Пример #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns a list of positions the pawn can move.
        /// list contain strings => "xPosition yPosition"
        /// </summary>
        public List <string> RuleMove(Vector3 globalPosition, GameObject pieceObject, GameObject[,] boardState)
            PieceInformation piece = pieceObject.GetComponent <PieceInformation>();

            colour           = (int)piece.colour;
            currentZPosition = piece.CurrentZPosition;
            currentXPosition = piece.CurrentXPosition;

            board = boardState;

            // Initialise new list
            validPositions = new List <string>();

            // Check if king is compromised if moving top-right and bottom-left
            // Or top-left and bottom-right
            bool forwards  = rules.DiagonalCheckBackward(globalPosition, colour);
            bool backwards = rules.DiagonalCheckForward(globalPosition, colour);

            // King will be left compromised if piece moves in any valid direction
            // return empty list
            if (rules.ColumnCheck(globalPosition, colour) || rules.RowCheck(globalPosition, colour))

            // Moving up-right or down-left will not leave the king compromised to a chec
            if (!forwards)
                // Possible moves up-right
                for (int right = currentXPosition + 1, upwards = currentZPosition + 1; upwards <= 7 && right <= 7; upwards++, right++)
                    if (!StorePosition(right, upwards))

                // Possible moves bottom-left
                for (int left = currentXPosition - 1, downwards = currentZPosition - 1; downwards >= 0 && left >= 0; downwards--, left--)
                    if (!StorePosition(left, downwards))

            // Moving up-left or down-right will not leave the king compromised to a check
            if (!backwards)
                // Possible moves up-left
                for (int left = currentXPosition - 1, upwards = currentZPosition + 1; upwards <= 7 && left >= 0; upwards++, left--)
                    if (!StorePosition(left, upwards))

                // Possible moves bottom-right
                for (int right = currentXPosition + 1, downwards = currentZPosition - 1; downwards >= 0 && right <= 7; downwards--, right++)
                    if (!StorePosition(right, downwards))

Пример #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns a list of positions the pawn can move.
        /// list contain strings => "xPosition yPosition"
        /// </summary>
        public List <string> RuleMove(Vector3 globalPosition, GameObject pieceObject, GameObject[,] boardState)
            PieceInformation piece = pieceObject.GetComponent <PieceInformation>();

            colour           = (int)piece.colour;
            currentZPosition = piece.CurrentZPosition;
            currentXPosition = piece.CurrentXPosition;

            board = boardState;

            // Initialise new list
            validPositions = new List <string>();

            // Check if king is compromised if pawn is moved up/down
            // Check if king is compromised if pawn moves top-left/ top-right
            // Check if king is compromised if pawn moves, from top-left or top-right
            // (substitute top with bottom if black)
            bool columnMovement   = rules.RowCheck(globalPosition, colour);
            bool rowMovement      = rules.ColumnCheck(globalPosition, colour);
            bool topLeftMovement  = rules.DiagonalCheckForward(globalPosition, colour);
            bool topRightMovement = rules.DiagonalCheckBackward(globalPosition, colour);

            // King will be left compromised if pawn moves in the upwards direction
            // return empty list
            if (columnMovement)

            // Z position pawn can move to.
            // If black, move down, -1
            // If white, move up, +1
            int change = 1;

            if (colour == 1)
                change = -1;

            int displacement = currentZPosition + change;

            // Check if no piece ahead of the pawn.
            // Check if moving the piece will not leave the king compromised to a check diagonally
            // Move allowed if true
            if (board[displacement, currentXPosition] == null && !(topRightMovement || topLeftMovement))
                StorePosition(currentXPosition, displacement);

                // If pawn hasn't been moved, check if it can move two positions
                if (!piece.HasMoved() && board[displacement + change, currentXPosition] == null)
                    StorePosition(currentXPosition, displacement + change);

            // King will be left compromised if pawn moves diagonally
            // return list
            if (rowMovement)

            // Taking a piece left or right will not leave the king compromised to a check
            if (!topRightMovement)
                // Check if piece in top-right position && top-left position is not outside the bound
                int right = currentXPosition + 1;

                if (right <= 7 && board[displacement, right] != null)
                    StorePosition(right, displacement);

                // Check if en passant condition is met
                // Add position to allowed moves if true
                if (right <= 7 && rules.EnPassant(globalPosition, new Vector3(1, 0, 0), colour))
                    StorePosition(right, displacement);
            if (!topLeftMovement)
                // Check if piece in top-left position && top-left position is not outside the bound
                int left = currentXPosition - 1;

                if (left >= 0 && board[displacement, left] != null)
                    StorePosition(left, displacement);

                // Check if en passant condition is met
                // Add position to allowed moves if true
                if (left >= 0 && rules.EnPassant(globalPosition, new Vector3(-1, 0, 0), colour))
                    StorePosition(left, displacement);

