Пример #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Constructor.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="outputContext">The output context to write to.</param>
        /// <param name="navigationSource">The navigation source we are going to write entities for.</param>
        /// <param name="entityType">The entity type for the entries in the feed to be written (or null if the entity set base type should be used).</param>
        /// <param name="writingFeed">True if the writer is created for writing a feed; false when it is created for writing an entry.</param>
        /// <param name="listener">If not null, the writer will notify the implementer of the interface of relevant state changes in the writer.</param>
        protected ODataWriterCore(
            ODataOutputContext outputContext,
            IEdmNavigationSource navigationSource,
            IEdmEntityType entityType,
            bool writingFeed,
            IODataReaderWriterListener listener = null)
            Debug.Assert(outputContext != null, "outputContext != null");

            this.outputContext = outputContext;
            this.writingFeed = writingFeed;

            // create a collection validator when writing a top-level feed and a user model is present
            if (this.writingFeed && this.outputContext.Model.IsUserModel())
                this.feedValidator = new FeedWithoutExpectedTypeValidator();

            if (navigationSource != null && entityType == null)
                entityType = this.outputContext.EdmTypeResolver.GetElementType(navigationSource);

            ODataUri odataUri = outputContext.MessageWriterSettings.ODataUri.Clone();

            // Remove key for top level entry
            if (!writingFeed && odataUri != null && odataUri.Path != null)
                odataUri.Path = odataUri.Path.TrimEndingKeySegment();

            this.listener = listener;

            this.scopes.Push(new Scope(WriterState.Start, /*item*/null, navigationSource, entityType, /*skipWriting*/false, outputContext.MessageWriterSettings.SelectedProperties, odataUri));
Пример #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Constructor.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="inputContext">The input to read the payload from.</param>
        /// <param name="readingFeed">true if the reader is created for reading a feed; false when it is created for reading an entry.</param>
        /// <param name="listener">If not null, the reader will notify the implementer of the interface of relevant state changes in the reader.</param>
        protected ODataReaderCore(
            ODataInputContext inputContext,
            bool readingFeed,
            IODataReaderWriterListener listener)
            Debug.Assert(inputContext != null, "inputContext != null");

            this.inputContext      = inputContext;
            this.readingFeed       = readingFeed;
            this.listener          = listener;
            this.currentEntryDepth = 0;

            // create a collection validator when reading a top-level feed and a user model is present
            if (this.readingFeed && this.inputContext.Model.IsUserModel())
                this.feedValidator = new FeedWithoutExpectedTypeValidator();