Наследование: JSVariableField
 internal FunctionObject(Type t, string name, string method_name, string[] formal_parameters, JSLocalField[] fields, bool must_save_stack_locals, bool hasArgumentsObject, string text, VsaEngine engine) : base(engine.Globals.globalObject.originalFunction.originalPrototype, name, formal_parameters.Length)
     base.engine = engine;
     this.formal_parameters = formal_parameters;
     this.argumentsSlotNumber = 0;
     this.body = null;
     this.method = TypeReflector.GetTypeReflectorFor(Globals.TypeRefs.ToReferenceContext(t)).GetMethod(method_name, BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Static);
     this.parameterInfos = this.method.GetParameters();
     if (!Microsoft.JScript.CustomAttribute.IsDefined(this.method, typeof(JSFunctionAttribute), false))
         this.isMethod = true;
         JSFunctionAttributeEnum attributeValue = ((JSFunctionAttribute) Microsoft.JScript.CustomAttribute.GetCustomAttributes(this.method, typeof(JSFunctionAttribute), false)[0]).attributeValue;
         this.isExpandoMethod = (attributeValue & JSFunctionAttributeEnum.IsExpandoMethod) != JSFunctionAttributeEnum.None;
     this.funcContext = null;
     this.own_scope = null;
     this.fields = fields;
     this.must_save_stack_locals = must_save_stack_locals;
     this.hasArgumentsObject = hasArgumentsObject;
     this.text = text;
     this.attributes = MethodAttributes.Public;
     this.globals = engine.Globals;
     this.superConstructor = null;
     this.superConstructorCall = null;
     this.enclosing_scope = this.globals.ScopeStack.Peek();
     base.noExpando = false;
     this.clsCompliance = CLSComplianceSpec.NotAttributed;
 internal FunctionScope(ScriptObject parent, bool isMethod) : base(parent)
     base.isKnownAtCompileTime = true;
     this.isMethod = isMethod;
     this.mustSaveStackLocals = false;
     if ((parent != null) && (parent is ActivationObject))
         base.fast = ((ActivationObject) parent).fast;
         base.fast = false;
     this.returnVar = null;
     this.owner = null;
     this.isStatic = false;
     this.nested_functions = null;
     this.fields_for_nested_functions = null;
     if (parent is FunctionScope)
         this.ProvidesOuterScopeLocals = new SimpleHashtable(0x10);
         this.ProvidesOuterScopeLocals = null;
     this.closuresMightEscape = false;
Пример #3
 internal CallableExpression(AST expression)
   : base(expression.context, ""){
   this.expression = expression;
   JSLocalField field = new JSLocalField("", null, 0, Missing.Value);
   this.expressionInferredType = expression.InferType(field);
   field.inferred_type = this.expressionInferredType;
   this.member = field;
   this.members = new MemberInfo[]{field};
	// Build a function declaration closure.
	public static Closure JScriptFunctionDeclaration
				(RuntimeTypeHandle handle, String name, String method_name,
				 String[] formal_parameters, JSLocalField[] fields,
				 bool must_save_stack_locals, bool hasArgumentsObject,
				 String text, Object declaringObject, VsaEngine engine)
				// TODO
				return null;
 internal void AddReturnValueField()
     if (base.name_table["return value"] == null)
         this.returnVar = new JSLocalField("return value", this, base.field_table.Count, Microsoft.JScript.Missing.Value);
         base.name_table["return value"] = this.returnVar;
        internal CallableExpression(AST expression)
            : base(expression.context, "")
            this.expression = expression;
            JSLocalField field = new JSLocalField("", null, 0, Missing.Value);

            this.expressionInferredType = expression.InferType(field);
            field.inferred_type         = this.expressionInferredType;
            this.member  = field;
            this.members = new MemberInfo[] { field };
 internal JSLocalField(String name, FunctionScope scope, int slotNumber, Object value)
   : base(name, scope, FieldAttributes.Static|FieldAttributes.Public) {
   this.slotNumber = slotNumber;
   this.inferred_type = null;
   this.dependents = null;
   this.value = value;
   this.debugOn = false;
   this.outerField = null;
   this.isDefined = false;
   this.isUsedBeforeDefinition = false;
        internal override void TranslateToILInitializer(ILGenerator il)
            this.func_local = il.DeclareLocal(Typeob.FunctionObject);
            il.Emit(OpCodes.Ldtoken, this.func.classwriter);
            il.Emit(OpCodes.Ldstr, this.name);
            il.Emit(OpCodes.Ldstr, this.func.GetName());
            int length = this.func.formal_parameters.Length;

            ConstantWrapper.TranslateToILInt(il, length);
            il.Emit(OpCodes.Newarr, Typeob.String);
            for (int i = 0; i < length; i++)
                ConstantWrapper.TranslateToILInt(il, i);
                il.Emit(OpCodes.Ldstr, this.func.formal_parameters[i]);
            length = this.func.fields.Length;
            ConstantWrapper.TranslateToILInt(il, length);
            il.Emit(OpCodes.Newarr, Typeob.JSLocalField);
            for (int j = 0; j < length; j++)
                JSLocalField field = this.func.fields[j];
                ConstantWrapper.TranslateToILInt(il, j);
                il.Emit(OpCodes.Ldstr, field.Name);
                il.Emit(OpCodes.Ldtoken, field.FieldType);
                ConstantWrapper.TranslateToILInt(il, field.slotNumber);
                il.Emit(OpCodes.Newobj, CompilerGlobals.jsLocalFieldConstructor);
            if (this.func.must_save_stack_locals)
            if (this.func.hasArgumentsObject)
            il.Emit(OpCodes.Ldstr, this.func.ToString());
            il.Emit(OpCodes.Call, CompilerGlobals.jScriptFunctionExpressionMethod);
            il.Emit(OpCodes.Stloc, this.func_local);
Пример #9
 internal JSLocalField(String name, FunctionScope scope, int slotNumber, Object value)
     : base(name, scope, FieldAttributes.Static | FieldAttributes.Public)
     this.slotNumber             = slotNumber;
     this.inferred_type          = null;
     this.dependents             = null;
     this.value                  = value;
     this.debugOn                = false;
     this.outerField             = null;
     this.isDefined              = false;
     this.isUsedBeforeDefinition = false;
Пример #10
		public static FunctionObject JScriptFunctionExpression (RuntimeTypeHandle handle, string name,
									string methodName, string [] formalParams,
									JSLocalField [] fields, bool mustSaveStackLocals, 
									bool hasArgumentsObject, string text,
									VsaEngine engine)
			MethodInfo method = engine.ScriptObjectStackTop ().GetType ().GetMethod (methodName);
			FunctionObject fun = new FunctionObject (method);
			fun.source = text;
			fun.vsa_engine = engine;
			return fun;
Пример #11
 public static Closure JScriptFunctionDeclaration(RuntimeTypeHandle handle, string name, 
     string methodName, string [] formalParameters,
     JSLocalField [] fields, bool mustSaveStackLocals,
     bool hasArgumentsObjects, string text,
     Object declaringObject, VsaEngine engine)
     FunctionObject f = new FunctionObject (name, null, null, null, null);
     f.source = text;
     MethodInfo method = engine.ScriptObjectStackTop ().GetType ().GetMethod (methodName);
     f.method = method;
     f.vsa_engine = engine;
     return new Closure (f);
Пример #12
 internal StackFrame(ScriptObject parent, JSLocalField[] fields, Object[] local_vars, Object thisObject)
   : base(parent) {
   this.caller_arguments = null;
   this.fields = fields;
   this.localVars = local_vars;
   this.nestedFunctionScope = null;
   this.thisObject = thisObject;
   if (parent is StackFrame)
     this.closureInstance = ((StackFrame)parent).closureInstance;
   else if (parent is JSObject)
     this.closureInstance = parent;
     this.closureInstance = null;
Пример #13
        internal void HandleUnitializedVariables()
            int num   = 0;
            int count = base.field_table.Count;

