Пример #1
        static string ProcessNode(SyntaxNode node, int depth, StringBuilder prepend)
            switch (node.Kind())
                case SyntaxKind.CompilationUnit:
                    return ProcessChildNodes(node, depth, prepend);
                case SyntaxKind.OptionStatement:
                case SyntaxKind.ImportsStatement:
                case SyntaxKind.ClassStatement:
                case SyntaxKind.EndClassStatement:
                case SyntaxKind.ImplementsStatement:
                case SyntaxKind.EnumStatement:
                case SyntaxKind.EndEnumStatement:
                    // ignore;
                case SyntaxKind.ClassBlock:
                    var className = ((ClassStatementSyntax)node.ChildNodes().First()).Identifier.Text;
                    var classResult = string.Format("class {0} {{\n{1}}}\n", className, ProcessChildNodes(node, depth, prepend));
                    if (depth == 0) return classResult;
                    return null;
                case SyntaxKind.EnumBlock:
                    var enumName = ((EnumStatementSyntax)node.ChildNodes().First()).Identifier.Text;
                    var values = node.ChildNodes().OfType<EnumMemberDeclarationSyntax>().Select(n => n.Initializer == null ? n.Identifier.Text : n.Identifier.Text + " = " + n.Initializer.Value);
                    prepend.Append(string.Format("enum {0} {{{1}}};\n", enumName, string.Join(", ", values)));
                    return null;
                case SyntaxKind.EnumMemberDeclaration:
                    return ((EnumMemberDeclarationSyntax)node).Identifier.Text;
                    return string.Format("{0}// UNKNOWN {1}\n", Tabs(depth), node.Kind());

            return null;
        private static IEnumerable<CodeAction> GetActions(Document document, SyntaxNode root, SyntaxNode node, CSharpSyntaxNode nullableType, CSharpSyntaxNode objectType)
            var returnType = (CSharpSyntaxNode)nullableType ?? objectType;
            if (returnType == null)
                yield break;

            var bodyStatement = node.ChildNodes().OfType<BlockSyntax>().FirstOrDefault();
            if (bodyStatement == null)
                yield break; 

            if (HasReturnContract(bodyStatement, returnType.ToString()))
                yield break;

            yield return CreateAction(
                ,t2 => {
                    var newBody = bodyStatement.WithStatements(SyntaxFactory.List<StatementSyntax>(new[] { CreateContractEnsuresCall(returnType.ToString()) }.Concat(bodyStatement.Statements)));

                    var newRoot = (CompilationUnitSyntax)root.ReplaceNode((SyntaxNode)bodyStatement, newBody);

                    if (UsingStatementNotPresent(newRoot)) newRoot = AddUsingStatement(node, newRoot);

                    return Task.FromResult(document.WithSyntaxRoot(newRoot));
                ,"Add a Contract to specify the return value must not be null"
		public IEnumerable<IHalsteadMetrics> Calculate(SyntaxNode root)
			var analyzer = new HalsteadAnalyzer();
			var childNodes = root.ChildNodes().AsArray();

			var types = childNodes.Where(n => n.IsKind(SyntaxKind.ClassDeclaration) || n.IsKind(SyntaxKind.StructDeclaration))
			var methods = types.SelectMany(n => n.ChildNodes().Where(_isMethod));
			var getProperties = types.SelectMany(n => n.ChildNodes().Where(IsGetProperty));
			var setProperties = types.SelectMany(n => n.ChildNodes().Where(IsSetProperty));
			var looseMethods = childNodes.Where(_isMethod);
			var looseGetProperties = childNodes.Where(IsGetProperty);
			var looseSetProperties = childNodes.Where(IsSetProperty);
			var members = methods.Concat(getProperties)
			if (members.Any())
				return members.Select(analyzer.Calculate);

			var statements = childNodes.Length == 0
				? root.DescendantNodesAndTokens().Select(x => SyntaxFactory.ParseStatement(x.ToFullString(), 0, new CSharpParseOptions(kind: SourceCodeKind.Script, preprocessorSymbols: new string[0])))
				: childNodes.Select(x => SyntaxFactory.ParseStatement(x.ToFullString(), 0, new CSharpParseOptions(kind: SourceCodeKind.Script, preprocessorSymbols: new string[0])));

			var fakeMethod = SyntaxFactory.MethodDeclaration(SyntaxFactory.PredefinedType(SyntaxFactory.Token(SyntaxKind.VoidKeyword)), "fake")
			return new[]
        public bool SyntaxNodeMatchesDeclaration(SyntaxNode syntaxNode)
            if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(_declarationFilter))
                return true;

