// Returns true if the specified character is valid as the first character of an identifier.
 // If an identifier contains any other characters, it has to be surrounded by single quotation marks.
 public static bool IsIdentStart(char ch)
     if (ch >= 128)
         return((CharacterUtils.GetUniCatFlags(ch) & CharacterUtils.UniCatFlags.IdentStartChar) != 0);
     return(((uint)(ch - 'a') < 26) || ((uint)(ch - 'A') < 26) || (ch == '_') || (ch == PAConstants.IdentifierDelimiter));
 // Returns true if the specified character is a valid simple identifier character.
 public static bool IsSimpleIdentCh(char ch)
     if (ch >= 128)
         return((CharacterUtils.GetUniCatFlags(ch) & CharacterUtils.UniCatFlags.IdentPartChar) != 0);
     return(((uint)(ch - 'a') < 26) || ((uint)(ch - 'A') < 26) || ((uint)(ch - '0') <= 9) || (ch == '_'));