public override Stream CreateStream()
                return(new WinUsb_AsyncUsbStream(m_port));
            catch (IOException)
                var uniqueId = UniqueId;

                foreach (var pd in WinUsb_AsyncUsbStream.EnumeratePorts())
                    if (!Object.Equals(pd.UniqueId, uniqueId))

                    m_properties = pd.Properties;
                    m_port       = pd.Port;

                    return(new WinUsb_AsyncUsbStream(m_port));
                throw new FileNotFoundException("Device not found", UniqueId.ToString( ));
Пример #2
        public PortDefinition[] GetPersistablePortDefinitions()
            PortDefinition[] ports = null;

            switch (m_portFilter)
            case PortFilter.Emulator:

            case PortFilter.Serial:
                ports = AsyncSerialStream.EnumeratePorts();

            case PortFilter.Usb:
                if (MonoDevelop.Core.Platform.IsWindows)
                    PortDefinition[] portUSB;
                    PortDefinition[] portWinUSB;

                    portUSB    = AsyncUsbStream.EnumeratePorts();
                    portWinUSB = WinUsb_AsyncUsbStream.EnumeratePorts();

                    int lenUSB    = portUSB != null ? portUSB.Length : 0;
                    int lenWinUSB = portWinUSB != null ? portWinUSB.Length : 0;

                    ports = new PortDefinition[lenUSB + lenWinUSB];

                    if (lenUSB > 0)
                        Array.Copy(portUSB, ports, lenUSB);
                    if (lenWinUSB > 0)
                        Array.Copy(portWinUSB, 0, ports, lenUSB, lenWinUSB);
                    ports = LibUsb_AsyncUsbStream.EnumeratePorts();

            case PortFilter.TcpIp:
                ports = PortDefinition_Tcp.EnumeratePorts(false);

                throw new ApplicationException();

Пример #3
        static public ArrayList Enumerate(params PortFilter[] args)
            ArrayList lst = new ArrayList();

            foreach (PortFilter pf in args)
                PortDefinition[] res;

                switch (pf)
                case PortFilter.Emulator:
                    res = Emulator.EnumeratePipes();

                case PortFilter.Serial:
                    res = AsyncSerialStream.EnumeratePorts();

                case PortFilter.LegacyPermiscuousWinUsb:
                case PortFilter.Usb:
                    res = WinUsb_AsyncUsbStream.EnumeratePorts(pf == PortFilter.LegacyPermiscuousWinUsb);


                    res = AsyncUsbStream.EnumeratePorts();
                    // res will be added to list below...

                case PortFilter.TcpIp:
                    res = PortDefinition_Tcp.EnumeratePorts();

                default: res = null; break;

                if (res != null)

Пример #4
        protected static void RetrieveProperties(string hash, ref PortDefinition pd, WinUsb_AsyncUsbStream s)
            IDictionaryEnumerator dict;

            dict = s_textProperties.GetEnumerator();

            while (dict.MoveNext())
                pd.Properties.Add(dict.Key, s.RetrieveStringFromDevice((ushort)dict.Value));

            dict = s_digitProperties.GetEnumerator();

            while (dict.MoveNext())
                pd.Properties.Add(dict.Key, s.RetrieveIntegerFromDevice((ushort)dict.Value));
Пример #5
        public override Stream CreateStream()
                return(new WinUsb_AsyncUsbStream(m_port));
                object uniqueId = UniqueId;

                foreach (PortDefinition pd in WinUsb_AsyncUsbStream.EnumeratePorts())
                    if (Object.Equals(pd.UniqueId, uniqueId))
                        m_properties = pd.Properties;
                        m_port       = pd.Port;

                        return(new WinUsb_AsyncUsbStream(m_port));

Пример #6
		protected static void RetrieveProperties(string hash, ref PortDefinition pd, WinUsb_AsyncUsbStream s)
			IDictionaryEnumerator dict;

			dict = s_textProperties.GetEnumerator();

				pd.Properties.Add(dict.Key, s.RetrieveStringFromDevice((ushort)dict.Value));

			dict = s_digitProperties.GetEnumerator();

				pd.Properties.Add(dict.Key, s.RetrieveIntegerFromDevice((ushort)dict.Value));
Пример #7
		// The following procedure works with the USB device driver; upon finding all instances of USB devices
		// that match the requested Guid, the procedure checks the corresponding registry keys to find the unique
		// serial number to show to the user; the serial number is decided by the device driver at installation
		// time and stored in a registry key whose name is the hash of the laser etched security key of the device
		private static void EnumeratePorts(Guid guid, SortedList lst)
			//string devicePath = null;

