LoadSingleToc() публичный статический Метод

public static LoadSingleToc ( string file ) : TocViewModel
file string
Результат TocViewModel
Пример #1
        public override FileModel Load(FileAndType file, ImmutableDictionary <string, object> metadata)
            var filePath     = file.FullPath;
            var tocViewModel = Utility.LoadSingleToc(filePath);
            var toc          = new TocItemViewModel
                Items = tocViewModel

            var repoDetail       = GitUtility.TryGetFileDetail(filePath);
            var displayLocalPath = PathUtility.MakeRelativePath(EnvironmentContext.BaseDirectory, file.FullPath);

            // todo : metadata.
            return(new FileModel(file, toc)
                Uids = new[] { new UidDefinition(file.File, displayLocalPath) }.ToImmutableArray(),
                LocalPathFromRoot = displayLocalPath
Пример #2
        public override FileModel Load(FileAndType file, ImmutableDictionary <string, object> metadata)
            var filePath     = file.FullPath;
            var tocViewModel = Utility.LoadSingleToc(filePath);
            var toc          = new TocItemViewModel
                Items = tocViewModel

            var repoDetail       = GitUtility.GetGitDetail(filePath);
            var displayLocalPath = repoDetail?.RelativePath ?? filePath;

            // todo : metadata.
            return(new FileModel(file, toc)
                Uids = new[] { new UidDefinition(file.File, displayLocalPath) }.ToImmutableArray(),
                LocalPathFromRepoRoot = displayLocalPath,
Пример #3
        private TocItemInfo ResolveItemCore(TocItemInfo wrapper, Stack <FileAndType> stack)
            if (wrapper.IsResolved)

            var file = wrapper.File;

            if (stack.Contains(file))
                throw new DocumentException($"Circular reference to {file.FullPath} is found in {stack.Peek().FullPath}");

            var item = wrapper.Content;

            // HomepageUid and Uid is deprecated, unified to TopicUid
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(item.TopicUid))
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(item.Uid))
                    item.TopicUid = item.Uid;
                    item.Uid      = null;
                else if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(item.HomepageUid))
                    item.TopicUid = item.HomepageUid;
                    Logger.LogWarning($"HomepageUid is deprecated in TOC. Please use topicUid to specify uid {item.Homepage}");
                    item.HomepageUid = null;
            // Homepage is deprecated, unified to TopicHref
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(item.Homepage))
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(item.TopicHref))
                    item.TopicHref = item.Homepage;
                    Logger.LogWarning($"Homepage is deprecated in TOC. Homepage {item.Homepage} is overwritten with topicHref {item.TopicHref}");
            // TocHref supports 2 forms: absolute path and local toc file.
            // When TocHref is set, using TocHref as Href in output, and using Href as Homepage in output
            var tocHrefType = Utility.GetHrefType(item.TocHref);

            // check whether toc exists
            TocItemInfo tocFileModel = null;

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(item.TocHref) && (tocHrefType == HrefType.MarkdownTocFile || tocHrefType == HrefType.YamlTocFile))
                var tocFilePath = (RelativePath)file.File + (RelativePath)item.TocHref;
                var tocFile     = file.ChangeFile(tocFilePath);
                if (!_collection.TryGetValue(tocFile.FullPath, out tocFileModel))
                    var message = $"Unable to find {item.TocHref}. Make sure the file is included in config file docfx.json!";

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(item.TocHref))
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(item.Homepage))
                    throw new DocumentException(
                              $"TopicHref should be used to specify the homepage for {item.TocHref} when tocHref is used.");
                if (tocHrefType == HrefType.RelativeFile || tocHrefType == HrefType.RelativeFolder)
                    throw new DocumentException($"TocHref {item.TocHref} only supports absolute path or local toc file.");

            var hrefType = Utility.GetHrefType(item.Href);

            switch (hrefType)
            case HrefType.AbsolutePath:
            case HrefType.RelativeFile:
                if (item.Items != null && item.Items.Count > 0)
                    for (int i = 0; i < item.Items.Count; i++)
                        item.Items[i] = ResolveItem(new TocItemInfo(file, item.Items[i]), stack).Content;
                    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(item.TopicHref) && string.IsNullOrEmpty(item.TopicUid))
                        var defaultItem = GetDefaultHomepageItem(item);
                        if (defaultItem != null)
                            item.AggregatedHref = defaultItem.TopicHref;
                            item.AggregatedUid  = defaultItem.TopicUid;
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(item.TopicHref))
                    // Get homepage from TocHref if href/topicHref is null or empty
                    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(item.Href) && string.IsNullOrEmpty(item.TopicUid) && tocFileModel != null)
                        var resolved = ResolveItem(tocFileModel, stack).Content;
                        item.Href     = resolved.TopicHref ?? resolved.AggregatedHref;
                        item.TopicUid = resolved.TopicUid ?? resolved.AggregatedUid;
                    // Use TopicHref in output model
                    item.TopicHref = item.Href;