            // The semantics of CSharp and Visual Basic appear to be different (I.e., VB puts everything inside a "Block")
            if (syntaxNode.SyntaxTree is Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CSharp.CSharpSyntaxTree)
                if (SyntaxNodeWrapper.Get(syntaxNode).GetKind().EndsWith("Declaration"))
                    return InternalsHelper.GetIdentifierTokenValueText(syntaxNode) == _declarationFilter;
            else if (syntaxNode.SyntaxTree is Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.VisualBasic.VisualBasicSyntaxTree)
                if (SyntaxNodeWrapper.Get(syntaxNode).GetKind().EndsWith("Block"))
                    SyntaxNode firstChild = syntaxNode.ChildNodes().FirstOrDefault();
                    if (firstChild != null && SyntaxNodeWrapper.Get(firstChild).GetKind().EndsWith("Statement"))
                        return InternalsHelper.GetIdentifierTokenValueText(firstChild) == _declarationFilter;

            return false;
Пример #5
 static string ProcessChildNodes(SyntaxNode node, int depth, StringBuilder prepend)
     var sb = new StringBuilder();
     foreach (var childNode in node.ChildNodes())
         sb.Append(ProcessNode(childNode, depth + 1, prepend));
     return sb.ToString();
Пример #6
		public static InvocationExpressionSyntax FindExpressionForConfigureAwait(SyntaxNode node)
			foreach (var item in node.ChildNodes())
				if (item is InvocationExpressionSyntax)
					return (InvocationExpressionSyntax)item;
				return FindExpressionForConfigureAwait(item);
			return null;
Пример #7
 static int CountNesting(SyntaxNode node)
     int nesting = 0;
     foreach (var child in node.ChildNodes())
         if(!(child is BlockSyntax) && child is StatementSyntax) nesting = Math.Max(CountNesting(child) + 1, nesting);
         else nesting = Math.Max(CountNesting(child), nesting);
     return nesting;
		protected override SyntaxNode GetTargetNode(SyntaxNode node)
			if (node.IsKind(SyntaxKind.MemberBindingExpression))
				var nameNode = node.ChildNodes().FirstOrDefault(n => n.IsKind(SyntaxKind.IdentifierName));
				if (nameNode != null)
					return nameNode;

			return base.GetTargetNode(node);
Пример #9
 private void Recurse(SyntaxNode node, bool isInSwitch)
     if (node is ContinueStatementSyntax)
         HasContinue = true;
     else if (node is BreakStatementSyntax && !isInSwitch)
         //ignore break statements in a switch, since they apply to breaking the switch and not the loop
         HasBreak = true;
         foreach (var child in node.ChildNodes())
             if (!IsLoopSyntax(child))
                 //any breaks or continues in child loops will belong to that loop, so we can skip recusing into them.
                 Recurse(child, isInSwitch || child is SwitchStatementSyntax);
Пример #10
        protected override void ParseSyntaxNode(ITextSnapshot snapshot, SyntaxNode parentSyntaxNode, CodeBlock parentCodeBlockNode, CancellationToken token, int level)
            if (token.IsCancellationRequested)
                throw new TaskCanceledException();
                foreach (var childnode in parentSyntaxNode.ChildNodes())
                    BlockType type = BlockType.Unknown;
                    int startPosition = 0;
                    int endPosition = 0;

                    if (TryAsNamespace(childnode, ref type, ref startPosition, ref endPosition) ||
                        TryAsType(childnode, ref type, ref startPosition, ref endPosition) ||
                        TryAsEnum(childnode, ref type, ref startPosition, ref endPosition) ||
                        TryAsSwitch(childnode, ref type, ref startPosition, ref endPosition) ||
                        TryAsSwitchSection(childnode, snapshot, ref type, ref startPosition, ref endPosition) ||
                        TryAsProperty(childnode, ref type, ref startPosition, ref endPosition))
                        var statementStart = childnode.SpanStart;
                        string statement = StatementFromSpan(snapshot, statementStart, startPosition);

