/// <summary>
        /// Finds a module of given MVID in one of the processes being debugged and returns its baseline metadata.
        /// Shall only be called while in debug mode.
        /// Shall only be called on MTA thread.
        /// </summary>
        public DebuggeeModuleInfo TryGetBaselineModuleInfo(Guid mvid)
            Contract.ThrowIfFalse(Thread.CurrentThread.GetApartmentState() == ApartmentState.MTA);

            return(_baselineMetadata.GetOrAdd(mvid, m =>
                using (DebuggerComponent.ManagedEditAndContinueService())
                    var clrModuleInstance = FindClrModuleInstance(m);
                    if (clrModuleInstance == null)
                        return default;

                    if (!TryGetBaselineModuleInfo(clrModuleInstance, out var metadata, out var symReader))
                        return default;

                    // hook up a callback on module unload (the call blocks until the message is processed):
                        Connection: clrModuleInstance.Process.Connection,
                        Process: clrModuleInstance.Process,
                        SourceId: DebuggerService.MessageSourceId,
                        MessageCode: 0,
                        Parameter1: this,
                        Parameter2: clrModuleInstance).SendLower();

                    return new DebuggeeModuleInfo(metadata, symReader);
Пример #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Finds a module of given MVID in one of the processes being debugged and returns its baseline metadata.
        /// Shall only be called while in debug mode.
        /// </summary>
        public ModuleMetadata TryGetBaselineMetadata(Guid mvid)
            return(_baselineMetadata.GetOrAdd(mvid, m =>
                using (DebuggerComponent.ManagedEditAndContinueService())
                    var clrModuleInstance = FindClrModuleInstance(m);
                    if (clrModuleInstance == null)
                        return default;

                    var metadata = GetBaselineModuleMetadata(clrModuleInstance);
                    if (metadata == null)
                        return default;

                    // hook up a callback on module unload (the call blocks until the message is processed):
                        Connection: clrModuleInstance.Process.Connection,
                        Process: clrModuleInstance.Process,
                        SourceId: DebuggerService.MessageSourceId,
                        MessageCode: 0,
                        Parameter1: this,
                        Parameter2: clrModuleInstance).SendLower();

                    return metadata;
        public void StartDebugging(DebugSessionOptions options)
            _debuggingService.OnBeforeDebuggingStateChanged(DebuggingState.Design, DebuggingState.Run);

            if ((options & DebugSessionOptions.EditAndContinueDisabled) == 0)
                _encService = _workspace.Services.GetRequiredService <IEditAndContinueWorkspaceService>();

                // hook up a callbacks (the call blocks until the message is processed):
                using (DebuggerComponent.ManagedEditAndContinueService())
                        Connection: null,
                        Process: null,
                        SourceId: DebuggerService.MessageSourceId,
                        MessageCode: 0,
                        Parameter1: _encService,
                        Parameter2: null).SendLower();

                _encService = null;
        /// <summary>
        /// Called by the debugger when a debugging session starts and managed debugging is being used.
        /// </summary>
        public void StartDebugging()
            // Hook up a callbacks (the call blocks until the message is processed).
            using (DebuggerComponent.ManagedEditAndContinueService())
                    Connection: null,
                    Process: null,
                    SourceId: DebuggerService.MessageSourceId,
                    MessageCode: 0,
                    Parameter1: this,
                    Parameter2: null).SendLower();

            _debuggingService.OnBeforeDebuggingStateChanged(DebuggingState.Design, DebuggingState.Run);

        /// <summary>
        /// Finds a module of given MVID in one of the processes being debugged and returns its baseline metadata.
        /// Shall only be called while in debug mode.
        /// Shall only be called on MTA thread.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>Null, if the module with the specified MVID is not found.</returns>
        public DebuggeeModuleInfo TryGetBaselineModuleInfo(Guid mvid)
            Contract.ThrowIfFalse(Thread.CurrentThread.GetApartmentState() == ApartmentState.MTA);

            return(_baselineMetadata.GetOrAdd(mvid, m =>
                using (DebuggerComponent.ManagedEditAndContinueService())
                    var clrModuleInstance = EnumerateClrModuleInstances(m).FirstOrDefault();
                    if (clrModuleInstance == null)
                        return null;

                    // The DebuggeeModuleInfo holds on a pointer to module metadata and on a SymReader instance.
                    // The module metadata lifetime is that of the module instance, so we need to stop using the module
                    // as soon as the module instance is unloaded. We do so by associating a DataItem with the module
                    // instance and removing the metadata from our cache when the DataItem is disposed.
                    // The SymReader instance is shared across all instancese of the module.
                    if (!clrModuleInstance.TryGetModuleInfo(out var info))
                        return null;

