Пример #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Parametrized Constructor for instantiating schema object
        /// No other CTors are provided as these values are required to start with
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="xmlFile">Name of the target schema xml file</param>
        /// <param name="cqSess">Handle to valid CQ session</param>
        /// <param name="entityDef">Handle to valid CQ Entity Definition</param>
        public WITDXMLGenerator(string schemaXmlFile,
                                string fieldMapXmlFile,
                                Session cqSess,
                                OAdEntityDef entityDef,
                                VSTSConnection vstsConn)
            Logger.EnteredMethod(LogSource.CQ, schemaXmlFile, fieldMapXmlFile,
                                 cqSess, entityDef);

            // create instance of WITDFieldMap to store field mappings
            witdFieldMap = new WITFieldMappings();

            // create instance of WITDSchema to store WITD schema
            witdSchema = new WITDSchema();

            // set the VSTS connection handle for finding the unique fields in VSTS system
            WITDSchema.VstsConn = vstsConn;

            // store file name to be used later to generate xml
            schemaXMLFileName   = schemaXmlFile;
            fieldMapXMLFileName = fieldMapXmlFile;

            cqEntityDef = entityDef;
            cqSession   = cqSess;
            cqEntity    = CQWrapper.BuildEntity(cqSession, CQWrapper.GetEntityDefName(cqEntityDef));

Пример #2
        } // end of CQEntityRec CTor

        /// <summary>
        /// Populate the current record from CQ if its not already in Currituck
        /// and also process all its references (recursively), Links, History and Attachments
        /// Else just sets the currituck id for future reference
        /// </summary>
        public bool Populate()
            bool partiallyMigrated = false;
            // first check if it exists in the memory cache
            CQEntity    currentEntityRecords = m_cqParams.entityRecords[m_entityName];
            CQEntityRec lookupEntity         = currentEntityRecords.FindEntityRec(m_entityName, m_dbid);

            if (lookupEntity != null)
                // record already populated..
                Logger.Write(LogSource.CQ, TraceLevel.Verbose, "Already populated record '{0}' for Entity '{1}', DBID:{2}",
                             lookupEntity.SourceId, lookupEntity.EntityName, lookupEntity.DBID);

            m_CQEntity = CQWrapper.GetEntityByDbId(m_cqParams.cqSession, m_entityName, m_dbid);

            // get the source id
            m_sourceId = CQWrapper.GetEntityDisplayName(m_CQEntity);
            Logger.Write(LogSource.CQ, TraceLevel.Verbose, UtilityMethods.Format(CQResource.CQ_PROCESSING_REC, m_sourceId));

            // check if it exist in currituck using static API
            VSTSWorkItemHelper wiHelper  = (VSTSWorkItemHelper)m_MySchemaMap.vstsHelper;
            ArrayList          checkList = new ArrayList();

            checkList.Add(new WorkItemNameValueRelation(CommonConstants.VSTSSrcIdField, m_sourceId));
            checkList.Add(new WorkItemNameValueRelation(CommonConstants.VSTSSrcDbField, m_cqParams.uniqueInstId));

            wiHelper = (VSTSWorkItemHelper)m_MySchemaMap.vstsHelper;
            if (wiHelper.IsWIMigrated(checkList) == true)
                // need not to load the data from CQ..
                // just set the currituck id
                // not going to update this bug from CQ->Currituck even
                // if it is updated.. just get out from here as my population is done
                // with minimal required stuff
                string warningMsg = UtilityMethods.Format(CQResource.CQ_REC_MIGRATED, m_sourceId);
                Logger.Write(LogSource.CQ, TraceLevel.Warning, warningMsg);
                PostMigrationReport.WriteIssue(m_MySchemaMap.entity, m_MySchemaMap.WIT,
                                               m_sourceId, IssueGroup.Wi, warningMsg);

                m_WITId = wiHelper.WorkItemId;
                //compact current object
            else if (wiHelper.IsCurrentWorkItemValid() == true)
                // work item is already there.. partially migrated
                partiallyMigrated = true;

            // create the required data structures
            m_imWorkItem = new InMemoryWorkItem();
            string fldName;

