GetCloseCurlyBraceIndentSize() публичный Метод

Given closing curly brace tries to find keyword that is associated with the scope and calculate indentation based on the keyword line.
public GetCloseCurlyBraceIndentSize ( RToken closeCurlyBraceToken, TextBuilder tb, Microsoft.R.Core.Formatting.RFormatOptions options ) : int
closeCurlyBraceToken RToken
tb Microsoft.Languages.Core.Formatting.TextBuilder
options Microsoft.R.Core.Formatting.RFormatOptions
Результат int
Пример #1
        private void CloseFormattingScope()
            Debug.Assert(_tokens.CurrentToken.TokenType == RTokenType.CloseCurlyBrace);

            // if it is not single line scope like { } add linke break before }
            if (!SingleLineScope)

            var leadingSpace = SingleLineScope && _tokens.PreviousToken.TokenType != RTokenType.CloseCurlyBrace;

            // Close formatting scope and remember if it was based on the user-supplied indent.

            // Closing curly indentation is defined by the line that either holds the opening curly brace
            // or the line that holds keyword that defines the expression that the curly belongs to.
            // Examples:
            //      x <-
            //          function(a) {
            //          }
            //      x <- function(a) {
            //      }
            if (!SingleLineScope)
                int lineIndentSize = _braceHandler.GetCloseCurlyBraceIndentSize(_tokens.CurrentToken, _tb, _options);
                if (lineIndentSize > 0)
                    var indentString = IndentBuilder.GetIndentString(lineIndentSize, _options.IndentType, _options.TabSize);
                    leadingSpace = false;

            AppendToken(leadingSpace: leadingSpace, trailingSpace: false);

            bool singleLineScopeJustClosed = false;

            if (_tokens.CurrentToken.Start >= _singleLineScopeEnd)
                _singleLineScopeEnd       = -1;
                singleLineScopeJustClosed = true;

            if (_formattingScopes.SuppressLineBreakCount == 0 && !_tokens.IsEndOfStream())
                // We insert line break after } unless
                //  a) Next token is comma (scope is in the argument list) or
                //  b) Next token is a closing brace (last parameter in a function or indexer) or
                //  c) Next token is by 'else' (so 'else' does not get separated from 'if') or
                //  d) We are in a single-line scope sequence like if() {{ }}
                if (!KeepCurlyAndElseTogether())
                    if (singleLineScopeJustClosed &&
                        !IsClosingToken(_tokens.CurrentToken) &&