Пример #1
        /// <summary>
        /// The device exists, but may have just been Reset().  Resources
        /// and any other device state that persists during
        /// rendering should be set here.  Render states, matrices, textures,
        /// etc., that don't change during rendering can be set once here to
        /// avoid redundant state setting during Render() or FrameMove().
        /// </summary>
        public void RestoreDeviceObjects(object obj, EventArgs eventg)
            string[] textureFilenames = null;

            meshValue = MeshLoader.LoadMesh(device,
                                                resourcePrefix + meshName),
                                            MeshFlags.SystemMemory, out meshMaterials,
                                            out textureFilenames);

            meshTextures = new Texture[meshMaterials.Length];
            for (int i = 0; i < meshMaterials.Length; i++)
                // Set the ambient color for the material
                // (D3DX does not do this)
                meshMaterials[i].Ambient = meshMaterials[i].Diffuse;

                // Create the texture
                if (textureFilenames[i] != null)
                    meshTextures[i] = TextureLoader.FromStream(device,
                                                                   resourcePrefix + textureFilenames[i]));

            // if the mesh was not loaded in the desired vertex format
            // it can be changed here
            if ((vf != meshValue.VertexFormat) && vfSet)
                Mesh temp = meshValue.Clone(0, vf, meshValue.Device);
                meshValue = temp;
Пример #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Handles device reset events
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sender">The device which sent the event</param>
        /// <param name="e">Ignored</param>
        void OnResetDevice(object sender, EventArgs e)
            string[] textureFilenames = null;

            Device dev = (Device)sender;

            // Turn on the zbuffer
            dev.RenderState.ZBufferEnable = true;

            // Turn on ambient lighting
            dev.RenderState.Ambient = System.Drawing.Color.White;

            // Turn on perspective correction for textures
            // This provides a more accurate visual at the cost
            // of a small performance overhead
            dev.RenderState.TexturePerspective = true;

            // Load the mesh from the specified file
            mesh = MeshLoader.LoadMesh(device,
                                           "Meshes.Content.tiger.md3dm"), MeshFlags.SystemMemory,
                                       out meshMaterials, out textureFilenames);

            // Extract the material properties and texture names
            meshTextures = new Texture[meshMaterials.Length];
            for (int i = 0; i < meshMaterials.Length; i++)
                // Set the ambient color for the material
                // (D3DX does not do this)
                meshMaterials[i].Ambient = meshMaterials[i].Diffuse;

                // Create the texture
                meshTextures[i] = TextureLoader.FromStream(dev,
                                                               "Meshes.Content." + textureFilenames[i]));
Пример #3
        /// <summary>
        /// The main entry point for the application.
        /// </summary>
        static void Main(string[] args)
            // the D3D render device
            Device device = null;

            // stores the materials and texture filenames for the mesh
            ExtendedMaterial [] exmat = null;

            // The D3D materials extracted from the mesh
            Material [] mat = null;

            // The texture filenames extracted from the mesh
            String [] tex = null;

            // the mesh to be converted
            Mesh mesh = null;

            // Some usage help if there are inappropriate command line
            // arguments
            if (args.Length != 2)
                System.Console.Write("Usage: MeshConverter <input_mesh> " +
                                     "<output_mesh>\n" +
                                     "This program converts .X files into a smaller " +
                                     "binary format\n");

                // create the D3D device
                PresentParameters presentParams = new PresentParameters();
                presentParams.SwapEffect = SwapEffect.Discard;
                presentParams.Windowed   = true;
                device = new Device(0, DeviceType.NullReference, new Form(),
                                    CreateFlags.SoftwareVertexProcessing, presentParams);
            catch (Exception e)
                // handle any errors
                                  "Error initializing D3D: {0}", e.Message));

            // load the mesh
                mesh = Mesh.FromFile(args[0], MeshFlags.Dynamic, device,
                                     out exmat);
            catch (Exception e)
                                  "Error loading the mesh: {0}", e.Message));

                // optimize the mesh
                GraphicsStream gx = null;
                mesh.OptimizeInPlace(MeshFlags.OptimizeDeviceIndependent |
                                     MeshFlags.OptimizeAttributeSort |
                                     MeshFlags.OptimizeCompact, gx);