            OAdEntityDef curEntityDef = CQWrapper.GetEntityDef(m_cqParams.cqSession, m_entityName);
            Logger.Write(LogSource.CQ, TraceLevel.Verbose, "Adding record for Entity {0}, Record {1}",
                         m_entityName, CQWrapper.GetEntityDisplayName(m_CQEntity));

            object[] fields = (object[])CQWrapper.GetEntityFieldNames(m_CQEntity);
            foreach (object fld in fields)
                fldName = (string)fld;
                if (CQConstants.InternalFieldTypes.ContainsKey(fldName))
                    // these are internal clearquest fields
                    // we dont want to migrate these
                    Logger.Write(LogSource.CQ, TraceLevel.Info, "Skipping Internal Field '{0}' while migrating data for entity {1}",
                                 fldName, m_entityName);
                    // process this field only if it exists in the "from" side of Field Map
                    OAdFieldInfo fldInfo     = CQWrapper.GetEntityFieldValue(m_CQEntity, fldName);
                    int          cqFieldType = CQWrapper.GetFieldType(fldInfo);

                    switch (cqFieldType)
                    case CQConstants.FIELD_ID:
                    case CQConstants.FIELD_SHORT_STRING:
                    case CQConstants.FIELD_INT:
                        string fldValue = CQWrapper.GetFieldValue(fldInfo);
                        if (fldValue != null)
                            m_imWorkItem.InitialView.Add(fldName, fldValue);

                    case CQConstants.FIELD_MULTILINE_STRING:
                        string fldValue = CQWrapper.GetFieldValue(fldInfo);
                        if (currentEntityRecords.Entity == null)
                            // build entity to get the list of allowed/suggested values
                            currentEntityRecords.Entity = CQWrapper.BuildEntity(m_cqParams.cqSession, currentEntityRecords.EntityName);
                        object[] choices = (object[])CQWrapper.GetFieldChoiceList(currentEntityRecords.Entity, fldName);
                        if (choices != null && choices.Length > 0)
                            // Multi Line String with List of Allowed/Suggested Values.. replace all '\n' with comma
                            // fix for bug# 429098
                            if (fldValue != null)
                                fldValue = fldValue.Replace("\n", ",");

                        /* no conversion shall be required.. bug# 20219 - shall be rendered in HTML as it is
                         *  // hack for Notes_Log & Description field.. Shall be converted to HTML (bug#429032)
                         *  if (fldName.Equals("Notes_Log", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) ||
                         *      fldName.Equals("Description", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                         *  {
                         *      fldValue = VSTSUtil.ConvertTextToHtml(fldValue);
                         *  }
                        m_imWorkItem.InitialView.Add(fldName, fldValue);

                    case CQConstants.FIELD_DATE_TIME:
                        string fldValue = CQWrapper.GetFieldValue(fldInfo);
                        if (fldValue != null)
                            // the time returned from CQ API is the local time..
                            DateTime fldVal = DateTime.Parse(fldValue, CultureInfo.CurrentCulture);

                            //convert it in UTC
                            DateTime utcTime = CQConverterUtil.ConvertLocalToUTC(fldVal);
                            Logger.Write(LogSource.CQ, TraceLevel.Verbose,
                                         "Field [{0}], CQ Time [{1}], UTC Time [{2}]",
                                         fldName, fldVal.ToString(), utcTime.ToString());

                            m_imWorkItem.InitialView.Add(fldName, utcTime);
                            Logger.Write(LogSource.CQ, TraceLevel.Info, "Got null value for field {0}", fldName);

                    case CQConstants.FIELD_REFERENCE:
                        // get the current entity def handle
                        OAdEntityDef refEntityDef  = CQWrapper.GetFieldReferenceEntityDef(curEntityDef, fldName);
                        string       refEntityName = CQWrapper.GetEntityDefName(refEntityDef);

                        // special handling for users.. add the user field value also..
                        // we dont want to create a link in this case..
                        // just add the field value pair in IMWorkItem.. and
                        // user map will be applied while saving
                        if (TFStringComparer.WorkItemType.Equals(refEntityName, "users"))
                            if (CQWrapper.GetFieldValueStatus(fldInfo) == (int)CQConstants.FieldStatus.HAS_VALUE)
                                // single value required
                                string refFldVal = CQWrapper.GetFieldValue(fldInfo);
                                m_imWorkItem.InitialView.Add(fldName, refFldVal);
                        else if (m_cqParams.allowedEntities.ContainsKey(refEntityName))
                            int valueStatus = CQWrapper.GetFieldValueStatus(fldInfo);
                            Logger.WriteIf((valueStatus != (int)CQConstants.FieldStatus.HAS_VALUE), LogSource.CQ,
                                           TraceLevel.Info, "No Value for Referenced field {0} in Entity {1}",
                                           refEntityName, m_entityName);
                            if (valueStatus == (int)CQConstants.FieldStatus.HAS_VALUE)
                                // single value required
                                string refFldVal = CQWrapper.GetFieldValue(fldInfo);
                                if (String.Equals(refFldVal, SourceId, StringComparison.Ordinal))
                                    // reference to self.. cannot have a link on to self
                                    string warningMsg = UtilityMethods.Format(CQResource.CQ_SELF_REFERENCE, SourceId, EntityName, fldName);
                                    Logger.Write(LogSource.CQ, TraceLevel.Warning, warningMsg);
                                    PostMigrationReport.WriteIssue(m_MySchemaMap.entity, m_MySchemaMap.WIT,
                                                                   m_sourceId, IssueGroup.Wi, warningMsg
                                    m_referencedEntities.Add(new LinkRecord(refEntityName, refFldVal));