			//(new DeviceManagement()).FindDeviceFromGuid(guid, ref devicePath);

			//using (WinUsb_AsyncUsbStream s = new WinUsb_AsyncUsbStream(devicePath))
			//    //const ushort SERIAL_NUMBER_INDEX = 0;
			//    //const ushort MANUFACTURER_NAME_INDEX = 1;
			//    //const ushort PRODUCT_NAME_INDEX = 2;
			//    //const ushort USB_DISPLAY_STRING_INDEX = 4;
			//    //const ushort USB_FRIENDLY_STRING_INDEX = 5;

			//    string displayName = s.RetrieveStringFromDevice(USB_DISPLAY_STRING_INDEX);

			//    string hash = s.RetrieveStringFromDevice(USB_FRIENDLY_STRING_INDEX);
			//    //string operationalPort = s.RetrieveStringFromDevice(IOCTL_WINUSB_PORT_NAME, dmp);

			//    //if ((operationalPort == null) || (displayName == null) || (hash == null))
			//    if ((displayName == null) || (hash == null))
			//    {
			//        return;
			//    }

			//    // convert  kernel format to user mode format                        
			//    // kernel   : @"\??\USB#Vid_beef&Pid_0009#5&4162af8&0&1#{09343630-a794-10ef-334f-82ea332c49f3}"
			//    // user     : @"\\?\usb#vid_beef&pid_0009#5&4162af8&0&1#{09343630-a794-10ef-334f-82ea332c49f3}"
			//    //StringBuilder operationalPortUser = new StringBuilder();
			//    //operationalPortUser.Append(@"\\?");
			//    //operationalPortUser.Append(operationalPort.Substring(3));

			//    // change the display name if there is a collision (otherwise you will only be able to use one of the devices)
			//    displayName += "_" + hash;
			//    if (lst.ContainsKey(displayName))
			//    {
			//        int i = 2;
			//        while (lst.ContainsKey(displayName + " (" + i + ")"))
			//        {
			//            i++;
			//        }
			//        displayName += " (" + i + ")";
			//    }

			//    //PortDefinition pd = PortDefinition.CreateInstanceForUsb(displayName, operationalPortUser.ToString());
			//    PortDefinition pd = PortDefinition.CreateInstanceForWinUsb(displayName, devicePath);

			//    //if (dmp != null) dmp.Dump("[16 == EnumeratePorts]");
			//    //RetrieveProperties(hash, ref pd, s);
			//    if (!pd.Properties.Contains(DeviceHash)) pd.Properties.Add(DeviceHash, hash);

			//    lst.Add(pd.DisplayName, pd);

			IntPtr devInfo = Native.SetupDiGetClassDevs(ref guid, null, 0, Native.DIGCF_DEVICEINTERFACE | Native.DIGCF_PRESENT);

			if(devInfo == Native.INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE)

				Native.SP_DEVICE_INTERFACE_DATA interfaceData = new Native.SP_DEVICE_INTERFACE_DATA();
				interfaceData.cbSize = Marshal.SizeOf(interfaceData);

				int index = 0;

				while(Native.SetupDiEnumDeviceInterfaces(devInfo, 0, ref guid, index++, ref interfaceData))
						// explicit size of unmanaged structure must be provided, because it does not include transfer buffer
						// for whatever reason on 64 bit machines the detail size is 8 rather than 5, likewise the interfaceData.cbSize
						// is 32 rather than 28 for non 64bit machines, therefore, we make the detemination of the size based 
						// on the interfaceData.cbSize (kind of hacky but it works).
						if(interfaceData.cbSize == 32)
							detail.cbSize = 8;
							detail.cbSize = 5;

						if(Native.SetupDiGetDeviceInterfaceDetail(devInfo, ref interfaceData, ref detail, Marshal.SizeOf(detail) * 2, 0, 0))
							string port = detail.DevicePath.ToLower();

