private ClrRuntime ConstructRuntime(string dac)
            if (IntPtr.Size != (int)_dataTarget.DataReader.GetPointerSize())
                throw new InvalidOperationException("Mismatched architecture between this process and the dac.");

            DacLibrary lib = new DacLibrary(_dataTarget, dac);

            Desktop.DesktopVersion ver;
            if (Flavor == ClrFlavor.CoreCLR)
                return(new Desktop.V45Runtime(this, _dataTarget, lib));
            else if (Flavor == ClrFlavor.Native)
                return(new Native.NativeRuntime(this, _dataTarget, lib));
            else if (Version.Major == 2)
                ver = Desktop.DesktopVersion.v2;
            else if (Version.Major == 4 && Version.Minor == 0 && Version.Patch < 10000)
                ver = Desktop.DesktopVersion.v4;
                // Assume future versions will all work on the newest runtime version.
                return(new Desktop.V45Runtime(this, _dataTarget, lib));

            return(new Desktop.LegacyRuntime(this, _dataTarget, lib, ver, Version.Patch));
Пример #2
        public RuntimeBase(ClrInfo info, DataTargetImpl dataTarget, DacLibrary lib)
            Debug.Assert(lib != null);
            Debug.Assert(lib.DacInterface != null);

            ClrInfo       = info;
            _dataTarget   = dataTarget;
            _library      = lib;
            _dacInterface = _library.DacInterface;


            IGCInfo data = GetGCInfo();

            if (data == null)
                throw new ClrDiagnosticsException("This runtime is not initialized and contains no data.", ClrDiagnosticsException.HR.RuntimeUninitialized);

            ServerGC    = data.ServerMode;
            HeapCount   = data.HeapCount;
            CanWalkHeap = data.GCStructuresValid && !dataTarget.DataReader.IsMinidump;
            _dataReader = dataTarget.DataReader;
Пример #3
#pragma warning disable 0618
        private ClrRuntime ConstructRuntime(string dac)
            if (IntPtr.Size != (int)_dataTarget.DataReader.GetPointerSize())
                throw new InvalidOperationException("Mismatched architecture between this process and the dac.");

            if (_dataTarget.IsMinidump)
                _dataTarget.SymbolLocator.PrefetchBinary(ModuleInfo.FileName, (int)ModuleInfo.TimeStamp, (int)ModuleInfo.FileSize);

            DacLibrary lib = new DacLibrary(_dataTarget, dac);

            Desktop.DesktopVersion ver;
            if (Flavor == ClrFlavor.Core)
                return(new Desktop.V45Runtime(this, _dataTarget, lib));
            else if (Version.Major == 2)
                ver = Desktop.DesktopVersion.v2;
            else if (Version.Major == 4 && Version.Minor == 0 && Version.Patch < 10000)
                ver = Desktop.DesktopVersion.v4;
                // Assume future versions will all work on the newest runtime version.
                return(new Desktop.V45Runtime(this, _dataTarget, lib));

            return(new Desktop.LegacyRuntime(this, _dataTarget, lib, ver, Version.Patch));
Пример #4
#pragma warning disable CA2000 // Dispose objects before losing scope
        private ClrRuntime ConstructRuntime(string dac)
            if (IntPtr.Size != DataTarget.DataReader.PointerSize)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("Mismatched architecture between this process and the dac.");

            DacLibrary dacLibrary = new DacLibrary(DataTarget, dac);

            DacInterface.SOSDac?sos = dacLibrary.SOSDacInterface;
            if (sos is null)
                throw new InvalidOperationException($"Could not create a ISOSDac pointer from this dac library: {dac}");

            var factory = new RuntimeBuilder(this, dacLibrary, sos);

            if (Flavor == ClrFlavor.Core)

            if (Version.Major < 4 || (Version.Major == 4 && Version.Minor == 5 && Version.Patch < 10000))
                throw new NotSupportedException($"CLR version '{Version}' is not supported by ClrMD.  For Desktop CLR, only CLR 4.6 and beyond are supported.");

