqual (SecureMimeType.CompressedData, compressed.SecureMimeType, "S/MIME type did not match.");

				var decompressed = compressed.Decompress (ctx);

				Assert.IsInstanceOfType (typeof (TextPart), decompressed, "Decompressed part is not the expected type.");
				Assert.AreEqual (original.Text, ((TextPart) decompressed).Text, "Decompressed content is not the same as the original.");
  * returns true if email address can sign email
 public static bool CanSign(string email)
         MailboxAddress signer = new MailboxAddress("", email);
         TextPart entity = new TextPart("text");
         using (WindowsSecureMimeContext ctx = new WindowsSecureMimeContext(sys.StoreLocation.CurrentUser))
             MultipartSigned.Create(ctx, signer, DigestAlgorithm.Sha1, entity);
             return true;
         return false;
Пример #10
		void Render (TextPart text)
			string html;

			if (!text.ContentType.Matches ("text", "html")) {
				var builder = new StringBuilder ("<html><body><p>");
				var plain = text.Text;

				for (int i = 0; i < plain.Length; i++) {
					switch (plain[i]) {
					case ' ': builder.Append ("&nbsp;"); break;
					case '"': builder.Append ("&quot;"); break;
					case '&': builder.Append ("&amp;"); break;
					case '<': builder.Append ("&lt;"); break;
					case '>': builder.Append ("&gt;"); break;
					case '\r': break;
					case '\n': builder.Append ("<p>"); break;
					case '\t':
						for (int j = 0; j < 8; j++)
							builder.Append ("&nbsp;");
						if (char.IsControl (plain[i]) || plain[i] > 127) {
							int unichar;

							if (i + 1 < plain.Length && char.IsSurrogatePair (plain[i], plain[i + 1]))
								unichar = char.ConvertToUtf32 (plain[i], plain[i + 1]);
								unichar = plain[i];

							builder.AppendFormat ("&#{0};", unichar);
						} else {
							builder.Append (plain[i]);

				builder.Append ("</body></html>");
				html = builder.ToString ();
			} else {
				html = text.Text;

			webView.LoadData (html, "text/html", "utf-8");
Пример #11
		public void TestArgumentExceptions ()
			var body = new TextPart ("plain") { Text = "This is the body..." };
			var message = new MimeMessage ();

			Assert.Throws<ArgumentNullException> (() => new MimeMessage ((object[]) null));
			Assert.Throws<ArgumentException> (() => new MimeMessage (body, null, body));
			Assert.Throws<ArgumentException> (() => new MimeMessage (5));

			Assert.Throws<ArgumentNullException> (() => new MessagePart ("rfc822", (object[]) null));
			Assert.Throws<ArgumentException> (() => new MessagePart ("rfc822", message, null, message));
			Assert.Throws<ArgumentException> (() => new MessagePart ("rfc822", 5));

			Assert.Throws<ArgumentNullException> (() => new MimePart ("text", "plain", (object[]) null));
			Assert.Throws<ArgumentException> (() => new MimePart ("text", "plain", body.ContentObject, body.ContentObject.Stream));
			Assert.Throws<ArgumentException> (() => new MimePart ("text", "plain", body.ContentObject.Stream, body.ContentObject));
			Assert.Throws<ArgumentException> (() => new MimePart ("text", "plain", null, 5));
Пример #12
		public void TestArgumentExceptions ()
			var text = new TextPart (TextFormat.Plain);

			Assert.Throws<ArgumentNullException> (() => new TextPart ("plain", (object[]) null));
			Assert.Throws<ArgumentException> (() => new TextPart ("plain", Encoding.UTF8, "blah blah blah", Encoding.UTF8));
			Assert.Throws<ArgumentException> (() => new TextPart ("plain", Encoding.UTF8, "blah blah blah", "blah blah"));
			Assert.Throws<ArgumentException> (() => new TextPart ("plain", 5));
			Assert.Throws<ArgumentOutOfRangeException> (() => new TextPart ((TextFormat) 500));

			Assert.Throws<ArgumentNullException> (() => text.Accept (null));
			Assert.Throws<ArgumentNullException> (() => text.GetText ((string) null));
			Assert.Throws<ArgumentNullException> (() => text.GetText ((Encoding) null));
			Assert.Throws<ArgumentNullException> (() => text.SetText ((string) null, "text"));
			Assert.Throws<ArgumentNullException> (() => text.SetText ((Encoding) null, "text"));
			Assert.Throws<ArgumentNullException> (() => text.SetText ("iso-8859-1", null));
			Assert.Throws<ArgumentNullException> (() => text.SetText (Encoding.UTF8, null));
Пример #13
		public void TestBasicFunctionality ()
			var multipart = new Multipart ();

			Assert.IsNotNullOrEmpty (multipart.Boundary, "Boundary");
			Assert.IsFalse (multipart.IsReadOnly, "IsReadOnly");

			multipart.Boundary = "__Next_Part_123";

			Assert.AreEqual ("__Next_Part_123", multipart.Boundary);

			var generic = new MimePart ("application", "octet-stream") { ContentObject = new ContentObject (new MemoryStream ()), IsAttachment = true };
			var plain = new TextPart ("plain") { Text = "This is some plain text." };

			multipart.Add (generic);
			multipart.Insert (0, plain);

			Assert.AreEqual (2, multipart.Count, "Count");

			Assert.IsTrue (multipart.Contains (generic), "Contains");
			Assert.AreEqual (0, multipart.IndexOf (plain), "IndexOf");
			Assert.IsTrue (multipart.Remove (generic), "Remove");
			Assert.IsFalse (multipart.Remove (generic), "Remove 2nd time");

			multipart.RemoveAt (0);