							using(WinUsb_AsyncUsbStream s = new WinUsb_AsyncUsbStream(port))
								//const ushort SERIAL_NUMBER_INDEX = 0;
								//const ushort MANUFACTURER_NAME_INDEX = 1;
								//const ushort PRODUCT_NAME_INDEX = 2;
								//const ushort USB_DISPLAY_STRING_INDEX = 4;
								//const ushort USB_FRIENDLY_STRING_INDEX = 5;

								string displayName = s.RetrieveStringFromDevice(USB_DISPLAY_STRING_INDEX);

								string hash = s.RetrieveStringFromDevice(USB_FRIENDLY_STRING_INDEX);
								//string operationalPort = s.RetrieveStringFromDevice(IOCTL_WINUSB_PORT_NAME, dmp);

								//if ((operationalPort == null) || (displayName == null) || (hash == null))
								if((displayName == null) || (hash == null))

								// change the display name if there is a collision (otherwise you will only be able to use one of the devices)
								displayName += "_" + hash;
									int i = 2;
									while(lst.ContainsKey(displayName + " (" + i + ")"))
									displayName += " (" + i + ")";

								PortDefinition pd = PortDefinition.CreateInstanceForWinUsb(displayName, port);

									pd.Properties.Add(DeviceHash, hash);

								lst.Add(pd.DisplayName, pd);
						// go to next device
Пример #8
        // The following procedure works with the USB device driver; upon finding all instances of USB devices
        // that match the requested Guid, the procedure checks the corresponding registry keys to find the unique
        // serial number to show to the user; the serial number is decided by the device driver at installation
        // time and stored in a registry key whose name is the hash of the laser etched security key of the device
        private static IEnumerable<PortDefinition> EnumeratePorts( Guid guid )
            var devInfo = NativeMethods.SetupDiGetClassDevs( ref guid, null, 0, NativeMethods.DIGCF_DEVICEINTERFACE | NativeMethods.DIGCF_PRESENT );

            if( devInfo == NativeMethods.INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE )
                yield break;

                var interfaceData = new NativeMethods.SP_DEVICE_INTERFACE_DATA( );
                interfaceData.cbSize = Marshal.SizeOf( interfaceData );

                var index = 0;

                while( NativeMethods.SetupDiEnumDeviceInterfaces( devInfo, 0, ref guid, index++, ref interfaceData ) )
                    PortDefinition pd = null;
                        var detail = new NativeMethods.SP_DEVICE_INTERFACE_DETAIL_DATA( );
                        // explicit size of unmanaged structure must be provided, because it does not include transfer buffer
                        // for whatever reason on 64 bit machines the detail size is 8 rather than 5, likewise the interfaceData.cbSize
                        // is 32 rather than 28 for non 64bit machines, therefore, we make the detemination of the size based 
                        // on the interfaceData.cbSize (kind of hacky but it works).
                        detail.cbSize = interfaceData.cbSize == 32 ? 8 : 5;

                        // get device interface details to allow opening the port for querying the friendly name
                        if( !NativeMethods.SetupDiGetDeviceInterfaceDetail( devInfo, ref interfaceData, ref detail, Marshal.SizeOf( detail ) * 2, 0, 0 ) )

                        var port = detail.DevicePath.ToLower( );

                        using( var s = new WinUsb_AsyncUsbStream( port ) )
                            var displayName = s.RetrieveStringFromDevice( USB_DISPLAY_STRING_INDEX );

                            var hash = s.RetrieveStringFromDevice( USB_FRIENDLY_STRING_INDEX );
                            if( ( displayName == null ) || ( hash == null ) )
                                yield break;

                            displayName += "_" + hash;
                            pd = PortDefinition.CreateInstanceForWinUsb( displayName, port );
                            if( !pd.Properties.Contains( DeviceHash ) )
                                pd.Properties.Add( DeviceHash, hash );
                        // go to next device
                    if( pd != null )
                        yield return pd;
                NativeMethods.SetupDiDestroyDeviceInfoList( devInfo );
Пример #9
        // The following procedure works with the USB device driver; upon finding all instances of USB devices
        // that match the requested Guid, the procedure checks the corresponding registry keys to find the unique
        // serial number to show to the user; the serial number is decided by the device driver at installation
        // time and stored in a registry key whose name is the hash of the laser etched security key of the device
        private static void EnumeratePorts(Guid guid, SortedList lst)
            //string devicePath = null;

