Пример #1
        public void Draw(SpriteBatch batch)
            if (IsAlive)
                var color = Faction == Faction.Ally ? Color.Blue : Color.Red;
                batch.DrawRect(Position, 20, color);

                if (currentTarget != null)
                    if (!currentTarget.Faction.IsHostile(Faction))
                        color = Color.Green;

                    var dir = currentTarget.Position - Position;
                    dir *= (AP / 100);

                    batch.DrawLine(Position, Position + dir, color, 2);

Пример #2
 void GoalDraw3072(SpriteBatch _spriteBatch)
     _spriteBatch.DrawRect(popupRect, Color.DeepSkyBlue, 2.0f);
     _spriteBatch.DrawString(Assets.daFont, "Congratulations! You made it to 3072! Press Space to remove this message or R to restart.", new Vector2(popupRect.X, popupRect.Y), Color.White);
Пример #3
 void OverlayDraw(SpriteBatch _spriteBatch)
     _spriteBatch.DrawRect(topHUDRect, Color.Orange);
     _spriteBatch.DrawString(Assets.daFont, "Score: " + gameBoard.Score, Vector2.Zero, Color.Black);
     _spriteBatch.DrawString(Assets.daFont, "Highscore: " + gameBoard.HighScore, new Vector2(GraphicsDevice.Viewport.Width - 200,0), Color.Black);
Пример #4
 void GameOverDraw(SpriteBatch _spriteBatch)
     _spriteBatch.DrawRect(popupRect, Color.Red, 2.0f);
     _spriteBatch.DrawString(Assets.daFont, "Game Over! Press R to try again", new Vector2(popupRect.X,popupRect.Y), Color.Black);
Пример #5
 void GoalDraw2048(SpriteBatch _spriteBatch)
     _spriteBatch.DrawRect(popupRect, Color.Lime, 2.0f);
     _spriteBatch.DrawString(Assets.daFont, "Congratulations! You made it to 2048! Press Space to remove this message or R to restart.", new Vector2(popupRect.X, popupRect.Y), Color.Black);
Пример #6
 protected override void OnDraw(GameTime time, SpriteBatch batch, Vector2 v2Offset)
     if (_v2SelectionBoundInitial == s_v2OutOfBounds) return;
     var v2Start = CursorToFromWorld(_v2SelectionBoundInitial, false);
     var v2End   = CursorPosition;
     batch.DrawRect(v2Start, v2End, Color.Yellow, 2);
Пример #7
 private void DrawBoundingBox(SpriteBatch spriteBatch, Camera camera, Color color, NonAxisAlignedBoundingBox box)
     var blank = StateMachine.Owner.RenderManager.TextureCache.GetResource("blank");
     spriteBatch.DrawRect(blank, box, 5, color);
Пример #8
 public void Draw(SpriteBatch _spriteBatch)
     for (int i = 0; i < board.GetLength(0); i++) {
         for (int j = 0; j < board.GetLength(1); j++) {
             if (board[i, j] != 0) {
                 _spriteBatch.DrawRect(tilesRectArr[i, j], colorHolder.GetColor(board[i,j]), 1);
                 _spriteBatch.DrawString(Assets.daFont, "" + board[i, j], new Vector2((i * (boardConfig.tileWidth * scale)) + ((boardConfig.tileWidth * scale) / 3) + position.X, (j * (boardConfig.tileHeight * scale)) + ((boardConfig.tileHeight * scale) / 3) + position.Y), Color.Black);
Пример #9
 public override void Draw(GameTime time, SpriteBatch batch)
     batch.DrawRect(Tile.PositionRender, Tile.PositionRender + Vector2.One * Tile.TILE_SIZE);
     Sprite.Draw(batch, Rotation, s_v2RotationCenter, float.Epsilon);
Пример #10
 public override void Draw(SpriteBatch batch)
     batch.DrawRect(Position - Size * 0.5f, Position + Size * 0.5f, Colour);
     batch.DrawText(Font, Label, Position, Colour.Invert(), true);