                    // hook up a callback on module unload (the call blocks until the message is processed):
                        Connection: clrModuleInstance.Process.Connection,
                        Process: clrModuleInstance.Process,
                        SourceId: DebuggerService.MessageSourceId,
                        MessageCode: 0,
                        Parameter1: this,
                        Parameter2: clrModuleInstance).SendLower();

                    return info;
        /// <summary>
        /// Retrieves active statements from the debuggee process.
        /// Shall only be called while in debug mode.
        /// Can be invoked on any thread.
        /// </summary>
        public Task <ImmutableArray <ActiveStatementDebugInfo> > GetActiveStatementsAsync(CancellationToken cancellationToken)
            using (DebuggerComponent.ManagedEditAndContinueService())
                // TODO: return empty outside of debug session.
                // https://github.com/dotnet/roslyn/issues/24325

                int unexpectedError = 0;
                var completion      = new TaskCompletionSource <ImmutableArray <ActiveStatementDebugInfo> >();
                var builders        = default(ArrayBuilder <ArrayBuilder <ActiveStatementDebugInfo> >);
                int pendingRuntimes = 0;
                int runtimeCount    = 0;

                var workList = DkmWorkList.Create(CompletionRoutine: _ =>
                    completion.TrySetException(new InvalidOperationException($"Unexpected error enumerating active statements: 0x{unexpectedError:X8}"));

                void CancelWork()
                    if (builders != null)
                        builders = null;

                        // TODO: DkmWorkList.Cancel doesn't currently work when invoked on the completion callback.
                        // We continue execute all the queued callbacks -- they will be no-ops.
                        // See https://devdiv.visualstudio.com/DefaultCollection/DevDiv/_workitems/edit/562781.
                        // workList.Cancel();

                        // make sure we cancel with the token we received from the caller:

                foreach (var process in DkmProcess.GetProcesses())
                    foreach (var runtimeInstance in process.GetRuntimeInstances())
                        if (runtimeInstance.TagValue == DkmRuntimeInstance.Tag.ClrRuntimeInstance)
                            var clrRuntimeInstance = (DkmClrRuntimeInstance)runtimeInstance;

                            int runtimeIndex = runtimeCount;

                            clrRuntimeInstance.GetActiveStatements(workList, activeStatementsResult =>
                                if (cancellationToken.IsCancellationRequested)

                                if (activeStatementsResult.ErrorCode != 0)
                                    unexpectedError = activeStatementsResult.ErrorCode;

                                // group active statement by instruction and aggregate flags and threads:
                                var instructionMap = PooledDictionary <ActiveInstructionId, (DkmInstructionSymbol Symbol, ArrayBuilder <Guid> Threads, int Index, ActiveStatementFlags Flags)> .GetInstance();

                                GroupActiveStatementsByInstructionId(instructionMap, activeStatementsResult.ActiveStatements);

                                int pendingStatements        = instructionMap.Count;
                                builders[runtimeIndex]       = ArrayBuilder <ActiveStatementDebugInfo> .GetInstance(pendingStatements);
                                builders[runtimeIndex].Count = pendingStatements;

                                foreach (var(instructionId, (symbol, threads, index, flags)) in instructionMap)
                                    var immutableThreads = threads.ToImmutableAndFree();

                                    symbol.GetSourcePosition(workList, DkmSourcePositionFlags.None, InspectionSession: null, sourcePositionResult =>
                                        if (cancellationToken.IsCancellationRequested)

                                        int errorCode = sourcePositionResult.ErrorCode;
                                        if (errorCode != 0)
                                            unexpectedError = errorCode;

                                        DkmSourcePosition position;
                                        string documentNameOpt;
                                        LinePositionSpan span;
                                        if (errorCode == 0 && (position = sourcePositionResult.SourcePosition) != null)
                                            documentNameOpt = position.DocumentName;
                                            span            = ToLinePositionSpan(position.TextSpan);
                                            // The debugger can't determine source location for the active statement.
                                            // The PDB might not be available or the statement is in a method that doesn't have debug information.
                                            documentNameOpt = null;
                                            span            = default;

                                        builders[runtimeIndex][index] = new ActiveStatementDebugInfo(

                                        // the last active statement of the current runtime has been processed:
                                        if (Interlocked.Decrement(ref pendingStatements) == 0)
                                            // the last active statement of the last runtime has been processed:
                                            if (Interlocked.Decrement(ref pendingRuntimes) == 0)

