Пример #1
        private static void CreateFileTest(String pathAndFilename)
            MidiFile myFile = new MidiFile();

            myFile.Header.FormatType           = TrackFormatType.Single;
            myFile.Header.NumberOfTracks       = 1;
            myFile.Header.PulsesPerQuarterNote = 960;

            TrackChunk tc1 = new TrackChunk();

            tc1.File = myFile;

            tc1.File = myFile;

            tc1.SequenceNumber  = new SequenceNumberEvent(0, 0);
            tc1.Comments        = new TextEvent("Comments");
            tc1.CopyrightNotice = new CopyrightNoticeEvent("CopyrightNotice");
            tc1.TrackName       = new TrackNameEvent("TrackName");
            tc1.InstrumentName  = new InstrumentNameEvent("InstrumentName");
            tc1.Lyrics          = new LyricsEvent("Lyrics");
            tc1.Marker          = new MarkerEvent("Marker");
            tc1.CuePoint        = new CuePointEvent("CuePoint");
            tc1.DeviceName      = new DeviceNameEvent("DeviceName");
            tc1.Channel         = new MidiChannelEvent(3);
            tc1.Port            = new MidiPortEvent(6);
            tc1.TimeSignature   = new TimeSignatureEvent(4, 4, 24, 8);
            tc1.Tempo           = new TempoEvent(130.0);
            //tc1.SMPTEOffSet = new SMPTEOffSetEvent();
            tc1.KeySignature = new KeySignatureEvent(0, 1);

            tc1.ChannelEvents.Add(ChannelMidiEvent.CreateNoteOnChannelMidiEvent(0, 64, 100, 0));
            tc1.ChannelEvents.Add(ChannelMidiEvent.CreateNoteOffChannelMidiEvent(0, 64, 960));
            tc1.ChannelEvents.Add(ChannelMidiEvent.CreateNoteOnChannelMidiEvent(0, 63, 90, 0));
            tc1.ChannelEvents.Add(ChannelMidiEvent.CreateNoteOffChannelMidiEvent(0, 63, 960));

Пример #2
        public void ConvertToMidiFilesByRegionAndBarAndTrack(String outputPath)
            if (this.Header.FormatType != TrackFormatType.MetaAndChannel)
                throw new ApplicationException("cannot split file");

            List <MidiFile> midiFiles = new List <MidiFile>();

            foreach (TrackChunk origTrack in this.Tracks)
                /// do conversion in this order. by doing these conversions we also remove any
                /// overlapping notes.
                origTrack.MakeAllNotesSameKey(48);    //good for drums where we want the same note for all drum hits
                origTrack.MakeAllNotesSameLength(10); //smallest unit that wont overlap after cleaning duplicates
                //origTrack.ConstrainNotesToMeasureBoundaries();  //makes it easy to put the notes into 'measure' files

                //uint currentMeasure = 0;
                uint currentRegionMeasure = 0;

                TrackChunk newTrack            = null;
                MidiFile   newFile             = null;
                Region     currentRegion       = null;
                MidiTime   currentMeasureStart = null;
                Note       lastNote            = null;

                foreach (var note in origTrack.Notes)
                    if (note.StartPosition.Region == null)
                        Debug.WriteLine(origTrack.TrackName.Text + " null region @" + note.StartPosition);


                    if (note.StartPosition.Region != currentRegion)
                        ///the first note in a new region
                        currentRegion        = note.StartPosition.Region;
                        currentRegionMeasure = 0;   //reset

                    if (currentMeasureStart == null || note.StartPosition.Measures != currentMeasureStart.Measures)

                        ///the first note in a new measure
                        newFile = new MidiFile();

                        String temp = origTrack.TrackName.Text.Substring(0, 2);
                        //if (temp.StartsWith("0"))
                        //    temp = temp.Substring(1);

                        String newTrackName = note.StartPosition.Region.ID + "-B" + currentRegionMeasure + "-T" + temp;
                        newFile.FileNameAndPath = outputPath + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + newTrackName + ".mid";

                        newFile.Header.NumberOfTracks       = 1;
                        newFile.Header.FormatType           = TrackFormatType.Single;
                        newFile.Header.PulsesPerQuarterNote = this.Header.PulsesPerQuarterNote;

                        newTrack                 = new TrackChunk();
                        newTrack.TrackName       = new TrackNameEvent(newTrackName);
                        newTrack.TimeSignature   = new TimeSignatureEvent(origTrack.TimeSignature.Numerator, origTrack.TimeSignature.Denominator, origTrack.TimeSignature.MetronomePulse, origTrack.TimeSignature.ThirtySecondNotes);
                        newTrack.Tempo           = new TempoEvent(origTrack.Tempo.MicroSecondsPerQuarterNote, origTrack.TimeSignature.Denominator);
                        newTrack.CopyrightNotice = new CopyrightNoticeEvent("Joe Bacon 2013");
                        newTrack.DeviceName      = new DeviceNameEvent("MIDI-Bacon");

