Пример #1
        // Open a registry key for a local or remote machine.
        public static RegistryKey OpenRemoteBaseKey(RegistryHive hKey,
                                                    String machineName)
            // Validate the parameters.
            if (hKey < RegistryHive.ClassesRoot ||
                hKey > RegistryHive.DynData)
                throw new ArgumentException(_("Arg_InvalidHive"));
            if (machineName == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("machineName");

            // Get the name of the hive to be accessed.
            String name = hiveNames
                          [((int)hKey) - (int)(RegistryHive.ClassesRoot)];

            // Is this a remote hive reference?
            if (machineName != String.Empty)
                if (Win32KeyProvider.IsWin32())
                    // Attempt to connect to the remote registry.
                    IntPtr newKey;
                    if (Win32KeyProvider.RegConnectRegistry
                            out newKey) != 0)
                        throw new SecurityException
                    return(new RegistryKey
                               (new Win32KeyProvider(name, newKey), true));
                    // Not Win32 - cannot access remote registries.
                    throw new SecurityException

            // Open a local hive.
            return(new RegistryKey
                       (Registry.GetProvider(hKey, name), true));
Пример #2
        // Get a registry key provider for a particular hive.
        internal static IRegistryKeyProvider GetProvider
            (RegistryHive hKey, String name)
            int index;

            lock (typeof(Registry))
                // Allocate the "providers" array if necessary.
                if (providers == null)
                    providers = new IRegistryKeyProvider[7];

                // See if we already have a provider for this hive.
                index = ((int)hKey) - ((int)(RegistryHive.ClassesRoot));
                if (providers[index] != null)

                // Create a Win32 provider if we are on a Windows system.
                if (Win32KeyProvider.IsWin32())
                    providers[index] = new Win32KeyProvider
                                           (name, Win32KeyProvider.HiveToHKey(hKey));

                // Try to create a file-based provider for the hive.
                    providers[index] = new FileKeyProvider(hKey, name);
                catch (NotSupportedException)
                    // Could not create the hive directory - fall through.

                // Create a memory-based provider on all other systems.
                providers[index] = new MemoryKeyProvider
                                       (null, name, name);