Пример #5
        public override ClrRuntime CreateRuntime(string dacFilename)
            if (IntPtr.Size != (int)_dataReader.GetPointerSize())
                throw new InvalidOperationException("Mismatched architecture between this process and the dac.");

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(dacFilename))
                throw new ArgumentNullException("dacFilename");

            if (!File.Exists(dacFilename))
                throw new FileNotFoundException(dacFilename);

            DacLibrary lib = new DacLibrary(this, dacFilename);

            // TODO: There has to be a better way to determine this is coreclr.
            string dacFileNoExt = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(dacFilename).ToLower();
            bool   isCoreClr    = dacFileNoExt.Contains("mscordaccore");
            bool   isNative     = dacFileNoExt.Contains("mrt100dac");

            int  major, minor, revision, patch;
            bool res = NativeMethods.GetFileVersion(dacFilename, out major, out minor, out revision, out patch);

            DesktopVersion ver;

            if (isCoreClr)
                return(new V45Runtime(this, lib));
            else if (isNative)
                return(new Native.NativeRuntime(this, lib));
            else if (major == 2)
                ver = DesktopVersion.v2;
            else if (major == 4 && minor == 0 && patch < 10000)
                ver = DesktopVersion.v4;
                // Assume future versions will all work on the newest runtime version.
                return(new V45Runtime(this, lib));

            return(new LegacyRuntime(this, lib, ver, patch));
Пример #6
        public LegacyRuntime(DataTargetImpl dt, DacLibrary lib, DesktopVersion version, int minor)
            : base(dt, lib)
            _version = version;
            _minor = minor;

            if (!GetCommonMethodTables(ref _commonMTs))
                throw new ClrDiagnosticsException("Could not request common MethodTable list.", ClrDiagnosticsException.HR.DacError);

            // Ensure the version of the dac API matches the one we expect.  (Same for both
            // v2 and v4 rtm.)
            byte[] tmp = new byte[sizeof(int)];

            if (!Request(DacRequests.VERSION, null, tmp))
                throw new ClrDiagnosticsException("Failed to request dac version.", ClrDiagnosticsException.HR.DacError);

            int v = BitConverter.ToInt32(tmp, 0);
            if (v != 8)
                throw new ClrDiagnosticsException("Unsupported dac version.", ClrDiagnosticsException.HR.DacError);
Пример #7
        public RuntimeBase(ClrInfo info, DataTargetImpl dataTarget, DacLibrary lib)
            Debug.Assert(lib != null);
            Debug.Assert(lib.DacInterface != null);

            ClrInfo       = info;
            _dataTarget   = dataTarget;
            _library      = lib;
            _dacInterface = _library.DacInterface;


            IGCInfo data = GetGCInfo();

            if (data != null)
                ServerGC    = data.ServerMode;
                HeapCount   = data.HeapCount;
                CanWalkHeap = data.GCStructuresValid;
            _dataReader = dataTarget.DataReader;
Пример #8
        public override ClrRuntime CreateRuntime(object clrDataProcess)
            DacLibrary lib = new DacLibrary(this, (IXCLRDataProcess)clrDataProcess);

            // Figure out what version we are on.
            if (clrDataProcess is ISOSDac)
                return(new V45Runtime(this, lib));
                byte[] buffer = new byte[Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(V2HeapDetails))];

                int val = lib.DacInterface.Request(DacRequests.GCHEAPDETAILS_STATIC_DATA, 0, null, (uint)buffer.Length, buffer);
                if ((uint)val == (uint)0x80070057)
                    return(new LegacyRuntime(this, lib, DesktopVersion.v4, 10000));
                    return(new LegacyRuntime(this, lib, DesktopVersion.v2, 3054));
Пример #9
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a runtime from a given IXClrDataProcess interface.  Used for debugger plugins.
        /// </summary>
        public ClrRuntime CreateRuntime(object clrDataProcess)
            DacLibrary lib = new DacLibrary(_dataTarget, DacLibrary.TryGetDacPtr(clrDataProcess));

