/// <summary>
        ///     See whether the ReferentialConstraintIdentity otherRci contains a "covering" for this
        ///     i.e. for each AssociationPropertyIdentity in this._propertyIdentities see whether
        ///     otherRci._propertyIdentities contains a principal->dependent mapping which has
        ///     at least the same principal DatabaseColumns (but possibly more) _and_ at least
        ///     the same dependent DatabaseColumns (but possibly more).
        ///     This allows for treating these ReferentialConstraintIdentity's as identical for the purposes
        ///     of Update Model even if a given C-side property has been mapped to more than 1 S-side property.
        /// </summary>
        internal bool IsCoveredBy(ReferentialConstraintIdentity otherRci)
            foreach (var thisApi in _propertyIdentities)
                var foundCoveringApi = false;
                if (null != otherRci)
                    foreach (var otherApi in otherRci._propertyIdentities)
                        if (thisApi.IsCoveredBy(otherApi))
                            // have found an AssociationPropertyIdentity in other._propertyIdentities which covers thisApi
                            foundCoveringApi = true;

                if (false == foundCoveringApi)
                    // no covering AssociationPropertyIdentity was found for thisApi in
                    // other._propertyIdentities

            // all AssociationPropertyIdentity's in this._propertyIdentities were covered by
            // AssociationPropertyIdentity's in otherRci._propertyIdentities
 internal static ReferentialConstraintIdentity CreateReferentialConstraintIdentity(ReferentialConstraint referentialConstraint)
     if (referentialConstraint == null)
         Debug.Fail("null referential constraint");
         var rcid = new ReferentialConstraintIdentity();
         rcid._propertyIdentities = AssociationPropertyIdentity.CreateIdentitiesFromReferentialConstraint(referentialConstraint);
 private AssociationIdentityForReferentialConstraint(ReferentialConstraint rc)
     _referentialConstraintIdentity = ReferentialConstraintIdentity.CreateReferentialConstraintIdentity(rc);