			Assert.AreEqual (0, multipart.Count, "Count");

			multipart.Add (generic);
			multipart.Add (plain);

			Assert.AreEqual (generic, multipart[0]);
			Assert.AreEqual (plain, multipart[1]);

			multipart[0] = plain;
			multipart[1] = generic;

			Assert.AreEqual (plain, multipart[0]);
			Assert.AreEqual (generic, multipart[1]);

			multipart.Clear ();

			Assert.AreEqual (0, multipart.Count, "Count");
  * returns true if email can be encrypted
 public static string CanEncrypt(Node emails)
     if (emails.Count == 0)
         return "there are no recipients";
         List<MailboxAddress> list = new List<MailboxAddress>();
         foreach (Node idx in emails)
             list.Add(new MailboxAddress("", idx.Get<string>()));
         TextPart entity = new TextPart("text");
         using (WindowsSecureMimeContext ctx = new WindowsSecureMimeContext(sys.StoreLocation.CurrentUser))
             ApplicationPkcs7Mime.Encrypt(ctx, list, entity);
         return null;
     catch(Exception err)
         return err.Message;
Пример #15
		public void TestDocumentRoot ()
			var gif = new MimePart ("image", "gif") { ContentDisposition = new ContentDisposition (ContentDisposition.Inline) { FileName = "empty.gif" }, ContentId = MimeUtils.GenerateMessageId () };
			var jpg = new MimePart ("image", "jpg") { ContentDisposition = new ContentDisposition (ContentDisposition.Inline) { FileName = "empty.jpg" }, ContentId = MimeUtils.GenerateMessageId () };
			var html = new TextPart ("html") { Text = "This is the html body...", ContentId = MimeUtils.GenerateMessageId () };
			var related = new MultipartRelated (gif, jpg, html);
			string start;

			related.ContentType.Parameters["type"] = "text/html";
			related.ContentType.Parameters["start"] = "<" + html.ContentId + ">";

			Assert.AreEqual (3, related.Count, "Initial Count");
			Assert.AreEqual (html, related.Root, "Initial Root");
			Assert.AreEqual (html, related[2], "Initial Root should be the 3rd item.");

			var root = new TextPart ("html") { Text = "This is the replacement root document..." };

			related.Root = root;

			Assert.AreEqual (3, related.Count, "Count");
			Assert.AreEqual (root, related.Root, "Root");
			Assert.AreEqual (root, related[2], "Root should be the 3rd item.");
			Assert.IsNotNullOrEmpty (root.ContentId, "Root's Content-Id should not be null.");

			start = "<" + root.ContentId + ">";

			Assert.AreEqual (start, related.ContentType.Parameters["start"], "The start parameter does not match.");

			related.Clear ();
			related.Add (gif);
			related.Add (jpg);
			related.Root = html;

			Assert.AreEqual (3, related.Count, "Count");
			Assert.AreEqual (html, related.Root, "Root");
			Assert.AreEqual (html, related[0], "Root should be the 1st item.");

			// Note: MimeKit no longer sets the "start" parameter if the root is the first MIME part due to a bug in Thunderbird.
			Assert.IsNull (related.ContentType.Parameters["start"], "The start parameter should be null.");
Пример #16
        public void TestPgpMimeEncryption()
            var self = new MailboxAddress ("MimeKit UnitTests", "*****@*****.**");
            var recipients = new List<MailboxAddress> ();

            // encrypt to ourselves...
            recipients.Add (self);

            var cleartext = new TextPart ("plain");
            cleartext.Text = "This is some cleartext that we'll end up encrypting...";

            using (var ctx = new DummyOpenPgpContext ()) {
                var encrypted = MultipartEncrypted.Create (ctx, recipients, cleartext);

                //using (var file = File.Create ("pgp-encrypted.asc"))
                //	encrypted.WriteTo (file);

                var decrypted = encrypted.Decrypt (ctx);

                Assert.IsInstanceOfType (typeof (TextPart), decrypted, "Decrypted part is not the expected type.");
                Assert.AreEqual (cleartext.Text, ((TextPart) decrypted).Text, "Decrypted content is not the same as the original.");
Пример #17
		public void TestMimeMessageSign ()
			var body = new TextPart ("plain") { Text = "This is some cleartext that we'll end up signing..." };
			var self = new MailboxAddress ("MimeKit UnitTests", "*****@*****.**");
			var message = new MimeMessage { Subject = "Test of signing with OpenPGP" };

			message.From.Add (self);
			message.Body = body;

			using (var ctx = new DummyOpenPgpContext ()) {
				message.Sign (ctx);

				Assert.IsInstanceOf<MultipartSigned> (message.Body);

				var multipart = (MultipartSigned) message.Body;

				Assert.AreEqual (2, multipart.Count, "The multipart/signed has an unexpected number of children.");

				var protocol = multipart.ContentType.Parameters["protocol"];
				Assert.AreEqual (ctx.SignatureProtocol, protocol, "The multipart/signed protocol does not match.");

				Assert.IsInstanceOf<TextPart> (multipart[0], "The first child is not a text part.");
				Assert.IsInstanceOf<ApplicationPgpSignature> (multipart[1], "The second child is not a detached signature.");

				var signatures = multipart.Verify (ctx);
				Assert.AreEqual (1, signatures.Count, "Verify returned an unexpected number of signatures.");
				foreach (var signature in signatures) {
					try {
						bool valid = signature.Verify ();

