private async Task <Microsoft.Graph.Notebook> AddItemAsync(Microsoft.Graph.Notebook item) { var result = await client.Me.Onenote.Notebooks.Request().AddAsync(item); return(result); }
/// <summary> /// Creates the specified Notebook using POST. /// </summary> /// <param name="notebookToCreate">The Notebook to create.</param> /// <returns>The created Notebook.</returns> public System.Threading.Tasks.Task <Notebook> CreateAsync(Notebook notebookToCreate) { return(this.CreateAsync(notebookToCreate, CancellationToken.None)); }
/// <summary> /// Adds the specified Notebook to the collection via POST. /// </summary> /// <param name="notebook">The Notebook to add.</param> /// <returns>The created Notebook.</returns> public System.Threading.Tasks.Task <Notebook> AddAsync(Notebook notebook) { return(this.AddAsync(notebook, CancellationToken.None)); }
/// <summary> /// Adds the specified Notebook to the collection via POST. /// </summary> /// <param name="notebook">The Notebook to add.</param> /// <param name="cancellationToken">The <see cref="CancellationToken"/> for the request.</param> /// <returns>The created Notebook.</returns> public System.Threading.Tasks.Task <Notebook> AddAsync(Notebook notebook, CancellationToken cancellationToken) { this.ContentType = "application/json"; this.Method = "POST"; return(this.SendAsync <Notebook>(notebook, cancellationToken)); }
static async Task MainOld(string[] args) { //validate(args); Console.WriteLine("Welcome to the OneNoteLink tool...!\n"); try { //********************************************************************* // setup Microsoft Graph Client for user. //********************************************************************* AuthenticationConfig config = AuthenticationConfig.ReadFromJsonFile("appsettings.json"); // Check whether config. parameters have values config.CheckParameters(); var graphServiceClient = GraphClientFactory.GetGraphServiceClient(config.ClientId, config.Authority, config.Scopes); if (graphServiceClient != null) { var user = await graphServiceClient.Me.Request().GetAsync(); string userId = user.Id; string mailAddress = user.UserPrincipalName; string displayName = user.DisplayName; Console.WriteLine("Display Name: " + displayName); var mynotebooks = await graphServiceClient.Me.Onenote.Notebooks.Request().GetAsync(); Console.WriteLine("\nList of your Notebooks: \n"); int i = 0; foreach (var notebook in mynotebooks) { Console.WriteLine(" [" + i + "] " + notebook.DisplayName); i++; } Console.Write("\nSelect Notebook to Fix: "); string val = Console.ReadLine(); int index = Convert.ToInt32(val); i = 0; Microsoft.Graph.Notebook selectedNotebook = null; foreach (var notebook in mynotebooks) { selectedNotebook = notebook; if (i == index) { break; } i++; } List <QueryOption> options = new List <QueryOption> { new QueryOption("includeIDs", "true") }; var mysections = await graphServiceClient.Me.Onenote.Notebooks[selectedNotebook.Id].Sections.Request().GetAsync(); foreach (var section in mysections) { var mypages = await graphServiceClient.Me.Onenote.Sections[section.Id].Pages.Request().GetAsync(); foreach (var page in mypages) { Console.WriteLine("=====================Title: " + page.Title + "====================="); Stream content = await graphServiceClient.Me.Onenote.Pages[page.Id].Content.Request(options).GetAsync(); StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(content); Console.WriteLine("Content: " + sr.ReadToEnd()); Console.WriteLine("==============================================================="); } } /*var groups = await graphServiceClient.Me.MemberOf.Request().GetAsync(); * foreach(var group in groups) * { * Console.WriteLine(group.Id); * }*/ Console.WriteLine("Completed..."); Console.ReadKey(); } else { throwError("We weren't able to create a GraphServiceClient for you. Please check the output for errors."); return; } } catch (ArgumentNullException ex) { throwError(ex.Message + "\nPlease follow the Readme instructions for configuring this application."); return; } catch (FileNotFoundException) { throwError("The configuration file 'appsettings.json' was not found. " + "Rename the file 'appsettings.json.example' in the solutions folder to 'appsettings.json'." + "\nPlease follow the Readme instructions for configuring this application."); return; } catch (Exception ex) { string msg = "Connecting to graph failed with the following message: {0}" + ex.Message; if (ex.InnerException != null) { msg = msg + "\n Error detail: {0}" + ex.InnerException.Message; } throwError(msg); return; } }