// Private protected virtual for testing
        private protected virtual bool ProjectSupportsLSPEditor(string documentFilePath, DotNetProject?project)
            if (project is null)
                project = _textBufferProjectService.GetHostProject(documentFilePath) as DotNetProject;

                if (project is null)

            // We alow projects to specifically opt-out of the legacy Razor editor because there are legacy scenarios which would rely on behind-the-scenes
            // opt-out mechanics to enable the .NET Core editor in non-.NET Core scenarios. Therefore, we need a similar mechanic to continue supporting
            // those types of scenarios for the new .NET Core Razor editor.
            if (_projectCapabilityResolver.HasCapability(documentFilePath, project, LegacyRazorEditorProjectCapability))
                // CPS project that requires the legacy editor

            if (_projectCapabilityResolver.HasCapability(documentFilePath, project, DotNetCoreCSharpProjectCapability))
                // .NET Core project that supports C#

            // Not a C# .NET Core project. This typically happens for legacy Razor scenarios
        internal virtual bool TryGetWorkspaceFromHostProject(ITextBuffer textBuffer, out Workspace workspace)
            var project = _projectService.GetHostProject(textBuffer);

            if (project is null)
                // Could not locate a project for the given text buffer.
                workspace = null;

            // We have a host project, assume default workspace.
            workspace = _defaultWorkspace;