Пример #1
        public void Move(Vector3 dir, float amount)
            if (dir.Length() != 1 && dir.Length() != 0)

            Position += Vector3.Transform(dir * amount, Matrix.CreateRotationX(Pitch) * Matrix.CreateRotationY(Yaw));
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a new, cool, advanced Model. For Accelerated Delivery. Otherwise I get
        /// lots of silly repetative variables. Note that all rendering options are hardcoded.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="machineNo">The machine number. For any numbers outside of 1-10, it is treated as the number of
        /// milliseconds until this machine automatically activates.</param>
        /// <param name="machines">An array of machines this machine holds. Null is acceptable.</param>
        /// <param name="models">A list of BaseModels and Tubes that the Machine contains.</param>
        /// <param name="targetPos">The amount of X, Y, and Z to translate.</param>
        /// <param name="timestep">The amount of time to use to translate.</param>
        public TranslateMachine(int machineNo, int soundIndex, Vector3 targetPos, float timestep, bool automatic, params BaseModel[] models)
            : base(machineNo, soundIndex, models)
            joints = new List<WeldJoint>();
            timeStep = timestep;
            targetPosition = targetPos;
            this.automatic = automatic;
            baseJoint = new PrismaticJoint(null, modelList[0].Ent, modelList[0].Ent.Position, Vector3.Normalize(targetPos), modelList[0].Ent.Position);
            baseJoint.Motor.IsActive = true;
            baseJoint.Motor.Settings.Mode = MotorMode.Servomechanism;
            baseJoint.Motor.Settings.Servo.Goal = 0;
            baseJoint.Limit.Maximum = targetPos.Length();
            baseJoint.Limit.Minimum = 0;
            baseJoint.Limit.IsActive = true;
            baseJoint.Motor.Settings.Servo.BaseCorrectiveSpeed = targetPos.Length() / timestep;
            baseJoint.Motor.Settings.Servo.MaxCorrectiveVelocity = targetPos.Length() / timestep;
            baseJoint.Motor.Settings.Servo.SpringSettings.StiffnessConstant = 0;
            baseJoint.Motor.Settings.Servo.SpringSettings.DampingConstant /= 15;

            foreach(BaseModel m in modelList)
                if(m == modelList[0])
                WeldJoint j = new WeldJoint(modelList[0].Ent, m.Ent);
            foreach(Tube t in tubeList)

                inputs.Add(new MachineTimer(machineNo / 1000f));
Пример #3
        private void KeyboardControl()
            if (Input.Y == 1)
                Velocity += ACCELERATION * Direction;
            else if (Input.Y == -1)
                Velocity -= ACCELERATION * Direction;

            if (Input.X == 1)
                Velocity += ACCELERATION * Right;
            else if (Input.X == -1)
                Velocity -= ACCELERATION * Right;

            else if (InputManager.IsKeyDown(Keys.Space))
                Velocity += Up * ACCELERATION;
            else if (InputManager.IsKeyDown(Keys.LeftShift))
                Velocity -= Up * ACCELERATION;

            if (Input.Y == 0)
                var dir = Direction;
                dir.Y = 0;
                var dot = Vector3.Dot(Velocity, Vector3.Normalize(Direction));
                Velocity -= Math.Sign(dot) * Direction * DECELERATION;

            if (Input.X == 0)
                var dir = Direction;
                dir.Y = 0;
                var vel = Velocity;
                vel.Y = 0;
                var dot = Vector3.Dot(Velocity, Vector3.Normalize(Right));
                Velocity -= Math.Sign(dot) * Right * DECELERATION;

            if (Velocity.Length() < 1f && Input.X == 0 && Input.Y == 0)
                Velocity = new Vector3(0);