                        currentMeasureStart = new MidiTime(this, note.StartPosition.Measures, 1, 0, origTrack.TimeSignature);
                        lastNote            = null;

                    uint deltaTime = 0;

                    if (lastNote == null)
                        deltaTime = note.StartPosition.GetAsTotalTicks() - currentMeasureStart.GetAsTotalTicks();  //occurs on first note of measure
                        deltaTime = note.StartPosition.GetAsTotalTicks() - lastNote.EndPosition.GetAsTotalTicks();

                    ChannelMidiEvent noteOnEvent = ChannelMidiEvent.CreateNoteOnChannelMidiEvent(0, note.NoteNumber, note.Velocity, deltaTime);

                    ChannelMidiEvent noteOffEvent = ChannelMidiEvent.CreateNoteOffChannelMidiEvent(0, note.NoteNumber, note.Length);

                    lastNote = note;

            foreach (MidiFile mf in midiFiles)
Пример #3
        public void ConvertToMidiFilesByRegionAndTrack(String outputPath)
            if (this.Header.FormatType != TrackFormatType.MetaAndChannel)
                throw new ApplicationException("cannot split file");

            List <MidiFile> midiFiles = new List <MidiFile>();

            foreach (TrackChunk origTrack in this.Tracks)
                /// do conversion in this order. by doing these conversions we also remove any
                /// overlapping notes.
                origTrack.MakeAllNotesSameKey(60);  //good for drums where we want the same note for all drum hits. this also means we will clear a lot more duplicate notes.
                //origTrack.ApplyScaleToNotesRandomly(5, NoteMap.C, NoteMap.CSharp, NoteMap.F, NoteMap.G, NoteMap.GSharp, NoteMap.A); //C, C#, F, G, G#, A
                //origTrack.ApplyScaleToNotesInSequence(5, 0, true, NoteMap.C, NoteMap.CSharp, NoteMap.F, NoteMap.G, NoteMap.GSharp, NoteMap.A); //C, C#, F, G, G#, A

                TrackChunk newTrack      = null;
                MidiFile   newFile       = null;
                Region     currentRegion = null;
                Note       lastNote      = null;

                foreach (var note in origTrack.Notes)
                    if (note.AveragePosition.Region != currentRegion)
                        currentRegion = note.StartPosition.Region;

                        newFile = new MidiFile();

                        //String temp = origTrack.TrackName.Text.Substring(0, 2);
                        //if (temp.StartsWith("0"))
                        //    temp = temp.Substring(1);

                        String fileNameNoExt = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(this.FileNameAndPath);

                        String newTrackName = "R" + note.StartPosition.Region.Ordinal.ToString().PadLeft(2, '0') + " - " + origTrack.TrackName.Text + " - " + fileNameNoExt;
                        newFile.FileNameAndPath = outputPath + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + newTrackName + ".mid";

                        newFile.Header.NumberOfTracks       = 1;
                        newFile.Header.FormatType           = TrackFormatType.Single;
                        newFile.Header.PulsesPerQuarterNote = this.Header.PulsesPerQuarterNote;

                        newTrack                 = new TrackChunk();
                        newTrack.TrackName       = new TrackNameEvent(newTrackName);
                        newTrack.TimeSignature   = new TimeSignatureEvent(origTrack.TimeSignature.Numerator, origTrack.TimeSignature.Denominator, origTrack.TimeSignature.MetronomePulse, origTrack.TimeSignature.ThirtySecondNotes);
                        newTrack.Tempo           = new TempoEvent(origTrack.Tempo.MicroSecondsPerQuarterNote, origTrack.TimeSignature.Denominator);
                        newTrack.CopyrightNotice = new CopyrightNoticeEvent("Joe Bacon 2013");
                        newTrack.DeviceName      = new DeviceNameEvent("MIDI-Bacon");

                        lastNote = null;

                    uint deltaTime = 0;

                    if (lastNote == null)
                        deltaTime = note.StartPosition.GetAsTotalTicks() - currentRegion.Start.GetAsTotalTicks(this.Header.PulsesPerQuarterNote, origTrack.TimeSignature);  //occurs on first note of measure
                        deltaTime = note.StartPosition.GetAsTotalTicks() - lastNote.EndPosition.GetAsTotalTicks();

                    ChannelMidiEvent noteOnEvent = ChannelMidiEvent.CreateNoteOnChannelMidiEvent(0, note.NoteNumber, note.Velocity, deltaTime);

                    ChannelMidiEvent noteOffEvent = ChannelMidiEvent.CreateNoteOffChannelMidiEvent(0, note.NoteNumber, note.Length);

                    lastNote = note;

            foreach (MidiFile mf in midiFiles)