						Assert.IsTrue (valid, "Bad signature from {0}", signature.SignerCertificate.Email);
					} catch (DigitalSignatureVerifyException ex) {
						Assert.Fail ("Failed to verify signature: {0}", ex);
Пример #18
		public void TestSecureMimeEncapsulatedSigning ()
			var self = new MailboxAddress ("MimeKit UnitTests", "*****@*****.**");

			var cleartext = new TextPart ("plain");
			cleartext.Text = "This is some text that we'll end up signing...";

			using (var ctx = CreateContext ()) {
				var signed = ApplicationPkcs7Mime.Sign (ctx, self, DigestAlgorithm.Sha1, cleartext);
				MimeEntity extracted;

				Assert.AreEqual (SecureMimeType.SignedData, signed.SecureMimeType, "S/MIME type did not match.");

				var signatures = signed.Verify (ctx, out extracted);

				Assert.IsInstanceOfType (typeof (TextPart), extracted, "Extracted part is not the expected type.");
				Assert.AreEqual (cleartext.Text, ((TextPart) extracted).Text, "Extracted content is not the same as the original.");

				Assert.AreEqual (1, signatures.Count, "Verify returned an unexpected number of signatures.");
				foreach (var signature in signatures) {
					try {
						bool valid = signature.Verify ();

						Assert.IsTrue (valid, "Bad signature from {0}", signature.SignerCertificate.Email);
					} catch (DigitalSignatureVerifyException ex) {
						Assert.Fail ("Failed to verify signature: {0}", ex);

					var algorithms = ((SecureMimeDigitalSignature) signature).EncryptionAlgorithms;
					Assert.AreEqual (EncryptionAlgorithm.Camellia256, algorithms[0], "Expected Camellia-256 capability");
					Assert.AreEqual (EncryptionAlgorithm.Aes256, algorithms[1], "Expected AES-256 capability");
					Assert.AreEqual (EncryptionAlgorithm.Camellia192, algorithms[2], "Expected Camellia-192 capability");
					Assert.AreEqual (EncryptionAlgorithm.Aes192, algorithms[3], "Expected AES-192 capability");
					Assert.AreEqual (EncryptionAlgorithm.Camellia128, algorithms[4], "Expected Camellia-128 capability");
					Assert.AreEqual (EncryptionAlgorithm.Aes128, algorithms[5], "Expected AES-128 capability");
					Assert.AreEqual (EncryptionAlgorithm.Idea, algorithms[6], "Expected IDEA capability");
					Assert.AreEqual (EncryptionAlgorithm.Cast5, algorithms[7], "Expected Cast5 capability");
					Assert.AreEqual (EncryptionAlgorithm.TripleDes, algorithms[8], "Expected Triple-DES capability");
					//Assert.AreEqual (EncryptionAlgorithm.RC2128, algorithms[9], "Expected RC2-128 capability");
					//Assert.AreEqual (EncryptionAlgorithm.RC264, algorithms[10], "Expected RC2-64 capability");
					//Assert.AreEqual (EncryptionAlgorithm.Des, algorithms[11], "Expected DES capability");
					//Assert.AreEqual (EncryptionAlgorithm.RC240, algorithms[12], "Expected RC2-40 capability");
Пример #19
		protected override void VisitTextPart (TextPart entity)
			TextConverter converter;

			if (body != null) {
				// since we've already found the body, treat this as an attachment
				attachments.Add (entity);

			if (entity.IsHtml) {
				converter = new HtmlToHtml {
					HtmlTagCallback = HtmlTagCallback
			} else if (entity.IsFlowed) {
				var flowed = new FlowedToHtml ();
				string delsp;

				if (entity.ContentType.Parameters.TryGetValue ("delsp", out delsp))
					flowed.DeleteSpace = delsp.ToLowerInvariant () == "yes";

				converter = flowed;
			} else {
				converter = new TextToHtml ();

			body = converter.Convert (entity.Text);
Пример #20
        /// <summary>
        /// Constructs the message body based on the text-based bodies, the linked resources, and the attachments.
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks>
        /// Combines the <see cref="Attachments"/>, <see cref="LinkedResources"/>, <see cref="TextBody"/>,
        /// and <see cref="HtmlBody"/> into the proper MIME structure suitable for display in many common
        /// mail clients.
        /// </remarks>
        /// <returns>The message body.</returns>
        public MimeEntity ToMessageBody()
            Multipart  alternative = null;
            MimeEntity body        = null;

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(TextBody))
                var text = new TextPart("plain");
                text.Text = TextBody;

                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(HtmlBody))
                    alternative = new Multipart("alternative");
                    body = alternative;
                    body = text;

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(HtmlBody))
                var        text = new TextPart("html");
                MimeEntity html;

                text.ContentId = MimeUtils.GenerateMessageId();
                text.Text      = HtmlBody;

                if (LinkedResources.Count > 0)
                    var related = new MultipartRelated {
                        Root = text

                    foreach (var resource in LinkedResources)

                    html = related;
                    html = text;

                if (alternative != null)
                    body = html;

            if (Attachments.Count > 0)
                var mixed = new Multipart("mixed");

                if (body != null)

                foreach (var attachment in Attachments)

                body = mixed;

            return(body ?? new TextPart("plain"));
Пример #21
		public void TestMultipartEncryptedSignAndEncryptALgorithmUsingKeys ()
			var body = new TextPart ("plain") { Text = "This is some cleartext that we'll end up signing and encrypting..." };
			var self = new SecureMailboxAddress ("MimeKit UnitTests", "*****@*****.**", "AB0821A2");
			DigitalSignatureCollection signatures;
			IList<PgpPublicKey> recipients;
			PgpSecretKey signer;

			using (var ctx = new DummyOpenPgpContext ()) {
				recipients = ctx.GetPublicKeys (new [] { self });
				signer = ctx.GetSigningKey (self);

			var encrypted = MultipartEncrypted.SignAndEncrypt (signer, DigestAlgorithm.Sha1, EncryptionAlgorithm.Cast5, recipients, body);