                        CodeBlock child = new CodeBlock(parentCodeBlockNode, type, statement, new SnapshotSpan(snapshot, Span.FromBounds(startPosition, endPosition)), statementStart, level + 1);
                        ParseSyntaxNode(snapshot, childnode, child, token, level + 1);
                    else if (TryAsBlock(childnode, parentSyntaxNode, ref type, ref startPosition, ref endPosition))
                        int statementStart = type == BlockType.Unknown ? startPosition : parentSyntaxNode.SpanStart;
                        string statement = StatementFromSpan(snapshot, statementStart, startPosition);

                        CodeBlock child = new CodeBlock(parentCodeBlockNode, type, statement, new SnapshotSpan(snapshot, Span.FromBounds(startPosition, endPosition)), statementStart, level + 1);
                        ParseSyntaxNode(snapshot, childnode, child, token, level + 1);
                        ParseSyntaxNode(snapshot, childnode, parentCodeBlockNode, token, level);
		static int SearchUsingInsertionPoint (SyntaxNode parent)
			var result = 0;
			foreach (SyntaxNode node in parent.ChildNodes ()) {
				if (node.IsKind (Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CSharp.SyntaxKind.UsingDirective)) {
					result = node.FullSpan.End;
				SyntaxTrivia last = new SyntaxTrivia ();

				foreach (var trivia in node.GetLeadingTrivia ()) {
					if (last.IsKind (Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CSharp.SyntaxKind.SingleLineCommentTrivia)||
						last.IsKind (Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CSharp.SyntaxKind.DefineDirectiveTrivia) || 
						last.IsKind (Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CSharp.SyntaxKind.MultiLineCommentTrivia) || 
						last.IsKind (Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CSharp.SyntaxKind.SingleLineDocumentationCommentTrivia))
						result = trivia.Span.End;
					last = trivia;
			return result;
Пример #12
        private static SyntaxNode CastResursiveMethod(SyntaxNode tree, SemanticModel semanticModel, GenRef genRef, Dictionary<SyntaxNode, SyntaxNode> castChanges)
            var change = new Dictionary<SyntaxNode, SyntaxNode>();

            foreach (var node in tree.ChildNodes())
                ITypeSymbol ts = null;
                // if invocation -> ITypeSymbol
                // -------------------------
                if (node is InvocationExpressionSyntax)
                    ISymbol invokedSymbol = semanticModel.GetSymbolInfo(node).Symbol;

                    // if is generic method
                    if (genRef.Methods.Contains(invokedSymbol.OriginalDefinition))
                        ts = ((IMethodSymbol)invokedSymbol).ReturnType;                        
                else if ((node is MemberAccessExpressionSyntax) && !(node.Parent is AssignmentExpressionSyntax))
                    ISymbol invokedSymbol = semanticModel.GetSymbolInfo(node).Symbol;

                    // if is generic property
                    if (genRef.Properties.Contains(invokedSymbol.OriginalDefinition))
                        ts = ((IPropertySymbol)invokedSymbol).Type;                        

                // recurse for changed node
                var casted = CastResursiveMethod(node, semanticModel, genRef, castChanges);

                if (ts != null)
                    // do cast
                    casted = Helpers.CastTo((ExpressionSyntax)casted, ts);

                    if (node.Parent is MemberAccessExpressionSyntax)
                        casted = ((ExpressionSyntax)casted).Parenthesize();

                    castChanges.Add(node, casted);

                // add for replace
                if (node != casted)
                    change.Add(node, casted);

            if (change.Any())
                tree = tree.ReplaceNodes(change.Keys, (x, y) => change[x]);

            return tree;
        public override void Visit(SyntaxNode node)
            var padding = node.Ancestors().Count();
            var prepend = node.ChildNodes().Any() ? "[-]" : "[.]";
            var nodetype = node.GetType().FullName;
            if (nodetype.StartsWith(prefix)) nodetype = nodetype.Substring(prefix.Length);
            var line = new string(' ', padding) + prepend + " " + nodetype;

