Пример #1
        public double Update(IList <Body> skeletons, int bodyCount)
            if (activeBody != null)
                zoomRight = activeBody.Joints[JointType.HandRight].Position.X;

                // kinect units are in meters. Hence left - right is scaled from minHandDistance to maxHandDistance
                double handDistance = (zoomRightStart - zoomRight);

                bool zoomOut = (handDistance < 0);
                handDistance = Math.Abs(handDistance);
                handDistance = handDistance.Clamp(minHandDistance, maxHandDistance);

                double zoomFraction = calculateZoomFactor(handDistance, zoomOut);

                double returnValue = (zoomFraction / currentZoom);
                currentZoom = zoomFraction;

                if (!GestureUtils.IsZoomGestureActive(activeBody))
                    activeBody = null;
Пример #2
        // Finds the closest body from the sensor if any

        private static Microsoft.Kinect.Body FindClosestBody(
            BodyFrame bodyFrame
            Microsoft.Kinect.Body result = null;
            double closestBodyDist       = double.MaxValue;

            var bodies = new Microsoft.Kinect.Body[bodyFrame.BodyCount];


            foreach (var body in bodies)
                if (body.IsTracked)
                    var curLoc  = body.Joints[JointType.SpineBase].Position;
                    var curDist = VectorLength(curLoc);

                    if (result == null || curDist < closestBodyDist)
                        result          = body;
                        closestBodyDist = curDist;

        public override void Update(Microsoft.Kinect.Body body)
            //check next gesture of the sequence
            GesturePartResult result = this.CheckGesturePart(body);

            //if result has been positive
            if (result == GesturePartResult.Succeded)
                //increase counter and check whether the limit has been reached (--> fire event)
            //if result has been negative
                //check whether maximal amount of frames has been arrived
                if (++_frameCounter == MAX_WINDOW_SIZE)
                    //reset counter

                    //check this frame again, maybe it might be the start of a new gesture:
                    //DO NOT USE RECURSITION since this might lead into a stack overflow!
                    result = this.CheckGesturePart(body);
                    if (result == GesturePartResult.Succeded)

                        // it is not necessary to check the boundaries of the array since we know, that this array has more than 2 fields
Пример #4
        public Vector3d Update(IList <Body> skeletons, int bodyCount)
            Vector3d movement = new Vector3d(0.0, 0.0, 0.0);

            if (activeBody != null)
                toolPosition = activeBody.Joints[JointType.HandRight].Position;

                double dX = (toolPosition.X - toolPreviousPosition.X);
                double dY = (toolPosition.Y - toolPreviousPosition.Y);
                double dZ = (toolPosition.Z - toolPreviousPosition.Z);

                double distance = Math.Sqrt(dX * dX + dY * dY + dZ * dZ);

                if (distance > ROTATION_COMMAND_THRESHOLD)
                    toolPreviousPosition = toolPosition;
                    movement             = new Vector3d(dX, dY, dZ);

                if (activeBody.HandRightState != HandState.Closed)
                    activeBody = null;

Пример #5
        void ProcessHandGesture(KBody user, J hand, HandState curState, HandState oldState)
            var id            = user.TrackingId;
            var uiInteracting = uiInterState != UIInterState.IDLE && uiInterUserId == id && uiInterHand == hand;
            var shoulderPos   = user.Joints[J.SpineShoulder].Position;

            //filter on old state
            if (oldState == HandState.Closed)
                if (uiInterState == UIInterState.GRABBING_MENU && uiInteracting)
                    uiInterState = UIInterState.IDLE;
                    if (user.Joints[hand].Position.Y < shoulderPos.Y)
                        interCbWithIdleRefresh(id, InteractionType.RELEASE_MENU_SHOW, 0);
                        interCbWithIdleRefresh(id, InteractionType.RELEASE_MENU_CANCEL, 0);
                    interCbWithIdleRefresh(id, InteractionType.RELEASE, hand);
            else if (oldState == HandState.Lasso)
                interCbWithIdleRefresh(id, InteractionType.END_DRAW, hand);