            // Figure out what version we are on.
            if (lib.GetSOSInterfaceNoAddRef() != null)
                return(new V45Runtime(this, _dataTarget, lib));
                byte[] buffer = new byte[Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(V2HeapDetails))];

                int val = lib.InternalDacPrivateInterface.Request(DacRequests.GCHEAPDETAILS_STATIC_DATA, 0, null, (uint)buffer.Length, buffer);
                if ((uint)val == 0x80070057)
                    return(new LegacyRuntime(this, _dataTarget, lib, Desktop.DesktopVersion.v4, 10000));
                    return(new LegacyRuntime(this, _dataTarget, lib, Desktop.DesktopVersion.v2, 3054));
Пример #10
        public override ClrRuntime CreateRuntime(string dacFilename)
            if (IntPtr.Size != (int)_dataReader.GetPointerSize())
                throw new InvalidOperationException("Mismatched architecture between this process and the dac.");

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(dacFilename))
                throw new ArgumentNullException("dacFilename");

            if (!File.Exists(dacFilename))
                throw new FileNotFoundException(dacFilename);

            DacLibrary lib = new DacLibrary(this, dacFilename);

            // TODO: There has to be a better way to determine this is coreclr.
            string dacFileNoExt = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(dacFilename).ToLower();
            bool isCoreClr = dacFileNoExt.Contains("mscordaccore");
            bool isNative = dacFileNoExt.Contains("mrt100dac");

            int major, minor, revision, patch;
            bool res = NativeMethods.GetFileVersion(dacFilename, out major, out minor, out revision, out patch);

            DesktopVersion ver;
            if (isCoreClr)
                return new V45Runtime(null, this, lib);
            else if (isNative)
                return new Native.NativeRuntime(null, this, lib);
            else if (major == 2)
                ver = DesktopVersion.v2;
            else if (major == 4 && minor == 0 && patch < 10000)
                ver = DesktopVersion.v4;
                // Assume future versions will all work on the newest runtime version.
                return new V45Runtime(null, this, lib);

            return new LegacyRuntime(null, this, lib, ver, patch);
Пример #11
        public override ClrRuntime CreateRuntime(string dacFilename)
            if (IntPtr.Size != (int)m_dataReader.GetPointerSize())
                throw new InvalidOperationException("Mismatched architecture between this process and the dac.");

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(dacFilename))
                throw new ArgumentNullException("dacFilename");

            if (!File.Exists(dacFilename))
                throw new FileNotFoundException(dacFilename);

            DacLibrary lib = new DacLibrary(this, dacFilename);

            // TODO: There has to be a better way to determine this is coreclr.
            string dacFileNoExt = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(dacFilename).ToLower();
            bool isCoreClr = dacFileNoExt.Contains("mscordaccore");

            bool isRedhawk = dacFileNoExt.Contains("mrt100");

            int major, minor, revision, patch;
            bool res = NativeMethods.GetFileVersion(dacFilename, out major, out minor, out revision, out patch);

            string version = string.Format("v{0}.{1}.{2}.{3}", major, minor, revision, patch);
            DesktopVersion ver;
            if (isCoreClr)
                return new V45Runtime(this, lib);
            else if (isRedhawk)
                return new Redhawk.RhRuntime(this, lib);
            else if (major == 2)
                ver = DesktopVersion.v2;
            else if (major == 4)
                if (patch < 10000)
                    ver = DesktopVersion.v4;
                    return new V45Runtime(this, lib);
                throw new ClrDiagnosticsException("Unsupported runtime: " + version);

            return new LegacyRuntime(this, lib, ver, patch);
Пример #12
 protected internal override void AddDacLibrary(DacLibrary dacLibrary)
Пример #13
        private ClrRuntime ConstructRuntime(string dac)
            if (IntPtr.Size != (int)_dataTarget.DataReader.GetPointerSize())
                throw new InvalidOperationException("Mismatched architecture between this process and the dac.");

            if (_dataTarget.IsMinidump)
                _dataTarget.SymbolLocator.PrefetchBinary(ModuleInfo.FileName, (int)ModuleInfo.TimeStamp, (int)ModuleInfo.FileSize);

