Пример #1
        static async Task Main(string[] args)
            // Setup a service collection.
            var services = new Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ServiceCollection()

                           // Add essential workflow services.

                           // Add Console activities (ReadLine and WriteLine).


            // Get a workflow builder.
            var workflowBuilder = services.GetRequiredService <IWorkflowBuilder>();

            // Define a workflow and add a single activity.
            var workflowDefinition = workflowBuilder
                                     .StartWith <WriteLine>(x => x.TextExpression = new LiteralExpression("Hello world!"))

            // Get a workflow invoker,
            var invoker = services.GetService <IWorkflowInvoker>();

            // Start the workflow.
            await invoker.StartAsync(workflowDefinition);

            // Prevent the console from shutting down until user hits a key.