            //var decl = node as ClassDeclarationSyntax;
            //if (decl != null && decl.BaseList != null)
            //    Console.Write(new string(' ', padding + 4) + decl.Identifier);
            //    foreach (var n in decl.BaseList.Types.OfType<IdentifierNameSyntax>())
            //    {
            //        Console.Write(" " + n.Identifier);
            //    }
            //    Console.WriteLine();

            var attr = node as AttributeSyntax;
            if (attr != null)
                Console.WriteLine(new string(' ', padding + 4) + "> " + attr.Name);
                foreach (var arg in attr.ArgumentList.Arguments)
                    var expr = arg.Expression as LiteralExpressionSyntax;
                    //Console.WriteLine(new string(' ', padding + 4) + "> " + arg.NameColon + " " + arg.NameEquals);
                    Console.WriteLine(new string(' ', padding + 4) + "> " + (expr == null ? null : expr.Token.Value));
            var attr2 = node as IdentifierNameSyntax;
            if (attr2 != null)
                Console.WriteLine(new string(' ', padding + 4) + "T " + attr2.Identifier.GetType());
                Console.WriteLine(new string(' ', padding + 4) + "V " + attr2.Identifier);

            var x = node as TypeSyntax;
            if (x != null)
                var xtype = x.GetType().FullName;
                if (xtype.StartsWith(prefix)) xtype = nodetype.Substring(prefix.Length);
                Console.WriteLine(new string(' ', padding + 4) + "> " + xtype);

 public override bool DefaultVisit(SyntaxNode node)
     foreach (var child in node.ChildNodes())
         if (Visit(child))
             return true;
     return false;
			void AddUsings (SyntaxNode parent)
				SyntaxNode firstChild = null, lastChild = null;
				foreach (var child in parent.ChildNodes ()) {
					if (child is UsingDirectiveSyntax) {
						if (firstChild == null) {
							firstChild = child;
						lastChild = child;
					if (firstChild != null)

				if (firstChild != null && firstChild != lastChild) {
					var first = firstChild.GetLocation ().GetLineSpan ();
					var last = lastChild.GetLocation ().GetLineSpan ();

					Foldings.Add (new FoldingRegion (new DocumentRegion (first.StartLinePosition, last.EndLinePosition), FoldType.Undefined));
    private static MethodDeclarationSyntax FindMethodDeclaration(SyntaxNode node, string name)
      if (node.Kind() == SyntaxKind.MethodDeclaration)
        var methodNode = node as MethodDeclarationSyntax;

        if (methodNode.Identifier.ValueText == name)
          return methodNode;

      foreach (var childNode in node.ChildNodes())
        var childMethodNode = IMethodSymbolExtensionsTests.FindMethodDeclaration(childNode, name);

        if (childMethodNode != null)
          return childMethodNode;

      return null;
Пример #17
        internal IfStatementSyntax GetFirstIfStatementInUsingBlock(SyntaxNode block)
            if (reportedIssue)
                return null;
            IfStatementSyntax firstIfStatement = block.ChildNodes().FirstOrDefault() as IfStatementSyntax;
            if (firstIfStatement == null)
                // first should check on Applied
                var diagnostic = Diagnostic.Create(rule, usingStatement.GetLocation(), "not checked whether lock was succcessful");
                reportedIssue = true;

            return firstIfStatement;
Пример #18
 internal void CheckReturnOrThrow(SyntaxNode ifAppliedNode)
     if (reportedIssue) { return; }
     var returnStatement = ifAppliedNode.ChildNodes().Where(node => node as ReturnStatementSyntax != null).LastOrDefault();
     var throwStatement = ifAppliedNode.ChildNodes().Where(node => node as ThrowStatementSyntax != null).LastOrDefault();
     if (returnStatement == null && throwStatement == null)
         ReportIssue( "no return/throw statement");
		private async Task<MethodDeclarationSyntax> GetMethodDeclaration(
			SyntaxNode node,
			SemanticModel semanticModel,
			CancellationToken cancellationToken)
			var invocationExpression = node.ChildNodes().FirstOrDefault(n => n.IsKind(SyntaxKind.InvocationExpression));
			var methodSymbol = semanticModel.GetSymbolInfo(invocationExpression, cancellationToken).Symbol as IMethodSymbol;
			if (methodSymbol == null)
				return null;

			var methodReference = methodSymbol.DeclaringSyntaxReferences.FirstOrDefault();
			if (methodReference == null)
				return null;

			var methodDeclaration = (await methodReference.GetSyntaxAsync(cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false)) as MethodDeclarationSyntax;
			if (methodDeclaration == null)
				return null;

