Пример #1
        internal void DocumentClosed(ITextSnapshot savedSnapshot)

            if ((savedSnapshot != null) && (savedSnapshot.Version.VersionNumber > _originalVersion.VersionNumber))
                // The document was saved and we want to line/column indices in the saved snapshot (& not the current snapshot)
                var savedSpan = new SnapshotSpan(savedSnapshot, Tracking.TrackSpanForwardInTime(_trackingMode, _originalSpan, _originalVersion, savedSnapshot.Version));

                PersistentSpan.SnapshotPointToLineIndex(savedSpan.Start, out _startLine, out _startIndex);
                PersistentSpan.SnapshotPointToLineIndex(savedSpan.End, out _endLine, out _endIndex);
                // The document was never saved (or was saved before we created) so continue to use the old line/column indices.
                // Since those are set when either the span is created (against an open document) or when the document is reopened,
                // they don't need to be changed.

            //We set this to false when the document is closed because we have an accurate line/index and that is more stable
            //than a simple offset.
            _useLineIndex    = true;
            _originalSpan    = default(Span);
            _originalVersion = null;
            _span            = null;
Пример #2
        private SnapshotSpan UpdateStartEnd()
            SnapshotSpan span = _span.GetSpan(_span.TextBuffer.CurrentSnapshot);

            PersistentSpan.SnapshotPointToLineIndex(span.Start, out _startLine, out _startIndex);
            PersistentSpan.SnapshotPointToLineIndex(span.End, out _endLine, out _endIndex);

Пример #3
        private void UpdateStartEnd()
            SnapshotSpan span = _span.GetSpan(_span.TextBuffer.CurrentSnapshot);

            _nonTrackingSpan = span;

            PersistentSpan.SnapshotPointToLineIndex(span.Start, out _startLine, out _startIndex);
            PersistentSpan.SnapshotPointToLineIndex(span.End, out _endLine, out _endIndex);
Пример #4
        internal PersistentSpan(SnapshotSpan span, SpanTrackingMode trackingMode, PersistentSpanSet spanSet)
            _span = span.Snapshot.CreateTrackingSpan(span, trackingMode);

            _originalVersion = span.Snapshot.Version;
            _originalSpan    = span;

            PersistentSpan.SnapshotPointToLineIndex(span.Start, out _startLine, out _startIndex);
            PersistentSpan.SnapshotPointToLineIndex(span.End, out _endLine, out _endIndex);

            _trackingMode = trackingMode;
            this.SpanSet  = spanSet;
Пример #5
        public bool TryGetStartLineIndex(out int startLine, out int startIndex)
            if (this.SpanSet == null)
                throw new ObjectDisposedException("PersistentSpan");

            if (_span != null)
                SnapshotSpan span = _span.GetSpan(_span.TextBuffer.CurrentSnapshot);
                PersistentSpan.SnapshotPointToLineIndex(span.Start, out startLine, out startIndex);
            else if (_useLineIndex)
                startLine  = _startLine;
                startIndex = _startIndex;

            startLine = startIndex = 0;
Пример #6
        internal void DocumentReopened()
            ITextSnapshot snapshot = this.SpanSet.Document.TextBuffer.CurrentSnapshot;

            SnapshotPoint start;
            SnapshotPoint end;

            if (_useLineIndex)
                start = PersistentSpan.LineIndexToSnapshotPoint(_startLine, _startIndex, snapshot);
                end   = PersistentSpan.LineIndexToSnapshotPoint(_endLine, _endIndex, snapshot);

                if (end < start)
                    //Guard against the case where _start & _end are something like (100,2) & (101, 1).
                    //Those points would pass the argument validation (since _endLine > _startLine) but
                    //would cause problems if the document has only 5 lines since they would map to
                    //(5, 2) & (5, 1).
                    end = start;
                start = new SnapshotPoint(snapshot, Math.Min(_originalSpan.Start, snapshot.Length));
                end   = new SnapshotPoint(snapshot, Math.Min(_originalSpan.End, snapshot.Length));

            var snapshotSpan = new SnapshotSpan(start, end);

            _span         = snapshot.CreateTrackingSpan(snapshotSpan, _trackingMode);
            _originalSpan = snapshotSpan;

            _originalVersion = snapshot.Version;
            PersistentSpan.SnapshotPointToLineIndex(snapshotSpan.Start, out _startLine, out _startIndex);
            PersistentSpan.SnapshotPointToLineIndex(snapshotSpan.End, out _endLine, out _endIndex);