Пример #1
      protected virtual void PrepareForUpdate()
          // Set our main thread stuff
          numVertices     = originalVertices.Length;
          numInnerBubbles = InnerBubbles.Count;
          time            = Time.time;
          deltaTime       = time - timeLastUpdated;
          timeLastUpdated = time;
          adjustedRadius  = radius * (1 + radiusMultiplier);
          bubbleWorldPos  = transform.position;

          for (int i = 0; i < innerBubbles.Count; i++)
              InnerBubble b = innerBubbles[i];
              b.Active       = b.Transform != null && b.Transform.gameObject.activeSelf;
              b.InnerPos     = transform.InverseTransformPoint(b.Transform.position);
              b.DistToCenter = Vector3.Distance(b.Transform.position, transform.position);
              if (b.DistToCenter < radius - b.Radius)
                  if (!b.InsideBubble)

                  b.InsideBubble = true;
                  if (b.InsideBubble)

                  b.InsideBubble = false;
              innerBubbles[i] = b;
Пример #2
      protected void CalculateInternalBubbleForces(Vector3 currentVertex, int vertexIndex)
          Vector3 innerBubblePos   = zero; //Vector3.zero;
          Vector3 vertexDistVector = zero; //Vector3.zero;

          Vector3 currentInnerBubbleForce = innerBubbleForces[vertexIndex];
          Vector3 newInnerBubbleForce     = zero;//Vector3.zero;

          for (int i = 0; i < numInnerBubbles; i++)
              InnerBubble innerBubble = innerBubbles[i];
              if (!innerBubble.Active)

              innerBubblePos = innerBubble.InnerPos;

              vertexDistVector.x = currentVertex.x - innerBubblePos.x;
              vertexDistVector.y = currentVertex.y - innerBubblePos.y;
              vertexDistVector.z = currentVertex.z - innerBubblePos.z;

              float innerBubbleRadius           = Mathf.Max(minInnerBubbleRadius * adjustedRadius, innerBubble.Radius);
              float sqrDistToInnerBubble        = (vertexDistVector.x * vertexDistVector.x + vertexDistVector.y * vertexDistVector.y + vertexDistVector.z * vertexDistVector.z);
              float normalizedDistToInnerBubble = sqrDistToInnerBubble / (innerBubbleRadius * innerBubbleRadius);
              if (normalizedDistToInnerBubble >= 1f)

              if (normalizedDistToInnerBubble < 0)
                  normalizedDistToInnerBubble = 0;

              // Make the force direction come from the inner-most point of the inner bubble
              innerBubblePos -= (innerBubblePos.normalized * innerBubbleRadius);
              // Then re-calculate the direction from the bubble pos to the vertex
              vertexDistVector.x = currentVertex.x - innerBubblePos.x;
              vertexDistVector.y = currentVertex.y - innerBubblePos.y;
              vertexDistVector.z = currentVertex.z - innerBubblePos.z;

              // If the inner bubble is outside the radius, push the surface in
              // Otherwise, push the surface out
              if (innerBubble.DistToCenter > (radius - innerBubble.Radius))
                  vertexDistVector.x = -vertexDistVector.x;
                  vertexDistVector.y = -vertexDistVector.y;
                  vertexDistVector.z = -vertexDistVector.z;

              float forceToInnerBubble = innerBubbleForceTable[(int)(normalizedDistToInnerBubble * (tableResolution - 1))] * innerBubbleForceMultiplier;  //innerBubbleForceCurve.Evaluate(normalizedDistToInnerBubble) * innerBubbleForceMultiplier;

              newInnerBubbleForce.x += (vertexDistVector.x * forceToInnerBubble);
              newInnerBubbleForce.y += (vertexDistVector.y * forceToInnerBubble);
              newInnerBubbleForce.z += (vertexDistVector.z * forceToInnerBubble);

              if (useVertexColors && innerBubble.UseColor)
                  vertexColor = currentColors[vertexIndex];
                  float alpha = Mathf.Max(vertexColor.a, normalizedDistToInnerBubble * normalizedDistToInnerBubble);
                  vertexColor   = Color.Lerp(vertexColor, innerBubble.Color, normalizedDistToInnerBubble);
                  vertexColor.a = alpha;
                  currentColors[vertexIndex] = vertexColor;

          newInnerBubbleForce            = Vector3.Lerp(currentInnerBubbleForce, newInnerBubbleForce, deltaTime * innerBubbleForceInertia);
          innerBubbleForces[vertexIndex] = newInnerBubbleForce;