            while (num < count)
                JSLocalField field = (JSLocalField)base.field_table[num];
                if (field.isUsedBeforeDefinition)
                    field.SetInferredType(Typeob.Object, null);
 internal FunctionScope(ScriptObject parent, bool isMethod)
   : base(parent) {
   this.isKnownAtCompileTime = true;
   this.isMethod = isMethod;
   this.mustSaveStackLocals = false;
   if (parent != null && parent is ActivationObject)
     this.fast = ((ActivationObject)parent).fast;
     this.fast = false;
   this.returnVar = null;
   this.owner = null; //Given its real value inside new FunctionObject
   this.isStatic = false; //Given its real value elsewhere
   this.nested_functions = null;
   this.fields_for_nested_functions = null;
   if (parent is FunctionScope)
     this.ProvidesOuterScopeLocals = new SimpleHashtable(16);
     this.ProvidesOuterScopeLocals = null;
   this.closuresMightEscape = false;
Пример #15
 public override object GetValue(object obj)
     if (((base.attributeFlags & FieldAttributes.Literal) == FieldAttributes.PrivateScope) || (base.value is FunctionObject))
         while (obj is BlockScope)
             obj = ((BlockScope)obj).GetParent();
         StackFrame   parent     = (StackFrame)obj;
         JSLocalField outerField = this.outerField;
         int          slotNumber = this.slotNumber;
         while (outerField != null)
             slotNumber = outerField.slotNumber;
             parent     = (StackFrame)parent.GetParent();
             outerField = outerField.outerField;
Пример #16
 internal override void SetPartialValue(AST partial_value)
     if ((base.members != null) && (base.members.Length != 0))
         if (base.member is JSLocalField)
             JSLocalField member = (JSLocalField)base.member;
             if (member.type == null)
                 IReflect ir = partial_value.InferType(member);
                 if ((ir == Typeob.String) && (partial_value is Plus))
                     member.SetInferredType(Typeob.Object, partial_value);
                 member.SetInferredType(ir, partial_value);
             member.isDefined = true;
         Binding.AssignmentCompatible(this.InferType(null), partial_value, partial_value.InferType(null), base.isFullyResolved);
Пример #17
        void AddNameTo(ScriptObject enclosingScope)
            while (enclosingScope is WithObject) //Can only happen at run time and only if there is an eval
                enclosingScope = enclosingScope.GetParent();
            FieldInfo field = ((IActivationObject)enclosingScope).GetLocalField(this.name);

            if (field != null)
            if (enclosingScope is ActivationObject)
                if (enclosingScope is FunctionScope)
                    field = ((ActivationObject)enclosingScope).AddNewField(this.name, null, FieldAttributes.Public);
                    field = ((ActivationObject)enclosingScope).AddNewField(this.name, null, FieldAttributes.Public | FieldAttributes.Static);
                field = ((StackFrame)enclosingScope).AddNewField(this.name, null, FieldAttributes.Public);
            JSLocalField lfield = field as JSLocalField;

            if (lfield != null)
                // emit debug info for the local only if this block of code is in a section that has debug set
                lfield.debugOn   = this.context.document.debugOn;
                lfield.isDefined = true;
            this.field = (JSVariableField)field;
Пример #18
 public override Object GetValue(Object obj)
     if ((this.attributeFlags & FieldAttributes.Literal) != (FieldAttributes)0 && !(this.value is FunctionObject))
         while (obj is BlockScope)
             obj = ((BlockScope)obj).GetParent();
         StackFrame   sf   = (StackFrame)obj;
         JSLocalField f    = this.outerField;
         int          slot = this.slotNumber;
         while (f != null)
             slot = f.slotNumber;
             sf   = (StackFrame)sf.GetParent();
             f    = f.outerField;
Пример #19
 public virtual string Eval(string expr, bool allowUnsafe)
     string str = null;
     JSLocalField[] fields = new JSLocalField[] { new JSLocalField("expr", typeof(string).TypeHandle, 0), new JSLocalField("return value", typeof(string).TypeHandle, 1) };
     StackFrame.PushStackFrameForMethod(this, fields, ((INeedEngine) this).GetEngine());
         ((StackFrame) ((INeedEngine) this).GetEngine().ScriptObjectStackTop()).localVars[0] = expr;
         ((StackFrame) ((INeedEngine) this).GetEngine().ScriptObjectStackTop()).localVars[1] = str;
         var localVars = ((StackFrame) ((INeedEngine) this).GetEngine().ScriptObjectStackTop()).localVars;
         expr = Convert.ToString(((StackFrame) ((INeedEngine) this).GetEngine().ScriptObjectStackTop()).localVars[0], true);
         str = Convert.ToString(((StackFrame) ((INeedEngine) this).GetEngine().ScriptObjectStackTop()).localVars[1], true);
         var objArray2 = ((StackFrame) ((INeedEngine) this).GetEngine().ScriptObjectStackTop()).localVars;
         str = Convert.ToString(Microsoft.JScript.Eval.JScriptEvaluate(expr, allowUnsafe ? "unsafe" : null, ((INeedEngine) this).GetEngine()), true);
         ((StackFrame) ((INeedEngine) this).GetEngine().ScriptObjectStackTop()).localVars[0] = expr;
         ((StackFrame) ((INeedEngine) this).GetEngine().ScriptObjectStackTop()).localVars[1] = str;
         var objArray3 = ((StackFrame) ((INeedEngine) this).GetEngine().ScriptObjectStackTop()).localVars;
         ((INeedEngine) this).GetEngine().PopScriptObject();
     return str;
 public static FunctionObject JScriptFunctionExpression(RuntimeTypeHandle handle, string name, string method_name, string[] formal_params, JSLocalField[] fields, bool must_save_stack_locals, bool hasArgumentsObject, string text, VsaEngine engine)
     return new FunctionObject(Type.GetTypeFromHandle(handle), name, method_name, formal_params, fields, must_save_stack_locals, hasArgumentsObject, text, engine);
Пример #21
        public override MemberInfo[] GetMember(string name, BindingFlags bindingAttr)
            FieldInfo info = (FieldInfo)base.name_table[name];