            case HrefType.RelativeFolder:
                if (tocFileModel != null)
                    Logger.LogWarning($"Href {item.Href} is overwritten by tocHref {item.TocHref}");
                    var relativeFolder = (RelativePath)file.File + (RelativePath)item.Href;
                    var tocFilePath    = relativeFolder + (RelativePath)Constants.YamlTocFileName;

                    var tocFile = file.ChangeFile(tocFilePath);

                    // First, try finding toc.yml under the relative folder
                    // Second, try finding toc.md under the relative folder
                    if (!_collection.TryGetValue(tocFile.FullPath, out tocFileModel))
                        tocFilePath = relativeFolder + (RelativePath)Constants.MarkdownTocFileName;
                        tocFile     = file.ChangeFile(tocFilePath);
                        if (!_collection.TryGetValue(tocFile.FullPath, out tocFileModel))
                            var message =
                                $"Unable to find either {Constants.YamlTocFileName} or {Constants.MarkdownTocFileName} inside {item.Href}. Make sure the file is included in config file docfx.json!";

                    item.TocHref = tocFilePath - (RelativePath)file.File;

                // Get homepage from TocHref if TopicHref/TopicUid is not specified
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(item.TopicHref) && string.IsNullOrEmpty(item.TopicUid))
                    var resolved = ResolveItem(tocFileModel, stack).Content;
                    item.Href     = item.TopicHref = resolved.TopicHref ?? resolved.AggregatedHref;
                    item.TopicUid = resolved.TopicUid ?? resolved.AggregatedUid;
                    item.Href = item.TopicHref;

                if (item.Items != null)
                    for (int i = 0; i < item.Items.Count; i++)
                        item.Items[i] = ResolveItem(new TocItemInfo(file, item.Items[i]), stack).Content;

            case HrefType.MarkdownTocFile:
            case HrefType.YamlTocFile:
                var              tocFilePath = (RelativePath)file.File + (RelativePath)item.Href;
                var              tocFile     = file.ChangeFile(tocFilePath);
                TocItemInfo      referencedTocFileModel;
                TocItemViewModel referencedToc;
                if (_collection.TryGetValue(tocFile.FullPath, out referencedTocFileModel) || _notInProjectTocCache.TryGetValue(tocFile, out referencedTocFileModel))
                    referencedTocFileModel = ResolveItem(referencedTocFileModel, stack);
                    referencedTocFileModel.IsReferenceToc = true;
                    referencedToc = referencedTocFileModel.Content;
                    // It is acceptable that the referenced toc file is not included in docfx.json, as long as it can be found locally
                    referencedTocFileModel = new TocItemInfo(tocFile, new TocItemViewModel
                            Items = Utility.LoadSingleToc(tocFile.FullPath)

                    referencedTocFileModel         = ResolveItem(referencedTocFileModel, stack);
                    referencedToc                  = referencedTocFileModel.Content;
                    _notInProjectTocCache[tocFile] = referencedTocFileModel;
                // For referenced toc, content from referenced toc is expanded as the items of current toc item,
                // Href is reset to the homepage of current toc item
                item.Href  = item.TopicHref;
                item.Items = referencedToc.Items;


            var relativeToFile = (RelativePath)file.File;

            item.OriginalHref      = item.Href;
            item.OriginalTocHref   = item.TocHref;
            item.OriginalTopicHref = item.TopicHref;
            item.OriginalHomepage  = item.Homepage;
            item.Href      = NormalizeHref(item.Href, relativeToFile);
            item.TocHref   = NormalizeHref(item.TocHref, relativeToFile);
            item.TopicHref = NormalizeHref(item.TopicHref, relativeToFile);
            item.Homepage  = NormalizeHref(item.Homepage, relativeToFile);

            wrapper.IsResolved = true;

            // for backward compatibility
            if (item.Href == null && item.Homepage == null)
                item.Href     = item.TocHref;
                item.Homepage = item.TopicHref;

