Пример #1
        internal static CdmAttributeContext CreateChildUnder(ResolveOptions resOpt, AttributeContextParameters acp)
            if (acp == null)

            if (acp.type == CdmAttributeContextType.PassThrough)
                return(acp.under as CdmAttributeContext);

            // this flag makes sure we hold on to any resolved object refs when things get copied
            ResolveOptions resOptCopy = CdmObjectBase.CopyResolveOptions(resOpt);

            resOptCopy.SaveResolutionsOnCopy = true;

            CdmObjectReference definition = null;
            ResolvedTraitSet   rtsApplied = null;

            // get a simple reference to definition object to avoid getting the traits that might be part of this ref
            // included in the link to the definition.
            if (acp.Regarding != null)
                definition            = acp.Regarding.CreateSimpleReference(resOptCopy);
                definition.InDocument = acp.under.InDocument; // ref is in same doc as context
                // now get the traits applied at this reference (applied only, not the ones that are part of the definition of the object)
                // and make them the traits for this context
                if (acp.IncludeTraits)
                    rtsApplied = (acp.Regarding as CdmObjectBase).FetchResolvedTraits(resOptCopy);

            CdmAttributeContext underChild = acp.under.Ctx.Corpus.MakeObject <CdmAttributeContext>(CdmObjectType.AttributeContextDef, acp.Name);

            // need context to make this a 'live' object
            underChild.Ctx        = acp.under.Ctx;
            underChild.InDocument = (acp.under as CdmAttributeContext).InDocument;
            underChild.Type       = acp.type;
            underChild.Definition = definition;
            // add traits if there are any
            if (rtsApplied?.Set != null)
                rtsApplied.Set.ForEach(rt =>
                    var traitRef = CdmObjectBase.ResolvedTraitToTraitRef(resOptCopy, rt);

            // add to parent
            underChild.SetParent(resOptCopy, acp.under as CdmAttributeContext);

Пример #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a resolved copy of the entity.
        /// </summary>
        public async Task <CdmEntityDefinition> CreateResolvedEntityAsync(string newEntName, ResolveOptions resOpt = null, CdmFolderDefinition folder = null, string newDocName = null)
            if (resOpt == null)
                resOpt = new ResolveOptions(this, this.Ctx.Corpus.DefaultResolutionDirectives);

            if (resOpt.WrtDoc == null)
                Logger.Error(nameof(CdmEntityDefinition), this.Ctx as ResolveContext, $"No WRT document was supplied.", nameof(CreateResolvedEntityAsync));

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(newEntName))
                Logger.Error(nameof(CdmEntityDefinition), this.Ctx as ResolveContext, $"No Entity Name provided.", nameof(CreateResolvedEntityAsync));

            // if the wrtDoc needs to be indexed (like it was just modified) then do that first
            if (!await resOpt.WrtDoc.IndexIfNeeded(resOpt, true))
                Logger.Error(nameof(CdmEntityDefinition), this.Ctx as ResolveContext, $"Couldn't index source document.", nameof(CreateResolvedEntityAsync));

            if (folder == null)
                folder = this.InDocument.Folder;

            string fileName = (string.IsNullOrEmpty(newDocName)) ? $"{newEntName}.cdm.json" : newDocName;
            string origDoc  = this.InDocument.AtCorpusPath;

            // Don't overwite the source document
            string targetAtCorpusPath = $"{this.Ctx.Corpus.Storage.CreateAbsoluteCorpusPath(folder.AtCorpusPath, folder)}{fileName}";

            if (StringUtils.EqualsWithIgnoreCase(targetAtCorpusPath, origDoc))
                Logger.Error(nameof(CdmEntityDefinition), this.Ctx as ResolveContext, $"Attempting to replace source entity's document '{targetAtCorpusPath}'", nameof(CreateResolvedEntityAsync));