			//using (var file = File.Create ("pgp-signed-encrypted.asc"))
			//	encrypted.WriteTo (file);

			var decrypted = encrypted.Decrypt (out signatures);

			Assert.IsInstanceOf<TextPart> (decrypted, "Decrypted part is not the expected type.");
			Assert.AreEqual (body.Text, ((TextPart) decrypted).Text, "Decrypted content is not the same as the original.");

			Assert.AreEqual (1, signatures.Count, "Verify returned an unexpected number of signatures.");
			foreach (var signature in signatures) {
				try {
					bool valid = signature.Verify ();

					Assert.IsTrue (valid, "Bad signature from {0}", signature.SignerCertificate.Email);
				} catch (DigitalSignatureVerifyException ex) {
					Assert.Fail ("Failed to verify signature: {0}", ex);
Пример #22
        public void TestPgpMimeSignAndEncrypt()
            var self = new MailboxAddress ("MimeKit UnitTests", "*****@*****.**");
            var recipients = new List<MailboxAddress> ();

            // encrypt to ourselves...
            recipients.Add (self);

            var cleartext = new TextPart ("plain");
            cleartext.Text = "This is some cleartext that we'll end up encrypting...";

            using (var ctx = new DummyOpenPgpContext ()) {
                var encrypted = MultipartEncrypted.Create (ctx, self, DigestAlgorithm.Sha1, recipients, cleartext);

                //using (var file = File.Create ("pgp-signed-encrypted.asc"))
                //	encrypted.WriteTo (file);

                DigitalSignatureCollection signatures;
                var decrypted = encrypted.Decrypt (ctx, out signatures);

                Assert.IsInstanceOfType (typeof (TextPart), decrypted, "Decrypted part is not the expected type.");
                Assert.AreEqual (cleartext.Text, ((TextPart) decrypted).Text, "Decrypted content is not the same as the original.");

                Assert.AreEqual (1, signatures.Count, "Verify returned an unexpected number of signatures.");
                foreach (var signature in signatures) {
                    try {
                        bool valid = signature.Verify ();

                        Assert.IsTrue (valid, "Bad signature from {0}", signature.SignerCertificate.Email);
                    } catch (DigitalSignatureVerifyException ex) {
                        Assert.Fail ("Failed to verify signature: {0}", ex);
Пример #23
		/// <summary>
		/// Constructs the message body based on the text-based bodies, the linked resources, and the attachments.
		/// </summary>
		/// <remarks>
		/// Combines the <see cref="Attachments"/>, <see cref="LinkedResources"/>, <see cref="TextBody"/>,
		/// and <see cref="HtmlBody"/> into the proper MIME structure suitable for display in many common
		/// mail clients.
		/// </remarks>
		/// <returns>The message body.</returns>
		public MimeEntity ToMessageBody ()
			Multipart alternative = null;
			MimeEntity body = null;

			if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty (TextBody)) {
				var text = new TextPart ("plain");
				text.Text = TextBody;

				if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty (HtmlBody)) {
					alternative = new Multipart ("alternative");
					alternative.Add (text);
					body = alternative;
				} else {
					body = text;

			if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty (HtmlBody)) {
				var text = new TextPart ("html");
				MimeEntity html;

				text.ContentId = MimeUtils.GenerateMessageId ();
				text.Text = HtmlBody;

				if (LinkedResources.Count > 0) {
					var related = new MultipartRelated {
						Root = text

					foreach (var resource in LinkedResources)
						related.Add (resource);

					html = related;
				} else {
					html = text;

				if (alternative != null)
					alternative.Add (html);
					body = html;

			if (Attachments.Count > 0) {
				var mixed = new Multipart ("mixed");

				if (body != null)
					mixed.Add (body);

				foreach (var attachment in Attachments)
					mixed.Add (attachment);

				body = mixed;

			return body ?? new TextPart ("plain") { Text = string.Empty };
Пример #24
		public void TestMultipartEncryptedEncrypt ()
			var body = new TextPart ("plain") { Text = "This is some cleartext that we'll end up encrypting..." };
			var self = new MailboxAddress ("MimeKit UnitTests", "*****@*****.**");

			var encrypted = MultipartEncrypted.Encrypt (new [] { self }, body);

			//using (var file = File.Create ("pgp-encrypted.asc"))
			//	encrypted.WriteTo (file);

			var decrypted = encrypted.Decrypt ();

			Assert.IsInstanceOf<TextPart> (decrypted, "Decrypted part is not the expected type.");
			Assert.AreEqual (body.Text, ((TextPart) decrypted).Text, "Decrypted content is not the same as the original.");
Пример #25
		public void TestMimeMessageEncrypt ()
			var body = new TextPart ("plain") { Text = "This is some cleartext that we'll end up encrypting..." };
			var self = new SecureMailboxAddress ("MimeKit UnitTests", "*****@*****.**", "44CD48EEC90D8849961F36BA50DCD107AB0821A2");
			var message = new MimeMessage { Subject = "Test of signing with OpenPGP" };

			message.From.Add (self);
			message.To.Add (self);
			message.Body = body;

			using (var ctx = new DummyOpenPgpContext ()) {
				message.Encrypt (ctx);

