public void OnReplace(depth.Replace replace)
     // Can't actually send a replace to this service, but it's here
     // for symmetry with replace events that are raised as the device
     // signals changes to it.
Пример #2
        public IEnumerator <ITask> ReplaceHandler(depthcam.Replace replace)
            _state = replace.Body;
            if (replace.ResponsePort != null)

            // issue notification
            _subMgrPort.Post(new submgr.Submit(_state, dssp.DsspActions.ReplaceRequest));
            yield break;
Пример #3
        private IEnumerator <ITask> RaycastResultsHandler(simengine.DepthCameraEntity.DepthCameraResult result)
                var now = Microsoft.Robotics.Common.Utilities.ElapsedSecondsSinceStart;
                if (now - _lastRaycastUpdate < ((double)_entity.UpdateInterval / 1000.0))
                    // dont update more than 20 times a second
                    yield break;
                _lastRaycastUpdate = now;

                if (result.Data == null)
                    yield break;

                var latestResults = new depthcam.DepthCamSensorState();
                latestResults.MaximumRange             = this._state.MaximumRange;
                latestResults.MinimumRange             = this._state.MinimumRange;
                latestResults.FurtherThanMaxDepthValue = this._state.FurtherThanMaxDepthValue;
                latestResults.NearerThanMinDepthValue  = this._state.NearerThanMinDepthValue;
                var depthImage = new short[result.Data.Length];
                latestResults.DepthImage     = depthImage;
                latestResults.DepthImageSize = new Size(result.Width, result.Height);

                if (_entity != null)
                    latestResults.FieldOfView = (float)(_entity.FieldOfView * Math.PI / 180.0f);

                short maxDepthMM = (short)(this._state.MaximumRange * 1000);
                short minDepthMM = (short)(this._state.MinimumRange * 1000);

                for (int i = 0; i < result.Data.Length; i++)
                    var s     = (short)(result.Data[i] & 0xFF);
                    var depth = (short)((s * (short)maxDepthMM) / byte.MaxValue);
                    // The camera's far plane is already set at MaxDepth so no pixels will be further than
                    // that. To compensate for that, we relax the test from '>' to '>=' so that the
                    // 'further-than' pixel value can be set. This enables similar behavior to Kinect where
                    // too-near and too-far pixels are both set to zero.
                    if (depth >= maxDepthMM)
                        // this if branch is redundant if the shader sets the depth limit but its defense in depth.
                        depthImage[i] = this._state.FurtherThanMaxDepthValue;
                    else if (depth < minDepthMM)
                        depthImage[i] = this._state.NearerThanMinDepthValue;
                        depthImage[i] = depth;

                byte[] rgbImage = null;

                if (webcamPort != null)
                    var stateOrFault = webcamPort.QueryFrame();
                    yield return(stateOrFault.Choice(
                                     response =>
                        rgbImage = response.Frame;
                                     fault => LogError(fault)));

                if (rgbImage != null)
                    latestResults.VisibleImage = rgbImage;

                latestResults.Pose      = _state.Pose;
                latestResults.TimeStamp = DateTime.Now;
                // send replace message to self
                var replace = new depthcam.Replace();
                // for perf reasons dont set response port, we are just talking to ourself anyway
                replace.ResponsePort = null;
                replace.Body         = latestResults;
                _rayCastQueue.Enqueue(Arbiter.ReceiveWithIterator(false, _raycastResults, RaycastResultsHandler));