			if (!methodDeclaration.Modifiers.Any(m => m.IsKind(SyntaxKind.AsyncKeyword)))
				return null;

			return methodDeclaration;
Пример #20
        public override void Visit(SyntaxNode node)
            List<MemberDeclarationSyntax> members = new List<MemberDeclarationSyntax>();
            var newRoot = node.ReplaceNodes(node.ChildNodes().OfType<MemberDeclarationSyntax>(), (oldNode, newNode) =>
                return null;

            if (node is CompilationUnitSyntax)

            if (node is MemberDeclarationSyntax)
 private SyntaxNode TraverseSyntaxTree(SyntaxNode node)
     node = node.ReplaceNodes(node.ChildNodes(), (child, dummy) => TraverseSyntaxTree(child));
     return Visit(node);
Пример #22
		private IEnumerable<BlockSyntax> GetBlocks(SyntaxNode node)
			var childBlocks = node.ChildNodes().Where(x => x.IsKind(SyntaxKind.Block)).Cast<BlockSyntax>();
			var others = node.ChildNodes()
				.Where(x => !x.IsKind(SyntaxKind.Block))

			return childBlocks.Concat(others);
Пример #23
		private void CheckStatementSyntax(SyntaxNode node)
			var syntaxNodes = node.ChildNodes().AsArray();

			var statements =
				.Where(x => !(x is TypeDeclarationSyntax))
					.Where(x => x is BaseFieldDeclarationSyntax || x is StatementSyntax)

			foreach (var statement in statements)
Пример #24
        public SyntaxNode TraverseAndConvert(SyntaxNode node, SyntaxNode newNode)

            // Step 1: Handle current node
            // Find out if this node is a documentable API declaration
            // If not, skip to go to the child nodes.
            string docCommentId = GetAPIForNode(node);
            if (docCommentId != null)
                // Look up the comment text
                string docCommentText = GetDocCommentForId(docCommentId);

                // Get the SyntaxTrivia for the comment
                SyntaxTree newTree = (CSharpSyntaxTree)CSharpSyntaxTree.ParseText(docCommentText);
                var newTrivia = newTree.GetRoot().GetLeadingTrivia();
                // Read a doc comment from a syntax tree.
                //var classNode = (ClassDeclarationSyntax)newTree.GetRoot().ChildNodes().First();
                //var newTrivia = classNode.GetLeadingTrivia();
                //var docCommentTrivia = newTrivia.Single(t => t.Kind() == SyntaxKind.SingleLineDocumentationCommentTrivia ||
                //                                       t.Kind() == SyntaxKind.MultiLineDocumentationCommentTrivia);

            // Find out if there is an existing comment or doc comment
            if (node.HasLeadingTrivia)
                    SyntaxTriviaList triviaList = node.GetLeadingTrivia();
                    SyntaxTrivia firstComment = triviaList.Last();
                    foreach (var trivia in triviaList.Reverse())
                        SyntaxKind kind = trivia.Kind();
                        switch (kind)
                            case SyntaxKind.SingleLineCommentTrivia:
                            case SyntaxKind.MultiLineCommentTrivia:
                                // Found existing comment
                                firstComment = trivia;
                            case SyntaxKind.MultiLineDocumentationCommentTrivia:
                            case SyntaxKind.SingleLineDocumentationCommentTrivia:
                                // Found existing XML doc comment
                                firstComment = trivia;


                    // Append the doc comment
                    newNode = node.InsertTriviaBefore(firstComment, newTrivia);
                else // no leading trivia
                    newNode = node.WithLeadingTrivia(newTrivia);
            else // not an API node
                newNode = node;

            if (node.ChildNodes().Count() > 0)
                newNode = newNode.ReplaceNodes(newNode.ChildNodes(), TraverseAndConvert);
            return newNode;
Пример #25
    private static ClassDeclarationSyntax FindClassDeclaration(SyntaxNode node, string name)
      if (node.Kind() == SyntaxKind.ClassDeclaration)
        var classNode = node as ClassDeclarationSyntax;

        if (classNode.Identifier.ValueText == name)
          return classNode;

      foreach (var childNode in node.ChildNodes())
        var childClassNode = ITypeSymbolExtensionsTests.FindClassDeclaration(childNode, name);