				Assert.IsInstanceOf<MultipartEncrypted> (message.Body);

				var encrypted = (MultipartEncrypted) message.Body;

				//using (var file = File.Create ("pgp-encrypted.asc"))
				//	encrypted.WriteTo (file);

				var decrypted = encrypted.Decrypt (ctx);

				Assert.IsInstanceOf<TextPart> (decrypted, "Decrypted part is not the expected type.");
				Assert.AreEqual (body.Text, ((TextPart) decrypted).Text, "Decrypted content is not the same as the original.");
Пример #26
		public void TestMultipartSignedSignUsingKeys ()
			var body = new TextPart ("plain") { Text = "This is some cleartext that we'll end up signing..." };
			var self = new SecureMailboxAddress ("MimeKit UnitTests", "*****@*****.**", "44CD48EEC90D8849961F36BA50DCD107AB0821A2");
			PgpSecretKey signer;

			using (var ctx = new DummyOpenPgpContext ()) {
				signer = ctx.GetSigningKey (self);

				foreach (DigestAlgorithm digest in Enum.GetValues (typeof (DigestAlgorithm))) {
					if (digest == DigestAlgorithm.None ||
						digest == DigestAlgorithm.DoubleSha ||
						digest == DigestAlgorithm.Tiger192 ||
						digest == DigestAlgorithm.Haval5160 ||
						digest == DigestAlgorithm.MD4)

					var multipart = MultipartSigned.Create (signer, digest, body);

					Assert.AreEqual (2, multipart.Count, "The multipart/signed has an unexpected number of children.");

					var protocol = multipart.ContentType.Parameters["protocol"];
					Assert.AreEqual ("application/pgp-signature", protocol, "The multipart/signed protocol does not match.");

					var micalg = multipart.ContentType.Parameters["micalg"];
					var algorithm = ctx.GetDigestAlgorithm (micalg);

					Assert.AreEqual (digest, algorithm, "The multipart/signed micalg does not match.");

					Assert.IsInstanceOf<TextPart> (multipart[0], "The first child is not a text part.");
					Assert.IsInstanceOf<ApplicationPgpSignature> (multipart[1], "The second child is not a detached signature.");

					var signatures = multipart.Verify ();
					Assert.AreEqual (1, signatures.Count, "Verify returned an unexpected number of signatures.");
					foreach (var signature in signatures) {
						try {
							bool valid = signature.Verify ();

							Assert.IsTrue (valid, "Bad signature from {0}", signature.SignerCertificate.Email);
						} catch (DigitalSignatureVerifyException ex) {
							Assert.Fail ("Failed to verify signature: {0}", ex);
Пример #27
 /// <summary>
 /// Visit the text-based MIME part entity.
 /// </summary>
 /// <remarks>
 /// Visits the text-based MIME part entity.
 /// </remarks>
 /// <example>
 /// <code language="c#" source="Examples\MimeVisitorExamples.cs" region="HtmlPreviewVisitor" />
 /// </example>
 /// <param name="entity">The text-based MIME part entity.</param>
 protected internal virtual void VisitTextPart(TextPart entity)
Пример #28
        protected override void VisitTextPart(TextPart entity)
            TextConverter converter;
            string header, footer;

            if (_body != null)
                // since we've already found the body, treat this as an attachment

            GetHeaderFooter(out header, out footer);

            if (entity.IsHtml)
                converter = new HtmlToHtml
                    Header = UIStrings.MarkOfTheWeb + Environment.NewLine,
                    HeaderFormat = HeaderFooterFormat.Html,
                    HtmlTagCallback = HtmlTagCallback
            else if (entity.IsFlowed)
                var flowed = new FlowedToHtml
                    Header = UIStrings.MarkOfTheWeb + Environment.NewLine + header,
                    HeaderFormat = HeaderFooterFormat.Html,
                    Footer = footer,
                    FooterFormat = HeaderFooterFormat.Html
                string delsp;

                if (entity.ContentType.Parameters.TryGetValue("delsp", out delsp))
                    flowed.DeleteSpace = delsp.ToLowerInvariant() == "yes";

                converter = flowed;
                converter = new TextToHtml
                    Header = UIStrings.MarkOfTheWeb + Environment.NewLine + header,
                    HeaderFormat = HeaderFooterFormat.Html,
                    Footer = footer,
                    FooterFormat = HeaderFooterFormat.Html

            string text = entity.Text;

            _body = converter.Convert(entity.Text);
Пример #29
		public void TestSecureMimeSignAndEncrypt ()
			var self = new MailboxAddress ("MimeKit UnitTests", "*****@*****.**");
			var recipients = new List<MailboxAddress> ();

			// encrypt to ourselves...
			recipients.Add (self);

			var cleartext = new TextPart ("plain");
			cleartext.Text = "This is some cleartext that we'll end up encrypting...";

			ApplicationPkcs7Mime encrypted;

			using (var ctx = CreateContext ()) {
				encrypted = ApplicationPkcs7Mime.SignAndEncrypt (ctx, self, DigestAlgorithm.Sha1, recipients, cleartext);

				Assert.AreEqual (SecureMimeType.EnvelopedData, encrypted.SecureMimeType, "S/MIME type did not match.");

			using (var ctx = CreateContext ()) {
				var decrypted = encrypted.Decrypt (ctx);