        /// <summary>
        /// Retrieves active statements from the debuggee process.
        /// Shall only be called while in debug mode.
        /// Can be invoked on any thread.
        /// </summary>
        public Task <ImmutableArray <ActiveStatementDebugInfo> > GetActiveStatementsAsync(CancellationToken cancellationToken)
            using (DebuggerComponent.ManagedEditAndContinueService())
                // TODO: return empty outside of debug session.
                // https://github.com/dotnet/roslyn/issues/24325

                var completion      = new TaskCompletionSource <ImmutableArray <ActiveStatementDebugInfo> >();
                var builders        = default(ArrayBuilder <ArrayBuilder <ActiveStatementDebugInfo> >);
                int pendingRuntimes = 0;
                int runtimeCount    = 0;

                // No exception should be thrown in case of errors on the debugger side.
                // The debugger is responsible to provide telemetry for error cases.
                // The callback should not be called, but it's there to guarantee that the task completes and a hang is avoided.
                var workList = DkmWorkList.Create(_ => { completion.TrySetResult(ImmutableArray <ActiveStatementDebugInfo> .Empty); });

                void CancelWork()
                    if (builders != null)
                        builders = null;

                        workList.Cancel(blockOnCompletion: false);

                        // make sure we cancel with the token we received from the caller:

                foreach (var process in DkmProcess.GetProcesses())
                    foreach (var runtimeInstance in process.GetRuntimeInstances())
                        if (runtimeInstance.TagValue == DkmRuntimeInstance.Tag.ClrRuntimeInstance)
                            var clrRuntimeInstance = (DkmClrRuntimeInstance)runtimeInstance;

                            int runtimeIndex = runtimeCount;

                            clrRuntimeInstance.GetActiveStatements(workList, activeStatementsResult =>
                                    if (cancellationToken.IsCancellationRequested)

                                    var localBuilders = builders;
                                    if (localBuilders == null) // e.g. cancelled

                                    if (activeStatementsResult.ErrorCode != 0)
                                        localBuilders[runtimeIndex] = ArrayBuilder <ActiveStatementDebugInfo> .GetInstance(0);

                                        // the last active statement of the last runtime has been processed:
                                        if (Interlocked.Decrement(ref pendingRuntimes) == 0)


                                    // group active statement by instruction and aggregate flags and threads:
                                    var instructionMap = PooledDictionary <ActiveInstructionId, (DkmInstructionSymbol Symbol, ArrayBuilder <Guid> Threads, int Index, ActiveStatementFlags Flags)> .GetInstance();

                                    GroupActiveStatementsByInstructionId(instructionMap, activeStatementsResult.ActiveStatements);

                                    int pendingStatements             = instructionMap.Count;
                                    localBuilders[runtimeIndex]       = ArrayBuilder <ActiveStatementDebugInfo> .GetInstance(pendingStatements);
                                    localBuilders[runtimeIndex].Count = pendingStatements;

                                    if (instructionMap.Count == 0)
                                        if (Interlocked.Decrement(ref pendingRuntimes) == 0)


                                    foreach (var(instructionId, (symbol, threads, index, flags)) in instructionMap)
                                        var immutableThreads = threads.ToImmutableAndFree();

                                        symbol.GetSourcePosition(workList, DkmSourcePositionFlags.None, InspectionSession: null, sourcePositionResult =>
                                                if (cancellationToken.IsCancellationRequested)

                                                DkmSourcePosition position;
                                                string documentNameOpt;
                                                LinePositionSpan span;
                                                if (sourcePositionResult.ErrorCode == 0 && (position = sourcePositionResult.SourcePosition) != null)
                                                    documentNameOpt = position.DocumentName;
                                                    span            = ToLinePositionSpan(position.TextSpan);
                                                    // The debugger can't determine source location for the active statement.
                                                    // The PDB might not be available or the statement is in a method that doesn't have debug information.
                                                    documentNameOpt = null;
                                                    span            = default;

                                                localBuilders[runtimeIndex][index] = new ActiveStatementDebugInfo(

                                                // the last active statement of the current runtime has been processed:
                                                if (Interlocked.Decrement(ref pendingStatements) == 0)
                                                    // the last active statement of the last runtime has been processed:
                                                    if (Interlocked.Decrement(ref pendingRuntimes) == 0)
                                            catch (Exception e)