            //filter on current state
            if (curState == HandState.Closed)
                if (uiInterState == UIInterState.PEEKING_MENU && uiInteracting)
                    uiInterState = UIInterState.GRABBING_MENU;
                    interCbWithIdleRefresh(id, InteractionType.GRAB_MENU, hand);
                    interCbWithIdleRefresh(id, InteractionType.GRAB, hand);
            else if (curState == HandState.Lasso)
                interCbWithIdleRefresh(id, InteractionType.BEGIN_DRAW, hand);
Пример #6
 /// <summary>
 /// Constructs a body adapter from a kinect sdk body
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="body">Body from Kinect SDK</param>
 public KinectBody(Microsoft.Kinect.Body body)
     this.clippedEdges        = body.ClippedEdges;
     this.handLeftConfidence  = body.HandLeftConfidence;
     this.handLeftState       = body.HandLeftState;
     this.handRightConfidence = body.HandRightConfidence;
     this.handRightState      = body.HandRightState;
     this.isRestricted        = body.IsRestricted;
     this.isTracked           = body.IsTracked;
     this.jointOrientations   = body.JointOrientations;
     this.joints            = body.Joints;
     this.lean              = body.Lean;
     this.leanTrackingState = body.LeanTrackingState;
     this.trackingId        = body.TrackingId;
Пример #7
        // This event is fired when a tracking is lost for a
        // body tracked by HDFace Tracker

        private void HdFaceSource_TrackingIdLost(
            object sender, TrackingIdLostEventArgs e
            var lostTrackingID = e.TrackingId;

            if (_currentTrackingId == lostTrackingID)
                _currentTrackingId  = 0;
                _currentTrackedBody = null;
                if (_faceModelBuilder != null)
                    _faceModelBuilder = null;

                _hdFaceFrameSource.TrackingId = 0;
Пример #8
        // This event fires when a BodyFrame is ready for consumption

        private void BodyReader_FrameArrived(
            object sender, BodyFrameArrivedEventArgs e

            var frameReference = e.FrameReference;

            using (var frame = frameReference.AcquireFrame())
                if (frame == null)
                    // We might miss the chance to acquire the frame,
                    // it will be null if it's missed


                if (_currentTrackedBody != null)
                    _currentTrackedBody =
                        FindBodyWithTrackingId(frame, _currentTrackingId);

                    if (_currentTrackedBody != null)

                var selectedBody = FindClosestBody(frame);

                if (selectedBody == null)

                _currentTrackedBody = selectedBody;
                _currentTrackingId  = selectedBody.TrackingId;

                _hdFaceFrameSource.TrackingId = _currentTrackingId;
Пример #9
 public bool IsActive(IList <Body> skeletons, int bodyCount)
     if (activeBody == null && skeletons != null)
         for (int i = 0; i < bodyCount; i++)
             Microsoft.Kinect.Body body = skeletons[i];
             if (GestureUtils.IsZoomGestureActive(body))
                 activeBody     = body;
                 currentZoom    = 1.0;
                 zoomRightStart = activeBody.Joints[JointType.HandRight].Position.X;
                 zoomRight      = zoomRightStart;
     return(activeBody != null);
Пример #10
        public bool IsActive(IList <Body> skeletons, int bodyCount)
            if (activeBody == null && skeletons != null)
                for (int i = 0; i < bodyCount; ++i)
                    Microsoft.Kinect.Body body = skeletons[i];

                    if (GestureUtils.IsOrbitGestureActive(body))
                        activeBody = body;

                        // Record right hand location
                        toolStartPosition    = activeBody.Joints[JointType.HandRight].Position;
                        toolPreviousPosition = toolStartPosition;
            return(activeBody != null);
Пример #11
        // Find if there is a body tracked with the given trackingId

        private static Microsoft.Kinect.Body FindBodyWithTrackingId(
            BodyFrame bodyFrame, ulong trackingId
            Microsoft.Kinect.Body result = null;

            var bodies = new Microsoft.Kinect.Body[bodyFrame.BodyCount];


            foreach (var body in bodies)
                if (body.IsTracked)
                    if (body.TrackingId == trackingId)
                        result = body;