            if (info != null)
                return(new MemberInfo[] { info });
            bool         flag   = false;
            ScriptObject parent = base.parent;

            while (parent is FunctionScope)
                FunctionScope scope = (FunctionScope)parent;
                flag = scope.isMethod && !scope.isStatic;
                JSLocalField field = (JSLocalField)scope.name_table[name];
                if (field == null)
                    parent = parent.GetParent();
                    if (field.IsLiteral && !(field.value is FunctionObject))
                        return(new MemberInfo[] { field });
                    JSLocalField field2 = new JSLocalField(field.Name, this, base.field_table.Count, Microsoft.JScript.Missing.Value)
                        outerField = field,
                        debugOn    = field.debugOn
                    if ((!field2.debugOn && this.owner.funcContext.document.debugOn) && scope.owner.funcContext.document.debugOn)
                        field2.debugOn = Array.IndexOf <string>(scope.owner.formal_parameters, field.Name) >= 0;
                    field2.isDefined    = field.isDefined;
                    field2.debuggerName = "outer." + field2.Name;
                    if (field.IsLiteral)
                        field2.attributeFlags |= FieldAttributes.Literal;
                        field2.value           = field.value;
                    this.AddOuterScopeField(name, field2);
                    if (this.ProvidesOuterScopeLocals[parent] == null)
                        this.ProvidesOuterScopeLocals[parent] = parent;
                    ((FunctionScope)parent).mustSaveStackLocals = true;
                    return(new MemberInfo[] { field2 });
            if ((parent is ClassScope) && flag)
                MemberInfo[] member = parent.GetMember(name, bindingAttr & ~BindingFlags.DeclaredOnly);
                int          length = member.Length;
                bool         flag2  = false;
                for (int i = 0; i < length; i++)
                    MethodInfo   info3;
                    PropertyInfo info4;
                    MemberInfo   info2      = member[i];
                    MemberTypes  memberType = info2.MemberType;
                    if (memberType != MemberTypes.Field)
                        if (memberType == MemberTypes.Method)
                            goto Label_029E;
                        if (memberType == MemberTypes.Property)
                            goto Label_02C7;
                        info = (FieldInfo)info2;
                        if (info.IsLiteral)
                            JSMemberField field3 = info as JSMemberField;
                            if (((field3 != null) && (field3.value is ClassScope)) && !((ClassScope)field3.value).owner.IsStatic)
                                flag2 = true;
                        if (!info.IsStatic && !info.IsLiteral)
                            member[i] = new JSClosureField(info);
                            flag2     = true;
                    info3 = (MethodInfo)info2;
                    if (!info3.IsStatic)
                        member[i] = new JSClosureMethod(info3);
                        flag2     = true;
                    info4 = (PropertyInfo)info2;
                    MethodInfo getMethod = JSProperty.GetGetMethod(info4, (bindingAttr & BindingFlags.NonPublic) != BindingFlags.Default);
                    MethodInfo setMethod = JSProperty.GetSetMethod(info4, (bindingAttr & BindingFlags.NonPublic) != BindingFlags.Default);
                    bool       flag3     = false;
                    if ((getMethod != null) && !getMethod.IsStatic)
                        flag3     = true;
                        getMethod = new JSClosureMethod(getMethod);
                    if ((setMethod != null) && !setMethod.IsStatic)
                        flag3     = true;
                        setMethod = new JSClosureMethod(setMethod);
                    if (flag3)
                        member[i] = new JSClosureProperty(info4, getMethod, setMethod);
                        flag2     = true;
                if (flag2)
                if (length > 0)
            if ((bindingAttr & BindingFlags.DeclaredOnly) != BindingFlags.Default)
                return(new MemberInfo[0]);
            return(parent.GetMember(name, bindingAttr));
Пример #22
        public override MemberInfo[] GetMember(String name, BindingFlags bindingAttr)
            FieldInfo field = (FieldInfo)(this.name_table[name]);

            if (field != null)
                return new MemberInfo[] { field }
            bool         nestedInInstanceMethod = false;
            ScriptObject parent = this.parent;

            //Treat locals of outer functions as if they were locals of this function
            while (parent is FunctionScope)
                FunctionScope fscope = (FunctionScope)parent;

                nestedInInstanceMethod = fscope.isMethod && !fscope.isStatic;
                JSLocalField lfield = (JSLocalField)fscope.name_table[name];
                if (lfield == null)
                    parent = parent.GetParent();
                if (lfield.IsLiteral && !(lfield.value is FunctionObject))
                    return new MemberInfo[] { lfield }
                JSLocalField f = new JSLocalField(lfield.Name, this, this.field_table.Count, Missing.Value);
                f.outerField = lfield;
                f.debugOn    = lfield.debugOn;
                if (!f.debugOn && this.owner.funcContext.document.debugOn && fscope.owner.funcContext.document.debugOn)
                    //Check to see it is off because outer field is a parameter
                    f.debugOn = Array.IndexOf(fscope.owner.formal_parameters, lfield.Name) >= 0;
                f.isDefined    = lfield.isDefined;
                f.debuggerName = "outer" + "." + f.Name;
                if (lfield.IsLiteral)
                    f.attributeFlags |= FieldAttributes.Literal;
                    f.value           = lfield.value;
                this.AddOuterScopeField(name, f);
                if (this.ProvidesOuterScopeLocals[parent] == null)
                    this.ProvidesOuterScopeLocals[parent] = parent;
                ((FunctionScope)parent).mustSaveStackLocals = true;
                return(new MemberInfo[] { f });
            if (parent is ClassScope && nestedInInstanceMethod)
                //return class members as if they were local to the function. It is more convenient to wrap up instance members
                //at this stage than it is to figure out later that a special case is involved.
                MemberInfo[] members     = parent.GetMember(name, bindingAttr & ~BindingFlags.DeclaredOnly);
                int          n           = members.Length;
                bool         giveBadNews = false;
                for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
                    MemberInfo member = members[i];
                    switch (member.MemberType)
                    case MemberTypes.Field:
                        field = (FieldInfo)member;
                        if (field.IsLiteral)
                            JSMemberField mfield = field as JSMemberField;
                            if (mfield != null && mfield.value is ClassScope && !((ClassScope)mfield.value).owner.IsStatic)
                                giveBadNews = true;
                        if (!field.IsStatic && !field.IsLiteral)
                            members[i]  = new JSClosureField(field);
                            giveBadNews = true;

                    case MemberTypes.Method:
                        MethodInfo meth = (MethodInfo)member;
                        if (!meth.IsStatic)
                            members[i]  = new JSClosureMethod(meth);
                            giveBadNews = true;

