Пример #1
        private static NativeCompileSettings ParseAndValidateArgs(ArgValues args)
            var config = new NativeCompileSettings();

            // Managed Input
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(args.InputManagedAssemblyPath) || !File.Exists(args.InputManagedAssemblyPath))
                //TODO make this message good
                throw new Exception("Invalid Managed Assembly Argument.");

            config.InputManagedAssemblyPath = Path.GetFullPath(args.InputManagedAssemblyPath);

            // Architecture
                config.Architecture = RuntimeExtensions.GetCurrentArchitecture();

                // CoreRT does not support x86 yet
                if (config.Architecture != ArchitectureMode.x64)
                    throw new Exception("Native Compilation currently only supported for x64.");
                    config.Architecture = EnumExtensions.Parse<ArchitectureMode>(args.Architecture.ToLower());
                catch (Exception e)
                    throw new Exception("Invalid Architecture Option.");

            // BuildConfiguration
                config.BuildType = GetDefaultBuildType();
                    config.BuildType = EnumExtensions.Parse<BuildConfiguration>(args.BuildConfiguration.ToLower());
                catch (Exception e)
                    throw new Exception("Invalid Configuration Option.");

            // Output
                config.OutputDirectory = GetDefaultOutputDir(config);
                config.OutputDirectory = args.OutputDirectory;

            // Intermediate
                config.IntermediateDirectory = GetDefaultIntermediateDir(config);
                config.IntermediateDirectory = args.IntermediateDirectory;

            // Mode
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(args.NativeMode))
                config.NativeMode = GetDefaultNativeMode();
                    config.NativeMode = EnumExtensions.Parse<NativeIntermediateMode>(args.NativeMode.ToLower());
                catch (Exception e)
                    throw new Exception("Invalid Mode Option.");

            // AppDeps (TEMP)
                if (!Directory.Exists(args.AppDepSDKPath))
                    throw new Exception("AppDepSDK Directory does not exist.");

                config.AppDepSDKPath = args.AppDepSDKPath;

                var reference = Path.Combine(config.AppDepSDKPath, "*.dll");
                config.AppDepSDKPath = GetDefaultAppDepSDKPath();

                var reference = Path.Combine(config.AppDepSDKPath, "*.dll");

            // IlcPath
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(args.IlcPath))
                if (!Directory.Exists(args.IlcPath))
                    throw new Exception("ILC Directory does not exist.");

                config.IlcPath = args.IlcPath;
                config.IlcPath = GetDefaultIlcPath();

            // logpath
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(args.LogPath))
                config.LogPath = Path.GetFullPath(args.LogPath);

            // CodeGenPath
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(args.IlcArgs))
                config.IlcArgs = Path.GetFullPath(args.IlcArgs);

            // Reference Paths
            foreach (var reference in args.ReferencePaths)

            // Link Libs
            foreach (var lib in args.LinkLibPaths)

            // OS
            config.OS = RuntimeInformationExtensions.GetCurrentOS();

            return config;
Пример #2
        internal static ArgValues Parse(IEnumerable<string> args)
            CommandLineApplication app = new CommandLineApplication();

            CommandOption output = app.Option("--output <arg>", "Output Directory for native executable.", CommandOptionType.SingleValue);
            CommandOption tempOutput = app.Option("--temp-output <arg>", "Directory for intermediate files.", CommandOptionType.SingleValue);

            CommandOption configuration = app.Option("--configuration <arg>", "debug/release build configuration. Defaults to debug.", CommandOptionType.SingleValue);
            CommandOption mode = app.Option("--mode <arg>", "Code Generation mode. Defaults to ryujit.", CommandOptionType.SingleValue);

            CommandOption reference = app.Option("--reference <arg>...", "Use to specify Managed DLL references of the app.", CommandOptionType.MultipleValue);

            // Custom Extensibility Points to support CoreRT workflow TODO better descriptions
            CommandOption ilcarg = app.Option("--ilcarg <arg>...", "Use to specify custom arguments for the IL Compiler.", CommandOptionType.MultipleValue);
            CommandOption ilcpath = app.Option("--ilcpath <arg>", "Use to specify a custom build of IL Compiler.", CommandOptionType.SingleValue);
            CommandOption ilcsdkpath = app.Option("ilcsdkpath <arg>", "Use to specify a custom build of IL Compiler SDK", CommandOptionType.SingleValue);

            CommandOption linklib = app.Option("--linklib <arg>...", "Use to link in additional static libs", CommandOptionType.MultipleValue);

            // TEMPORARY Hack until CoreRT compatible Framework Libs are available 
            CommandOption appdepsdk = app.Option("--appdepsdk <arg>", "Use to plug in custom appdepsdk path", CommandOptionType.SingleValue);

            // Optional Log Path
            CommandOption logpath = app.Option("--logpath <arg>", "Use to dump Native Compilation Logs to a file.", CommandOptionType.SingleValue);