Пример #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns a list of positions the pawn can move.
        /// list contain strings => "xPosition yPosition"
        /// </summary>
        public List <string> RuleMove(Vector3 globalPosition, GameObject pieceObject, GameObject[,] boardState)
            PieceInformation piece = pieceObject.GetComponent <PieceInformation>();

            colour           = (int)piece.colour;
            currentZPosition = piece.CurrentZPosition;
            currentXPosition = piece.CurrentXPosition;

            board = boardState;

            // Initialise new list
            validPositions = new List <string>();

            // Check if king is compromised if moving top-right and bottom-left
            // Or top-left and bottom-right
            bool forwards  = rules.DiagonalCheckBackward(globalPosition, colour);
            bool backwards = rules.DiagonalCheckForward(globalPosition, colour);

            // Check if king is compromised if moving up and down
            // Or left and right
            bool rowMovement    = rules.ColumnCheck(globalPosition, colour);
            bool columnMovement = rules.RowCheck(globalPosition, colour);

            // If compromised diagonally, cannot move up and down, or left and right
            if (!forwards && !backwards)
                // Moving up or down will not leave the king compromised to a check
                if (!columnMovement)
                    // Possible moves upwards
                    for (int upwards = currentZPosition + 1; upwards <= 7; upwards++)
                        if (!StorePosition(currentXPosition, upwards))

                    // Possible moves downwards
                    for (int downwards = currentZPosition - 1; downwards >= 0; downwards--)
                        if (!StorePosition(currentXPosition, downwards))

                // Moving left or right will not leave the king compromised to a check
                if (!rowMovement)
                    // Possible moves left side
                    for (int left = currentXPosition - 1; left >= 0; left--)
                        if (!StorePosition(left, currentZPosition))

                    // Possible moves right side
                    for (int right = currentXPosition + 1; right <= 7; right++)
                        if (!StorePosition(right, currentZPosition))

            // If compromised up/down or left/right, cannot move diagonally
            if (!rowMovement && !columnMovement)
                // Moving up or down will not leave the king compromised to a check
                if (!forwards)
                    // Possible moves up-right
                    for (int right = currentXPosition + 1, upwards = currentZPosition + 1; upwards <= 7 && right <= 7; upwards++, right++)
                        if (!StorePosition(right, upwards))

                    // Possible moves bottom-left
                    for (int left = currentXPosition - 1, downwards = currentZPosition - 1; downwards >= 0 && left >= 0; downwards--, left--)
                        if (!StorePosition(left, downwards))

                // Moving up or down will not leave the king compromised to a check
                if (!backwards)
                    // Possible moves up-left
                    for (int left = currentXPosition - 1, upwards = currentZPosition + 1; upwards <= 7 && left >= 0; upwards++, left--)
                        if (!StorePosition(left, upwards))

                    // Possible moves bottom-right
                    for (int right = currentXPosition + 1, downwards = currentZPosition - 1; downwards >= 0 && right <= 7; downwards--, right++)
                        if (!StorePosition(right, downwards))

Пример #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns a list of positions the pawn can move.
        /// list contain strings => "xPosition yPosition"
        /// </summary>
        public List <string> RuleMove(Vector3 globalPosition, GameObject pieceObject, GameObject[,] boardState)
            PieceInformation piece = pieceObject.GetComponent <PieceInformation>();

            colour           = (int)piece.colour;
            currentZPosition = piece.CurrentZPosition;
            currentXPosition = piece.CurrentXPosition;

            board = boardState;

            // Initialise new list
            validPositions = new List <string>();

            // Check if king is compromised if moving up and down
            // Or left and right
            bool rowMovement    = rules.ColumnCheck(globalPosition, colour);
            bool columnMovement = rules.RowCheck(globalPosition, colour);

            // King will be left compromised if piece moves in any direction
            // return empty list
            if (rules.DiagonalCheckForward(globalPosition, colour) || rules.DiagonalCheckBackward(globalPosition, colour))

            // Moving up or down will not leave the king compromised to a check
            if (!columnMovement)
                // Possible moves upwards
                for (int upwards = currentZPosition + 1; upwards <= 7; upwards++)
                    if (!StorePosition(currentXPosition, upwards))

                // Possible moves downwards
                for (int downwards = currentZPosition - 1; downwards >= 0; downwards--)
                    if (!StorePosition(currentXPosition, downwards))

            // Moving left or right will not leave the king compromised to a check
            if (!rowMovement)
                // Possible moves left side
                for (int left = currentXPosition - 1; left >= 0; left--)
                    if (!StorePosition(left, currentZPosition))

                // Possible moves right side
                for (int right = currentXPosition + 1; right <= 7; right++)
                    if (!StorePosition(right, currentZPosition))

            // All possible moves for the rook added to the list