				// The decrypted part should be a multipart/signed
				Assert.IsInstanceOfType (typeof (MultipartSigned), decrypted, "Expected the decrypted part to be a multipart/signed.");
				var signed = (MultipartSigned) decrypted;

				Assert.IsInstanceOfType (typeof (TextPart), signed[0], "Expected the first part of the multipart/signed to be a multipart.");
				Assert.IsInstanceOfType (typeof (ApplicationPkcs7Signature), signed[1], "Expected second part of the multipart/signed to be a pkcs7-signature.");

				var extracted = (TextPart) signed[0];
				Assert.AreEqual (cleartext.Text, extracted.Text, "The decrypted text part's text does not match the original.");

				var signatures = signed.Verify (ctx);

				Assert.AreEqual (1, signatures.Count, "Verify returned an unexpected number of signatures.");
				foreach (var signature in signatures) {
					try {
						bool valid = signature.Verify ();

						Assert.IsTrue (valid, "Bad signature from {0}", signature.SignerCertificate.Email);
					} catch (DigitalSignatureVerifyException ex) {
						Assert.Fail ("Failed to verify signature: {0}", ex);

					var algorithms = ((SecureMimeDigitalSignature) signature).EncryptionAlgorithms;
					Assert.AreEqual (EncryptionAlgorithm.Camellia256, algorithms[0], "Expected Camellia-256 capability");
					Assert.AreEqual (EncryptionAlgorithm.Aes256, algorithms[1], "Expected AES-256 capability");
					Assert.AreEqual (EncryptionAlgorithm.Camellia192, algorithms[2], "Expected Camellia-192 capability");
					Assert.AreEqual (EncryptionAlgorithm.Aes192, algorithms[3], "Expected AES-192 capability");
					Assert.AreEqual (EncryptionAlgorithm.Camellia128, algorithms[4], "Expected Camellia-128 capability");
					Assert.AreEqual (EncryptionAlgorithm.Aes128, algorithms[5], "Expected AES-128 capability");
					Assert.AreEqual (EncryptionAlgorithm.Idea, algorithms[6], "Expected IDEA capability");
					Assert.AreEqual (EncryptionAlgorithm.Cast5, algorithms[7], "Expected Cast5 capability");
					Assert.AreEqual (EncryptionAlgorithm.TripleDes, algorithms[8], "Expected Triple-DES capability");
					//Assert.AreEqual (EncryptionAlgorithm.RC2128, algorithms[9], "Expected RC2-128 capability");
					//Assert.AreEqual (EncryptionAlgorithm.RC264, algorithms[10], "Expected RC2-64 capability");
					//Assert.AreEqual (EncryptionAlgorithm.Des, algorithms[11], "Expected DES capability");
					//Assert.AreEqual (EncryptionAlgorithm.RC240, algorithms[12], "Expected RC2-40 capability");
Пример #30
 public MailPostMan()
     this.MimeMessage = new MimeMessage();
     this.TextPart    = new TextPart();
Пример #31
		public void TestMultipartEncryptedEncryptAlgorithmUsingKeys ()
			var body = new TextPart ("plain") { Text = "This is some cleartext that we'll end up encrypting..." };
			var self = new MailboxAddress ("MimeKit UnitTests", "*****@*****.**");
			IList<PgpPublicKey> recipients;

			using (var ctx = new DummyOpenPgpContext ()) {
				recipients = ctx.GetPublicKeys (new [] { self });

			foreach (EncryptionAlgorithm algorithm in Enum.GetValues (typeof (EncryptionAlgorithm))) {
				if (algorithm == EncryptionAlgorithm.RC240 ||
					algorithm == EncryptionAlgorithm.RC264 || 
					algorithm == EncryptionAlgorithm.RC2128)

				var encrypted = MultipartEncrypted.Encrypt (algorithm, recipients, body);

				//using (var file = File.Create ("pgp-encrypted.asc"))
				//	encrypted.WriteTo (file);

				var decrypted = encrypted.Decrypt ();

				Assert.IsInstanceOf<TextPart> (decrypted, "Decrypted part is not the expected type.");
				Assert.AreEqual (body.Text, ((TextPart) decrypted).Text, "Decrypted content is not the same as the original.");
Пример #32
		public void TestMimeMessageSignAndEncrypt ()
			var body = new TextPart ("plain") { Text = "This is some cleartext that we'll end up signing and encrypting..." };
			var self = new SecureMailboxAddress ("MimeKit UnitTests", "*****@*****.**", "AB0821A2");
			var message = new MimeMessage { Subject = "Test of signing with OpenPGP" };
			DigitalSignatureCollection signatures;

			message.From.Add (self);
			message.To.Add (self);
			message.Body = body;

			using (var ctx = new DummyOpenPgpContext ()) {
				message.SignAndEncrypt (ctx);

				Assert.IsInstanceOf<MultipartEncrypted> (message.Body);

				var encrypted = (MultipartEncrypted) message.Body;

				//using (var file = File.Create ("pgp-signed-encrypted.asc"))
				//	encrypted.WriteTo (file);

				var decrypted = encrypted.Decrypt (ctx, out signatures);

				Assert.IsInstanceOf<TextPart> (decrypted, "Decrypted part is not the expected type.");
				Assert.AreEqual (body.Text, ((TextPart) decrypted).Text, "Decrypted content is not the same as the original.");

				Assert.AreEqual (1, signatures.Count, "Verify returned an unexpected number of signatures.");
				foreach (var signature in signatures) {
					try {
						bool valid = signature.Verify ();