            // MaxSpeed
            if (Velocity.Length() > MAX_SPEED)
                Velocity = Vector3.Normalize(Velocity) * MAX_SPEED;
Пример #4
 public override void Update(GameTime gameTime)
     KeyboardManager KManager = (KeyboardManager)Game.Services.GetService(typeof(KeyboardManager));
     if (KManager.IsKeyPressed(Keys.M))
         Mode = (CameraMode)(((int)Mode + 1) % 2);
     float X = KManager.IsKeyDown(Keys.Right) ? 1 : 0;
     X -= KManager.IsKeyDown(Keys.Left) ? 1 : 0;
     float Z = KManager.IsKeyDown(Keys.Down) ? 1 : 0;
     Z -= KManager.IsKeyDown(Keys.Up) ? 1 : 0;
     Vector3 move = new Vector3(X, 0, Z);
     if (move.Length() > 0)
         world_.Translation += move;
     view_ = Matrix.CreateLookAt(world_.Translation, world_.Forward + world_.Translation, world_.Up);
     switch (Mode)
         case CameraMode.PROJECTIVE:
             projection_ = Matrix.CreatePerspectiveFieldOfView(MathHelper.PiOver4, Game.GraphicsDevice.Viewport.AspectRatio, 0.1f, 100);
         case CameraMode.ORTHOGONAL:
             projection_ = Matrix.CreateOrthographic(Game.GraphicsDevice.Viewport.Width/20, Game.GraphicsDevice.Viewport.Height/20, 0.1f, 100);
Пример #5
 public static float AngleBetween(this Vector3 v1, Vector3 v2)
     float dot = Vector3.Dot(v1, v2);
     float mag1 = Math.Abs(v1.Length());
     float mag2 = Math.Abs(v2.Length());
     return (float)Math.Acos(dot / (mag1 * mag2));
Пример #6
 /// <summary>
 /// Constructs a new GoalPoint.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="position">The position.</param>
 /// <param name="orientation">The orientation.</param>
 /// <param name="scale">The amount to scale by.</param>
 /// <param name="nextLevel">
 /// The name of the next level to load.
 /// An invalid name will return to the Main menu.
 /// </param>
 /// <param name="partType">The part required to pass the level.</param>
 public GoalPoint(Vector3 position, Quaternion orientation, Vector3 scale, string nextLevel, Type partType)
     : base(new ScrollingTransparentModel("tractorBeam", new Vector2(0.1f, 0.0f)), new Cylinder(position, 1f, scale.Length() * 7.0f))
     mNextLevel = nextLevel;
     PartType = partType;
     Scale = new Vector3(1.0f, 5.0f, 1.0f);
Пример #7
        /// <summary>
        /// Truncates the vector in accordance to the maximal length
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="vectorToTruncate">Vector to truncate</param>
        /// <param name="maxLengthOfVector">Maximal legal length of the vector</param>
        /// <returns>Truncated vector</returns>
        public static Vector3 Truncate(Vector3 vectorToTruncate, float maxLengthOfVector)
            if (vectorToTruncate.Length() > maxLengthOfVector)
                vectorToTruncate = Vector3.Normalize(vectorToTruncate) * maxLengthOfVector;

            return vectorToTruncate;
        /// <summary>
        /// Moves the constraint lines to the proper location relative to the entities involved.
        /// </summary>
        public override void Update()
            //Move lines around
            axis.PositionA = MathConverter.Convert(LineObject.ConnectionB.Position);
            axis.PositionB = MathConverter.Convert(LineObject.ConnectionB.Position + LineObject.TwistAxisB * 1.5f);

            float angleIncrement = 4 * MathHelper.Pi / limitLines.Length; //Each loop iteration moves this many radians forward.

            for (int i = 0; i < limitLines.Length / 2; i++)
                Line pointToPreviousPoint = limitLines[2 * i];
                Line centerToPoint        = limitLines[2 * i + 1];

                float currentAngle = i * angleIncrement;

                //Using the parametric equation for an ellipse, compute the axis of rotation and angle.
                Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Vector3 rotationAxis = MathConverter.Convert(LineObject.Basis.xAxis * LineObject.MaximumAngleX * (float)Math.Cos(currentAngle) +
                                                                                     LineObject.Basis.yAxis * LineObject.MaximumAngleY * (float)Math.Sin(currentAngle));
                float angle = rotationAxis.Length();
                rotationAxis /= angle;

                pointToPreviousPoint.PositionA = MathConverter.Convert(LineObject.ConnectionB.Position) +
                                                 //Rotate the primary axis to the ellipse boundary...
                                                 Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Vector3.TransformNormal(MathConverter.Convert(LineObject.Basis.PrimaryAxis), Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Matrix.CreateFromAxisAngle(rotationAxis, angle));