            // Optional flags to be passed to the native compiler
            CommandOption cppcompilerflags = app.Option("--cppcompilerflags <arg>", "Additional flags to be passed to the native compiler.", CommandOptionType.SingleValue);

            CommandArgument inputAssembly = app.Argument("INPUT_ASSEMBLY", "The managed input assembly to compile to native.");

            ArgValues argValues = new ArgValues();
            app.OnExecute(() =>
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(inputAssembly.Value))
                    Reporter.Error.WriteLine("Input Assembly is a required parameter.");
                    return 1;

                if (configuration.HasValue())
                        argValues.BuildConfiguration = EnumExtensions.Parse<BuildConfiguration>(configuration.Value());
                    catch (ArgumentException)
                        Reporter.Error.WriteLine($"Invalid Configuration Option: {configuration}");
                        return 1;

                if (mode.HasValue())
                        argValues.NativeMode = EnumExtensions.Parse<NativeIntermediateMode>(mode.Value());
                    catch (ArgumentException)
                        Reporter.Error.WriteLine($"Invalid Mode Option: {mode}");
                        return 1;

                argValues.InputManagedAssemblyPath = inputAssembly.Value;
                argValues.OutputDirectory = output.Value();
                argValues.IntermediateDirectory = tempOutput.Value();
                argValues.Architecture = ArchitectureMode.x64;
                argValues.ReferencePaths = reference.Values;
                argValues.IlcArgs = ilcarg.Values.Select(s =>
                    if (!s.StartsWith("\"") || !s.EndsWith("\""))
                        throw new ArgumentException("--ilcarg must be specified in double quotes", "ilcarg");
                    return s.Substring(1, s.Length - 2);
                argValues.IlcPath = ilcpath.Value();
                argValues.IlcSdkPath = ilcsdkpath.Value();
                argValues.LinkLibPaths = linklib.Values;
                argValues.AppDepSDKPath = appdepsdk.Value();
                argValues.LogPath = logpath.Value();
                argValues.CppCompilerFlags = cppcompilerflags.Value();

                Reporter.Output.WriteLine($"Input Assembly: {inputAssembly}");

                return 0;

                argValues.ReturnCode = app.Execute(args.ToArray());
            catch (Exception ex)
                argValues.ReturnCode = 1;

            if (argValues.ReturnCode != 0)
                argValues.IsHelp = true;

            return argValues;
Пример #3
        private static CommandLineApplication SetupApp()
            var app = new CommandLineApplication
                Name = "dotnet compile native",
                FullName = "IL to Native compiler",
                Description = "IL to Native compiler Compiler for the .NET Platform"


            var managedInputArg = app.Argument("<INPUT_ASSEMBLY>", "The managed input assembly to compile to native.");
            var outputArg = app.Option("-o|--out <OUTPUT_DIR>", "Output Directory for native executable.", CommandOptionType.SingleValue);
            var intermediateArg = app.Option("-t|--temp-output <OUTPUT_DIR>", "Directory for intermediate files.", CommandOptionType.SingleValue);
            var buildConfigArg = app.Option("-c|--configuration <TYPE>", "debug/release build configuration. Defaults to debug.", CommandOptionType.SingleValue);
            var modeArg = app.Option("-m|--mode <MODE>", "Code Generation mode. Defaults to ryujit. ", CommandOptionType.SingleValue);

            var referencesArg = app.Option("-r|--reference <REF_PATH>", "Use to specify Managed DLL references of the app.", CommandOptionType.MultipleValue);

            // Custom Extensibility Points to support CoreRT workflow TODO better descriptions
            var ilcArgs = app.Option("--ilcargs <CODEGEN>", "Use to specify custom arguments for the IL Compiler.", CommandOptionType.SingleValue);
            var ilcPathArg = app.Option("--ilcpath <ILC_PATH>", "Use to plug in a custom built ilc.exe", CommandOptionType.SingleValue);
            var linklibArg = app.Option("--linklib <LINKLIB>", "Use to link in additional static libs", CommandOptionType.MultipleValue);

            // TEMPORARY Hack until CoreRT compatible Framework Libs are available
            var appdepSdkPathArg = app.Option("--appdepsdk <SDK>", "Use to plug in custom appdepsdk path", CommandOptionType.SingleValue);