Пример #12
        private void AddLinesForSkeleton(
            List <Line> lines, Microsoft.Kinect.Body sk, int idx
            // Hard-code lists of connections between joints

            var links =
                new int[][]
                // Head to left toe
                new int[] { 3, 2, 20, 1, 0, 12, 13, 14, 15 },
                // Hips to right toe
                new int[] { 0, 16, 17, 18, 19 },
                // Left hand to right hand
                new int[] { 21, 7, 6, 5, 4, 2, 8, 9, 10, 11, 23 },
                // Left thumb to palm
                new int[] { 22, 7 },
                // Right thumb to palm
                new int[] { 24, 11 }

            // Populate an array of joints

            var joints = new Point3dCollection();

            for (int i = 0; i < sk.Joints.Count; i++)
                        sk.Joints[(JointType)i].Position, false

            // For each path of joints, create a sequence of lines

            int limit = sk.Joints.Count - 1;

            foreach (int[] link in links)
                for (int i = 0; i < link.Length - 1; i++)
                    // Only add lines where links are within bounds
                    // (check needed for seated mode)

                    int first  = link[i],
                        second = link[i + 1];

                    if (
                        isValidJoint(first, limit) &&
                        isValidJoint(second, limit)
                        // Line from this vertex to the next

                        var ln = new Line(joints[first], joints[second]);

                        // Set the color to distinguish between skeletons

                        ln.ColorIndex = idx;

                        // Make tracked skeletons bolder

                        ln.LineWeight =
                             LineWeight.LineWeight050 :

Пример #13
        void DetectEvent(KBody user)
            var id                    = user.TrackingId;
            var oldHands              = usersHands[id];
            var now                   = DateTime.Now;
            var clippedEdges          = (user.ClippedEdges & (FrameEdges.Right | FrameEdges.Left | FrameEdges.Top)) != 0;
            var lastLeftEventElapsed  = now - oldHands.LeftChangeTime;
            var lastRightEventElapsed = now - oldHands.RightChangeTime;

            var topHeadPos       = user.Joints[J.Head].Position;
            var spineMidPos      = user.Joints[J.SpineMid].Position;
            var leftCoord        = CameraPointToScreen(user.Joints[J.HandLeft].Position);
            var rightCoord       = CameraPointToScreen(user.Joints[J.HandRight].Position);
            var leftWristPos     = user.Joints[J.WristLeft].Position;
            var rightWristPos    = user.Joints[J.WristRight].Position;
            var leftHandTracked  = user.Joints[J.HandLeft].TrackingState == TrackingState.Tracked;
            var rightHandTracked = user.Joints[J.HandRight].TrackingState == TrackingState.Tracked;
            var leftEngaged      = leftHandTracked && leftWristPos.Y > spineMidPos.Y + ENGAGED_SPINE_OFFSET;
            var rightEngaged     = rightHandTracked && rightWristPos.Y > spineMidPos.Y + ENGAGED_SPINE_OFFSET;

            //Hand shape gestures:

            //both hands logic:
            if (lastLeftEventElapsed > ANTI_SPAM_SPAN || lastRightEventElapsed > ANTI_SPAM_SPAN)
                var leftClosed     = user.HandLeftState == HandState.Closed;
                var rightClosed    = user.HandRightState == HandState.Closed;
                var oldLeftClosed  = oldHands.LeftState == HandState.Closed;
                var oldRightClosed = oldHands.RightState == HandState.Closed;

                if (leftEngaged && rightEngaged && leftClosed && rightClosed &&
                    (!oldLeftClosed || !oldRightClosed))
                    interCbWithIdleRefresh(id, InteractionType.BEGIN_CREATING_OBJECT, 0);
                else if (oldLeftClosed && oldRightClosed &&
                         (!leftClosed || !rightClosed))
                    interCbWithIdleRefresh(id, InteractionType.FINISH_CREATING_OBJECT, 0);

                // old hand state is updated below

            //left hand logic:
            if (lastLeftEventElapsed > ANTI_SPAM_SPAN)
                if (user.HandLeftState == HandState.Unknown || user.HandLeftState == HandState.NotTracked)
                    //hand gesture expired
                    if (oldHands.LeftState != HandState.Unknown &&
                        now - oldHands.LeftChangeTime > EXPIRE_STATE_SPAN)
                        ProcessHandGesture(user, J.HandLeft, user.HandLeftState, oldHands.LeftState);
                        oldHands.LeftState = HandState.Unknown;
                else if (user.HandLeftState != oldHands.LeftState &&
                         (user.HandLeftState != HandState.Lasso || leftEngaged))
                    ProcessHandGesture(user, J.HandLeft, user.HandLeftState, oldHands.LeftState);
                    oldHands.LeftState      = user.HandLeftState;
                    oldHands.LeftChangeTime = now;