Пример #4
        private TocItemInfo ResolveItemCore(TocItemInfo wrapper, Stack <FileAndType> stack)
            if (wrapper.IsResolved)

            var file = wrapper.File;

            if (stack.Contains(file))
                throw new DocumentException($"Circular reference to {file.FullPath} is found in {stack.Peek().FullPath}");

            var item     = wrapper.Content;
            var hrefType = Utility.GetHrefType(item.Href);

            switch (hrefType)
            case HrefType.AbsolutePath:
            case HrefType.RelativeFile:
                if (item.Items != null && item.Items.Count > 0)
                    for (int i = 0; i < item.Items.Count; i++)
                        item.Items[i] = ResolveItem(new TocItemInfo(file, item.Items[i]), stack).Content;
                    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(item.Homepage) && string.IsNullOrEmpty(item.HomepageUid))
                        var defaultItem = GetDefaultHomepageItem(item);
                        if (defaultItem != null)
                            item.Homepage    = defaultItem.Href;
                            item.HomepageUid = defaultItem.Uid;


            case HrefType.RelativeFolder:
                var relativeFolder = (RelativePath)file.File + (RelativePath)item.Href;
                var tocFilePath    = relativeFolder + (RelativePath)Constants.YamlTocFileName;

                var         tocFile = new FileAndType(file.BaseDir, tocFilePath, file.Type, file.PathRewriter);
                TocItemInfo tocFileModel;

                // First, try finding toc.yml under the relative folder
                // Second, try finding toc.md under the relative folder
                if (!_collection.TryGetValue(tocFile, out tocFileModel))
                    tocFilePath = relativeFolder + (RelativePath)Constants.MarkdownTocFileName;
                    tocFile     = new FileAndType(file.BaseDir, tocFilePath, file.Type, file.PathRewriter);
                    if (!_collection.TryGetValue(tocFile, out tocFileModel))
                        var message = $"Unable to find either {Constants.YamlTocFileName} or {Constants.MarkdownTocFileName} inside {item.Href}. Make sure the file is included in config file docfx.json!";

                item.TocHref = tocFilePath - (RelativePath)file.File;

                // Get homepage from the referenced toc
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(item.Homepage) && string.IsNullOrEmpty(item.HomepageUid))
                    var resolved = ResolveItem(tocFileModel, stack).Content;
                    item.Href = resolved.Homepage;
                    item.Uid  = resolved.HomepageUid;
                    // Set homepage to href
                    item.Href = item.Homepage;
                    item.Uid  = item.HomepageUid;

                if (item.Items != null)
                    for (int i = 0; i < item.Items.Count; i++)
                        item.Items[i] = ResolveItem(new TocItemInfo(file, item.Items[i]), stack).Content;

            case HrefType.MarkdownTocFile:
            case HrefType.YamlTocFile:
                var              tocFilePath = (RelativePath)file.File + (RelativePath)item.Href;
                var              tocFile     = new FileAndType(file.BaseDir, tocFilePath, file.Type, file.PathRewriter);
                TocItemInfo      tocFileModel;
                TocItemViewModel referencedToc;
                if (_collection.TryGetValue(tocFile, out tocFileModel) || _notInProjectTocCache.TryGetValue(tocFile, out tocFileModel))
                    tocFileModel = ResolveItem(tocFileModel, stack);
                    tocFileModel.IsReferenceToc = true;
                    referencedToc = tocFileModel.Content;
                    // It is acceptable that the referenced toc file is not included in docfx.json, as long as it can be found locally
                    tocFileModel = new TocItemInfo(tocFile, new TocItemViewModel
                            Items = Utility.LoadSingleToc(tocFile.FullPath)

                    tocFileModel  = ResolveItem(tocFileModel, stack);
                    referencedToc = tocFileModel.Content;
                    _notInProjectTocCache[tocFile] = tocFileModel;
                // For referenced toc, content from referenced toc is expanded as the items of current toc item,
                // Href is reset to the homepage of current toc item
                item.Href  = item.Homepage;
                item.Uid   = item.HomepageUid;
                item.Items = referencedToc.Items;


            var relativeToFile = (RelativePath)file.File;

            item.Href          = NormalizeHref(item.Href, relativeToFile);
            item.TocHref       = NormalizeHref(item.TocHref, relativeToFile);
            item.Homepage      = NormalizeHref(item.Homepage, relativeToFile);
            wrapper.IsResolved = true;