        if (childClassNode != null)
          return childClassNode;

      return null;
Пример #26
        private static SyntaxNode CastResursiveMethod(SyntaxNode tree, SemanticModel semanticModel, GenRef genRef, Dictionary<SyntaxNode, SyntaxNode> castChanges)
            var change = new Dictionary<SyntaxNode, SyntaxNode>();

            foreach (var node in tree.ChildNodes())
                // recurse for changed node
                var casted = CastResursiveMethod(node, semanticModel, genRef, castChanges);

                var ts = GetGenericType(node, genRef, semanticModel);

                if (ts != null)
                    casted = Helpers.CastTo((ExpressionSyntax)casted, ts);

                    if (node.Parent is MemberAccessExpressionSyntax)
                        casted = ((ExpressionSyntax)casted).Parenthesize();

                    castChanges.Add(node, casted);

                if (node != casted)
                    change.Add(node, casted);

            if (change.Any())
                tree = tree.ReplaceNodes(change.Keys, (x, y) => change[x]);

            return tree;
Пример #27
 private static bool IsFunctionAndHasBlock(SyntaxNode n)
     return IsFunction(n) && n.ChildNodes().Any(c => c.IsKind(SyntaxKind.Block));
        private static void FindReturnStatements(SyntaxNode node, List<ReturnStatementSyntax> ret)
            if (node is ParenthesizedLambdaExpressionSyntax || node is SimpleLambdaExpressionSyntax)
                return; //any returns in a sub-lambda will be for that lambda. Ignore them.

            if (node is ReturnStatementSyntax)

            foreach (var child in node.ChildNodes())
                FindReturnStatements(child, ret);
        private SyntaxNode AddLambdaThis(SyntaxNode node)
            if (!node.GetAnnotations("haslambdas").Any())
                return node;

            /*if (!node.DescendantNodes().OfType<ParenthesizedLambdaExpressionSyntax>().Any())
                return node;    

            var stmt = CreateLambdaThis();
            var stmtlist = new SyntaxList<StatementSyntax>();
            stmtlist = stmtlist.Add(stmt);
            stmtlist = stmtlist.AddRange(node.ChildNodes().OfType<StatementSyntax>());
            node = SyntaxFactory.Block(stmtlist);

            return node;
Пример #30
        private static Dictionary<string, SyntaxTriviaList> GetSimplifiedCommentLookupImpl(SyntaxNode node, SemanticModel model, Dictionary<string, SyntaxTriviaList> lookup)
            Func<SyntaxNode, bool> isCorrectSyntaxType = n =>
                return n is ClassDeclarationSyntax ||
                       n is MethodDeclarationSyntax ||
                       n is ConstructorDeclarationSyntax ||
                       n is DelegateDeclarationSyntax ||
                       n is ConversionOperatorDeclarationSyntax ||
                       n is DestructorDeclarationSyntax ||
                       n is EnumDeclarationSyntax ||
                       n is EventDeclarationSyntax ||
                       n is EventFieldDeclarationSyntax ||
                       n is FieldDeclarationSyntax ||
                       n is IndexerDeclarationSyntax ||
                       n is InterfaceDeclarationSyntax ||
                       n is OperatorDeclarationSyntax ||
                       n is PropertyDeclarationSyntax ||
                       n is StructDeclarationSyntax ||
                       n is EnumMemberDeclarationSyntax;

            foreach (var child in node.ChildNodes())
                if (child.HasLeadingTrivia || child is NamespaceDeclarationSyntax)
                    lookup = GetSimplifiedCommentLookupImpl(child, model, lookup);

                    if (!isCorrectSyntaxType(child))

                    // A pattern matching expression would be nice here.
                    ISymbol symbol = null;
                    if (child is EventFieldDeclarationSyntax)
                        var c = child as EventFieldDeclarationSyntax;
                        symbol = model.GetDeclaredSymbol(c.Declaration.Variables.First());
                    else if (child is FieldDeclarationSyntax)
                        var c = child as FieldDeclarationSyntax;
                        symbol = model.GetDeclaredSymbol(c.Declaration.Variables.First());
                        symbol = model.GetDeclaredSymbol(child);

                    var commentId = symbol.GetDocumentationCommentId();

                    lookup.Add(commentId, child.GetLeadingTrivia());

            return lookup;