            // make the top level attribute context for this entity
            // for this whole section where we generate the attribute context tree and get resolved attributes
            // set the flag that keeps all of the parent changes and document dirty from from happening
            bool wasResolving = this.Ctx.Corpus.isCurrentlyResolving;

            this.Ctx.Corpus.isCurrentlyResolving = true;
            string              entName   = newEntName;
            ResolveContext      ctx       = this.Ctx as ResolveContext;
            CdmAttributeContext attCtxEnt = ctx.Corpus.MakeObject <CdmAttributeContext>(CdmObjectType.AttributeContextDef, entName, true);

            attCtxEnt.Ctx        = ctx;
            attCtxEnt.InDocument = this.InDocument;

            // cheating a bit to put the paths in the right place
            AttributeContextParameters acp = new AttributeContextParameters
                under = attCtxEnt,
                type  = CdmAttributeContextType.AttributeGroup,
                Name  = "attributeContext"
            CdmAttributeContext        attCtxAC = CdmAttributeContext.CreateChildUnder(resOpt, acp);
            AttributeContextParameters acpEnt   = new AttributeContextParameters
                under     = attCtxAC,
                type      = CdmAttributeContextType.Entity,
                Name      = entName,
                Regarding = ctx.Corpus.MakeObject <CdmObject>(CdmObjectType.EntityRef, this.GetName(), true)

            // use this whenever we need to keep references pointing at things that were already found. used when 'fixing' references by localizing to a new document
            ResolveOptions resOptCopy = CdmObjectBase.CopyResolveOptions(resOpt);

            resOptCopy.SaveResolutionsOnCopy = true;

            // resolve attributes with this context. the end result is that each resolved attribute
            // points to the level of the context where it was created
            var ras = this.FetchResolvedAttributes(resOptCopy, acpEnt);

            if (ras == null)
                this.resolvingAttributes = false;

            // create a new copy of the attribute context for this entity
            HashSet <CdmAttributeContext> allAttCtx = new HashSet <CdmAttributeContext>();
            CdmAttributeContext           newNode   = attCtxEnt.CopyNode(resOpt) as CdmAttributeContext;

            attCtxEnt = attCtxEnt.CopyAttributeContextTree(resOpt, newNode, ras, allAttCtx, "resolvedFrom");
            CdmAttributeContext attCtx = (attCtxEnt.Contents[0] as CdmAttributeContext).Contents[0] as CdmAttributeContext;

            this.Ctx.Corpus.isCurrentlyResolving = wasResolving;

            // make a new document in given folder if provided or the same folder as the source entity
            CdmDocumentDefinition docRes = folder.Documents.Add(fileName);

            // add a import of the source document
            origDoc = this.Ctx.Corpus.Storage.CreateRelativeCorpusPath(origDoc, docRes); // just in case we missed the prefix
            docRes.Imports.Add(origDoc, "resolvedFrom");

            // make the empty entity
            CdmEntityDefinition entResolved = docRes.Definitions.Add(entName);

            // set the context to the copy of the tree. fix the docs on the context nodes
            entResolved.AttributeContext = attCtx;
                         new VisitCallback
                Invoke = (obj, path) =>
                    obj.InDocument = docRes;

            // add the traits of the entity
            ResolvedTraitSet rtsEnt = this.FetchResolvedTraits(resOpt);

            rtsEnt.Set.ForEach(rt =>
                var traitRef = CdmObjectBase.ResolvedTraitToTraitRef(resOptCopy, rt);
                (entResolved as CdmObjectDefinition).ExhibitsTraits.Add(traitRef);

            // the attributes have been named, shaped, etc for this entity so now it is safe to go and
            // make each attribute context level point at these final versions of attributes
            IDictionary <string, int>             attPath2Order = new Dictionary <string, int>();
            Action <ResolvedAttributeSet, string> pointContextAtResolvedAtts = null;

            pointContextAtResolvedAtts = (rasSub, path) =>
                rasSub.Set.ForEach(ra =>
                    List <CdmAttributeContext> raCtxInEnt  = new List <CdmAttributeContext>();
                    HashSet <CdmAttributeContext> raCtxSet = null;
                    rasSub.Ra2attCtxSet.TryGetValue(ra, out raCtxSet);