            // Optional Log Path
            var logpathArg = app.Option("--logpath <LOG_PATH>", "Use to dump Native Compilation Logs to a file.", CommandOptionType.SingleValue);

            app.OnExecute(() =>
                var cmdLineArgs = new ArgValues()
                    InputManagedAssemblyPath = managedInputArg.Value,
                    OutputDirectory = outputArg.Value(),
                    IntermediateDirectory = intermediateArg.Value(),
                    Architecture = "x64",
                    BuildConfiguration = buildConfigArg.Value(),
                    NativeMode = modeArg.Value(),
                    ReferencePaths = referencesArg.Values,
                    IlcArgs = ilcArgs.Value(),
                    IlcPath = ilcPathArg.Value(),
                    LinkLibPaths = linklibArg.Values,
                    AppDepSDKPath = appdepSdkPathArg.Value(),
                    LogPath = logpathArg.Value()

                var config = ParseAndValidateArgs(cmdLineArgs);


                var nativeCompiler = NativeCompiler.Create(config);

                var result = nativeCompiler.CompileToNative(config);

                return result ? 0 : 1;

            return app;
Пример #4
        internal static ArgValues Parse(IEnumerable <string> args)
            CommandLineApplication app = new CommandLineApplication();


            CommandOption output     = app.Option("--output <arg>", "Output Directory for native executable.", CommandOptionType.SingleValue);
            CommandOption tempOutput = app.Option("--temp-output <arg>", "Directory for intermediate files.", CommandOptionType.SingleValue);

            CommandOption configuration = app.Option("--configuration <arg>", "debug/release build configuration. Defaults to debug.", CommandOptionType.SingleValue);
            CommandOption mode          = app.Option("--mode <arg>", "Code Generation mode. Defaults to ryujit.", CommandOptionType.SingleValue);

            CommandOption reference = app.Option("--reference <arg>...", "Use to specify Managed DLL references of the app.", CommandOptionType.MultipleValue);

            // Custom Extensibility Points to support CoreRT workflow TODO better descriptions
            CommandOption ilcarg     = app.Option("--ilcarg <arg>...", "Use to specify custom arguments for the IL Compiler.", CommandOptionType.MultipleValue);
            CommandOption ilcpath    = app.Option("--ilcpath <arg>", "Use to specify a custom build of IL Compiler.", CommandOptionType.SingleValue);
            CommandOption ilcsdkpath = app.Option("ilcsdkpath <arg>", "Use to specify a custom build of IL Compiler SDK", CommandOptionType.SingleValue);

            CommandOption linklib = app.Option("--linklib <arg>...", "Use to link in additional static libs", CommandOptionType.MultipleValue);

            // TEMPORARY Hack until CoreRT compatible Framework Libs are available
            CommandOption appdepsdk = app.Option("--appdepsdk <arg>", "Use to plug in custom appdepsdk path", CommandOptionType.SingleValue);

            // Optional Log Path
            CommandOption logpath = app.Option("--logpath <arg>", "Use to dump Native Compilation Logs to a file.", CommandOptionType.SingleValue);

            // Optional flags to be passed to the native compiler
            CommandOption cppcompilerflags = app.Option("--cppcompilerflags <arg>", "Additional flags to be passed to the native compiler.", CommandOptionType.SingleValue);

            CommandArgument inputAssembly = app.Argument("INPUT_ASSEMBLY", "The managed input assembly to compile to native.");

            ArgValues argValues = new ArgValues();

            app.OnExecute(() =>
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(inputAssembly.Value))
                    Reporter.Error.WriteLine("Input Assembly is a required parameter.");

                if (configuration.HasValue())
                        argValues.BuildConfiguration = EnumExtensions.Parse <BuildConfiguration>(configuration.Value());
                    catch (ArgumentException)
                        Reporter.Error.WriteLine($"Invalid Configuration Option: {configuration}");

                if (mode.HasValue())
                        argValues.NativeMode = EnumExtensions.Parse <NativeIntermediateMode>(mode.Value());
                    catch (ArgumentException)
                        Reporter.Error.WriteLine($"Invalid Mode Option: {mode}");

                argValues.InputManagedAssemblyPath = inputAssembly.Value;
                argValues.OutputDirectory          = output.Value();
                argValues.IntermediateDirectory    = tempOutput.Value();
                argValues.Architecture             = ArchitectureMode.x64;
                argValues.ReferencePaths           = reference.Values;
                argValues.IlcArgs = ilcarg.Values.Select(s =>
                    if (!s.StartsWith("\"") || !s.EndsWith("\""))
                        throw new ArgumentException("--ilcarg must be specified in double quotes", "ilcarg");
                    return(s.Substring(1, s.Length - 2));
                argValues.IlcPath          = ilcpath.Value();
                argValues.IlcSdkPath       = ilcsdkpath.Value();
                argValues.LinkLibPaths     = linklib.Values;
                argValues.AppDepSDKPath    = appdepsdk.Value();
                argValues.LogPath          = logpath.Value();
                argValues.CppCompilerFlags = cppcompilerflags.Value();

                Reporter.Output.WriteLine($"Input Assembly: {inputAssembly}");


                argValues.ReturnCode = app.Execute(args.ToArray());
            catch (Exception ex)
                argValues.ReturnCode = 1;

            if (argValues.ReturnCode != 0)
                argValues.IsHelp = true;