                centerToPoint.PositionA = pointToPreviousPoint.PositionA;
                centerToPoint.PositionB = MathConverter.Convert(LineObject.ConnectionB.Position);
            for (int i = 0; i < limitLines.Length / 2; i++)
                //Connect all the pointToPreviousPoint lines to the previous points.
                limitLines[2 * i].PositionB = limitLines[2 * ((i + 1) % (limitLines.Length / 2))].PositionA;
Пример #9
 public Vector3 pursue(Vector3 evaderPosition, Vector3 evaderVelocity,Vector3 currentPosition,Vector3 velocity)
     float distance = Vector3.Subtract(evaderPosition, currentPosition).Length();
     float timeToReachTarget = distance / velocity.Length();
     Vector3 targetPosition = evaderPosition + evaderVelocity * timeToReachTarget;
     return seek(targetPosition,currentPosition,velocity);
Пример #10
        public void Update(float dt)
            Position += Velocity * dt;
            Velocity -= new Vector3(0, Gravity * dt, 0);
            Velocity *= (1f - Damping);

            Vector3 direction = Velocity;
            Ray ray = new Ray(Position, direction);//Vector3.Transform(Vector3.Forward, Orientation));
            RayCastResult result;
            Sector.Redria.Space.RayCast(ray, 2, out result);
            if (result.HitObject != null)
                if (result.HitObject.Tag is ShipObj)
                    var ship = (ShipObj)result.HitObject.Tag;
                    var magnitude = Velocity.Length();
                    //var angle = Vector3.Dot(result.HitData.Normal,Velocity)/magnitude;
                    float velocity = magnitude;//(float)(magnitude*angle);
            if (Position.Y < -5) Sector.Redria.Bullets.Remove(this);
Пример #11
        public static void IntegrateTransform(Matrix currentTransform, Vector3 linearVelocity, Vector3 angularVelocity, float timeStep, ref Matrix predictedTransform)
            predictedTransform.Translation = currentTransform.Translation + linearVelocity * timeStep;
            //exponential map
            Vector3 axis;
            float angle = angularVelocity.Length();
            //limit the angular motion
            if (angle * timeStep > AngularMotionTreshold)
                angle = AngularMotionTreshold / timeStep;

            if (angle < 0.001f)
                // use Taylor's expansions of sync function
                axis = angularVelocity * (0.5f * timeStep - (timeStep * timeStep * timeStep) * (0.020833333333f) * angle * angle);
                // sync(fAngle) = sin(c*fAngle)/t
                axis = angularVelocity * ((float)Math.Sin(0.5f * angle * timeStep) / angle);
            Quaternion dorn = new Quaternion(axis.X, axis.Y, axis.Z, (float)Math.Cos(angle * timeStep * 0.5f));
            Quaternion ornA = MatrixOperations.GetRotation(currentTransform);

            Quaternion predictedOrn = dorn * ornA;

            MatrixOperations.SetRotation(ref predictedTransform, predictedOrn);

            Matrix test = Matrix.CreateFromQuaternion(predictedOrn);
Пример #12
        public void ApplyForce(SimObject simObject)
            //get the direction vector
            direction = simObjectA.CurrPosition - simObjectB.CurrPosition;

            //check for zero vector
            if (direction != Vector3.Zero)
                //get length
                currLength = direction.Length();


                //add spring force
                force = -stiffness * ((currLength - restLength) * direction);

                //add spring damping force
                force += -damping * Vector3.Dot(simObjectA.CurrVelocity - simObjectB.CurrVelocity, direction) * direction;

