ToRdpgfx_Color32() публичный статический Метод

Transform a C# color into RDPGRX_COLOR32 structure
public static ToRdpgfx_Color32 ( Color c ) : RDPGFX_COLOR32
c Color Color to be converted
Результат Microsoft.Protocols.TestTools.StackSdk.RemoteDesktop.Rdpegfx.RDPGFX_COLOR32
        public void RDPEGFX_SurfaceToScreen_PositiveTest_MultiSurfaceOverlap()
            uint fid;

            this.TestSite.Log.Add(LogEntryKind.Comment, "Do capability exchange.");
            // Init for capability exchange

            RDPGFX_RECT16 verifyRect = RdpegfxTestUtility.ConvertToRect(RdpegfxTestUtility.surfPos, RdpegfxTestUtility.surfWidth, RdpegfxTestUtility.surfHeight);

            // Init Data for test
            RDPGFX_POINT16[] positions = new RDPGFX_POINT16[4];
            positions[0] = new RDPGFX_POINT16(RdpegfxTestUtility.surfPos.x, RdpegfxTestUtility.surfPos.y);
            positions[1] = new RDPGFX_POINT16((ushort)(RdpegfxTestUtility.surfPos.x + RdpegfxTestUtility.surfWidth / 2), RdpegfxTestUtility.surfPos.y);
            positions[2] = new RDPGFX_POINT16(RdpegfxTestUtility.surfPos.x, (ushort)(RdpegfxTestUtility.surfPos.y + RdpegfxTestUtility.surfHeight / 2));
            positions[3] = new RDPGFX_POINT16(RdpegfxTestUtility.surfPos.x, RdpegfxTestUtility.surfPos.y);

            ushort[] widths = new ushort[4];
            widths[0] = RdpegfxTestUtility.surfWidth;
            widths[1] = (ushort)(RdpegfxTestUtility.surfWidth / 2);
            widths[2] = RdpegfxTestUtility.surfWidth;
            widths[3] = (ushort)(RdpegfxTestUtility.surfWidth / 2);

            ushort[] heights = new ushort[4];
            heights[0] = (ushort)(RdpegfxTestUtility.surfHeight / 2);
            heights[1] = RdpegfxTestUtility.surfHeight;
            heights[2] = (ushort)(RdpegfxTestUtility.surfHeight / 2);
            heights[3] = RdpegfxTestUtility.surfHeight;

            Color[] colors = new Color[4];
            colors[0] = Color.Green;
            colors[1] = Color.Blue;
            colors[2] = Color.Red;
            colors[3] = Color.Yellow;

            Surface[] surfaces = new Surface[4];
            // Test the overlap
            for (int i = 0; i < positions.Length; i++)
                this.TestSite.Log.Add(LogEntryKind.Comment, "Create a surface and fill it with color: {0}.", colors[i]);
                // Create & output a surface
                RDPGFX_RECT16 surfRect = RdpegfxTestUtility.ConvertToRect(positions[i], widths[i], heights[i]);
                surfaces[i] = this.rdpegfxAdapter.CreateAndOutputSurface(surfRect, PixelFormat.PIXEL_FORMAT_XRGB_8888);
                this.TestSite.Assert.IsNotNull(surfaces[i], "Surface {0} is created", surfaces[i].Id);

                // Send solid fill request to client to fill surface with green color
                RDPGFX_RECT16   fillSurfRect = RdpegfxTestUtility.ConvertToRect(RdpegfxTestUtility.imgPos, widths[i], heights[i]);
                RDPGFX_RECT16[] fillRects    = { fillSurfRect }; // Relative to surface
                fid = this.rdpegfxAdapter.SolidFillSurface(surfaces[i], RdpegfxTestUtility.ToRdpgfx_Color32(colors[i]), fillRects);
                this.TestSite.Log.Add(LogEntryKind.Debug, "Surface is filled with solid color in frame: {0}", fid);

                // Expect the client to send a frame acknowledge pdu
                // If the server receives the message, it indicates that the client has been successfully decoded the logical frame of graphics commands

                this.TestSite.Log.Add(LogEntryKind.Comment, "Verify output on SUT Display if the verifySUTDisplay entry in PTF config is true.");
                this.VerifySUTDisplay(false, verifyRect);
            // Delete the surface
            for (int i = 0; i < surfaces.Length; i++)
                if (surfaces[i] != null)
                    this.TestSite.Log.Add(LogEntryKind.Debug, "Surface {0} is deleted", surfaces[i].Id);