                    case MemberTypes.Property:
                        PropertyInfo prop      = (PropertyInfo)member;
                        MethodInfo   getMeth   = JSProperty.GetGetMethod(prop, (bindingAttr & BindingFlags.NonPublic) != 0);
                        MethodInfo   setMeth   = JSProperty.GetSetMethod(prop, (bindingAttr & BindingFlags.NonPublic) != 0);
                        bool         nonStatic = false;
                        if (getMeth != null && !getMeth.IsStatic)
                            nonStatic = true;
                            getMeth   = new JSClosureMethod(getMeth);
                        if (setMeth != null && !setMeth.IsStatic)
                            nonStatic = true;
                            setMeth   = new JSClosureMethod(setMeth);
                        if (nonStatic)
                            members[i]  = new JSClosureProperty(prop, getMeth, setMeth);
                            giveBadNews = true;
                if (giveBadNews)
                    this.GiveOuterFunctionsTheBadNews();        //They have to create explicit stack frames
                if (n > 0)
            if ((bindingAttr & BindingFlags.DeclaredOnly) != 0)
                return(new MemberInfo[0]);
            return(parent.GetMember(name, bindingAttr));
Пример #23
 internal void AddFieldForLocalScopeDebugInfo(JSLocalField field)
Пример #24
        private void TranslateToILClosure(ILGenerator il)
            if (!this.func.isStatic)
            il.Emit(OpCodes.Ldtoken, this.func.classwriter != null ? this.func.classwriter : compilerGlobals.classwriter);
            il.Emit(OpCodes.Ldstr, this.name);
            il.Emit(OpCodes.Ldstr, this.func.GetName());
            int n = this.func.formal_parameters.Length;

