public static UnrootedSymbolSet GetUnrootedSymbols(Compilation compilation)
                    var primaryAssembly = new WeakReference <IAssemblySymbol>(compilation.Assembly);

                    // The dynamic type is also unrooted (i.e. doesn't point back at the compilation or source
                    // assembly).  So we have to keep track of it so we can get back from it to a project in case the
                    // underlying compilation is GC'ed.
                    var primaryDynamic = new WeakReference <ITypeSymbol?>(
                        compilation.Language == LanguageNames.CSharp ? compilation.DynamicType : null);

                    var secondarySymbols = new WeakSet <ISymbol>();

                    foreach (var reference in compilation.References)
                        var symbol = compilation.GetAssemblyOrModuleSymbol(reference);
                        if (symbol == null)


                    return(new UnrootedSymbolSet(primaryAssembly, primaryDynamic, secondarySymbols));
                public static WeakSet <ISymbol> GetUnrootedSymbols(Compilation compilation)
                    var result = new WeakSet <ISymbol>();

                    var compAssembly = compilation.Assembly;


                    // The dynamic type is also unrooted (i.e. doesn't point back at the compilation or source
                    // assembly).  So we have to keep track of it so we can get back from it to a project in case the
                    // underlying compilation is GC'ed.
                    if (compilation.Language == LanguageNames.CSharp)

                    foreach (var reference in compilation.References)
                        var symbol = compilation.GetAssemblyOrModuleSymbol(reference);
                        if (symbol == null)


                public static UnrootedSymbolSet GetUnrootedSymbols(Compilation compilation)
                    var primaryAssembly = new WeakReference <IAssemblySymbol>(compilation.Assembly);

                    // The dynamic type is also unrooted (i.e. doesn't point back at the compilation or source
                    // assembly).  So we have to keep track of it so we can get back from it to a project in case the
                    // underlying compilation is GC'ed.
                    var primaryDynamic = new WeakReference <ITypeSymbol?>(
                        compilation.Language == LanguageNames.CSharp ? compilation.DynamicType : null);

                    // PERF: Preallocate this array so we don't have to resize it as we're adding assembly symbols.
                    using var _ = ArrayBuilder <(int hashcode, WeakReference <ISymbol> symbol)> .GetInstance(
                              compilation.ExternalReferences.Length + compilation.DirectiveReferences.Length, out var secondarySymbols);

                    foreach (var reference in compilation.References)
                        var symbol = compilation.GetAssemblyOrModuleSymbol(reference);
                        if (symbol == null)

                        secondarySymbols.Add((ReferenceEqualityComparer.GetHashCode(symbol), new WeakReference <ISymbol>(symbol)));

                    // Sort all the secondary symbols by their hash.  This will allow us to easily binary search for
                    // them afterwards. Note: it is fine for multiple symbols to have the same reference hash.  The
                    // search algorithm will account for that.
                    return(new UnrootedSymbolSet(primaryAssembly, primaryDynamic, secondarySymbols.ToImmutable()));
Пример #4
        private static IReadOnlyDictionary <string, INamedTypeSymbol[]> BuildLookup(Compilation compilation)
            var refs = from metadataReference in compilation.References
                       let assembly = compilation.GetAssemblyOrModuleSymbol(metadataReference) as IAssemblySymbol
                                      where assembly != null
                                      from type in assembly.GlobalNamespace.GetNamespaceTypes()
                                      group type by type.Name into names
                                      select new { names.Key, names };

            return(refs.ToDictionary(k => k.Key, p => p.names.AsEnumerable().ToArray()));
Пример #5
            private bool HasMissingReferences(Compilation compilation, IReadOnlyList <MetadataReference> metadataReferences)
                foreach (var reference in metadataReferences)
                    if (compilation.GetAssemblyOrModuleSymbol(reference) == null)

            private IEnumerable <IAssemblySymbol> GetAssemblySymbols(Compilation compilation, bool ignoreAssemblyKey)
                if (ignoreAssemblyKey || compilation.Assembly.Identity.Name == this.assemblyName)
                    yield return(compilation.Assembly);

                foreach (var reference in compilation.References)
                    var assembly = compilation.GetAssemblyOrModuleSymbol(reference) as IAssemblySymbol;
                    if (assembly != null && (ignoreAssemblyKey || assembly.Identity.Name == this.assemblyName))
                        yield return(assembly);
                public static ConditionalWeakTable<ISymbol, object?> GetAssemblyAndModuleSet(Compilation compilation)
                    var result = new ConditionalWeakTable<ISymbol, object?>();

                    var compAssembly = compilation.Assembly;
                    result.Add(compAssembly, null);

                    foreach (var reference in compilation.References)
                        var symbol = compilation.GetAssemblyOrModuleSymbol(reference);
                        if (symbol == null)

                        result.Add(symbol, null);

                    return result;
Пример #8
            private Compilation UpdateCompilationWithNewReferencesAndRecordAssemblySymbols(Compilation compilation, List <MetadataReference> newReferences, Dictionary <MetadataReference, ProjectId> metadataReferenceToProjectId)
                if (!Enumerable.SequenceEqual(compilation.ExternalReferences, newReferences))
                    compilation = compilation.WithReferences(newReferences);

                // TODO: Record source assembly to project mapping
                // RecordSourceOfAssemblySymbol(compilation.Assembly, this.ProjectState.Id);

                foreach (var kvp in metadataReferenceToProjectId)
                    var metadataReference = kvp.Key;
                    var projectId         = kvp.Value;

                    var symbol = compilation.GetAssemblyOrModuleSymbol(metadataReference);

                    RecordSourceOfAssemblySymbol(symbol, projectId);