                //apply the equal and opposite forces to the objects
                simObjectA.ResultantForce += force;
                simObjectB.ResultantForce += -force;
Пример #13
 public ConstantLinearMoveBehavior(Vector3 v)
     : base()
     Speed = v.Length();
     Direction = v;
Пример #14
        public static Vector3 dotProductCalculation(Vector3 direction1, Vector3 direction2)
            if (direction1.Length() == 0 || direction2.Length() == 0)
                return Vector3.Zero;
                Vector3 normalized1 = new Vector3(direction1.X, direction1.Y, direction1.Z);
                Vector3 normalized2 = new Vector3(direction2.X, direction2.Y, direction2.Z);
                float dotProduct = Vector3.Dot(normalized1, normalized2);

                return dotProduct * normalized2 * direction1.Length();
Пример #15
		/// <summary>
		/// Construct this transform from a matrix
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="matrix"></param>
		/// <param name="performValidityCheck">When true, the matrix will be checked to make sure it will produce a valid transform</param>
		public Transform(ref Matrix matrix, bool performValidityCheck)
			if (performValidityCheck)
				//validate the matrix is not sheered or inverted on a single axis.
				Vector3 x = new Vector3(matrix.M11, matrix.M12, matrix.M13);
				Vector3 y = new Vector3(matrix.M21, matrix.M22, matrix.M23);
				Vector3 z = new Vector3(matrix.M31, matrix.M32, matrix.M33);

				float xl = x.Length();
				float yl = y.Length();
				float zl = z.Length();

				float maxl = Math.Max(xl, Math.Max(yl, zl));
				float minl = Math.Min(xl, Math.Min(yl, zl));

				if ((maxl - minl) > maxl / 10)
					throw new ArgumentException("The input matrix is not uniformly scaled");

				if (xl > 0.000001f) x /= xl;
				if (yl > 0.000001f) y /= yl;
				if (zl > 0.000001f) z /= zl;

				Vector3 zc = Vector3.Cross(x, y);
				Vector3 yc = Vector3.Cross(z, x);
				Vector3 xc = Vector3.Cross(y, zc);

				if (Vector3.Dot(x, xc) < 0.975f || Vector3.Dot(z, zc) * Vector3.Dot(y, yc) < 0.95f)
					throw new ArgumentException("The input matrix is skewed, sheered or non uniformly scaled");

			Vector3 scale;
			matrix.Decompose(out scale, out Rotation, out Translation);

			//if one or two components are negative, then the Decompose messed up.
			if (scale.X * scale.Y * scale.Z < 0)
				Matrix copy = matrix;
				copy.M11 = -copy.M11;
				copy.M12 = -copy.M12;
				copy.M13 = -copy.M13;
				copy.M21 = -copy.M21;
				copy.M22 = -copy.M22;
				copy.M23 = -copy.M23;
				copy.M31 = -copy.M31;
				copy.M32 = -copy.M32;
				copy.M33 = -copy.M33;
				copy.Decompose(out scale, out Rotation, out Translation);
				scale = -scale;

			this.Scale = Math.Min(Math.Min(scale.X, scale.Y), scale.Z);

			if (Scale > 0.999f && Scale < 1.001f)
				Scale = 1;

Пример #16
 public Light(Vector3 position, Vector3 gaze, Vector3 ambientColor, Vector3 diffuseColor, Vector3 specularColor)
     mGaze = gaze;
     Position = position;
     mPositionPhi = (float)Math.Atan(Position.Y / Position.X);
     mPositionTheta = (float)Math.Acos(Position.Z / Position.Length());
     mAmbientColor = ambientColor;
     mDiffuseColor = diffuseColor;
     mSpecularColor = specularColor;
Пример #17
        protected virtual void ExertFlapLeft(Vector3 leftHandVel)

            Vector2 impulse = Vector2.UnitY * leftHandVel.Length() * FLAP_MULTIPLIER;
            Matrix rot = Matrix.CreateRotationZ(ragdoll.Body.Rotation);
            impulse = Vector2.Transform(impulse, rot);


Пример #18
        protected virtual bool ShouldFlap(Vector3 handLoc, Vector3 handVel)

            if (handVel.Y < -1f && handLoc.Length() > .20f && handLoc.Y < 0)
                //Console.WriteLine("HandVelY: " + handVel.Y + " handLocLength: " + handLoc.Length() + " handLocY: " + handLoc.Y);
                return true;