            ConstantWrapper.TranslateToILInt(il, n);
            il.Emit(OpCodes.Newarr, Typeob.String);
            for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
                ConstantWrapper.TranslateToILInt(il, i);
                il.Emit(OpCodes.Ldstr, this.func.formal_parameters[i]);
            n = this.func.fields.Length;
            ConstantWrapper.TranslateToILInt(il, n);
            il.Emit(OpCodes.Newarr, CompilerGlobals.jsLocalFieldClass);
            for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
                JSLocalField field = this.func.fields[i];
                ConstantWrapper.TranslateToILInt(il, i);
                il.Emit(OpCodes.Ldstr, field.Name);
                il.Emit(OpCodes.Ldtoken, field.FieldType);
                ConstantWrapper.TranslateToILInt(il, field.slotNumber);
                il.Emit(OpCodes.Newobj, CompilerGlobals.jsLocalFieldConstructor);
            if (this.func.must_save_stack_locals)
            if (this.func.hasArgumentsObject)
            il.Emit(OpCodes.Ldstr, this.func.ToString());
            if (!this.func.isStatic)
            il.Emit(OpCodes.Call, CompilerGlobals.jScriptFunctionDeclarationMethod);
Пример #25
		public static void PushStackFrameForStaticMethod (RuntimeTypeHandle thisClass,
								  JSLocalField [] fields,
								  VsaEngine engine)
			throw new NotImplementedException ();
Пример #26
 public static void PushStackFrameForMethod(Object thisob, JSLocalField[] fields, VsaEngine engine){
   Globals globals = engine.Globals;
   IActivationObject top = (IActivationObject)globals.ScopeStack.Peek();
   String currentNamespace = thisob.GetType().Namespace;
   WithObject wob = null;
   if (currentNamespace != null && currentNamespace.Length > 0){
     wob = new WithObject(top.GetGlobalScope(), new WrappedNamespace(currentNamespace, engine));
     wob.isKnownAtCompileTime = true; //For use by an eval inside this method
     wob = new WithObject(wob, thisob);
     wob = new WithObject(top.GetGlobalScope(), thisob);
   wob.isKnownAtCompileTime = true; 
   StackFrame sf = new StackFrame(wob, fields, new Object[fields.Length], thisob);
   sf.closureInstance = thisob;
Пример #27
 internal void TranslateToILToRestoreLocals(ILGenerator il, JSLocalField[] notToBeRestored){  
   this.TranslateToILToCopyOuterScopeLocals(il, true, notToBeRestored);
   if (!this.must_save_stack_locals)
   int offset = (this.attributes&MethodAttributes.Static) == MethodAttributes.Static ? 0 : 1;
   int extras = 3;
   if (this.isMethod)
     extras = 0;
   else if (!this.hasArgumentsObject)
     extras = 2;
   int n = this.fields.Length;
   il.Emit(OpCodes.Call, CompilerGlobals.scriptObjectStackTopMethod);
   ScriptObject scope = globals.ScopeStack.Peek();
   while (scope is WithObject || scope is BlockScope){
     il.Emit(OpCodes.Call, CompilerGlobals.getParentMethod);
     scope = scope.GetParent();
   il.Emit(OpCodes.Castclass, CompilerGlobals.stackFrameClass);
   il.Emit(OpCodes.Ldfld, CompilerGlobals.localVarsField);
   for (int i = 0; i < n; i++){
     if (notToBeRestored != null && IsPresentIn(this.fields[i], notToBeRestored)) continue;
     if (this.fields[i].IsLiteral) continue;
     int j = System.Array.IndexOf(this.formal_parameters, this.fields[i].Name);
     ConstantWrapper.TranslateToILInt(il, this.fields[i].slotNumber);
     Convert.Emit(this.body, il, Typeob.Object, this.fields[i].FieldType);
     if (j >= 0 || (this.fields[i].Name.Equals("arguments") && this.hasArgumentsObject)){
       il.Emit(OpCodes.Starg, (short)(j+extras+offset));
       il.Emit(OpCodes.Stloc, (LocalBuilder)this.fields[i].metaData);
 internal void AddOuterScopeField(string name, JSLocalField field)
     base.name_table[name] = field;
 public override MemberInfo[] GetMember(string name, BindingFlags bindingAttr)
     FieldInfo info = (FieldInfo) base.name_table[name];
     if (info != null)
         return new MemberInfo[] { info };
     bool flag = false;
     ScriptObject parent = base.parent;
     while (parent is FunctionScope)
         FunctionScope scope = (FunctionScope) parent;
         flag = scope.isMethod && !scope.isStatic;
         JSLocalField field = (JSLocalField) scope.name_table[name];
         if (field == null)
             parent = parent.GetParent();
             if (field.IsLiteral && !(field.value is FunctionObject))
                 return new MemberInfo[] { field };
             JSLocalField field2 = new JSLocalField(field.Name, this, base.field_table.Count, Microsoft.JScript.Missing.Value) {
                 outerField = field,
                 debugOn = field.debugOn
             if ((!field2.debugOn && this.owner.funcContext.document.debugOn) && scope.owner.funcContext.document.debugOn)
                 field2.debugOn = Array.IndexOf<string>(scope.owner.formal_parameters, field.Name) >= 0;
             field2.isDefined = field.isDefined;
             field2.debuggerName = "outer." + field2.Name;
             if (field.IsLiteral)
                 field2.attributeFlags |= FieldAttributes.Literal;
                 field2.value = field.value;
             this.AddOuterScopeField(name, field2);
             if (this.ProvidesOuterScopeLocals[parent] == null)
                 this.ProvidesOuterScopeLocals[parent] = parent;
             ((FunctionScope) parent).mustSaveStackLocals = true;
             return new MemberInfo[] { field2 };
     if ((parent is ClassScope) && flag)
         MemberInfo[] member = parent.GetMember(name, bindingAttr & ~BindingFlags.DeclaredOnly);
         int length = member.Length;
         bool flag2 = false;
         for (int i = 0; i < length; i++)
             MethodInfo info3;
             PropertyInfo info4;
             MemberInfo info2 = member[i];
             MemberTypes memberType = info2.MemberType;
             if (memberType != MemberTypes.Field)
                 if (memberType == MemberTypes.Method)
                     goto Label_029E;
                 if (memberType == MemberTypes.Property)
                     goto Label_02C7;
                 info = (FieldInfo) info2;
                 if (info.IsLiteral)
                     JSMemberField field3 = info as JSMemberField;
                     if (((field3 != null) && (field3.value is ClassScope)) && !((ClassScope) field3.value).owner.IsStatic)
                         flag2 = true;
                 if (!info.IsStatic && !info.IsLiteral)
                     member[i] = new JSClosureField(info);
                     flag2 = true;
             info3 = (MethodInfo) info2;
             if (!info3.IsStatic)
                 member[i] = new JSClosureMethod(info3);
                 flag2 = true;
             info4 = (PropertyInfo) info2;
             MethodInfo getMethod = JSProperty.GetGetMethod(info4, (bindingAttr & BindingFlags.NonPublic) != BindingFlags.Default);
             MethodInfo setMethod = JSProperty.GetSetMethod(info4, (bindingAttr & BindingFlags.NonPublic) != BindingFlags.Default);
             bool flag3 = false;
             if ((getMethod != null) && !getMethod.IsStatic)
                 flag3 = true;
                 getMethod = new JSClosureMethod(getMethod);
             if ((setMethod != null) && !setMethod.IsStatic)
                 flag3 = true;
                 setMethod = new JSClosureMethod(setMethod);
             if (flag3)
                 member[i] = new JSClosureProperty(info4, getMethod, setMethod);
                 flag2 = true;
         if (flag2)
         if (length > 0)
             return member;
     if ((bindingAttr & BindingFlags.DeclaredOnly) != BindingFlags.Default)
         return new MemberInfo[0];
     return parent.GetMember(name, bindingAttr);
Пример #30
 public static Closure JScriptFunctionDeclaration(RuntimeTypeHandle handle, String name, String method_name, String[] formal_parameters, 
   JSLocalField[] fields, bool must_save_stack_locals, bool hasArgumentsObject, String text, Object declaringObject, VsaEngine engine){
   Type t = Type.GetTypeFromHandle(handle);
   FunctionObject func = new FunctionObject(t, name, method_name, formal_parameters, fields, must_save_stack_locals, hasArgumentsObject, text, engine);
   return new Closure(func, declaringObject);
 private void TranslateToILToCopyLocalsToNestedScope(ILGenerator il, FunctionScope nestedScope, JSLocalField[] notToBeRestored)
     int length = this.fields.Length;
     for (int i = 0; i < length; i++)
         JSLocalField outerLocalField = nestedScope.GetOuterLocalField(this.fields[i].Name);
         if (((outerLocalField != null) && (outerLocalField.outerField == this.fields[i])) && ((notToBeRestored == null) || !IsPresentIn(outerLocalField, notToBeRestored)))
             ConstantWrapper.TranslateToILInt(il, this.fields[i].slotNumber);
             Microsoft.JScript.Convert.Emit(this.body, il, Typeob.Object, this.fields[i].FieldType);
             il.Emit(OpCodes.Stloc, (LocalBuilder) outerLocalField.metaData);
 internal void AddReturnValueField(){
   if (this.name_table["return value"] != null) return;
   this.returnVar = new JSLocalField("return value", this, this.field_table.Count, Missing.Value);
   this.name_table["return value"] = this.returnVar;
 internal void AddOuterScopeField(String name, JSLocalField field){
   this.name_table[name] = field;
Пример #34
 internal void AddFieldForLocalScopeDebugInfo(JSLocalField field){
Пример #35
 public static void PushStackFrameForStaticMethod(RuntimeTypeHandle thisclass, JSLocalField[] fields, VsaEngine engine){
   PushStackFrameForMethod(Type.GetTypeFromHandle(thisclass), fields, engine);
 internal JSLocalField[] GetLocalFields(){
   int n = this.field_table.Count;
   JSLocalField[] result = new JSLocalField[this.field_table.Count];
   for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) result[i] = (JSLocalField)this.field_table[i];
   return result;
Пример #37
 internal void AddOuterScopeField(string name, JSLocalField field)
     base.name_table[name] = field;
 public override MemberInfo[] GetMember(String name, BindingFlags bindingAttr){
   FieldInfo field = (FieldInfo)(this.name_table[name]);
   if (field != null) return new MemberInfo[]{field};
   bool nestedInInstanceMethod = false;
   ScriptObject parent = this.parent;
   //Treat locals of outer functions as if they were locals of this function
   while (parent is FunctionScope){
     FunctionScope fscope = (FunctionScope)parent;
     nestedInInstanceMethod = fscope.isMethod && !fscope.isStatic;
     JSLocalField lfield = (JSLocalField)fscope.name_table[name];
     if (lfield == null){
       parent = parent.GetParent();
     if (lfield.IsLiteral && !(lfield.value is FunctionObject))
       return new MemberInfo[]{lfield};
     JSLocalField f = new JSLocalField(lfield.Name, this, this.field_table.Count, Missing.Value);
     f.outerField = lfield;
     f.debugOn = lfield.debugOn;
     if (!f.debugOn && this.owner.funcContext.document.debugOn && fscope.owner.funcContext.document.debugOn){
       //Check to see it is off because outer field is a parameter
       f.debugOn = Array.IndexOf(fscope.owner.formal_parameters, lfield.Name) >= 0;
     f.isDefined = lfield.isDefined;
     f.debuggerName = "outer" + "." + f.Name;
     if (lfield.IsLiteral){
       f.attributeFlags |= FieldAttributes.Literal;
       f.value = lfield.value;
     this.AddOuterScopeField(name, f);
     if (this.ProvidesOuterScopeLocals[parent] == null) this.ProvidesOuterScopeLocals[parent] = parent;
     ((FunctionScope)parent).mustSaveStackLocals = true;
     return new MemberInfo[]{f};
   if (parent is ClassScope && nestedInInstanceMethod){
     //return class members as if they were local to the function. It is more convenient to wrap up instance members
     //at this stage than it is to figure out later that a special case is involved.
     MemberInfo[] members = parent.GetMember(name, bindingAttr&~BindingFlags.DeclaredOnly);
     int n = members.Length;
     bool giveBadNews = false;
     for (int i = 0; i < n; i++){
       MemberInfo member = members[i];
         case MemberTypes.Field:
           field = (FieldInfo)member;
           if (field.IsLiteral){
             JSMemberField mfield = field as JSMemberField;
             if (mfield != null && mfield.value is ClassScope && !((ClassScope)mfield.value).owner.IsStatic)
               giveBadNews = true;
           if (!field.IsStatic && !field.IsLiteral){
             members[i] = new JSClosureField(field);
             giveBadNews = true;
         case MemberTypes.Method:
           MethodInfo meth = (MethodInfo)member;
           if (!meth.IsStatic){
             members[i] = new JSClosureMethod(meth);
             giveBadNews = true;
         case MemberTypes.Property:
           PropertyInfo prop = (PropertyInfo)member;
           MethodInfo getMeth = JSProperty.GetGetMethod(prop, (bindingAttr&BindingFlags.NonPublic) != 0);
           MethodInfo setMeth = JSProperty.GetSetMethod(prop, (bindingAttr&BindingFlags.NonPublic) != 0);
           bool nonStatic = false;
           if (getMeth != null && !getMeth.IsStatic){
             nonStatic = true;
             getMeth = new JSClosureMethod(getMeth);
           if (setMeth != null && !setMeth.IsStatic){
             nonStatic = true;
             setMeth = new JSClosureMethod(setMeth);
           if (nonStatic){
             members[i] = new JSClosureProperty(prop, getMeth, setMeth);
             giveBadNews = true;
     if (giveBadNews) this.GiveOuterFunctionsTheBadNews(); //They have to create explicit stack frames
     if (n > 0) return members;
   if ((bindingAttr&BindingFlags.DeclaredOnly) != 0) return new MemberInfo[0];
   return parent.GetMember(name, bindingAttr);
Пример #39
        internal FunctionDeclaration(Context context, AST ifaceId, IdentifierLiteral id, ParameterDeclaration[] formal_parameters, TypeExpression return_type,
                                     Block body, FunctionScope own_scope, FieldAttributes attributes,
                                     bool isMethod, bool isGetter, bool isSetter, bool isAbstract, bool isFinal, CustomAttributeList customAttributes)
            : base(context)
            MethodAttributes methodAttributes = (MethodAttributes)0;