            DacLibrary lib = new DacLibrary(_dataTarget, dac);

            Desktop.DesktopVersion ver;
            if (Flavor == ClrFlavor.CoreCLR)
                return new Desktop.V45Runtime(this, _dataTarget, lib);
            else if (Flavor == ClrFlavor.Native)
                return new Native.NativeRuntime(this, _dataTarget, lib);
            else if (Version.Major == 2)
                ver = Desktop.DesktopVersion.v2;
            else if (Version.Major == 4 && Version.Minor == 0 && Version.Patch < 10000)
                ver = Desktop.DesktopVersion.v4;
                // Assume future versions will all work on the newest runtime version.
                return new Desktop.V45Runtime(this, _dataTarget, lib);

            return new Desktop.LegacyRuntime(this, _dataTarget, lib, ver, Version.Patch);
Пример #14
 internal abstract void AddDacLibrary(DacLibrary dacLibrary);
Пример #15
        public override ClrRuntime CreateRuntime(object clrDataProcess)
            DacLibrary lib = new DacLibrary(this, (IXCLRDataProcess)clrDataProcess);

            // Figure out what version we are on.
            if (clrDataProcess is ISOSDac)
                return new V45Runtime(null, this, lib);
                byte[] buffer = new byte[Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(V2HeapDetails))];

                int val = lib.DacInterface.Request(DacRequests.GCHEAPDETAILS_STATIC_DATA, 0, null, (uint)buffer.Length, buffer);
                if ((uint)val == (uint)0x80070057)
                    return new LegacyRuntime(null, this, lib, DesktopVersion.v4, 10000);
                    return new LegacyRuntime(null, this, lib, DesktopVersion.v2, 3054);
Пример #16
        public override ClrRuntime CreateRuntime(string dacFilename)
            if (IntPtr.Size != (int)m_dataReader.GetPointerSize())
                throw new InvalidOperationException("Mismatched architecture between this process and the dac.");

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(dacFilename))
                throw new ArgumentNullException("dacFilename");

            if (!File.Exists(dacFilename))
                throw new FileNotFoundException(dacFilename);

            DacLibrary lib = new DacLibrary(this, dacFilename);

            // TODO: There has to be a better way to determine this is coreclr.
            string dacFileNoExt = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(dacFilename).ToLower();
            bool   isCoreClr    = dacFileNoExt.Contains("mscordaccore");

            bool isRedhawk = dacFileNoExt.Contains("mrt100");

            int  major, minor, revision, patch;
            bool res = NativeMethods.GetFileVersion(dacFilename, out major, out minor, out revision, out patch);

            string         version = string.Format("v{0}.{1}.{2}.{3}", major, minor, revision, patch);
            DesktopVersion ver;
            if (isCoreClr)
                return(new V45Runtime(this, lib));
            else if (isRedhawk)
                return(new Redhawk.RhRuntime(this, lib));
            else if (major == 2)
                ver = DesktopVersion.v2;
            else if (major == 4)
                // Allow support for .NET 4.5 runtimes
                if (minor == 0 && patch < 10000)
                    ver = DesktopVersion.v4;
                    return(new V45Runtime(this, lib));
                throw new ClrDiagnosticsException("Unsupported runtime: " + version);

            return(new LegacyRuntime(this, lib, ver, patch));
Пример #17
 internal override void AddDacLibrary(DacLibrary dacLibrary) => _dacLibraries.Add(dacLibrary);