                    // find the correct attCtx for this copy, intersect these two sets
                    // (iterate over the shortest list)
                    if (allAttCtx.Count < raCtxSet.Count)
                        foreach (CdmAttributeContext currAttCtx in allAttCtx)
                            if (raCtxSet.Contains(currAttCtx))
                        foreach (CdmAttributeContext currAttCtx in raCtxSet)
                            if (allAttCtx.Contains(currAttCtx))
                    foreach (CdmAttributeContext raCtx in raCtxInEnt)
                        var refs = raCtx.Contents;

                        // there might be more than one explanation for where and attribute came from when things get merges as they do
                        // this won't work when I add the structured attributes to avoid name collisions
                        string attRefPath = path + ra.ResolvedName;
                        if ((ra.Target as CdmAttribute)?.GetType().GetMethod("GetObjectType") != null)
                            if (!attPath2Order.ContainsKey(attRefPath))
                                var attRef = this.Ctx.Corpus.MakeObject <CdmObjectReferenceBase>(CdmObjectType.AttributeRef, attRefPath, true);
                                // only need one explanation for this path to the insert order
                                attPath2Order.Add(attRef.NamedReference, ra.InsertOrder);
                            attRefPath += "/members/";
                            pointContextAtResolvedAtts(ra.Target as ResolvedAttributeSet, attRefPath);

            pointContextAtResolvedAtts(ras, entName + "/hasAttributes/");

            // generated attribute structures may end up with 0 attributes after that. prune them
            Func <CdmObject, bool, bool> CleanSubGroup = null;

            CleanSubGroup = (subItem, underGenerated) =>
                if (subItem.ObjectType == CdmObjectType.AttributeRef)
                    return(true); // not empty
                CdmAttributeContext ac = subItem as CdmAttributeContext;

                if (ac.Type == CdmAttributeContextType.GeneratedSet)
                    underGenerated = true;
                if (ac.Contents == null || ac.Contents.Count == 0)
                    return(false); // empty
                // look at all children, make a set to remove
                List <CdmAttributeContext> toRemove = new List <CdmAttributeContext>();
                foreach (var subSub in ac.Contents)
                    if (CleanSubGroup(subSub, underGenerated) == false)
                        bool potentialTarget = underGenerated;
                        if (potentialTarget == false)
                            // cast is safe because we returned false meaning empty and not a attribute ref
                            // so is this the set holder itself?
                            potentialTarget = (subSub as CdmAttributeContext).Type == CdmAttributeContextType.GeneratedSet;
                        if (potentialTarget)
                            toRemove.Add(subSub as CdmAttributeContext);
                foreach (var toDie in toRemove)
                return(ac.Contents.Count != 0);
            CleanSubGroup(attCtx, false);

            Func <CdmAttributeContext, int?> orderContents = null;

            // create an all-up ordering of attributes at the leaves of this tree based on insert order
            // sort the attributes in each context by their creation order and mix that with the other sub-contexts that have been sorted
            Func <CdmObject, int?> getOrderNum = (item) =>
                if (item.ObjectType == CdmObjectType.AttributeContextDef && orderContents != null)
                    return(orderContents(item as CdmAttributeContext));
                else if (item.ObjectType == CdmObjectType.AttributeRef)
                    string attName = (item as CdmAttributeReference).NamedReference;
                    int    o       = attPath2Order[attName];
                    return(-1); // put the mystery item on top.

            orderContents = (CdmAttributeContext under) =>
                if (under.LowestOrder == null)
                    under.LowestOrder = -1; // used for group with nothing but traits
                    if (under.Contents.Count == 1)
                        under.LowestOrder = getOrderNum(under.Contents[0]);
                        under.Contents.AllItems.Sort((l, r) =>
                            int lNum = -1;
                            int rNum = -1;

                            aux = getOrderNum(l);

                            if (aux != null)
                                lNum = (int)aux;

                            aux = getOrderNum(r);

                            if (aux != null)
                                rNum = (int)aux;

                            if (lNum != -1 && (under.LowestOrder == -1 || lNum < under.LowestOrder))
                                under.LowestOrder = lNum;
                            if (rNum != -1 && (under.LowestOrder == -1 || rNum < under.LowestOrder))
                                under.LowestOrder = rNum;