            if ((attributes & FieldAttributes.FieldAccessMask) == FieldAttributes.Public)
                methodAttributes = MethodAttributes.Public;
            else if ((attributes & FieldAttributes.FieldAccessMask) == FieldAttributes.Private)
                methodAttributes = MethodAttributes.Private;
            else if ((attributes & FieldAttributes.FieldAccessMask) == FieldAttributes.Assembly)
                methodAttributes = MethodAttributes.Assembly;
            else if ((attributes & FieldAttributes.FieldAccessMask) == FieldAttributes.Family)
                methodAttributes = MethodAttributes.Family;
            else if ((attributes & FieldAttributes.FieldAccessMask) == FieldAttributes.FamORAssem)
                methodAttributes = MethodAttributes.FamORAssem;
                methodAttributes = MethodAttributes.Public;

            if ((attributes & FieldAttributes.Static) != 0 || !isMethod)
                methodAttributes |= MethodAttributes.Static;
                methodAttributes |= MethodAttributes.Virtual | MethodAttributes.NewSlot;

            if (isAbstract)
                methodAttributes |= MethodAttributes.Abstract;
            if (isFinal)
                methodAttributes |= MethodAttributes.Final;

            this.name     = id.ToString();
            this.isMethod = isMethod;
            if (ifaceId != null)
                if (isMethod)
                    this.ifaceId      = new TypeExpression(ifaceId);
                    methodAttributes &= ~MethodAttributes.MemberAccessMask;
                    methodAttributes |= MethodAttributes.Private | MethodAttributes.Final;
                    this.declaringObject = new Member(ifaceId.context, ifaceId, id);
                    this.name            = this.declaringObject.ToString();
            ScriptObject enclosingScope = Globals.ScopeStack.Peek();

            if (attributes == 0 && !isAbstract && !isFinal)
                if (enclosingScope is ClassScope)
                    attributes |= FieldAttributes.Public;
                if (!(enclosingScope is ClassScope))
                    attributes       = (FieldAttributes)0;
                    methodAttributes = MethodAttributes.Public;
            if (enclosingScope is ActivationObject)
                this.inFastScope = ((ActivationObject)enclosingScope).fast;
                // if later on originalName != this.name this is a property getter/setter
                String originalName = this.name;
                // mangle the name
                if (isGetter)
                    methodAttributes |= MethodAttributes.SpecialName;
                    this.name         = "get_" + this.name;
                    if (return_type == null)
                        return_type = new TypeExpression(new ConstantWrapper(Typeob.Object, context));
                else if (isSetter)
                    methodAttributes |= MethodAttributes.SpecialName;
                    this.name         = "set_" + this.name;
                    return_type       = new TypeExpression(new ConstantWrapper(Typeob.Void, context));
                attributes &= FieldAttributes.FieldAccessMask;
                // create the function object
                this.func = new FunctionObject(this.name, formal_parameters, return_type, body, own_scope, enclosingScope, this.context,
                                               methodAttributes, customAttributes, this.isMethod);
                if (this.declaringObject != null)
                // check whether the function name (possibly mangled) is in use already
                String fieldName = this.name;
                if (this.ifaceId != null)
                    fieldName = ifaceId.ToString() + "." + fieldName;
                JSVariableField localField = (JSVariableField)((ActivationObject)enclosingScope).name_table[fieldName];
                if (localField != null && (!(localField is JSMemberField) || !(((JSMemberField)localField).value is FunctionObject) || this.func.isExpandoMethod))
                    if (originalName != this.name)
                        id.context.HandleError(JSError.DuplicateName, this.func.isExpandoMethod);
                        if (localField.value is FunctionObject)
                            ((FunctionObject)localField.value).suppressIL = true;
                // create or update the proper field
                if (this.isMethod)
                    if (!(localField is JSMemberField) || !(((JSMemberField)localField).value is FunctionObject) || originalName != this.name)
                        this.field = ((ActivationObject)enclosingScope).AddNewField(fieldName, this.func, attributes | FieldAttributes.Literal);
                        if (originalName == this.name) // if it is a property do not assign the type
                            ((JSVariableField)this.field).type = new TypeExpression(new ConstantWrapper(Typeob.FunctionWrapper, this.context));
                        this.field = ((JSMemberField)localField).AddOverload(this.func, attributes | FieldAttributes.Literal);
                else if (enclosingScope is FunctionScope)
                    if (this.inFastScope)
                        attributes |= FieldAttributes.Literal;
                    this.field = ((FunctionScope)enclosingScope).AddNewField(this.name, attributes, this.func);
                    if (this.field is JSLocalField)
                        JSLocalField locField = (JSLocalField)this.field;
                        if (this.inFastScope)
                            locField.type            = new TypeExpression(new ConstantWrapper(Typeob.ScriptFunction, this.context));
                            locField.attributeFlags |= FieldAttributes.Literal;
                        locField.debugOn   = this.context.document.debugOn;
                        locField.isDefined = true;
                else if (this.inFastScope)
                    this.field = ((ActivationObject)enclosingScope).AddNewField(this.name, this.func, attributes | FieldAttributes.Literal);
                    ((JSVariableField)this.field).type = new TypeExpression(new ConstantWrapper(Typeob.ScriptFunction, this.context));
                    //Do not use typeof(Closure) for the field, since that has the arguments and callee properties, which are not
                    //accessible in fast mode
                else //enclosingScope is GlobalObject
                    this.field = ((ActivationObject)enclosingScope).AddNewField(this.name, this.func, attributes | FieldAttributes.Static);
                ((JSVariableField)this.field).originalContext = context;