            //right hand logic:
            if (lastRightEventElapsed > ANTI_SPAM_SPAN)
                if (user.HandRightState == HandState.Unknown || user.HandRightState == HandState.NotTracked)
                    //hand gesture expired
                    if (oldHands.RightState != HandState.Unknown &&
                        now - oldHands.RightChangeTime > EXPIRE_STATE_SPAN)
                        ProcessHandGesture(user, J.HandRight, user.HandRightState, oldHands.RightState);
                        oldHands.RightState = HandState.Unknown;
                else if (user.HandRightState != oldHands.RightState &&
                         (user.HandRightState != HandState.Lasso || rightEngaged))
                    ProcessHandGesture(user, J.HandRight, user.HandRightState, oldHands.RightState);
                    oldHands.RightState      = user.HandRightState;
                    oldHands.RightChangeTime = now;

            if (id == uiInterUserId)
                // menu peeking gestures:

                //left hand logic:
                if (leftEngaged && !clippedEdges &&
                    leftWristPos.Y > topHeadPos.Y && user.HandLeftState == HandState.Open)
                    if (uiInterState == UIInterState.IDLE)
                        uiInterState = UIInterState.PEEKING_MENU;
                        uiInterHand  = J.HandLeft;
                        interCbWithIdleRefresh(id, InteractionType.PEEK_MENU, J.HandLeft);
                else if (uiInterState == UIInterState.PEEKING_MENU && uiInterHand == J.HandLeft)
                    uiInterState = UIInterState.IDLE;
                    interCbWithIdleRefresh(id, InteractionType.CANCEL_PEEK_MENU, J.HandLeft);

                //right hand logic:
                if (rightEngaged && !clippedEdges &&
                    rightWristPos.Y > topHeadPos.Y && user.HandRightState == HandState.Open)
                    if (uiInterState == UIInterState.IDLE)
                        uiInterState = UIInterState.PEEKING_MENU;
                        uiInterHand  = J.HandRight;
                        interCbWithIdleRefresh(id, InteractionType.PEEK_MENU, J.HandRight);
                else if (uiInterState == UIInterState.PEEKING_MENU && uiInterHand == J.HandRight)
                    uiInterState = UIInterState.IDLE;
                    interCbWithIdleRefresh(id, InteractionType.CANCEL_PEEK_MENU, J.HandRight);

                // Margin reaching logic:

                if (leftHandTracked && (leftCoord.X < gameSpace.Left ||
                                        (user.ClippedEdges & FrameEdges.Left) != 0))
                    if (leftEngaged && uiInterState == UIInterState.IDLE) // put in nested if to allow keeping margin interaction if hand is lowered
                        uiInterState = UIInterState.REACHING_MARGIN;
                        uiInterHand  = J.HandLeft;
                        interCbWithIdleRefresh(id, InteractionType.BEGIN_REACH_MARGIN, J.HandLeft);
                else if (uiInterState == UIInterState.REACHING_MARGIN && uiInterHand == J.HandLeft)
                    uiInterState = UIInterState.IDLE;
                    interCbWithIdleRefresh(id, InteractionType.END_REACH_MARGIN, J.HandLeft);

                if (rightHandTracked && (rightCoord.X > gameSpace.Right ||
                                         (user.ClippedEdges & FrameEdges.Right) != 0))
                    if (rightEngaged && uiInterState == UIInterState.IDLE)
                        uiInterState = UIInterState.REACHING_MARGIN;
                        uiInterHand  = J.HandRight;
                        interCbWithIdleRefresh(id, InteractionType.BEGIN_REACH_MARGIN, J.HandRight);
                else if (uiInterState == UIInterState.REACHING_MARGIN && uiInterHand == J.HandRight)
                    uiInterState = UIInterState.IDLE;
                    interCbWithIdleRefresh(id, InteractionType.END_REACH_MARGIN, J.HandRight);