                            return(lNum - rNum);


            // resolved attributes can gain traits that are applied to an entity when referenced
            // since these traits are described in the context, it is redundant and messy to list them in the attribute
            // so, remove them. create and cache a set of names to look for per context
            // there is actually a hierarchy to all attributes from the base entity should have all traits applied independently of the
            // sub-context they come from. Same is true of attribute entities. so do this recursively top down
            var ctx2traitNames = new Dictionary <CdmAttributeContext, HashSet <string> >();
            Action <CdmAttributeContext, HashSet <string> > collectContextTraits = null;

            collectContextTraits = (subAttCtx, inheritedTraitNames) =>
                var traitNamesHere = new HashSet <string>(inheritedTraitNames);
                var traitsHere     = subAttCtx.ExhibitsTraits;
                if (traitsHere != null)
                    foreach (var tat in traitsHere)
                ctx2traitNames.Add(subAttCtx, traitNamesHere);
                subAttCtx.Contents.AllItems.ForEach((cr) =>
                    if (cr.ObjectType == CdmObjectType.AttributeContextDef)
                        // do this for all types?
                        collectContextTraits(cr as CdmAttributeContext, traitNamesHere);
            collectContextTraits(attCtx, new HashSet <string>());

            // add the attributes, put them in attribute groups if structure needed
            IDictionary <ResolvedAttribute, string>        resAtt2RefPath = new Dictionary <ResolvedAttribute, string>();
            Action <ResolvedAttributeSet, dynamic, string> addAttributes  = null;

            addAttributes = (rasSub, container, path) =>
                rasSub.Set.ForEach(ra =>
                    string attPath = path + ra.ResolvedName;
                    // use the path of the context associated with this attribute to find the new context that matches on path
                    HashSet <CdmAttributeContext> raCtxSet = null;
                    rasSub.Ra2attCtxSet.TryGetValue(ra, out raCtxSet);
                    CdmAttributeContext raCtx = null;
                    // find the correct attCtx for this copy
                    // (interate over the shortest list)
                    if (allAttCtx.Count < raCtxSet.Count)
                        foreach (CdmAttributeContext currAttCtx in allAttCtx)
                            if (raCtxSet.Contains(currAttCtx))
                                raCtx = currAttCtx;
                        foreach (CdmAttributeContext currAttCtx in raCtxSet)
                            if (allAttCtx.Contains(currAttCtx))
                                raCtx = currAttCtx;

                    if (ra.Target is ResolvedAttributeSet)
                        // this is a set of attributes.
                        // make an attribute group to hold them
                        CdmAttributeGroupDefinition attGrp = this.Ctx.Corpus.MakeObject <CdmAttributeGroupDefinition>(CdmObjectType.AttributeGroupDef, ra.ResolvedName, false);
                        attGrp.AttributeContext            = this.Ctx.Corpus.MakeObject <CdmAttributeContextReference>(CdmObjectType.AttributeContextRef, raCtx.AtCorpusPath, true);
                        // take any traits from the set and make them look like traits exhibited by the group
                        HashSet <string> avoidSet = ctx2traitNames[raCtx];
                        ResolvedTraitSet rtsAtt   = ra.ResolvedTraits;
                        rtsAtt.Set.ForEach(rt =>
                            if (rt.Trait.Ugly != true)
                                // don't mention your ugly traits
                                if (avoidSet?.Contains(rt.TraitName) != true)
                                    // avoid the ones from the context
                                    var traitRef = CdmObjectBase.ResolvedTraitToTraitRef(resOptCopy, rt);
                                    (attGrp as CdmObjectDefinitionBase).ExhibitsTraits.Add(traitRef);