                // if it is a property create/update the PropertyInfo and assign the getter/setter
                if (originalName != this.name)
                    String propertyFieldName = originalName;
                    if (this.ifaceId != null)
                        propertyFieldName = ifaceId.ToString() + "." + originalName;
                    FieldInfo prop = (FieldInfo)((ClassScope)enclosingScope).name_table[propertyFieldName];
                    if (prop != null)
                        // check whether a property was defined already
                        if (prop.IsLiteral)
                            Object val = ((JSVariableField)prop).value;
                            if (val is JSProperty)
                                this.enclosingProperty = (JSProperty)val;
                        if (this.enclosingProperty == null)
                            id.context.HandleError(JSError.DuplicateName, true); // the matching name was not a property
                    if (this.enclosingProperty == null)
                        this.enclosingProperty = new JSProperty(originalName);
                        prop = ((ActivationObject)enclosingScope).AddNewField(propertyFieldName, this.enclosingProperty, attributes | FieldAttributes.Literal);
                        ((JSMemberField)prop).originalContext = this.context;
                        if ((isGetter && this.enclosingProperty.getter != null) || (isSetter && this.enclosingProperty.setter != null))
                            id.context.HandleError(JSError.DuplicateName, true); // duplicated setter or getter
                    if (isGetter)
                        this.enclosingProperty.getter = new JSFieldMethod(this.field, enclosingScope);
                        this.enclosingProperty.setter = new JSFieldMethod(this.field, enclosingScope);
            else //Might get here if function declaration is inside of an eval.
                this.inFastScope = false;
                this.func        = new FunctionObject(this.name, formal_parameters, return_type, body, own_scope, enclosingScope, this.context, MethodAttributes.Public, null, false);
                this.field       = ((StackFrame)enclosingScope).AddNewField(this.name, new Closure(this.func), attributes | FieldAttributes.Static);
Пример #40
		public static void PushStackFrameForMethod (object thisObj, JSLocalField [] fields,
							    VsaEngine engine)
			throw new NotImplementedException ();
 internal JSLocalField[] GetLocalFields()
     int count = base.field_table.Count;
     JSLocalField[] fieldArray = new JSLocalField[base.field_table.Count];
     for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
         fieldArray[i] = (JSLocalField) base.field_table[i];
     return fieldArray;
 internal void TranslateToILToRestoreLocals(ILGenerator il, JSLocalField[] notToBeRestored)
     this.TranslateToILToCopyOuterScopeLocals(il, true, notToBeRestored);
     if (this.must_save_stack_locals)
         int num = ((this.attributes & MethodAttributes.Static) == MethodAttributes.Static) ? 0 : 1;
         int num2 = 3;
         if (this.isMethod)
             num2 = 0;
         else if (!this.hasArgumentsObject)
             num2 = 2;
         int length = this.fields.Length;
         il.Emit(OpCodes.Call, CompilerGlobals.scriptObjectStackTopMethod);
         for (ScriptObject obj2 = this.globals.ScopeStack.Peek(); (obj2 is WithObject) || (obj2 is BlockScope); obj2 = obj2.GetParent())
             il.Emit(OpCodes.Call, CompilerGlobals.getParentMethod);
         il.Emit(OpCodes.Castclass, Typeob.StackFrame);
         il.Emit(OpCodes.Ldfld, CompilerGlobals.localVarsField);
         for (int i = 0; i < length; i++)
             if (((notToBeRestored == null) || !IsPresentIn(this.fields[i], notToBeRestored)) && !this.fields[i].IsLiteral)
                 int index = Array.IndexOf<string>(this.formal_parameters, this.fields[i].Name);
                 ConstantWrapper.TranslateToILInt(il, this.fields[i].slotNumber);
                 Microsoft.JScript.Convert.Emit(this.body, il, Typeob.Object, this.fields[i].FieldType);
                 if ((index >= 0) || (this.fields[i].Name.Equals("arguments") && this.hasArgumentsObject))
                     il.Emit(OpCodes.Starg, (short) ((index + num2) + num));
                     il.Emit(OpCodes.Stloc, (LocalBuilder) this.fields[i].metaData);
Пример #43
 internal void AddOuterScopeField(String name, JSLocalField field)
     this.name_table[name] = field;
 private bool IsNestedFunctionField(JSLocalField field)
     return ((field.value != null) && (field.value is FunctionObject));
 private void TranslateToILToCopyOuterScopeLocals(ILGenerator il, bool copyToNested, JSLocalField[] notToBeRestored)
     if ((this.own_scope.ProvidesOuterScopeLocals != null) && (this.own_scope.ProvidesOuterScopeLocals.count != 0))
         ScriptObject obj2;
         il.Emit(OpCodes.Call, CompilerGlobals.scriptObjectStackTopMethod);
         for (obj2 = this.globals.ScopeStack.Peek(); (obj2 is WithObject) || (obj2 is BlockScope); obj2 = obj2.GetParent())
             il.Emit(OpCodes.Call, CompilerGlobals.getParentMethod);
         for (obj2 = this.enclosing_scope; obj2 != null; obj2 = obj2.GetParent())
             il.Emit(OpCodes.Call, CompilerGlobals.getParentMethod);
             if (((obj2 is FunctionScope) && (((FunctionScope) obj2).owner != null)) && (this.own_scope.ProvidesOuterScopeLocals[obj2] != null))
                 il.Emit(OpCodes.Castclass, Typeob.StackFrame);
                 il.Emit(OpCodes.Ldfld, CompilerGlobals.localVarsField);
                 if (copyToNested)
                     ((FunctionScope) obj2).owner.TranslateToILToCopyLocalsToNestedScope(il, this.own_scope, notToBeRestored);
                     ((FunctionScope) obj2).owner.TranslateToILToCopyLocalsFromNestedScope(il, this.own_scope);
             else if ((obj2 is GlobalScope) || (obj2 is ClassScope))
Пример #46
        internal FunctionDeclaration(Context context, AST ifaceId, IdentifierLiteral id, ParameterDeclaration[] formal_parameters, TypeExpression return_type, Block body, FunctionScope own_scope, FieldAttributes attributes, bool isMethod, bool isGetter, bool isSetter, bool isAbstract, bool isFinal, CustomAttributeList customAttributes) : base(context)
            this.completion = new Completion();
            MethodAttributes privateScope = MethodAttributes.PrivateScope;