            return false;
Пример #19
 public static RealtimeCSG.Plane TransformCopy(RealtimeCSG.Plane plane, Matrix by)
     var lv = new Vector4(plane.A, plane.B, plane.C, plane.D);
     lv = Vector4.Transform(lv, by);
     var lv3 = new Vector3(lv.X, lv.Y, lv.Z);
     lv.W *= lv3.Length();
     lv.X = lv3.X;
     lv.Y = lv3.Y;
     lv.Z = lv3.Z;
     return new RealtimeCSG.Plane(lv.X, lv.Y, lv.Z, lv.W);
Пример #20
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns the distance to the argument point as well as
        /// the connectin Vector3 from the Point to this.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="point">The point to get the distance to.</param>
        /// <param name="connectingVector">The connecting vector from the argument Pointn to this.</param>
        /// <returns>The distance between this and the argument Point.</returns>
        public float DistanceTo(Point point, out Vector3 connectingVector)
            connectingVector = new Vector3();
            float segmentLength = (float)GetLength();

            Vector2 normalizedLine = new Vector2(
                (float)(Point2.X - Point1.X) / segmentLength,
                (float)(Point2.Y - Point1.Y) / segmentLength);

            Vector2 pointVector = new Vector2((float)(point.X - Point1.X), (float)(point.Y - Point1.Y));

            float length = Vector2.Dot(pointVector, normalizedLine);

            if (length < 0)
                connectingVector.X = (float)(Point1.X - point.X);
                connectingVector.Y = (float)(Point1.Y - point.Y);
                connectingVector.Z = 0;

            else if (length > segmentLength)
                connectingVector.X = (float)(Point2.X - point.X);
                connectingVector.Y = (float)(Point2.Y - point.Y);
                connectingVector.Z = 0;
                Point tempPoint = new Point(Point1.X + length * normalizedLine.X,
                                            Point1.Y + length * normalizedLine.Y);

                connectingVector.X = (float)(tempPoint.X - point.X);
                connectingVector.Y = (float)(tempPoint.Y - point.Y);
                connectingVector.Z = 0;

Пример #21
        private float DistanceToPatch(Vector3 min, Vector3 max, float radius)
            Vector3 mid1 = (min + max) / 2;

            if (mid1 == Vector3.Zero)
                mid1.Z = min.Z;

            Vector3 surfaceMidPoint = Vector3.Transform(Vector3.Normalize(mid1) * radius, Transform.AbsoluteTransform);

Пример #22
 public static bool IsSaneNormal(Vector3 v)
     if (!Debug.Sanity(v))
     return false;
     if (!TrickyMath.AlmostEquals(v.Length(), 1f))
     Report("Non normal normal");
     return false;
     return true;
Пример #23
		public override void SweptTest(CollisionFunctor cf, Part partA, Part partB, Vector3 delta)
			var a = (CapsulePart)partA;
			var b = (CapsulePart)partB;

			Vector3 step, offset = Vector3.Zero;
			int steps = (int)(delta.Length() / a.World.Radius * 0.9f);
			Vector3.Divide(ref delta, steps, out step);

			while (steps-- >= 0 && !DoOverlapTest(cf, a, b, offset))
				Vector3.Add(ref offset, ref step, out offset);
Пример #24
        private float DistanceToPatch(Vector3 min, Vector3 max, float radius)
            Vector3 mid1 = (min + max) / 2;

            if (mid1 == Vector3.Zero)
                mid1.Z = min.Z;

            Vector3 surfaceMidPoint = Vector3.Transform(Vector3.Normalize(mid1) * radius, Transform.AbsoluteTransform);
            Vector3 toMidPoint      = SystemCore.ActiveCamera.Position - surfaceMidPoint;

Пример #25
        //Distance from ship
        public bool Update(Vector3 Distance)
            //Sets new position, makes the bullet move

                Position.Z -= 10;
                Position.Z -= (float)(Math.Cos(Direction) * 200);
                Position.X -= (float)(Math.Sin(Direction) * 200);

            Distance -= Position;
            return (Distance.Length()<20000);
Пример #26
 public GameObject(Vector3 position = default (Vector3), Angles3 rotation = default (Angles3), Vector3 scale = default (Vector3),
                    bool isVisible = true, bool isSelectable = false, bool isMovable = false)
     Position = position;
     Scale = scale.Length () != 0 ? scale : Vector3.One;
     IsVisible = isVisible;
     IsSelectable = isSelectable;
     IsMovable = isMovable;
     Bounds = new BoundingSphere [0];
     UniqueKey = GetType ().Name;
     IsLightingEnabled = true;
     IsSkyObject = false;
     Coloring = new SingleColor (Color.Transparent);
Пример #27
        //increase or decrease the length of vector by size
        public static Vector3 AddVectorLength( Vector3 vector, float size )
            //get the vector length
            float magnitude = vector.Length();