            //(new DeviceManagement()).FindDeviceFromGuid(guid, ref devicePath);

            //using (WinUsb_AsyncUsbStream s = new WinUsb_AsyncUsbStream(devicePath))
            //    //const ushort SERIAL_NUMBER_INDEX = 0;
            //    //const ushort MANUFACTURER_NAME_INDEX = 1;
            //    //const ushort PRODUCT_NAME_INDEX = 2;
            //    //const ushort USB_DISPLAY_STRING_INDEX = 4;
            //    //const ushort USB_FRIENDLY_STRING_INDEX = 5;

            //    string displayName = s.RetrieveStringFromDevice(USB_DISPLAY_STRING_INDEX);

            //    string hash = s.RetrieveStringFromDevice(USB_FRIENDLY_STRING_INDEX);
            //    //string operationalPort = s.RetrieveStringFromDevice(IOCTL_WINUSB_PORT_NAME, dmp);

            //    //if ((operationalPort == null) || (displayName == null) || (hash == null))
            //    if ((displayName == null) || (hash == null))
            //    {
            //        return;
            //    }

            //    // convert  kernel format to user mode format
            //    // kernel   : @"\??\USB#Vid_beef&Pid_0009#5&4162af8&0&1#{09343630-a794-10ef-334f-82ea332c49f3}"
            //    // user     : @"\\?\usb#vid_beef&pid_0009#5&4162af8&0&1#{09343630-a794-10ef-334f-82ea332c49f3}"
            //    //StringBuilder operationalPortUser = new StringBuilder();
            //    //operationalPortUser.Append(@"\\?");
            //    //operationalPortUser.Append(operationalPort.Substring(3));

            //    // change the display name if there is a collision (otherwise you will only be able to use one of the devices)
            //    displayName += "_" + hash;
            //    if (lst.ContainsKey(displayName))
            //    {
            //        int i = 2;
            //        while (lst.ContainsKey(displayName + " (" + i + ")"))
            //        {
            //            i++;
            //        }
            //        displayName += " (" + i + ")";
            //    }

            //    //PortDefinition pd = PortDefinition.CreateInstanceForUsb(displayName, operationalPortUser.ToString());
            //    PortDefinition pd = PortDefinition.CreateInstanceForWinUsb(displayName, devicePath);

            //    //if (dmp != null) dmp.Dump("[16 == EnumeratePorts]");
            //    //RetrieveProperties(hash, ref pd, s);
            //    if (!pd.Properties.Contains(DeviceHash)) pd.Properties.Add(DeviceHash, hash);

            //    lst.Add(pd.DisplayName, pd);

            IntPtr devInfo = Native.SetupDiGetClassDevs(ref guid, null, 0, Native.DIGCF_DEVICEINTERFACE | Native.DIGCF_PRESENT);

            if (devInfo == Native.INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE)

                Native.SP_DEVICE_INTERFACE_DATA interfaceData = new Native.SP_DEVICE_INTERFACE_DATA();
                interfaceData.cbSize = Marshal.SizeOf(interfaceData);

                int index = 0;

                while (Native.SetupDiEnumDeviceInterfaces(devInfo, 0, ref guid, index++, ref interfaceData))
                        Native.SP_DEVICE_INTERFACE_DETAIL_DATA detail = new Native.SP_DEVICE_INTERFACE_DETAIL_DATA();
                        // explicit size of unmanaged structure must be provided, because it does not include transfer buffer
                        // for whatever reason on 64 bit machines the detail size is 8 rather than 5, likewise the interfaceData.cbSize
                        // is 32 rather than 28 for non 64bit machines, therefore, we make the detemination of the size based
                        // on the interfaceData.cbSize (kind of hacky but it works).
                        if (interfaceData.cbSize == 32)
                            detail.cbSize = 8;
                            detail.cbSize = 5;