                        // wrap it in a reference and then recurse with this as the new container
                        CdmAttributeGroupReference attGrpRef = this.Ctx.Corpus.MakeObject <CdmAttributeGroupReference>(CdmObjectType.AttributeGroupRef, null, false);
                        attGrpRef.ExplicitReference          = attGrp;
                        // isn't this where ...
                        addAttributes(ra.Target as ResolvedAttributeSet, attGrp, attPath + "/members/");
                        CdmTypeAttributeDefinition att = this.Ctx.Corpus.MakeObject <CdmTypeAttributeDefinition>(CdmObjectType.TypeAttributeDef, ra.ResolvedName, false);
                        att.AttributeContext           = this.Ctx.Corpus.MakeObject <CdmAttributeContextReference>(CdmObjectType.AttributeContextRef, raCtx.AtCorpusPath, true);
                        HashSet <string> avoidSet      = ctx2traitNames[raCtx];
                        ResolvedTraitSet rtsAtt        = ra.ResolvedTraits;
                        rtsAtt.Set.ForEach(rt =>
                            if (rt.Trait.Ugly != true)
                            {     // don't mention your ugly traits
                                if (avoidSet?.Contains(rt.TraitName) != true)
                                { // avoid the ones from the context
                                    var traitRef = CdmObjectBase.ResolvedTraitToTraitRef(resOptCopy, rt);

                        // none of the dataformat traits have the bit set that will make them turn into a property
                        // this is intentional so that the format traits make it into the resolved object
                        // but, we still want a guess as the data format, so get it and set it.
                        var impliedDataFormat = att.DataFormat;
                        if (impliedDataFormat != CdmDataFormat.Unknown)
                            att.DataFormat = impliedDataFormat;

                        resAtt2RefPath[ra] = attPath;
            addAttributes(ras, entResolved, entName + "/hasAttributes/");

            // any resolved traits that hold arguments with attribute refs should get 'fixed' here
            Action <CdmTraitReference, string, bool> replaceTraitAttRef = (tr, entityHint, isAttributeContext) =>
                if (tr.Arguments != null)
                    foreach (CdmArgumentDefinition arg in tr.Arguments.AllItems)
                        dynamic v = arg.UnResolvedValue != null ? arg.UnResolvedValue : arg.Value;
                        // is this an attribute reference?
                        if (v != null && (v as CdmObject)?.ObjectType == CdmObjectType.AttributeRef)
                            // only try this if the reference has no path to it (only happens with intra-entity att refs)
                            var attRef = v as CdmAttributeReference;
                            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(attRef.NamedReference) && attRef.NamedReference.IndexOf('/') == -1)
                                if (arg.UnResolvedValue == null)
                                    arg.UnResolvedValue = arg.Value;

                                // give a promise that can be worked out later. assumption is that the attribute must come from this entity.
                                var newAttRef = this.Ctx.Corpus.MakeRef <CdmAttributeReference>(CdmObjectType.AttributeRef, entityHint + "/(resolvedAttributes)/" + attRef.NamedReference, true);
                                // inDocument is not propagated during resolution, so set it here
                                newAttRef.InDocument = arg.InDocument;
                                arg.Value            = newAttRef;

            // fix entity traits
            if (entResolved.ExhibitsTraits != null)
                foreach (var et in entResolved.ExhibitsTraits)
                    replaceTraitAttRef(et, newEntName, false);

            // fix context traits
            Action <CdmAttributeContext, string> fixContextTraits = null;

            fixContextTraits = (subAttCtx, entityHint) =>
                var traitsHere = subAttCtx.ExhibitsTraits;
                if (traitsHere != null)
                    foreach (var tr in traitsHere)
                        replaceTraitAttRef(tr, entityHint, true);
                subAttCtx.Contents.AllItems.ForEach((cr) =>
                    if (cr.ObjectType == CdmObjectType.AttributeContextDef)
                        // if this is a new entity context, get the name to pass along
                        CdmAttributeContext subSubAttCtx = (CdmAttributeContext)cr;
                        string subEntityHint             = entityHint;
                        if (subSubAttCtx.Type == CdmAttributeContextType.Entity)
                            subEntityHint = subSubAttCtx.Definition.NamedReference;
                        // do this for all types
                        fixContextTraits(subSubAttCtx, subEntityHint);
            fixContextTraits(attCtx, newEntName);
            // and the attribute traits
            var entAttributes = entResolved.Attributes;

            if (entAttributes != null)
                foreach (var entAtt in entAttributes)
                    CdmTraitCollection attTraits = entAtt.AppliedTraits;
                    if (attTraits != null)
                        foreach (var tr in attTraits)
                            replaceTraitAttRef(tr, newEntName, false);