            //calculate new vector length
            float newMagnitude = magnitude + size;

            //calculate the ratio of the new length to the old length
            float scale = newMagnitude / magnitude;

            //scale the vector
            return vector * scale;
    /// <summary>Outputs the vertices for an arrow into the specified array</summary>
    /// <param name="vertices">Array to write the arrow vertices into</param>
    /// <param name="startIndex">Index in the array to begin writing at</param>
    /// <param name="origin">
    ///   Location at which to draw the arrow (this will form the exact center of
    ///   the drawn arrow's base)
    /// </param>
    /// <param name="direction">
    ///   Direction the arrow is pointing into. The arrow's size is relative to
    ///   the length of this vector.
    /// </param>
    /// <param name="color">Color of the lines making up the arrow</param>
    internal static void Generate(
      VertexPositionColor[] vertices, int startIndex,
      Vector3 origin, Vector3 direction, Color color
    ) {

      // Build a vector pointing in an arbitrary direction that is perpendicular to
      // the direction the arrow is pointing at. This can be done by simply juggling
      // the vector elements around by one place.
      Vector3 normalizedDirection = Vector3.Normalize(direction);
      Vector3 up = VectorHelper.GetPerpendicularVector(normalizedDirection);
      Vector3 right = Vector3.Cross(normalizedDirection, up);

      float length = direction.Length();
      up *= length;
      right *= length;

      Vector3 twoThird = origin + (direction * 0.667f);
      Vector3 end = origin + direction;

      // Line origin to arrowhead
      vertices[startIndex].Position = origin;
      vertices[startIndex].Color = color;
      vertices[startIndex + 1].Position = end;
      vertices[startIndex + 1].Color = color;

      // Upper blade on arrowhead
      vertices[startIndex + 2].Position = end;
      vertices[startIndex + 2].Color = color;
      vertices[startIndex + 3].Position = twoThird + up * 0.3f;
      vertices[startIndex + 3].Color = color;

      // Right blade on arrowhead
      vertices[startIndex + 4].Position = end;
      vertices[startIndex + 4].Color = color;
      vertices[startIndex + 5].Position = twoThird + right * 0.3f;
      vertices[startIndex + 5].Color = color;

      // Lower blade on arrowhead
      vertices[startIndex + 6].Position = end;
      vertices[startIndex + 6].Color = color;
      vertices[startIndex + 7].Position = twoThird + up * -0.3f;
      vertices[startIndex + 7].Color = color;

      // Left blade on arrowhead
      vertices[startIndex + 8].Position = end;
      vertices[startIndex + 8].Color = color;
      vertices[startIndex + 9].Position = twoThird + right * -0.3f;
      vertices[startIndex + 9].Color = color;

Пример #29
		// solve unilateral constraint (equality, direct method)
		public void ResolveUnilateralPairConstraint(
							RigidBody body1, RigidBody body2,
							Matrix world2A,
							Matrix world2B,
							Vector3 invInertiaADiag,
							float invMassA,
							Vector3 linvelA, Vector3 angvelA,
							Vector3 rel_posA1,
							Vector3 invInertiaBDiag,
							float invMassB,
							Vector3 linvelB, Vector3 angvelB,
							Vector3 rel_posA2,
							float depthA, Vector3 normalA,
							Vector3 rel_posB1, Vector3 rel_posB2,
							float depthB, Vector3 normalB,
							out float imp0, out float imp1)
			imp0 = 0;
			imp1 = 0;

			float len = Math.Abs(normalA.Length()) - 1f;
			if (Math.Abs(len) >= float.Epsilon)

			BulletDebug.Assert(len < float.Epsilon);

