IsPathUnderSpecificFolder() публичный статический Метод

public static IsPathUnderSpecificFolder ( string path, string folder ) : bool
path string
folder string
Результат bool
Пример #1
        private string FixNonMdRelativeFileHref(string nonMdHref, IMarkdownContext context, string rawMarkdown)
            // If the context doesn't have necessary info or nonMdHref is not a relative path, return the original href
            if (!context.Variables.ContainsKey("path") || !TypeForwardedToPathUtility.IsRelativePath(nonMdHref))

            var currentFilePath   = (string)context.Variables["path"];
            var currentFolderPath = Path.GetDirectoryName(currentFilePath);

                // if the relative path (not from azure resource file info mapping) is under docset. Just return it.
                var nonMdHrefFullPath = Path.GetFullPath(Path.Combine(currentFolderPath, nonMdHref));
                if (TypeForwardedToPathUtility.IsPathUnderSpecificFolder(nonMdHrefFullPath, currentFolderPath))
                    Logger.LogVerbose($"Relative path:{nonMdHref} is not under {currentFolderPath} of file {currentFilePath}. Use ex_resource to replace the link.");

                // if azure resource file info doesn't exist, log warning and return
                if (!context.Variables.ContainsKey("azureResourceFileInfoMapping"))
                    Logger.LogWarning($"Can't find azure resource file info mapping. Couldn't fix href: {nonMdHref} in file {currentFilePath}. raw: {rawMarkdown}");

                var           nonMdHrefFileName            = Path.GetFileName(nonMdHref);
                var           azureResourceFileInfoMapping = (Dictionary <string, AzureFileInfo>)context.Variables["azureResourceFileInfoMapping"];
                AzureFileInfo azureResourceFileInfo;
                if (!azureResourceFileInfoMapping.TryGetValue(nonMdHrefFileName, out azureResourceFileInfo))
                    Logger.LogWarning($"Can't find info for file name {nonMdHrefFileName} in azure resource file info mapping. Couldn't fix href: {nonMdHref} in file {currentFilePath}. raw: {rawMarkdown}");

                // If the nonMdHref is under same docset with current file. No need to fix that.
                if (TypeForwardedToPathUtility.IsPathUnderSpecificFolder(azureResourceFileInfo.FilePath, currentFolderPath))

                // If the nonMdHref is under different docset with current file but not exists. Then log warning and won't fix.
                if (!File.Exists(azureResourceFileInfo.FilePath))
                    Logger.LogWarning($"{nonMdHref} refer by {currentFilePath} doesn't exists. Won't do link fix. raw: {rawMarkdown}");

                // If the nonMdHref is under different docset with current file and also exists, then fix the link.
                // 1. copy the external file to ex_resource folder. 2. Return new href path to the file under external folder
                var exResourceDir = Directory.CreateDirectory(Path.Combine(currentFolderPath, ExternalResourceFolderName));
                var resDestPath   = Path.Combine(exResourceDir.FullName, Path.GetFileName(azureResourceFileInfo.FilePath));
                File.Copy(azureResourceFileInfo.FilePath, resDestPath, true);
                return(TypeForwardedToPathUtility.MakeRelativePath(currentFolderPath, resDestPath));
            catch (NotSupportedException nse)
                Logger.LogWarning($"Warning: FixNonMdRelativeFileHref can't be apply on reference: {nonMdHref}. Exception: {nse.Message}");
Пример #2
        private string GenerateAzureLinkHref(IMarkdownContext context, string href, string rawMarkdown)
            StringBuffer content = StringBuffer.Empty;

            // If the context doesn't have necessary info, return the original href
            if (!context.Variables.ContainsKey("path") || !context.Variables.ContainsKey("azureMarkdownFileInfoMapping"))

            // if the href is not relative path, return it
            if (!TypeForwardedToPathUtility.IsRelativePath(href))

            // deal with bookmark. Get file name and anchor
            string hrefFileName = string.Empty;
            string anchor       = string.Empty;
            var    index        = href.IndexOf('#');

            if (index == -1)
                hrefFileName = Path.GetFileName(href);
            else if (index == 0)
                hrefFileName = Path.GetFileName(href.Remove(index));
                anchor       = href.Substring(index);

