/// <summary>
        /// Materializes the primitive data values in the given list of <paramref name="values"/>.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="actualType">Actual type for properties being materialized.</param>
        /// <param name="values">List of values to materialize.</param>
        /// <param name="ignoreMissingProperties">
        /// Whether properties missing from the client types should be ignored.
        /// </param>
        /// <remarks>
        /// Values are materialized in-place withi each <see cref="ODataProperty"/>
        /// instance.
        /// </remarks>
        internal void MaterializeDataValues(ClientTypeAnnotation actualType, IEnumerable<ODataProperty> values, bool ignoreMissingProperties)
            Debug.Assert(actualType != null, "actualType != null");
            Debug.Assert(values != null, "values != null");

            foreach (var odataProperty in values)
                if (odataProperty.Value is ODataStreamReferenceValue)

                string propertyName = odataProperty.Name;

                var property = actualType.GetProperty(propertyName, ignoreMissingProperties); // may throw
                if (property == null)

                // we should throw if the property type on the client does not match with the property type in the server
                // This is a breaking change from V1/V2 where we allowed materialization of entities into non-entities and vice versa
                if (ClientTypeUtil.TypeOrElementTypeIsEntity(property.PropertyType))
                    throw DSClient.Error.InvalidOperation(DSClient.Strings.AtomMaterializer_InvalidEntityType(property.EntityCollectionItemType ?? property.PropertyType));

                if (property.IsKnownType)
                    // Note: MaterializeDataValue materializes only properties of primitive types. Materialization specific 
                    // to complex types and collections is done later. 
                    this.MaterializePrimitiveDataValue(property.NullablePropertyType, odataProperty);
        /// <summary>Applies a data value to the specified <paramref name="instance"/>.</summary>
        /// <param name="type">Type to which a property value will be applied.</param>
        /// <param name="property">Property with value to apply.</param>
        /// <param name="instance">Instance on which value will be applied.</param>
        internal void ApplyDataValue(ClientTypeAnnotation type, ODataProperty property, object instance)
            Debug.Assert(type != null, "type != null");
            Debug.Assert(property != null, "property != null");
            Debug.Assert(instance != null, "instance != null");

            var prop = type.GetProperty(property.Name, this.MaterializerContext.IgnoreMissingProperties);
            if (prop == null)

            // Is it a collection? (note: property.Properties will be null if the Collection is empty (contains no elements))
            Type enumTypeTmp = null;
            if (prop.IsPrimitiveOrEnumOrComplexCollection)
                // Collections must not be null
                if (property.Value == null)
                    throw DSClient.Error.InvalidOperation(DSClient.Strings.Collection_NullCollectionNotSupported(property.Name));

                // This happens if the payload contain just primitive value for a Collection property
                if (property.Value is string)
                    throw DSClient.Error.InvalidOperation(DSClient.Strings.Deserialize_MixedTextWithComment);

                if (property.Value is ODataComplexValue)
                    throw DSClient.Error.InvalidOperation(DSClient.Strings.AtomMaterializer_InvalidCollectionItem(property.Name));

                // ODataLib already parsed the data and materialized all the primitive types. There is nothing more to materialize
                // anymore. Only complex type instance and collection instances need to be materialized, but those will be
                // materialized later on.
                // We need to materialize items before we change collectionInstance since this may throw. If we tried materializing
                // after the Collection is wiped or created we would leave the object in half constructed state.
                object collectionInstance = prop.GetValue(instance);
                if (collectionInstance == null)
                    collectionInstance = this.CollectionValueMaterializationPolicy.CreateCollectionPropertyInstance(property, prop.PropertyType);

                    // allowAdd is false - we need to assign instance as the new property value
                    prop.SetValue(instance, collectionInstance, property.Name, false /* allowAdd? */);
                    // Clear existing Collection

                bool isElementNullable = prop.EdmProperty.Type.AsCollection().ElementType().IsNullable;
            else if ((enumTypeTmp = Nullable.GetUnderlyingType(prop.NullablePropertyType) ?? prop.NullablePropertyType) != null
                && enumTypeTmp.IsEnum())
                ODataEnumValue enumValue = property.Value as ODataEnumValue;
                object tmpValue = EnumValueMaterializationPolicy.MaterializeODataEnumValue(enumTypeTmp, enumValue);

                // TODO: 1. use EnumValueMaterializationPolicy 2. handle nullable enum property
                prop.SetValue(instance, tmpValue, property.Name, false /* allowAdd? */);
                object propertyValue = property.Value;
                ODataComplexValue complexValue = propertyValue as ODataComplexValue;
                if (propertyValue != null && complexValue != null)
                    if (!prop.EdmProperty.Type.IsComplex())
                        // The error message is a bit odd, but it's compatible with V1.
                        throw DSClient.Error.InvalidOperation(DSClient.Strings.Deserialize_ExpectingSimpleValue);

                    // Complex type.
                    bool needToSet = false;

                    ClientEdmModel edmModel = this.MaterializerContext.Model;
                    ClientTypeAnnotation complexType = edmModel.GetClientTypeAnnotation(edmModel.GetOrCreateEdmType(prop.PropertyType));
                    object complexInstance = prop.GetValue(instance);

                    // Validating property inheritance in complexvalue and instance
                    if (prop.PropertyType.Name != property.Name)
                        complexType = this.MaterializerContext.ResolveTypeForMaterialization(prop.PropertyType, complexValue.TypeName);

                        // recreate complexInstance with derived type
                        complexInstance = null;

                    if (complexValue.Properties.Any() || complexInstance == null)
                        complexInstance = this.CreateNewInstance(complexType.EdmTypeReference, complexType.ElementType);
                        needToSet = true;

                    this.MaterializeDataValues(complexType, complexValue.Properties, this.MaterializerContext.IgnoreMissingProperties);
                    this.ApplyDataValues(complexType, complexValue.Properties, complexInstance);

                    if (needToSet)
                        prop.SetValue(instance, complexInstance, property.Name, true /* allowAdd? */);

                    if (!this.MaterializerContext.Context.DisableInstanceAnnotationMaterialization)
                        // Set instance annotation for this complex instance
                        this.InstanceAnnotationMaterializationPolicy.SetInstanceAnnotations(property, complexInstance);
                    this.MaterializePrimitiveDataValue(prop.NullablePropertyType, property);
                    prop.SetValue(instance, property.GetMaterializedValue(), property.Name, true /* allowAdd? */);

            if (!this.MaterializerContext.Context.DisableInstanceAnnotationMaterialization)
                // Apply instance annotation for Property
                this.InstanceAnnotationMaterializationPolicy.SetInstanceAnnotations(property, type.ElementType, instance);