                        if (Native.SetupDiGetDeviceInterfaceDetail(devInfo, ref interfaceData, ref detail, Marshal.SizeOf(detail) * 2, 0, 0))
                            string port = detail.DevicePath.ToLower();

                            using (WinUsb_AsyncUsbStream s = new WinUsb_AsyncUsbStream(port))
                                //const ushort SERIAL_NUMBER_INDEX = 0;
                                //const ushort MANUFACTURER_NAME_INDEX = 1;
                                //const ushort PRODUCT_NAME_INDEX = 2;
                                //const ushort USB_DISPLAY_STRING_INDEX = 4;
                                //const ushort USB_FRIENDLY_STRING_INDEX = 5;

                                string displayName = s.RetrieveStringFromDevice(USB_DISPLAY_STRING_INDEX);

                                string hash = s.RetrieveStringFromDevice(USB_FRIENDLY_STRING_INDEX);
                                //string operationalPort = s.RetrieveStringFromDevice(IOCTL_WINUSB_PORT_NAME, dmp);

                                //if ((operationalPort == null) || (displayName == null) || (hash == null))
                                if ((displayName == null) || (hash == null))

                                // change the display name if there is a collision (otherwise you will only be able to use one of the devices)
                                displayName += "_" + hash;
                                if (lst.ContainsKey(displayName))
                                    int i = 2;
                                    while (lst.ContainsKey(displayName + " (" + i + ")"))
                                    displayName += " (" + i + ")";

                                PortDefinition pd = PortDefinition.CreateInstanceForWinUsb(displayName, port);

                                if (!pd.Properties.Contains(DeviceHash))
                                    pd.Properties.Add(DeviceHash, hash);

                                lst.Add(pd.DisplayName, pd);
                        // go to next device
Пример #10
        // The following procedure works with the USB device driver; upon finding all instances of USB devices
        // that match the requested Guid, the procedure checks the corresponding registry keys to find the unique
        // serial number to show to the user; the serial number is decided by the device driver at installation
        // time and stored in a registry key whose name is the hash of the laser etched security key of the device
        private static IEnumerable <PortDefinition> EnumeratePorts(Guid guid)
            var devInfo = NativeMethods.SetupDiGetClassDevs(ref guid, null, 0, NativeMethods.DIGCF_DEVICEINTERFACE | NativeMethods.DIGCF_PRESENT);

            if (devInfo == NativeMethods.INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE)
                yield break;

                var interfaceData = new NativeMethods.SP_DEVICE_INTERFACE_DATA( );
                interfaceData.cbSize = Marshal.SizeOf(interfaceData);

                var index = 0;

                while (NativeMethods.SetupDiEnumDeviceInterfaces(devInfo, 0, ref guid, index++, ref interfaceData))
                    PortDefinition pd = null;
                        var detail = new NativeMethods.SP_DEVICE_INTERFACE_DETAIL_DATA( );
                        // explicit size of unmanaged structure must be provided, because it does not include transfer buffer
                        // for whatever reason on 64 bit machines the detail size is 8 rather than 5, likewise the interfaceData.cbSize
                        // is 32 rather than 28 for non 64bit machines, therefore, we make the detemination of the size based
                        // on the interfaceData.cbSize (kind of hacky but it works).
                        detail.cbSize = interfaceData.cbSize == 32 ? 8 : 5;

                        // get device interface details to allow opening the port for querying the friendly name
                        if (!NativeMethods.SetupDiGetDeviceInterfaceDetail(devInfo, ref interfaceData, ref detail, Marshal.SizeOf(detail) * 2, 0, 0))

                        var port = detail.DevicePath.ToLower( );

                        using (var s = new WinUsb_AsyncUsbStream(port))
                            var displayName = s.RetrieveStringFromDevice(USB_DISPLAY_STRING_INDEX);

                            var hash = s.RetrieveStringFromDevice(USB_FRIENDLY_STRING_INDEX);
                            if ((displayName == null) || (hash == null))
                                yield break;

                            displayName += "_" + hash;
                            pd           = PortDefinition.CreateInstanceForWinUsb(displayName, port);
                            if (!pd.Properties.Contains(DeviceHash))
                                pd.Properties.Add(DeviceHash, hash);
                    catch (IOException)
                        // go to next device
                    if (pd != null)
                        yield return(pd);