						Assert.IsTrue (valid, "Bad signature from {0}", signature.SignerCertificate.Email);
					} catch (DigitalSignatureVerifyException ex) {
						Assert.Fail ("Failed to verify signature: {0}", ex);
Пример #33
		internal static string GetText (TextPart text)
			if (text.IsFlowed) {
				var converter = new FlowedToText ();
				string delsp;

				if (text.ContentType.Parameters.TryGetValue ("delsp", out delsp))
					converter.DeleteSpace = delsp.ToLowerInvariant () == "yes";

				return converter.Convert (text.Text);

			return text.Text;
Пример #34
		/// <summary>
		/// Creates a new <see cref="MimeMessage"/> from a <see cref="System.Net.Mail.MailMessage"/>.
		/// </summary>
		/// <remarks>
		/// Creates a new <see cref="MimeMessage"/> from a <see cref="System.Net.Mail.MailMessage"/>.
		/// </remarks>
		/// <returns>The equivalent <see cref="MimeMessage"/>.</returns>
		/// <param name="message">The message.</param>
		/// <exception cref="System.ArgumentNullException">
		/// <paramref name="message"/> is <c>null</c>.
		/// </exception>
		public static MimeMessage CreateFromMailMessage (MailMessage message)
			if (message == null)
				throw new ArgumentNullException ("message");

			var headers = new List<Header> ();
			foreach (var field in message.Headers.AllKeys) {
				foreach (var value in message.Headers.GetValues (field))
					headers.Add (new Header (field, value));

			var msg = new MimeMessage (ParserOptions.Default, headers);
			MimeEntity body = null;

			// Note: If the user has already sent their MailMessage via System.Net.Mail.SmtpClient,
			// then the following MailMessage properties will have been merged into the Headers, so
			// check to make sure our MimeMessage properties are empty before adding them.
			if (msg.Sender == null && message.Sender != null)
				msg.Sender = (MailboxAddress) message.Sender;
			if (msg.From.Count == 0 && message.From != null)
				msg.From.Add ((MailboxAddress) message.From);
#if NET_3_5
			if (msg.ReplyTo.Count == 0 && message.ReplyTo != null)
				msg.ReplyTo.Add ((MailboxAddress) message.ReplyTo);
			if (msg.ReplyTo.Count == 0 && message.ReplyToList.Count > 0)
				msg.ReplyTo.AddRange ((InternetAddressList) message.ReplyToList);
			if (msg.To.Count == 0 && message.To.Count > 0)
				msg.To.AddRange ((InternetAddressList) message.To);
			if (msg.Cc.Count == 0 && message.CC.Count > 0)
				msg.Cc.AddRange ((InternetAddressList) message.CC);
			if (msg.Bcc.Count == 0 && message.Bcc.Count > 0)
				msg.Bcc.AddRange ((InternetAddressList) message.Bcc);
			if (string.IsNullOrEmpty (msg.Subject))
				msg.Subject = message.Subject ?? string.Empty;

			switch (message.Priority) {
			case MailPriority.High:
				msg.Headers.Replace (HeaderId.Priority, "urgent");
				msg.Headers.Replace (HeaderId.Importance, "high");
				msg.Headers.Replace ("X-Priority", "1");
			case MailPriority.Low:
				msg.Headers.Replace (HeaderId.Priority, "non-urgent");
				msg.Headers.Replace (HeaderId.Importance, "low");
				msg.Headers.Replace ("X-Priority", "5");

			if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty (message.Body)) {
				var text = new TextPart (message.IsBodyHtml ? "html" : "plain");
				text.SetText (message.BodyEncoding ?? Encoding.UTF8, message.Body);
				body = text;

			if (message.AlternateViews.Count > 0) {
				var alternative = new Multipart ("alternative");

				if (body != null)
					alternative.Add (body);

				foreach (var view in message.AlternateViews) {
					var part = GetMimePart (view);

					if (view.BaseUri != null)
						part.ContentLocation = view.BaseUri;

					if (view.LinkedResources.Count > 0) {
						var type = part.ContentType.MediaType + "/" + part.ContentType.MediaSubtype;
						var related = new Multipart ("related");

						related.ContentType.Parameters.Add ("type", type);

						if (view.BaseUri != null)
							related.ContentLocation = view.BaseUri;

						related.Add (part);

						foreach (var resource in view.LinkedResources) {
							part = GetMimePart (resource);

							if (resource.ContentLink != null)
								part.ContentLocation = resource.ContentLink;

							related.Add (part);

						alternative.Add (related);
					} else {
						alternative.Add (part);

				body = alternative;

			if (body == null)
				body = new TextPart (message.IsBodyHtml ? "html" : "plain");

			if (message.Attachments.Count > 0) {
				var mixed = new Multipart ("mixed");

				if (body != null)
					mixed.Add (body);

				foreach (var attachment in message.Attachments)
					mixed.Add (GetMimePart (attachment));

				body = mixed;

			msg.Body = body;

			return msg;
Пример #35
        static void ExtractMapiProperties(TnefReader reader, MimeMessage message, BodyBuilder builder)
            var prop = reader.TnefPropertyReader;

