Пример #1
        public RdtEntry(RunningDocumentInfo info)
            Cookie    = info.DocCookie;
            Moniker   = info.Moniker;
            ReadLocks = info.ReadLocks;
            EditLocks = info.EditLocks;
            Flags     = (RdtFlags)(int)info.Flags;
            ProjectId = info.ProjectGuid;

            if (info.IsDocumentInitialized)
                if (info.DocData is IVsPersistDocData persist)
                    persist.IsDocDataDirty(out var isDirty);
                    IsDirty = Convert.ToBoolean(isDirty);

                    int hr = persist.GetGuidEditorType(out Guid editorType);
                    if (ErrorHandler.Succeeded(hr))
                        ClassId = editorType;

                if (info.DocData is IVsPersistDocData2 persist2)
                    persist2.IsDocDataReadOnly(out int isReadOnly);
                    IsReadOnly = Convert.ToBoolean(isReadOnly);
Пример #2
        public int OnAfterFirstDocumentLock(VSCOOKIE cookie, uint lockType, uint readLocksRemaining, uint editLocksRemaining)
            RdtFlags flags = (RdtFlags)(int)lockType;
            RdtEvent evt   = MakeEvent(cookie, "OnAfterFirstDocumentLock: Lock Type={0}, Read Locks Remaining={1}, Edit Locks Remaining={2}", flags, readLocksRemaining, editLocksRemaining);


            // add this document to the data source if it's not there yet
            RdtEntry entry = _ds.FindEntry(cookie);

            if (entry == null)
                RunningDocumentTable rdt  = new RunningDocumentTable();
                RunningDocumentInfo  info = rdt.GetDocumentInfo(cookie);

                entry = new RdtEntry(info);