            if ((attributes & FieldAttributes.FieldAccessMask) == FieldAttributes.Public)
                privateScope = MethodAttributes.Public;
            else if ((attributes & FieldAttributes.FieldAccessMask) == FieldAttributes.Private)
                privateScope = MethodAttributes.Private;
            else if ((attributes & FieldAttributes.FieldAccessMask) == FieldAttributes.Assembly)
                privateScope = MethodAttributes.Assembly;
            else if ((attributes & FieldAttributes.FieldAccessMask) == FieldAttributes.Family)
                privateScope = MethodAttributes.Family;
            else if ((attributes & FieldAttributes.FieldAccessMask) == FieldAttributes.FamORAssem)
                privateScope = MethodAttributes.FamORAssem;
                privateScope = MethodAttributes.Public;
            if (((attributes & FieldAttributes.Static) != FieldAttributes.PrivateScope) || !isMethod)
                privateScope |= MethodAttributes.Static;
                privateScope |= MethodAttributes.NewSlot | MethodAttributes.Virtual;
            if (isAbstract)
                privateScope |= MethodAttributes.Abstract;
            if (isFinal)
                privateScope |= MethodAttributes.Final;
            this.name     = id.ToString();
            this.isMethod = isMethod;
            if (ifaceId != null)
                if (isMethod)
                    this.ifaceId  = new TypeExpression(ifaceId);
                    privateScope &= ~MethodAttributes.MemberAccessMask;
                    privateScope |= MethodAttributes.Final | MethodAttributes.Private;
                    this.declaringObject = new Member(ifaceId.context, ifaceId, id);
                    this.name            = this.declaringObject.ToString();
            ScriptObject obj2 = base.Globals.ScopeStack.Peek();

            if (((attributes == FieldAttributes.PrivateScope) && !isAbstract) && !isFinal)
                if (obj2 is ClassScope)
                    attributes |= FieldAttributes.Public;
            else if (!(obj2 is ClassScope))
                attributes   = FieldAttributes.PrivateScope;
                privateScope = MethodAttributes.Public;
            if (obj2 is ActivationObject)
                this.inFastScope = ((ActivationObject)obj2).fast;
                string name = this.name;
                if (isGetter)
                    privateScope |= MethodAttributes.SpecialName;
                    this.name     = "get_" + this.name;
                    if (return_type == null)
                        return_type = new TypeExpression(new ConstantWrapper(Typeob.Object, context));
                else if (isSetter)
                    privateScope |= MethodAttributes.SpecialName;
                    this.name     = "set_" + this.name;
                    return_type   = new TypeExpression(new ConstantWrapper(Typeob.Void, context));
                attributes &= FieldAttributes.FieldAccessMask;
                MethodAttributes attributes3 = privateScope & MethodAttributes.MemberAccessMask;
                if ((((privateScope & MethodAttributes.Virtual) != MethodAttributes.PrivateScope) && ((privateScope & MethodAttributes.Final) == MethodAttributes.PrivateScope)) && (((attributes3 == MethodAttributes.Private) || (attributes3 == MethodAttributes.Assembly)) || (attributes3 == MethodAttributes.FamANDAssem)))
                    privateScope |= MethodAttributes.CheckAccessOnOverride;
                this.func = new FunctionObject(this.name, formal_parameters, return_type, body, own_scope, obj2, base.context, privateScope, customAttributes, this.isMethod);
                if (this.declaringObject == null)
                    string str2 = this.name;
                    if (this.ifaceId != null)
                        str2 = ifaceId.ToString() + "." + str2;
                    JSVariableField field = (JSVariableField)((ActivationObject)obj2).name_table[str2];
                    if ((field != null) && ((!(field is JSMemberField) || !(((JSMemberField)field).value is FunctionObject)) || this.func.isExpandoMethod))
                        if (name != this.name)
                            id.context.HandleError(JSError.DuplicateName, this.func.isExpandoMethod);
                            if (field.value is FunctionObject)
                                ((FunctionObject)field.value).suppressIL = true;
                    if (this.isMethod)
                        if ((!(field is JSMemberField) || !(((JSMemberField)field).value is FunctionObject)) || (name != this.name))
                            this.field = ((ActivationObject)obj2).AddNewField(str2, this.func, attributes | FieldAttributes.Literal);
                            if (name == this.name)
                                this.field.type = new TypeExpression(new ConstantWrapper(Typeob.FunctionWrapper, base.context));
                            this.field = ((JSMemberField)field).AddOverload(this.func, attributes | FieldAttributes.Literal);
                    else if (obj2 is FunctionScope)
                        if (this.inFastScope)
                            attributes |= FieldAttributes.Literal;
                        this.field = ((FunctionScope)obj2).AddNewField(this.name, attributes, this.func);
                        if (this.field is JSLocalField)
                            JSLocalField field2 = (JSLocalField)this.field;
                            if (this.inFastScope)
                                field2.type            = new TypeExpression(new ConstantWrapper(Typeob.ScriptFunction, base.context));
                                field2.attributeFlags |= FieldAttributes.Literal;
                            field2.debugOn   = base.context.document.debugOn;
                            field2.isDefined = true;
                    else if (this.inFastScope)
                        this.field      = ((ActivationObject)obj2).AddNewField(this.name, this.func, attributes | FieldAttributes.Literal);
                        this.field.type = new TypeExpression(new ConstantWrapper(Typeob.ScriptFunction, base.context));
                        this.field = ((ActivationObject)obj2).AddNewField(this.name, this.func, attributes | FieldAttributes.Static);
                    this.field.originalContext = context;
                    if (name != this.name)
                        string str3 = name;
                        if (this.ifaceId != null)
                            str3 = ifaceId.ToString() + "." + name;
                        FieldInfo info = (FieldInfo)((ClassScope)obj2).name_table[str3];
                        if (info != null)
                            if (info.IsLiteral)
                                object obj3 = ((JSVariableField)info).value;
                                if (obj3 is JSProperty)
                                    this.enclosingProperty = (JSProperty)obj3;
                            if (this.enclosingProperty == null)
                                id.context.HandleError(JSError.DuplicateName, true);
                        if (this.enclosingProperty == null)
                            this.enclosingProperty = new JSProperty(name);
                            ((JSMemberField)((ActivationObject)obj2).AddNewField(str3, this.enclosingProperty, attributes | FieldAttributes.Literal)).originalContext = base.context;
                        else if ((isGetter && (this.enclosingProperty.getter != null)) || (isSetter && (this.enclosingProperty.setter != null)))
                            id.context.HandleError(JSError.DuplicateName, true);
                        if (isGetter)
                            this.enclosingProperty.getter = new JSFieldMethod(this.field, obj2);
                            this.enclosingProperty.setter = new JSFieldMethod(this.field, obj2);
                this.inFastScope = false;
                this.func        = new FunctionObject(this.name, formal_parameters, return_type, body, own_scope, obj2, base.context, MethodAttributes.Public, null, false);
                this.field       = ((StackFrame)obj2).AddNewField(this.name, new Closure(this.func), attributes | FieldAttributes.Static);