                // extract the materials and texture filenames
                mat = new Material[exmat.Length];
                tex = new string[exmat.Length];

                for (int i = 0; i < exmat.Length; i++)
                    mat[i] = exmat[i].Material3D;
                    tex[i] = exmat[i].TextureFilename;
            catch (Exception e)
                // handle any errors
                                  "Error optimizing the mesh: {0}", e.Message));

                // save the mesh
                FileStream fstream = new FileStream(args[1], FileMode.Create);
                MeshLoader.SaveMesh(fstream, mesh, mat, tex);
            catch (Exception e)
                // handle any errors
                                  "Error saving the mesh: {0}", e.Message));
Пример #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Saves a mesh to the custom serialized format
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="stream">The stream to which to serialize</param>
        /// <param name="mesh">The mesh to be serialized</param>
        /// <param name="materials">The materials for subparts of the mesh
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="textures">The filenames for the textures on
        /// subparts of the mesh</param>
        public static void SaveMesh(Stream stream, Mesh mesh,
                                    Material [] materials, string [] textures)
            int flexibleVertexFormat;
            int numberVertices;

            byte [] vertices;
            int     numberIndices;

            byte []           indices;
            AttributeRange [] attributeRanges;
            VertexFormats     sourceVertexFormat;
            VertexFormats     sourceFormat;

            IDisposable tempMesh;

            tempMesh = null;

                // Managed Direct3D mobile uses different Fvf defines than
                // managed Direct3D for the desktop
                // when this code is linked against the desktop version
                // this will convert the Fvf to match MD3DM constants
                // when this code is linked against MD3DM this section will
                // not have changed anything.

                // determine the necessary Fvf
                sourceVertexFormat = mesh.VertexFormat;
                int textureCount;
                sourceFormat         = VertexFormats.Position;
                flexibleVertexFormat = 0;

                if ((sourceVertexFormat & VertexFormats.Normal) != 0)
                    flexibleVertexFormat |= md3dmFvfNormal;
                    sourceFormat         |= VertexFormats.Normal;

                if ((sourceVertexFormat & VertexFormats.Diffuse) != 0)
                    flexibleVertexFormat |= md3dmFvfDiffuse;
                    sourceFormat         |= VertexFormats.Diffuse;

                if ((sourceVertexFormat & VertexFormats.Specular) != 0)
                    flexibleVertexFormat |= md3dmFvfDiffuse;
                    sourceFormat         |= VertexFormats.Specular;

                // determine number of textures
                textureCount = (int)(sourceVertexFormat &
                                     VertexFormats.TextureCountMask) >>

                //limit to 4 textures
                if (textureCount > 4)
                    textureCount = 4;

                // continue setting up necessary fvf
                sourceFormat |= (VertexFormats)(textureCount <<
                flexibleVertexFormat |=
                    (textureCount << md3dmFvfTextureCountShift);

                if (sourceFormat != sourceVertexFormat)
                    mesh = mesh.Clone(mesh.Options.Value, sourceFormat,
                    tempMesh = (IDisposable)mesh;

                attributeRanges = mesh.GetAttributeTable();

                if (attributeRanges == null)
                    throw new MeshSerializationException(
                              "No Attribute table present");

                // determine number of vertices and create buffer
                numberVertices = mesh.NumberVertices;
                vertices       = new byte[numberVertices *

                // copy vertices to buffer
                mesh.VertexBuffer.Lock(0, vertices.Length,
                                       LockFlags.None).Read(vertices, 0, vertices.Length);

                // determine number of indices
                numberIndices = mesh.NumberFaces * 3;

                // create index data buffer
                indices = new byte[numberIndices *
                                   (mesh.Options.Use32Bit ? 4 : 2)];

                // fill index data into buffer
                mesh.IndexBuffer.Lock(0, indices.Length,
                                      LockFlags.None).Read(indices, 0, indices.Length);

                // write the data out to file
                MeshLoader.SaveMeshData(stream, flexibleVertexFormat,
                                        numberVertices, vertices,
                                        numberIndices, indices, attributeRanges, materials,
                if (tempMesh != null)