            // deal with different kinds of relative paths
            var currentFilePath = (string)context.Variables["path"];
            var azureMarkdownFileInfoMapping = (IReadOnlyDictionary <string, AzureFileInfo>)context.Variables["azureMarkdownFileInfoMapping"];

            if (azureMarkdownFileInfoMapping == null || !azureMarkdownFileInfoMapping.ContainsKey(hrefFileName))
                Logger.LogWarning($"Can't fild reference file: {href} in azure file system for file {currentFilePath}. Raw: {rawMarkdown}");

            string azureHref    = null;
            var    hrefFileInfo = azureMarkdownFileInfoMapping[hrefFileName];

            // Not in docsets and transform to azure external link
            if (hrefFileInfo.NeedTransformToAzureExternalLink)
                azureHref = $"{hrefFileInfo.UriPrefix}/{Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(hrefFileName)}{anchor}";
                var hrefPath = hrefFileInfo.FilePath;

                // It is correct for Azure strucuture. Azure articles are all under same folder
                var isHrefInsameDocset = TypeForwardedToPathUtility.IsPathUnderSpecificFolder(hrefPath, Path.GetDirectoryName(currentFilePath));

                // In same docset with current file, use relative path. Otherwise, use docset link prefix
                if (isHrefInsameDocset)
                    azureHref = string.Format("{0}{1}", TypeForwardedToPathUtility.MakeRelativePath(Path.GetDirectoryName(currentFilePath), hrefFileInfo.FilePath), anchor);
                    // If the file is in different docset, then append the absolute path prefix. .html should be remove as docs also don't need it now.
                    azureHref = $"{hrefFileInfo.UriPrefix}/{Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(hrefFileName)}{anchor}";

Пример #3
        private static bool GenerateAzureFileInfo(
            string repositoryRoot,
            RewriterToolArguments rewriterToolArguments,
            string azureDocumentUriPrefix,
            AzureFileInformationCollection azureFileInformationCollection)
            var azureMarkdownFileInfoMapping = new ConcurrentDictionary<string, AzureFileInfo>();
            var azureResourceFileInfoMapping = new ConcurrentDictionary<string, AzureFileInfo>();

            var files = Directory.GetFiles(repositoryRoot, "*", SearchOption.AllDirectories);
                new ParallelOptions { MaxDegreeOfParallelism = 8 },
                file =>
                    var relativePath = TypeForwardedToPathUtility.MakeRelativePath(repositoryRoot, file);
                    if (IsIgnoreFile(relativePath, rewriterToolArguments.IsMigration))

                    var isSucceed = true;
                    var azureTransformArguments = rewriterToolArguments.AzureTransformArgumentsList.FirstOrDefault(a => TypeForwardedToPathUtility.IsPathUnderSpecificFolder(file, a.SourceDir));

                    // By default, all the link should be transformed to external link with azure uri prefix
                    // However, if we find that the file is under one of the folder that need to be transformed. Then the prefix uri should be docs but not auzre
                    var needTransformToAzureExternalLink = true;
                    var uriPrefix = azureDocumentUriPrefix;
                    if (azureTransformArguments != null)
                        needTransformToAzureExternalLink = false;
                        uriPrefix = azureTransformArguments.DocsHostUriPrefix;

                    var fileName = Path.GetFileName(file);
                    var azureFileInfo = new AzureFileInfo
                        FileName = fileName,
                        FilePath = TypeForwardedToPathUtility.NormalizePath(file),
                        NeedTransformToAzureExternalLink = needTransformToAzureExternalLink,
                        UriPrefix = uriPrefix

                    AzureFileInfo conflictFile;
                    var isMarkdownFile = Path.GetExtension(relativePath).Equals(MarkdownExtension, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase);
                    if (isMarkdownFile)
                        isSucceed = azureMarkdownFileInfoMapping.TryAdd(fileName, azureFileInfo);
                        azureMarkdownFileInfoMapping.TryGetValue(fileName, out conflictFile);
                        isSucceed = azureResourceFileInfoMapping.TryAdd(fileName, azureFileInfo);
                        azureResourceFileInfoMapping.TryGetValue(fileName, out conflictFile);

                    if (!isSucceed)
                        Console.WriteLine($"GenerateAzureFileInfo warning: can't insert file: {file}, confilicts with: {conflictFile?.FilePath}");

            azureFileInformationCollection.AzureMarkdownFileInfoMapping = azureMarkdownFileInfoMapping.ToDictionary(m => m.Key, m => m.Value);
            azureFileInformationCollection.AzureResourceFileInfoMapping = azureResourceFileInfoMapping.ToDictionary(m => m.Key, m => m.Value);
            return true;