			//this jacobian entry could be re-used for all iterations
			JacobianEntry jacA = new JacobianEntry(world2A, world2B, rel_posA1, rel_posA2, normalA, invInertiaADiag, invMassA,
				invInertiaBDiag, invMassB);
			JacobianEntry jacB = new JacobianEntry(world2A, world2B, rel_posB1, rel_posB2, normalB, invInertiaADiag, invMassA,
				invInertiaBDiag, invMassB);

			float vel0 = Vector3.Dot(normalA, body1.GetVelocityInLocalPoint(rel_posA1) - body2.GetVelocityInLocalPoint(rel_posA1));
			float vel1 = Vector3.Dot(normalB, body1.GetVelocityInLocalPoint(rel_posB1) - body2.GetVelocityInLocalPoint(rel_posB1));

			//	btScalar penetrationImpulse = (depth*contactTau*timeCorrection)  * massTerm;//jacDiagABInv
			float massTerm = 1f / (invMassA + invMassB);

			// calculate rhs (or error) terms
			float dv0 = depthA * _tau * massTerm - vel0 * _damping;
			float dv1 = depthB * _tau * massTerm - vel1 * _damping;

			float nonDiag = jacA.GetNonDiagonal(jacB, invMassA, invMassB);
			float invDet = 1.0f / (jacA.Diagonal * jacB.Diagonal - nonDiag * nonDiag);

			imp0 = dv0 * jacA.Diagonal * invDet + dv1 * -nonDiag * invDet;
			imp1 = dv1 * jacB.Diagonal * invDet + dv0 * -nonDiag * invDet;
Пример #30
        public static float AngleWith(this Vector3 vector, Vector3 anotherVector, bool inRadiance = true)
            const float closeTo1 = 1 - 1E-3f;

            var normalizedDotProduct = Vector3.Dot(vector, anotherVector)/vector.Length()/anotherVector.Length();
            if (normalizedDotProduct > closeTo1)   //normalized dot product can have bad rounding errors
                normalizedDotProduct = 1;
            else if (normalizedDotProduct < -closeTo1)
                normalizedDotProduct = -1;

            var angleInRadiance = (float) Math.Acos(normalizedDotProduct);
            if (inRadiance)
                return angleInRadiance;
                return MathHelper.ToDegrees(angleInRadiance);
Пример #31
        public static RealtimeCSG.Plane[] CreatePrism(int sides, Vector3 radial, Vector3 axis, float height)
            var result = new List<RealtimeCSG.Plane>();
            result.Add(new RealtimeCSG.Plane(AsCsgVector(axis), height / 2));
            result.Add(new RealtimeCSG.Plane(AsCsgVector(-axis), height / 2));

            var radialLength = radial.Length();

            for (int i = 0; i < sides; ++i)
                var sideNormal = Vector3.Transform(radial, Matrix.CreateFromAxisAngle(axis, i * (Gem.Math.Angle.PI2 / sides)));
                result.Add(new RealtimeCSG.Plane(AsCsgVector(Vector3.Normalize(sideNormal)), radialLength));

            return result.ToArray();
Пример #32
 public bool clicked(Vector3 victoriaPos, Vector3 clickVector,float yAdjust)
     Vector3 circleVector = centerLocation - victoriaPos;
     circleVector.Y *= yAdjust;
     clickVector.Y *= yAdjust;
     float dot = Vector3.Dot(circleVector, clickVector);
     dot = dot / (circleVector.Length() * clickVector.Length());
     if (dot < 0)
         return false;
     double angle = Math.Acos(dot);
     double distance = Math.Sin(angle)*circleVector.Length();
         return false;
         return true;
Пример #33
        /// <summary>
        /// Morph the object onto a spline. Expects the object's origin to already be aligned with the spline.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static void MorphToSpline(
            Mesh mesh,
            Vector3 axis, 
            Gem.Math.Spline spline)
            Morph(mesh, (v) =>
                    var distance = Gem.Math.Vector.ProjectAOntoB(v, axis).Length() / axis.Length();
                    var splinePoint = spline.Point(distance);
                    var splineTangent = spline.Tangent(distance);
                    var rel = (axis * distance) - v;
                    var m = Matrix.CreateFromAxisAngle(Vector3.Normalize(spline.RotationAxis),//splineRotationAxis),
                        Gem.Math.Vector.AngleBetweenVectors(axis, splineTangent));

                    return splinePoint + Vector3.Transform(rel, m);
Пример #34
        public Missile(ContentManager content, Vector3 moveVector, Vector3 position)
            model = XNAUtils.LoadModelWithBoundingSphere(ref transforms, ResourceNames.Missile, content);

