private void InitOS() { MConsole.WriteBlue(" [FileSystem]"); MConsole.WriteLineWhite(" Loading file system..."); Sys.FileSystem.VFS.VFSManager.RegisterVFS(FileSystem); MConsole.WriteGreen(" [FileSystem]"); MConsole.WriteLineWhite(" File system loaded."); MConsole.WriteBlue(" [Syscall]"); MConsole.WriteLineWhite(" Initializing system call..."); Syscall.Init(); CPU.EnableInterrupts(); MConsole.WriteGreen(" [Syscall]"); MConsole.WriteLineWhite(" Systemcall initialized."); }
public static void Handler(string[] args) { var place = "Dorado"; for (int i = 0; i < args.Length; i++) { if (args[i] == "-m") { if (i == args.Length - 1) { Console.WriteLine("Too few arguments, place is required after -p."); return; } place = args[++i]; } if (args[i] == "-h") { Console.WriteLine(" Overwatch Simulator"); Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine(" Arguments"); Console.WriteLine(" -m MAP Specify the map."); Console.WriteLine(" -h Display this help information."); return; } } MConsole.WriteLineYellow(@" `.-://///:-.` "); MConsole.WriteWhite(" ."); MConsole.WriteYellow(".:////:::::////-."); MConsole.WriteLineWhite(". "); MConsole.WriteWhite(" `+hh"); MConsole.WriteYellow("+..` `..+"); MConsole.WriteLineWhite("hh+` "); MConsole.WriteLineWhite(@" `shhy: . . :yhhs`"); MConsole.WriteLineWhite(@" +hhy. .y y. -hhh+"); MConsole.WriteLineWhite(@" yhho .yh hy. ohhy"); MConsole.WriteLineWhite(@" yhho .oyhh hhyo. ohhy"); MConsole.WriteLineWhite(@" +hhh--oyhhs: :shhyo--hhh/"); MConsole.WriteLineWhite(@" `shhyhhho- -ohhhyhho`"); MConsole.WriteLineWhite(@" `+hhhho-` `-ohhhh/` "); MConsole.WriteLineWhite(@" .+yhhhyysosyyhhhy+. "); MConsole.WriteLineWhite($@" -/osyhhyyso/. Traveling to {place}..."); }
protected override void BeforeRun() { InitOS(); Console.Clear(); MConsole.WriteLineRed(@" _ _ _ "); MConsole.WriteLineDarkRed(@" (_) | | "); MConsole.WriteLineYellow(@" _ __ ___ _| | | ___ _ ___ ___ "); MConsole.WriteLineGreen(@" | '_ ` _ \| | | |/ / | | |/ _ \/ __|"); MConsole.WriteLineCyan(@" | | | | | | | | <| |_| | (_) \__ \"); MConsole.WriteLineBlue(@" |_| |_| |_|_|_|_|\_\\__, |\___/|___/"); MConsole.WriteLineMagenta(@" __/ | "); MConsole.WriteLineDarkMagenta(@" |___/ "); Console.WriteLine(" Welcome to MilkyOS!"); Console.WriteLine(" MilkyOS is crafted by sheey based on the open-source project Cosmos."); Console.WriteLine(" And it is only for academic exercise purpose."); Console.WriteLine(" Enjoy your journey!"); Console.WriteLine(); }