/// <summary>
        /// A method used to verify field's id or field's type is equal to expected value.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="responseOfGetList">A parameter represents the response of GetList operation which contains the field definitions.</param>
        /// <param name="expectedFieldName">A parameter represents the name of a field definition which is used to get the definition from the  response of GetList operation.</param>
        /// <param name="expectedFieldId">A parameter represents the expected id of field definition.</param>
        /// <param name="expectedFieldType">A parameter represents the expected type of field definition.</param>
        /// <returns>Return true indicating the verification pass.</returns>
        private bool VerifyTypeAndIdForFieldDefinition(GetListResponseGetListResult responseOfGetList, string expectedFieldName, string expectedFieldId, string expectedFieldType)
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(expectedFieldName))
                throw new ArgumentNullException("expectedFieldName");

            // Get the field definition from response.
            FieldDefinition fieldDefinition = Common.GetFieldItemByName(responseOfGetList, expectedFieldName, this.Site);
            // Verify field type.
                                    Common.VerifyFieldType(fieldDefinition, expectedFieldType, this.Site),
                                    @"The field definition's type should match the specified value in protocol.");

            // Verify field id.
                                    Common.VerifyFieldId(fieldDefinition, expectedFieldId, this.Site),
                                    @"The field definition's id should match the specified value in protocol.");

            // If upon verifications pass, return true.
            return true;
        /// <summary>
        /// A method used to verify the requirements for common schema definition of list.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="responseOfGetList">A parameter represents the response of GetList operation which contain common fields' definitions.</param>
        private void VerifyCommonSchemaOfListDefinition(GetListResponseGetListResult responseOfGetList)
           if (null == responseOfGetList)
               throw new ArgumentNullException("responseOfGetList");

           // Verify Attachments field's id and type.
           string actuallistTemplateValue = responseOfGetList.List.ServerTemplate;
           string docLibraryListTemplateStringValue = ((int)TemplateType.Document_Library).ToString();
           if (!docLibraryListTemplateStringValue.Equals(actuallistTemplateValue, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
               bool isVerifyR584 = this.VerifyTypeAndIdForFieldDefinition(

               // Verify MS-OUTSPS requirement: MS-OUTSPS_R584
                                               @"[In Common Schema][One of the common properties appears as the attributes of the element GetListResponse.GetListResult.List.Fields.Field. Field.Name:]Attachments[ Field.ID:]{67df98f4-9dec-48ff-a553-29bece9c5bf4}[Field.Type:]Attachments.");
           // Verify ContentTypeId field's id and type.
           bool isVerifyR586 = this.VerifyTypeAndIdForFieldDefinition(

           // Verify MS-OUTSPS requirement: MS-OUTSPS_R586
                                           @"[In Common Schema][One of the common properties appears as the attributes of the element GetListResponse.GetListResult.List.Fields.Field. Field.Name:]ContentTypeId[ Field.ID:]{03e45e84-1992-4d42-9116-26f756012634}[Field.Type:]ContentTypeId.");

           // Verify Created field's id and type.
           bool isVerifyR587 = this.VerifyTypeAndIdForFieldDefinition(

           // Verify MS-OUTSPS requirement: MS-OUTSPS_R587
                                           @"[In Common Schema][One of the common properties appears as the attributes of the element GetListResponse.GetListResult.List.Fields.Field. Field.Name:]Created[ Field.ID:]{8c06beca-0777-48f7-91c7-6da68bc07b69}[Field.Type:]DateTime.");

           // Verify ID field's id and type.
           bool isVerifyR588 = this.VerifyTypeAndIdForFieldDefinition(

           // Verify MS-OUTSPS requirement: MS-OUTSPS_R588
                                           @"[In Common Schema][One of the common properties appears as the attributes of the element GetListResponse.GetListResult.List.Fields.Field. Field.Name:]ID[ Field.ID:]{1d22ea11-1e32-424e-89ab-9fedbadb6ce1}[Field.Type:]Counter.");

           // Verify Modified field's id and type.
           bool isVerifyR589 = this.VerifyTypeAndIdForFieldDefinition(

           // Verify MS-OUTSPS requirement: MS-OUTSPS_R589
                                           @"[In Common Schema][One of the common properties appears as the attributes of the element GetListResponse.GetListResult.List.Fields.Field. Field.Name:]Modified[ Field.ID:]{28cf69c5-fa48-462a-b5cd-27b6f9d2bd5f}[Field.Type:]DateTime.");

           // Verify owshiddenversion field's id and type.
           bool isVerifyR590 = this.VerifyTypeAndIdForFieldDefinition(

           // Verify MS-OUTSPS requirement: MS-OUTSPS_R590
                                           @"[In Common Schema][One of the common properties appears as the attributes of the element GetListResponse.GetListResult.List.Fields.Field. Field.Name:]owshiddenversion[ Field.ID:]{d4e44a66-ee3a-4d02-88c9-4ec5ff3f4cd5}[Field.Type:]Integer.");
        /// <summary>
        /// Use this method to verify following requirements in multiple operations.
        /// The names of the attributes containing the list item data in this response correspond 
        /// to the Name attributes in the Field elements of GetList and are prefixed by "ows_". 
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="data">The xml Response of the operation that is test</param>
        /// <param name="list">The xml Response of GetList operation</param>
        /// <param name="startWithOws">Whether the names have prefix "ows_".</param>
        /// <param name="correspondNames">Whether the names correspond with the fields in the list.</param>
        private static void ValidateOwsPrefixAndAttributeName(DataTable data, GetListResponseGetListResult list, out bool startWithOws, out bool correspondNames)
            startWithOws = true;
            correspondNames = true;