            Vector2 ZX = new Vector2(moveVector.Z, moveVector.X);

            rotation = Quaternion.Identity;
            float horizontalAngle = (float)Math.Asin(moveVector.X / ZX.Length());
            if (moveVector.Z < 0)
                horizontalAngle = MathHelper.Pi - horizontalAngle;
            rotation *= Quaternion.CreateFromAxisAngle(Vector3.Up, horizontalAngle + MathHelper.PiOver2);
            float verticalAngle = (float)Math.Asin(moveVector.Y / moveVector.Length());
            rotation *= Quaternion.CreateFromAxisAngle(Vector3.Forward, verticalAngle);
            this.scale = 0.1f;
            this.moveVector = moveVector;
            this.position = position;
Пример #35
        /// <summary>
        /// Determines whether there is a wall nearby.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="position">Position to look from.</param>
        /// <param name="facingDirection">Direction to check in.</param>
        /// <param name="filter">Anonymous function to filter out unwanted objects.</param>
        /// <param name="space">The space to check for a wall in.</param>
        /// <param name="distance">The distance to check within.</param>
        /// <returns>True if a wall was detected, false otherwise.</returns>
        public static bool FindWall(Vector3 position, Vector3 facingDirection, Func<BroadPhaseEntry, bool> filter, Space space, float distance, out RayCastResult result)
            Ray forwardRay = new Ray(position, new Vector3(facingDirection.X, 0, facingDirection.Z));
            result = new RayCastResult();
            space.RayCast(forwardRay, filter, out result);

            Vector3 flatNormal = new Vector3(result.HitData.Normal.X, 0, result.HitData.Normal.Z);
            float normalDot = Vector3.Dot(result.HitData.Normal, flatNormal);
            float minDot = (float)Math.Cos(MathHelper.PiOver4) * flatNormal.Length() * result.HitData.Normal.Length();
            if ((result.HitData.Location - forwardRay.Position).Length() < distance && normalDot > minDot)
                return true;
                return false;
Пример #36
        public void Update(GameTime gameTime)
            Vector3 planetCenter             = Transform.AbsoluteTransform.Translation;
            Vector3 toCenterOfPlanet         = Transform.AbsoluteTransform.Translation - SystemCore.ActiveCamera.Position;
            float   distanceToCenterOfPlanet = toCenterOfPlanet.Length();
            float   surfaceDistance          = distanceToCenterOfPlanet - radius;

            if (HasAtmosphere)
                atmosphere.Update(sunDirection, SystemCore.ActiveCamera.Position, distanceToCenterOfPlanet);
                atmosphericScatteringHelper.Update(distanceToCenterOfPlanet, sunDirection, SystemCore.ActiveCamera.Position - Transform.AbsoluteTransform.Translation);

            float farPlaneMultiplier = MonoMathHelper.MapFloatRange(radius, radius * 2, 0.3f, 1f, surfaceDistance);

            GenerateCustomProjectionMatrix(distanceToCenterOfPlanet * farPlaneMultiplier);
            var frustrum = new BoundingFrustum(SystemCore.ActiveCamera.View * customProjection);

            int activeCount = 0;

            foreach (PlanetNode node in activePatches.Values)

                //all nodes are flagged for removal every frame.
                //The LOD calculation will unflag if nodes should be kept.
                node.remove = true;

                if (!frustrum.Intersects(node.boundingSphere))
                    if (SystemWarGlobalSettings.RenderQuadtreeConnectivity)


            if (SystemWarGlobalSettings.RepairSeams)

            for (int i = 0; i < rootNodes.Count; i++)
                PlanetNode root = rootNodes[i];
                CalculatePatchLOD(root.normal, root.step, root.depth, root.min, root.max);

            //removes nodes that have not had their flags refreshed by the LOD pass

            int patchCountPerFrame = 10;

            for (int i = 0; i < patchCountPerFrame; i++)
                PlanetNode finishedNode;
                if (PlanetBuilder.GetBuiltNodes(Name, out finishedNode))