                    case CQConstants.FIELD_REFERENCE_LIST:
                        // get the current entity def handle
                        OAdEntityDef refEntityDef  = CQWrapper.GetFieldReferenceEntityDef(curEntityDef, fldName);
                        string       refEntityName = CQWrapper.GetEntityDefName(refEntityDef);
                        // special handling for user list
                        // we dont want to create a link in this case..
                        // concatenate all the user names separated by comma
                        // NO USER MAP WILL BE APPLIED WHILE SAVING (bug#400276)
                        if (TFStringComparer.WorkItemType.Equals(refEntityName, "users"))
                            if (CQWrapper.GetFieldValueStatus(fldInfo) == (int)CQConstants.FieldStatus.HAS_VALUE)
                                object[]      refFldValues = CQWrapper.GetFieldValueAsList(fldInfo);
                                StringBuilder userList     = new StringBuilder();
                                for (int valueIndex = 0; valueIndex < refFldValues.Length; valueIndex++)
                                    object refFldObj = refFldValues[valueIndex];
                                    if (valueIndex > 0)

                                m_imWorkItem.InitialView.Add(fldName, userList.ToString());
                        else if (m_cqParams.allowedEntities.ContainsKey(refEntityName))
                            int valueStatus = CQWrapper.GetFieldValueStatus(fldInfo);
                            Logger.WriteIf((valueStatus != (int)CQConstants.FieldStatus.HAS_VALUE), LogSource.CQ,
                                           TraceLevel.Info, "No Value for Referenced field {0} in Entity {1}",
                                           fldName, m_entityName);
                            if (valueStatus == (int)CQConstants.FieldStatus.HAS_VALUE)
                                // value list expected
                                object[] refFldValues = CQWrapper.GetFieldValueAsList(fldInfo);
                                foreach (object refFldObj in refFldValues)
                                    string refFldVal = (string)refFldObj;
                                    if (String.Equals(refFldVal, SourceId, StringComparison.Ordinal))
                                        // reference to self.. cannot have a link on to self
                                        string warningMsg = UtilityMethods.Format(CQResource.CQ_SELF_REFERENCE, SourceId, EntityName, fldName);
                                        Logger.Write(LogSource.CQ, TraceLevel.Warning, warningMsg);
                                        PostMigrationReport.WriteIssue(m_MySchemaMap.entity, m_MySchemaMap.WIT,
                                                                       m_sourceId, IssueGroup.Wi, warningMsg);
                                        m_referencedEntities.Add(new LinkRecord(refEntityName, refFldVal));

                    case CQConstants.FIELD_ATTACHMENT_LIST:
                    case CQConstants.FIELD_STATE:
                    case CQConstants.FIELD_JOURNAL:
                    case CQConstants.FIELD_DBID:
                    case CQConstants.FIELD_STATETYPE:
                    case CQConstants.FIELD_RECORDTYPE:
                        Logger.Write(LogSource.CQ, TraceLevel.Info, "Skipping the Field migration for Internal Field Type '{0}'",
                        // not migrating these fields as they are CQ internal fields

                        Logger.Write(LogSource.CQ, TraceLevel.Info, "Skipping the Field migration for Unkknown Field Type '{0}'",
            } // end of foreachfields

            // add the source id and db separately
            m_imWorkItem.InitialView.Add(CommonConstants.VSTSSrcIdField, m_sourceId);
            m_imWorkItem.InitialView.Add(CommonConstants.VSTSSrcDbField, m_cqParams.uniqueInstId);

            // use vstshelper to migrate the data
            wiHelper = (VSTSWorkItemHelper)m_MySchemaMap.vstsHelper;

            // get attachments in the imworkitem

            // history processing will use same imWorkItem for first history info
            // and create other history indexes
            int migratedHistory = 0;
            if (wiHelper.IsCurrentWorkItemValid())
                migratedHistory = wiHelper.GetCurrentWorkItemHistoryCount();
                if (migratedHistory > 0)
                    // We are going for incremental migration. And as we stuff first history item of a CQBug
                    // into InitialView itself, actual no. of migrated history is one more than the value of
                    // the "Migration Status" field. So increment by one.