            while (prop.ReadNextProperty ()) {
                switch (prop.PropertyTag.Id) {
                case TnefPropertyId.InternetMessageId:
                    if (prop.PropertyTag.ValueTnefType == TnefPropertyType.String8 ||
                        prop.PropertyTag.ValueTnefType == TnefPropertyType.Unicode) {
                        message.MessageId = prop.ReadValueAsString ();
                        Console.WriteLine ("Message Property: {0} = {1}", prop.PropertyTag.Id, message.MessageId);
                    } else {
                        Assert.Fail ("Unknown property type for Message-Id: {0}", prop.PropertyTag.ValueTnefType);
                case TnefPropertyId.Subject:
                    if (prop.PropertyTag.ValueTnefType == TnefPropertyType.String8 ||
                        prop.PropertyTag.ValueTnefType == TnefPropertyType.Unicode) {
                        message.Subject = prop.ReadValueAsString ();
                        Console.WriteLine ("Message Property: {0} = {1}", prop.PropertyTag.Id, message.Subject);
                    } else {
                        Assert.Fail ("Unknown property type for Subject: {0}", prop.PropertyTag.ValueTnefType);
                case TnefPropertyId.RtfCompressed:
                    if (prop.PropertyTag.ValueTnefType == TnefPropertyType.String8 ||
                        prop.PropertyTag.ValueTnefType == TnefPropertyType.Unicode ||
                        prop.PropertyTag.ValueTnefType == TnefPropertyType.Binary) {
                        var rtf = new TextPart ("rtf");
                        rtf.ContentType.Name = "body.rtf";

                        var converter = new RtfCompressedToRtf ();
                        var content = new MemoryStream ();

                        using (var filtered = new FilteredStream (content)) {
                            filtered.Add (converter);

                            using (var compressed = prop.GetRawValueReadStream ()) {
                                compressed.CopyTo (filtered, 4096);
                                filtered.Flush ();

                        rtf.ContentObject = new ContentObject (content);
                        content.Position = 0;

                        builder.Attachments.Add (rtf);

                        Console.WriteLine ("Message Property: {0} = <compressed rtf data>", prop.PropertyTag.Id);
                    } else {
                        Assert.Fail ("Unknown property type for {0}: {1}", prop.PropertyTag.Id, prop.PropertyTag.ValueTnefType);
                case TnefPropertyId.BodyHtml:
                    if (prop.PropertyTag.ValueTnefType == TnefPropertyType.String8 ||
                        prop.PropertyTag.ValueTnefType == TnefPropertyType.Unicode ||
                        prop.PropertyTag.ValueTnefType == TnefPropertyType.Binary) {
                        var html = new TextPart ("html");
                        html.ContentType.Name = "body.html";
                        html.Text = prop.ReadValueAsString ();

                        builder.Attachments.Add (html);

                        Console.WriteLine ("Message Property: {0} = {1}", prop.PropertyTag.Id, html.Text);
                    } else {
                        Assert.Fail ("Unknown property type for {0}: {1}", prop.PropertyTag.Id, prop.PropertyTag.ValueTnefType);
                case TnefPropertyId.Body:
                    if (prop.PropertyTag.ValueTnefType == TnefPropertyType.String8 ||
                        prop.PropertyTag.ValueTnefType == TnefPropertyType.Unicode ||
                        prop.PropertyTag.ValueTnefType == TnefPropertyType.Binary) {
                        var plain = new TextPart ("plain");
                        plain.ContentType.Name = "body.txt";
                        plain.Text = prop.ReadValueAsString ();

                        builder.Attachments.Add (plain);

                        Console.WriteLine ("Message Property: {0} = {1}", prop.PropertyTag.Id, plain.Text);
                    } else {
                        Assert.Fail ("Unknown property type for {0}: {1}", prop.PropertyTag.Id, prop.PropertyTag.ValueTnefType);
                    Console.WriteLine ("Message Property (unhandled): {0} = {1}", prop.PropertyTag.Id, prop.ReadValue ());
Пример #36
		/// <summary>
		/// Visit the text-based MIME part entity.
		/// </summary>
		/// <remarks>
		/// Visits the text-based MIME part entity.
		/// </remarks>
		/// <example>
		/// <code language="c#" source="Examples\MimeVisitorExamples.cs" region="HtmlPreviewVisitor" />
		/// </example>
		/// <param name="entity">The text-based MIME part entity.</param>
		protected internal virtual void VisitTextPart (TextPart entity)
			VisitMimePart (entity);
Пример #37
        /// <summary>
        /// Construct the message body based on the text-based bodies, the linked resources, and the attachments.
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks>
        /// Combines the <see cref="Attachments"/>, <see cref="LinkedResources"/>, <see cref="TextBody"/>,
        /// and <see cref="HtmlBody"/> into the proper MIME structure suitable for display in many common
        /// mail clients.
        /// </remarks>
        /// <example>
        /// <code language="c#" source="Examples\BodyBuilder.cs" region="Complex" />
        /// </example>
        /// <returns>The message body.</returns>
        public MimeEntity ToMessageBody()
            MultipartAlternative alternative = null;
            MimeEntity           body        = null;

            if (TextBody != null)
                var text = new TextPart("plain");
                text.Text = TextBody;

                if (HtmlBody != null)
                    alternative = new MultipartAlternative();
                    body = alternative;
                    body = text;

            if (HtmlBody != null)
                var        text = new TextPart("html");
                MimeEntity html;

                text.Text = HtmlBody;

                if (LinkedResources.Count > 0)
                    var related = new MultipartRelated {
                        Root = text

                    foreach (var resource in LinkedResources)

                    html = related;
                    html = text;

                if (alternative != null)
                    body = html;

            if (Attachments.Count > 0)
                if (body == null && Attachments.Count == 1)

                var mixed = new Multipart("mixed");

                if (body != null)

                foreach (var attachment in Attachments)

                body = mixed;

            return(body ?? new TextPart("plain")
                Text = string.Empty