            foreach (DataColumn column in data.Columns)
                startWithOws = startWithOws && column.ColumnName.StartsWith(AdapterHelper.PrefixOws, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase);
                if (!startWithOws)

            if (startWithOws)
                foreach (DataColumn column in data.Columns)
                    FieldDefinition fd = list.List.Fields.Field.FirstOrDefault<FieldDefinition>(field => AdapterHelper.PrefixOws + field.Name == column.ColumnName);
                    if (fd == null)
                        correspondNames = false;
Пример #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Verify the message syntax of GetList operation when the response is received 
        /// successfully.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="getListResult">The returned SOAP result.</param>
        private void VerifyGetListOperation(GetListResponseGetListResult getListResult)
            // Verify R1763
            // The response have been received successfully, then the following requirement can be captured.
            // If the response is not received and parsed successfully, the test case will fail before this requirement is captured 
                @"[The schema of GetList is defined as:]<wsdl:operation name=""GetList"">"
                + @"    <wsdl:input message=""GetListSoapIn"" />"
                + @"    <wsdl:output message=""GetListSoapOut"" />"
                + @"</wsdl:operation>");

            // Verify R554
            // The response have been received successfully, then the following requirement can be captured.
            // If the response is not received and parsed successfully, the test case will fail before this requirement is captured 
                @"[In GetList operation] [If the protocol client sends a GetListSoapIn request "
                + "message]The protocol server MUST respond with a GetListSoapOut response "
                + "message.");

            // Verify R1768
            // The response have been received successfully, then the following requirement can be captured.
            // If the response is not received and parsed successfully, the test case will fail before this requirement is captured 
                @"[GetListSoapOut]The SOAP Body contains a GetListResponse element.");

            // Verify R1771
            // The response have been received successfully, then the following requirement can be captured.
            // If the response is not received and parsed successfully, the test case will fail before this requirement is captured
                @"[GetListResponse]<s:element name=""GetListResponse"">"
                + @"  <s:complexType>"
                + @"    <s:sequence>"
                + @"      <s:element name=""GetListResult"" minOccurs=""0"">"
                + @"        <s:complexType mixed=""true"">"
                + @"          <s:sequence>"
                + @"            <s:element name=""List"" type=""tns:ListDefinitionSchema"" />"
                + @"          </s:sequence>"
                + @"        </s:complexType>"
                + @"      </s:element>"
                + @"    </s:sequence>"
                + @"  </s:complexType>"
                + @"</s:element>");


            // Verify the requirements of the ListDefinitionSchema complex type.
            if (getListResult.List != null)
        /// <summary>
        /// A method used to verify field's id or field's type is equal to expected value.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="getListResponse">A parameter represents the response of GetList operation which contains the field definitions.</param>
        /// <param name="fieldName">A parameter represents the name of a field definition which is used to get the definition from the  response of GetList operation.</param>
        /// <param name="expectedFieldId">A parameter represents the expected id of field definition.</param>
        /// <param name="expectedFieldType">A parameter represents the expected type of field definition.</param>
        /// <returns>Return true indicating the verification pass.</returns>
        private bool VerifyFieldTypeAndId(GetListResponseGetListResult getListResponse, string fieldName, string expectedFieldId, string expectedFieldType)
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(fieldName))
                throw new ArgumentNullException("fieldName");

            // Get the field definition from response.
            FieldDefinition fieldDefinition = Common.GetFieldItemByName(getListResponse, fieldName, this.Site);

            // Verify field's type and field's value
            bool isEqualToExpectedFieldType = false;
            bool isEqualToExpectedFieldId = false;

            // Ignore the field type verification if not specified expected value.
            bool isIgnoreFieldType = string.IsNullOrEmpty(expectedFieldType);
            if (isIgnoreFieldType)
                isEqualToExpectedFieldType = true;
                isEqualToExpectedFieldType = Common.VerifyFieldType(fieldDefinition, expectedFieldType, this.Site);

            // Ignore the field Id verification if not specified expected value.
            bool isIgnoreFieldId = string.IsNullOrEmpty(expectedFieldId);
            if (isIgnoreFieldId)
                isEqualToExpectedFieldId = true;
                isEqualToExpectedFieldId = Common.VerifyFieldId(fieldDefinition, expectedFieldId, this.Site);

            bool isPassVerification = isEqualToExpectedFieldType && isEqualToExpectedFieldId;

            // Add logs
            string verificationMsgOfType = string.Format(
                                "Field type verification perform:[{0}]; actual type value:[{1}], expected value[{2}]",
                                isIgnoreFieldType ? "No" : "Yes",
                                string.IsNullOrEmpty(fieldDefinition.Type) ? @"N/A" : fieldDefinition.Type,
                                isIgnoreFieldType ? @"N/A" : expectedFieldType);

             string verificationMsgOfId = string.Format(
                                "Field id verification perform:[{0}]; actual id value[{1}], expected value[{2}]",
                                isIgnoreFieldId ? "No" : "Yes",
                                string.IsNullOrEmpty(fieldDefinition.ID) ? @"N/A" : fieldDefinition.ID,
                                isIgnoreFieldId ? @"N/A" : expectedFieldId);

                    "Verification detail:\r\n{0}\r\n{1}",

            return isPassVerification;