            // we are about to put this content created in the context of various documents (like references to attributes from base entities, etc.)
            // into one specific document. all of the borrowed refs need to work. so, re-write all string references to work from this new document
            // the catch-22 is that the new document needs these fixes done before it can be used to make these fixes.
            // the fix needs to happen in the middle of the refresh
            // trigger the document to refresh current content into the resolved OM
            attCtx.Parent = null; // remove the fake parent that made the paths work
            ResolveOptions resOptNew = CdmObjectBase.CopyResolveOptions(resOpt);

            resOptNew.LocalizeReferencesFor = docRes;
            resOptNew.WrtDoc = docRes;
            if (!await docRes.RefreshAsync(resOptNew))
                Logger.Error(nameof(CdmEntityDefinition), this.Ctx as ResolveContext, $"Failed to index the resolved document.", nameof(CreateResolvedEntityAsync));

            // get a fresh ref
            entResolved = docRes.FetchObjectFromDocumentPath(entName, resOptNew) as CdmEntityDefinition;

            this.Ctx.Corpus.resEntMap[this.AtCorpusPath] = entResolved.AtCorpusPath;

Пример #3
        public ResolvedEntityReferenceSet FetchResolvedEntityReferences(ResolveOptions resOpt = null)
            bool wasPreviouslyResolving = this.Ctx.Corpus.isCurrentlyResolving;

            this.Ctx.Corpus.isCurrentlyResolving = true;
            if (resOpt == null)
                resOpt = new ResolveOptions(this, this.Ctx.Corpus.DefaultResolutionDirectives);

            // this whole resolved entity ref goo will go away when resolved documents are done.
            // for now, it breaks if structured att sets get made.
            resOpt            = CdmObjectBase.CopyResolveOptions(resOpt);
            resOpt.Directives = new AttributeResolutionDirectiveSet(new HashSet <string> {
                "normalized", "referenceOnly"

            ResolveContext             ctx            = this.Ctx as ResolveContext; // what it actually is
            ResolvedEntityReferenceSet entRefSetCache = ctx.FetchCache(this, resOpt, "entRefSet") as ResolvedEntityReferenceSet;

            if (entRefSetCache == null)
                entRefSetCache = new ResolvedEntityReferenceSet(resOpt);
                if (resolvingEntityReferences == false)
                    resolvingEntityReferences = true;
                    // get from dynamic base public class and then 'fix' those to point here instead.
                    CdmObjectReference extRef = this.ExtendsEntityRef;
                    if (extRef != null)
                        var extDef = extRef.FetchObjectDefinition <CdmEntityDefinition>(resOpt);
                        if (extDef != null)
                            if (extDef == this)
                                extDef = extRef.FetchObjectDefinition <CdmEntityDefinition>(resOpt);
                            ResolvedEntityReferenceSet inherited = extDef.FetchResolvedEntityReferences(resOpt);
                            if (inherited != null)
                                foreach (var res in inherited.Set)
                                    ResolvedEntityReference resolvedEntityReference = res.Copy();
                                    resolvedEntityReference.Referencing.Entity = this;
                    if (this.Attributes != null)
                        for (int i = 0; i < this.Attributes.Count; i++)
                            // if dynamic refs come back from attributes, they don't know who we are, so they don't set the entity
                            dynamic sub = this.Attributes.AllItems[i].FetchResolvedEntityReferences(resOpt);
                            if (sub != null)
                                foreach (var res in sub.Set)
                                    res.Referencing.Entity = this;
                    ctx.UpdateCache(this, resOpt, "entRefSet", entRefSetCache);
                    this.resolvingEntityReferences = false;
            this.Ctx.Corpus.isCurrentlyResolving = wasPreviouslyResolving;