            ArrayList historyItems = ProcessHistory(m_imWorkItem.InitialView, migratedHistory);

            Logger.Write(LogSource.CQ, TraceLevel.Verbose, "Dumping initial view for {0}", m_sourceId);
            foreach (object key in m_imWorkItem.InitialView.Keys)
                Logger.Write(LogSource.CQ, TraceLevel.Verbose, "{0} - {1}", key, m_imWorkItem.InitialView[key]);

            bool initialViewStatus = true;
                if (!partiallyMigrated)
                    // if some history items or links are left to be migrated.. leave the bug as opened..
                    if (historyItems.Count > 0 || m_referencedEntities.Count > 0)
                        Logger.Write(LogSource.CQ, TraceLevel.Verbose, "Creating initial view of {0} .. {1} Histories, {2} Links pending",
                                     SourceId, historyItems.Count, m_referencedEntities.Count);
                        // create the record and keep it open for history editing
                        initialViewStatus = wiHelper.CreateInitialViewOfWorkItem(m_sourceId, m_imWorkItem, false);
                        Logger.Write(LogSource.CQ, TraceLevel.Verbose, "Creating initial view of {0}", SourceId);
                        // create all the entries in the record and set the status to done
                        initialViewStatus = wiHelper.CreateInitialViewOfWorkItem(m_sourceId, m_imWorkItem, true);
            catch (Exception ex)
                // creation of work item failed
                string errMsg = UtilityMethods.Format(CQResource.CQ_WI_CREATION_FAILED, SourceId, ex.Message);
                CQConverter.ReportWorkItemFailure(errMsg, SourceId, m_MySchemaMap.entity, m_MySchemaMap.WIT,
                if (m_cqParams.exitOnError == true)
                    throw new ConverterException(errMsg);
                    // continue with another work item
                    // need to skip this work item..
                    m_WITId = -1;

            // get back currituck id and store in this
            m_WITId = wiHelper.WorkItemId;

            // store the handle of work item to restore the state of work item helper back to
            // working work item which may get changed because of processing links recursively
            object workItem = wiHelper.GetCurrentWorkItem();

            // before processing history, clean out attachments.. only if its already migrated
            if (wiHelper.GetCurrentWorkItemAttachmentsCount() == m_imWorkItem.Attachments.Count)

            // add all the links now so that they go as part of history
            bool refRecordStatus = true;
            foreach (LinkRecord linkRec in m_referencedEntities)
                if (AddReferenceRecord(linkRec) == false)
                    refRecordStatus = false; // once false always false

            // process duplicate records
            if (ProcessDuplicates(m_cqParams) == false)
                refRecordStatus = false;

            bool writeHistoryPassed = true;
            if (historyItems.Count > 0 || m_imWorkItem.Links.Count > 0 || m_imWorkItem.Attachments.Count > 0)
                m_imWorkItem.HistoryItems = historyItems;

                    writeHistoryPassed = wiHelper.WriteHistoryItems(m_sourceId, m_imWorkItem,
                                                                    refRecordStatus && initialViewStatus);
                    if (!writeHistoryPassed)
                        // Bug#59861: In the case of the partially migrated bug,
                        // converter says all bugs migrated successfully in
                        // summary, but in error section it says one bug  failed
                        // due to attachment size issue. This issue has already
                        // been written to the report. Just need to update the
                        // statistics info.
                                                       null, m_sourceId, IssueGroup.Wi,
                    // set the bug migration status to done only if there were no
                    // problems with  initial view and any of the references
                    if ((!writeHistoryPassed || !refRecordStatus || !initialViewStatus) &&
                        // stop processing more records
                catch (Exception ex)
                    // creation of history failed
                    string errMsg = UtilityMethods.Format(CQResource.CQ_WI_MIG_FAILED, SourceId, ex.Message);
                    CQConverter.ReportWorkItemFailure(errMsg, SourceId, m_MySchemaMap.entity, m_MySchemaMap.WIT,
                    if (m_cqParams.exitOnError == true)
                        throw new ConverterException(errMsg);
                        // continue with another work item.. reporting this failure
                } // end of catch
            } // end of history items processing

            // add to pass count

            // add to per work item type section
            if (writeHistoryPassed)
                PostMigrationReport.WriteIssue(m_MySchemaMap.entity, m_MySchemaMap.WIT,
                                               null, m_sourceId, IssueGroup.Wi, null);
            //compact current object
        } // end of Populate()